Friday, October 25, 2013


Prov 16:27
27 A scoundrel plots evil, and his speech is like a scorching fire.

Is there anything we can add to this? We know people who plot evil are more than scoundrels, but we should also know that we should avoid such people. It would be a good thing for us to guard our own tongues so that we would never be mistaken for a scoundrel. We have been warned about the tongue, that it is difficult to control, and that we say things we should not. But even when we let loose with some wrong words from time to time that doesn’t make us a scoundrel plotting evil. Yet we should be aware of what we say, and make our best efforts to keep our words in the realm of kindness and goodness, words that encourage and built up, rather than tear down such as they do when they are words of gossip. So we should guard our won tongue and be on guard against those who would plot evil. We should not be so naive to think evil does not exist, living with our head in the sand, in the church, thinking all is well as long as I am well. Evil lurks at every corner seeking whom he will devour. We need to be aware, be on guard against every kind of attack, even if they are just words. 

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