People were also bringing babies to Jesus to have him touch them. When the
disciples saw this, they rebuked them. 16 But Jesus called the children to him
and said, "Let the little children come to me, and
do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 17 I tell
you the truth, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little
child will never enter it."
adult we are, how adult minded we approach religious living. We think how we
have to know all the scripture, know every aspect of what it means to be a “Good
Christian”, trying to behave just the right way, guarding our emotions, being
intellectual about our faith, but Jesus never told us to be like that. Jesus says
here that we need to receive the kingdom of God like a little child and if we don’t
we will never enter it. So what does accepting it like a little child look
like? We merely have to remember how we were, or our children were on Christmas
morning opening those presents. Children are so filled with excitement, with
joy, with anticipation of what is inside that box. They are filled with hope
that it is exactly what they have been wanting so much, and when they get it
open, their faces are all smiles and even a scream of joyfulness as it is just
the right thing. We adults, however a little more sedated about opening our
presents. Is that how we approach receiving the kingdom of God, sedated? No, we
cannot afford to be like adults, we need to be like children and get excited
about being born again, enjoying our childhood, enjoying the thrill of the
moment. Children have such unwavering faith in their parents, they just know
they will give them want they want, at least in most cases. There are some
either not so good parents, or way too good of parents, who disciple too
harshly and restrict their children from being childlike. But for the most part
children simply believe whatever they want, they ask for and in most cases get
it. This is how we are to receive the kingdom of God, with simple faith,
believing when we ask to be forgiven we get forgiven, when we ask to be born
again, we get born again, when we ask to be healed we get healed. Adults complicate
all that with too much thinking about how or why we would not get what we ask
for, or have too many doubts, which in essence is disbelief. Even the hopes of
children can be crushed if they are always disappointed and receive nothing
they hoped for. But God is always faithful and he always gives us our hearts
desire. Of course the desire should be the kingdom of God, rather than worldly
gain. So no need for a second or third childhood, need to simply remain a
child in the kingdom of God.