Saturday, May 21, 2011

Bring It On

2 Thess 2:16-17
16 May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, 17 encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.
If it is one thing I am sure of, is that God has certainly given me eternal encouragement and a lot of good hope I surely do have the hope of everlasting last in his presence and that hope is based on actually historical fact alone with a faith in those facts. Now I know that Jesus says I am blessed because I believe and have not actually seen him, but I so have the historical account of God dealing with mankind. Somehow and I do not know how he was able to do it, preserved this record throughout time so I would be able to know about him and allow him to establish this personal relationship with me. I am so thankful for that relationship because I believe that is the only way I could be encouraged and have good hope. I do not think with everything that has happened in my life and what is happening throughout the world I would have a heart filled with encouragement or strength to accomplish anything good either in deed or word. But that is not the case. I do have a heart filled with encouragement; my heart is encouraged by God. I am not in this world alone and do not have to face the past, present or the future without him being by my side. I may not have a brave heart but I certainly have a strong heart. Maybe I might even say I have a bold heart for I do things for the kingdom of God which by myself would absolutely scare me beyond belief. He has strengthened my heart to do good things for his kingdom. Just standing up in front of people is bad enough, but then I actually preach his truths. I could only do that because of his encouragement and strengthening of my heart. I put myself out there for others to see only because of him. I could not do that on my own. I remember how horrible I felt when I tried to sell my photography at art fairs. How exposed I felt having people view me work. Maybe that was not doing good works for the Kingdom, but maybe it was more about me. Maybe that is why it was that way. But now I do feel bold, empowered, directed, and guided to do these types of good works and words, even exposing my own self to anyone who reads my devotions or my book. And now I am even stepping out further to accomplish more good deeds and words because he is strengthening and encouraging me on. I cannot just sit back and become comfortable within the confines of my existing activities. He is encouraging me to go beyond, to do more, to expand beyond my now comfort zone. I am going to need all the encouragement, hope, and strength he will give. I am looking forward to him bringing it on.

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