Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Words have Meaning


Prov 16:10
10 The lips of a king speak as an oracle, and his mouth should not betray justice.

It is not easy to make a personal application to this saying as first we did not have a king in our county, and second none of us are kings, yet there is a truth for us within. It has been said that we should pray for our leaders, those in charge, the governing body, in our case those the majority of our citizenry have elected. We would pray they speak out of a divine revelation from God, but in most cases that is not true. This Hebrew word can imply both a divine, as from God, and divination as from witchcraft or Satan speech. We could also see this saying in light of our own words. How do we talk? Do we have speech which is divinely influenced? Do we make any improper judgments in our words that are accusatory statements in which we are not absolutely certain of the facts, should as in gossip? Is there any justice in gossip? Do we speak negatively about others in any way which surely would not be speaking as an oracle or from divine influence? We should be careful with our words, thinking first before we speak, making sure we are speaking as one directed from God. Too often we speak when we should hold our tongue, for we might not have justice in our mouth. We can learn from this saying to watch and weight our words for words have meaning.

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