Sunday, September 27, 2015



Rev 8:10-11
10 The third angel sounded his trumpet, and a great star, blazing like a torch, fell from the sky on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water— 11 the name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter, and many people died from the waters that had become bitter.

Once again we find a great disparage in the opinions of the scholars regarding the meaning of this third trumpet as we have with all the trumpet sounds. We have found symbolism abounding from some, while others appear to attempt to explain the historical events which enacted these prophetic words. Neither have any significance to our life today in that sense. But what we can see here is the fact that a great blazing star falling from the sky influenced much of the waters of the earth making them bitter and thus causing many to die. If we cannot see how many people are near death because of their bitterness toward God, we cannot see the truth here. There is a great influence toward being bitter toward God whose name is Satan. Who else was thrown out of Heaven and could have been seen as a blazing star, having been a very great angel filled with pride. We have to be careful not to drink the water of bitterness even if we may be going through a time when it seems God is not doing anything about our troubles or hardship, or perhaps slightly difficult times. It would seem many have become bitter toward God. This would mean it is not the unbeliever who is bitter and near death because of it, but it is those who know there is a God to be bitter towards. Of course all mankind has the knowledge of God within, but many have suppressed that truth by their wicked deeds, or lifestyle. But that does not mean they are bitter toward God, as they refuse to acknowledge there is a God. No, it is those within the household of faith who might be influenced by those bitter waters. Yet it is possible all this has not happened as yet and there will be a time when the water of this earth will not be fit to drink. When and if that is the case it surely is not because of the effects of man’s pollution, but it will be completely due to the authority of God giving this angel the command to sound his trumpet bringing all this upon the earth. But once again our lesson is to remain faithful and true to God, not allowing any bitter feeling to take hold within our being. It is possible for those in the household of faith to experience bitterness toward God because of what would appear a lack of his moving or doing something in their lives. Bitterness is something which cannot be seen because it is in the foundation or within the structure of the being which can be hide behind the façade of faith. We need a clear examination of the structure to insure the influence of bitterness is not there, and we are not near death, which would be a spiritual death. No, there is none there, we have a complete trust in the workings of God in our life. We know all things work for good to those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose. We have complete faith in God and are in fact thankful for all he has done, all he is doing, and all he will ever do in and for our life. Whatever God brings into our life we can be sure it is for our benefit, and therefor there is no room to be bitter about anything. These waters of bitterness are not for us to drink. But someone is or will and we need to tell them there is a spring of living water. 

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