Prov 16:33
33 The lot
is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the LORD.
This is
casting of lots is not gambling, actually it is the farthest thing from it.
This was the method used in the times the scriptures were written to determine
the will of God in a matter. Josiah was told to divide the land up among the
tribes of Israel by casting lots. It was understood there would be no disputes
once the lot was cast as the providential hand of God was at work in the
decision. There might be a lesson for us to learn here in that we might strive
and struggle to become more then we should as determined by the providential
hand of God. If we are not content with our lot in life could it be we are not
content with the will of God for us? Are we concerned about others who have
more or those who have less? Does envy or jealousy creep into our thoughts when
we are around those whose lot is bigger than ours? If we believe God has a plan
for our lives, and that he has directed us to where we are, and where we live
and that he provides for the place he has determined us to be, then we should
be living in complete satisfaction with our lot. When greed enters, it appears
we no longer trust God. As those people of old knew that once the lot was cast,
it was by the divine will of God and no disputes would be had between then, we
need to see that the lot has been cast by God and we should learn to live where
we are planted, seeing the decision is from God, and be content with our lot in