Friday, September 30, 2011

True Benefits

Prov 3:1-2
My son, do not forget my teaching, but keep my commands in your heart, 2 for they will prolong your life many years and bring you prosperity.
I am not sure why I am reminded not to forget his teaching. Is it that easy for me or any believer to forget the teachings of God? Can be I so distracted by the ways of the world I would completely forget? I suppose if his teachings were merely in my mind and not hidden deep within my heart, it could be possible. If it were simply as I think so am I then I could forget and think about the world instead then I would he as the world. But not only should I remember his teachings, but also keep them in my heart, deep within my being. They should be a vital part of the very core of my life. These teachings, these commands are essential to the very fabric of who I am. I would be a lost soul, a useless being, without purpose or cause without them. I would simply be wandering through existence until death relieved me of the anguish and pain of life only to find a more fervent anguish and pain after death, at least for a season until the flames of the lake consumed me. That kind of living is not for me, I have chosen to remember his teachings and to hide his commands within my heart. I believe the purpose is not so I will have a prolonged life, although that surely is one of the results. The purpose I am sure is because I will be a use to my lord and enhance his Kingdom in some way, being glory and praise to him because of my remembering his teachings and keeping his commands in my heart. But still because I do this, he will also prolong my life, which I think is because I am useful to him here. He already has prolonged my life, I should have died ten years ago, but he gave me more years. He also has given me shaalowm, peace, prosperity and health. I am at rest with him, and his working in my life. I have a spiritual prosperity which goes so far above and beyond any material gain this world could provide. His provides for my welfare and my health, sustaining me through the course of my life. I surely believe this is all for the cause of the Kingdom. All that I am is for the Kingdom. My life, my wellbeing, my health all is so I can be a useful part of his Kingdom. What other purpose could there be. Does he bless me with all this so I can spend my life in self-indulgence? Yes, there are pleasures he gives me in the world, such as my wife, my children and grandchildren. Yes he blesses me with material goods for my comfort and enjoyment. But I still believe the true blessing of a prolonged life and prosperity is for the benefit of his Kingdom. These are the true benefits.

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