Friday, June 6, 2014


Acts 2:1-4
2:1 When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. 2 Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. 3 They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. 4 All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.

Here we have arrived at the passage which has caused a great deal of division among the Body of Christ. The challenge comes from this issue of tongues, speaking a language not naturally acquired. Some would say it was just for those disciples, those one hundred and twenty or so that were together that day. Some say that is continued throughout the whole New Testament church which according to the instruction of Paul, specifically to the church in Corinth, it was happening. Some would say that it was then just for the New Testament church and it ended with them and is no longer for us today, but we are the New Testament church, so how and when did it end is still just an opinion. We could focus on this division among us all and it would remain a division for we all have our own beliefs, or opinions about tongues and it would not benefit a union of thought. But our focus should be on the filling of the Holy Spirit, although it might be that some would say that too was just for them and not for us today. The fact remains the Holy Spirit is poured out on all of us. What happens after that is entirely up to each one of us and what personal filters we put on his power in our lives. Do we restrict the Holy Spirit from having the freedom to empower us in any way he desires? Of course we may not experience a mighty rushing wind, or what appears to be tongues of fire on our heads, but we can experience his infilling and his power in our lives. The Holy Spirit has not gone away and he is still about the business he was sent to do. We are the New Testament church and we need to act like we are, believe like we are and let the Holy Spirit fall where he may. He will enable us, and if it is with a language we have not naturally acquired then who are we to say no thank you, we don’t believe in you and your enabling. Holy Spirit, fall fresh on me.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your challenge Rich to keep the Holy Spirit my Focus, Filling and my Future (my Guide to the future). I am humbled by the beautiful things He has brought into my life as a result. My heart is galvanized again to say, " Here am I (in all my weakness), Send Me!

Anonymous said...

One of those blessings is you! A bigger one I celebrate today is 27 years of marriage that I thought would never happen as a kid from a broken and chaotic home. To God be the Glory!

wordwriterone said...


Yes, you are indeed blessed, I haven't had much time on FB, as we are abroad the Southwest Chief headed to LA for the first leg of our rail vacation.

As I have always said,"Your a good man, Leif, and a blessed one to be married to Jean.

wordwriterone said...
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