Heb 11:30
30 By faith the walls of Jericho fell, after the people had marched around them for seven days.
No doubt a great feat for mankind, many steps and a long loud shout was all it took for those walls to come tumbling down. Except mankind was acting at the direction of God and because they believed him, had faith in what He said would happen, it was so. Are there any walls of Jericho that we need to have tumbling down? What is keeping us from the having the victory? Are we crushed under a heavy burden of sin, feeling guilty and full of shame, yet cannot seem to overcome those temptations? Do we give in way too often to feelings of anger, or outbursts of rage, knowing at once we have failed God? There are so many different forms of walls in our lives that need to fall, and just as those people could not make it happen without God, never can we. It is essential that we hear from God as to His plan for our life, Hum, sounds like a title of a book, and how we are to go about tumbling those walls. First and foremost once directed in the way, we need faith in God that He will accomplish His plan for us and bring us the victory. Yes, it is true, we may never attain complete freedom from sin, becoming perfect in every aspect of our life, but still there are barriers that keep us from having victory. When was the last time we had a Jericho march around the walls in our life? It sure must have been looked as a foolish act for the first six days by those warriors on the walls of Jericho, seeing a bunch of rag tag people marching in circles. Yet on day seven, it was a whole different story. If the Israelites would have given up too soon, a whole different narrative would have been told. Do we give up too soon in our quest to win the victory or some wall in our life? The Apostle Paul understood this war that wages within, as he did what he did not want to do, and did not do what he wanted to do, yet he also confessed or declared that he had run the race, he got to the finish line. Although we may struggle with continued sin, we must never give in, give up running the race, marching around and shouting looking for those walls to tumble. There is victory in Jesus. We must keep on marching.
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