Thursday, November 28, 2013

Temper Tantrum

Prov 17:27
27 A man of knowledge uses words with restraint, and a man of understanding is even-tempered.

There is nothing like those words spoken in the heat of an argument that we wish afterwards we could suck them right back in, as if they had never been spoken at all. But that is simply not possible, as once they have left the lips the damage is irreversible. It may be true the recipient of such words may express forgiveness, if asked, but deep within they will never forgot such harmful words and the relationship may never be the same. The truth here speaks volumes to our uncontrolled tongue. Some people have what we call a quick tongue, fast to respond, to be able to have a quick wit, a sharp answer, putting someone in their place, so to speak, but that is not a person with knowledge for they have not restrained their words. When our temper is not even, but has flashes of heat, we have lost all understanding, if we had any in the first place. It would appear of we are prone to outbursts we simply are not a person of understanding. It would also imply, if we have no understanding then we are fairly self-centered and that just might be the reason for the uneven temper as well as those words without restraint. This restraint and understanding takes awareness, prayer and practice for it does not come naturally, but supernaturally. It should be part of our becoming more like Christ. It may have seemed as though Jesus lost it over the temple being turned into a market place, but he was very much in control and spoke chosen words and actions regarding the temple of God. Words spoken with restraint and understanding can bring righteousness to the forefront, but words spoken without those cannot. Lord help us to restrain our words and give us more understanding, thus controlling our temper. 

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