Friday, November 1, 2013


Prov 17:1
Better a dry crust with peace and quiet than a house full of feasting, with strife.

We could see this in the context of history whereas it may have been the custom in some places to burn one of the quests as a sacrifice during a very sumptuous feast, but we should consider how this would apply to us today when we would never do such a thing. Perhaps we could see this as an instruction to be content with what we have enjoying it, even if it is not as the rich and famous have. It would seem those who make their goal the accumulation of as much as possible are never quite happy and content with what they have, always wanting more. We need to see the folly in striving for as much as we can get. We need to see the foolishness of not enjoying the peace and quiet of the blessings bestowed upon us by our Lord. God may desire some to have more than others for the purpose of being about to share the gospel with people of the same status in life, but that is for God to decide and whatever place he has planted us we should be content with, be at peace with and enjoy our life in him. What joy can come from all the sacrifices, all the stuff if it brings strife along with it? It would seem that only those who do not trust God, but trust in sacrifices, in treasures here on earth strive to have more of them. Contentment comes from God. 

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