Sunday, October 7, 2012

Sinners Saved by Grace

Heb 11:31
31 By faith the prostitute Rahab, because she welcomed the spies, was not killed with those who were disobedient. 

First we have to come to terms with the fact Rahab was not doing anything that was against the law of the land, although her behavior was not what would be consider moral and righteous in the eyes of the Lord. Yet are we not all sinners saved by grace? Is one sin and worse than another? Do we tend to judge Rahad at all because she was a prostitute? Do we tend to judge other people because they acted in a manner which we think is worse than the way we conduct ourselves? If we are to spur each other toward love and good works, then we must get beyond every aspect of judging, or comparing one to another. A sinner saved by grace is the story line here, a woman who was living in sin, was saved because he exhibited faith in the God of those spies, those Israelites, which means she demonstrated faith in God almighty the creator of all there is and will ever be. This is the story of what will happen on the day of the Lord, All unbelievers will be destroyed, killed as this statement says. The Greek word implies destroyed, perish, which falls right in line with John 3:16. If a person, no matter the severity of their sin, receives God, believes He is God, accepts His provision, as the spies gave Rahab, that person will be saved, and will not perish with all the unbelievers. All too often we believers become so self-righteous in our Chrystal palace, our ivory tower of Christianity that we separate ourselves from what we think is the ugliness of the sinful world. The spies went into a sinners home, and was treated with kindness, saved from the dreadful threat the village men were going to do to them. Why these men went to her house we cannot be certain, but it was a home which welcomed men. Was it the hand of God which took them to her, so that she would be saved, because God already knew her heart, and knew she was ready to be saved? Either way, these men were a witness of God to Rahab by just being there, she knew all about their God, and was sure He was the true God. We should not be so withdrawn from befriending, engaging with sinners, so they too may be saved by grace. True, we should not engage or be drawn into their sin, but then we have sin of our own anyway. True, we should not sanction their behavior, but then we should not sanction ours either. Are not we all simply sinners saved by grace?

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