Sunday, May 29, 2011

Command of God

1 Tim 1:1-2
1:1 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the command of God our Savior and of Christ Jesus our hope, 2 To Timothy my true son in the faith: Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.
It appears to me there can be no true position of leadership unless it is commanded by God. He must call in order for any man to be in a position of spiritual responsibility for others. I have to be assured of this in my life otherwise I would be nothing more than a clanging symbol making a bunch of meaningless noise. When I consider how many years I have been in the service of my Lord teaching from his word and knowing who I am inside, I have to come to the conclusion I have been called and commanded by God to do what I am doing. I would think that ever person has some form of calling and command of God to be some part of the body of Christ. It is not just Paul who is an apostle by the command of God, but it is each and every person who is commanded to be something within the kingdom. Not one person is able to be just an appendage hanging on to the rest of the body with no purpose, no calling, and no function. Yet at the same time I cannot help thinking that if I were doing something within the Kingdom in my own physical abilities, in the flesh so to speak, that it would be such a miserable mistake and failure. To attempt to be a part of the body of Christ on my own strength and skill would be nothing more than mocking the faith. Yet I cannot help think there might be members of the body of Christ who are doing exactly that thing. They are getting themselves into positions of leadership either because of their success in worldly endeavors, or because of their human skills seeking to have influence over others for personal satisfaction. I know that sounds like either condemnation on my part, or judging, or maybe even jealousy. It is? I think not, rather I think it is discernment from the Spirit. Or maybe some are just simple willing to serve and are being used by an eager pastor to have free help in the workings of his church rather than seeking God to see if that person is truly called to that task. God must command it before it can be the right place and the right position. I know he has called me to the task I have because I have absolutely no worldly success or human skills at teaching, preaching and for writing, yet here I am and it can only be because of the Spirit of God. It is all him and none of me. He has to receive all the glory because I have no human training and thus no human skills in the position I am in. No, I have to come to the realization I am where I am because it is the command of God.

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