1 Tim 1:4-7
5 The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. 6 Some have wandered away from these and turned to meaningless talk. 7 They want to be teachers of the law, but they do not know what they are talking about or what they so confidently affirm.
How else could I ever love anyone if I did not have a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith? I am sure love can be motivated by something else but I do not know what kind of love that is. I do believe love is a decision rather than a feeling, I remember pastor T always saying that you do not fall in love, you fall in the mud. I think that is true and that is love has to be decided upon based on my relationship with my Lord. This love which is used here is the love feast type, the agapeo love, a mutual love between brothers and sisters in Christ no matter what kind of earthy material wealth or lack of each have. This has to come from a pure heart for I fear otherwise it may be used to manipulate those with less to do for those with more. I think these are those who have wandered away and turned to meaningless talk. These words such and do cause me to be introspective to make sure I love from a pure heart, a heart free from a corrupt desire and from sin and guilt. This can only be due to Christ. I have no personal agenda in my love for my fellow believers. I think all I desire is to love them because it demonstrates Jesus. I fail all too often in this type of love. I think I get catch up in thinking about myself more than I should. Is it enough just to say I love you to someone else or must it be accompanied by action? If so, what kind of action? Is it simply following all the description of love from 1 Corinthians 13? That certainly would be a great starting point and it is more about my inner being and how I act and react in my relationship with others rather than what I physically do. I can see all those needing a pure heart and a good conscience alone with a sincere faith. If I am feeling guilt and shame over my failing to live up to the standard of God, how could I love others? If I am simply talking the walk, living a hypocritical live, then I cannot love others the way I should. It is simply yet it is so complex. It is so complex yet it is so simply. I have to be a man of extreme caution in my relationship with all others, always being on guard for that old self creeping in and wanting his own ways rather than Christ’s. This lifestyle, being a Christian is a thinking man’s life, not a feeling man’s life. If I have decided to follow Jesus, than I have decided to love others as well. I have decided.
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
Have Faith
1 Tim 1:3-5
3 As I urged you when I went into Macedonia, stay there in Ephesus so that you may command certain men not to teach false doctrines any longer 4 nor to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies. These promote controversies rather than God's work — which is by faith.
Although I believe it is quite possible to prove the correctness of God words through history and science it simply is of no value. To argue over all the details of historical facts as declared by God is absolutely foolish. It has to be the opposite of faith. What is wrong with believing because God said it? Oh those I know who do not believe make a big deal over the myth that man wrote the bible. Of course they don’t believe it is a myth. They believe men just wrote these words without the divine guidance or inspiration of God. How wrong is that? But I think I need to deal with issues within rather than without. In doing so, I have to admit I cannot tolerate people who spread false doctrines. I know that may not be right in the sense of being tolerate of them, but all it does it create arguments about God’s word and thus his work according to this statement. I have to believe that is true for I have seen it with my own eyes. But how do I command them to stop that false teaching? Is it acceptable for me to simply tell them they are wrong and I am right? Of what value is it to get into discussions about certain rules and regulations or interpretations which some denominations believe are for today and some do not? All such things cause divisions within the whole body of Christ, unless of course, some denominations believe they are the only body of Christ and the rest of us are just wrong and thus outside the body. I hate all that divisive stuff. I know I am on the right track because I believe God and all he said as he said it. If people call be a fundamentalist so be it. If people call me foolish for believing all that God said, so be it. I am not going to argue about his word with anyone. The fact is I believe God and that is that. In his word and his word alone, I have faith.
1 Tim 1:3-5
3 As I urged you when I went into Macedonia, stay there in Ephesus so that you may command certain men not to teach false doctrines any longer 4 nor to devote themselves to myths and endless genealogies. These promote controversies rather than God's work — which is by faith.
Although I believe it is quite possible to prove the correctness of God words through history and science it simply is of no value. To argue over all the details of historical facts as declared by God is absolutely foolish. It has to be the opposite of faith. What is wrong with believing because God said it? Oh those I know who do not believe make a big deal over the myth that man wrote the bible. Of course they don’t believe it is a myth. They believe men just wrote these words without the divine guidance or inspiration of God. How wrong is that? But I think I need to deal with issues within rather than without. In doing so, I have to admit I cannot tolerate people who spread false doctrines. I know that may not be right in the sense of being tolerate of them, but all it does it create arguments about God’s word and thus his work according to this statement. I have to believe that is true for I have seen it with my own eyes. But how do I command them to stop that false teaching? Is it acceptable for me to simply tell them they are wrong and I am right? Of what value is it to get into discussions about certain rules and regulations or interpretations which some denominations believe are for today and some do not? All such things cause divisions within the whole body of Christ, unless of course, some denominations believe they are the only body of Christ and the rest of us are just wrong and thus outside the body. I hate all that divisive stuff. I know I am on the right track because I believe God and all he said as he said it. If people call be a fundamentalist so be it. If people call me foolish for believing all that God said, so be it. I am not going to argue about his word with anyone. The fact is I believe God and that is that. In his word and his word alone, I have faith.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Command of God
1 Tim 1:1-2
1:1 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the command of God our Savior and of Christ Jesus our hope, 2 To Timothy my true son in the faith: Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.
It appears to me there can be no true position of leadership unless it is commanded by God. He must call in order for any man to be in a position of spiritual responsibility for others. I have to be assured of this in my life otherwise I would be nothing more than a clanging symbol making a bunch of meaningless noise. When I consider how many years I have been in the service of my Lord teaching from his word and knowing who I am inside, I have to come to the conclusion I have been called and commanded by God to do what I am doing. I would think that ever person has some form of calling and command of God to be some part of the body of Christ. It is not just Paul who is an apostle by the command of God, but it is each and every person who is commanded to be something within the kingdom. Not one person is able to be just an appendage hanging on to the rest of the body with no purpose, no calling, and no function. Yet at the same time I cannot help thinking that if I were doing something within the Kingdom in my own physical abilities, in the flesh so to speak, that it would be such a miserable mistake and failure. To attempt to be a part of the body of Christ on my own strength and skill would be nothing more than mocking the faith. Yet I cannot help think there might be members of the body of Christ who are doing exactly that thing. They are getting themselves into positions of leadership either because of their success in worldly endeavors, or because of their human skills seeking to have influence over others for personal satisfaction. I know that sounds like either condemnation on my part, or judging, or maybe even jealousy. It is? I think not, rather I think it is discernment from the Spirit. Or maybe some are just simple willing to serve and are being used by an eager pastor to have free help in the workings of his church rather than seeking God to see if that person is truly called to that task. God must command it before it can be the right place and the right position. I know he has called me to the task I have because I have absolutely no worldly success or human skills at teaching, preaching and for writing, yet here I am and it can only be because of the Spirit of God. It is all him and none of me. He has to receive all the glory because I have no human training and thus no human skills in the position I am in. No, I have to come to the realization I am where I am because it is the command of God.
1 Tim 1:1-2
1:1 Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the command of God our Savior and of Christ Jesus our hope, 2 To Timothy my true son in the faith: Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord.
It appears to me there can be no true position of leadership unless it is commanded by God. He must call in order for any man to be in a position of spiritual responsibility for others. I have to be assured of this in my life otherwise I would be nothing more than a clanging symbol making a bunch of meaningless noise. When I consider how many years I have been in the service of my Lord teaching from his word and knowing who I am inside, I have to come to the conclusion I have been called and commanded by God to do what I am doing. I would think that ever person has some form of calling and command of God to be some part of the body of Christ. It is not just Paul who is an apostle by the command of God, but it is each and every person who is commanded to be something within the kingdom. Not one person is able to be just an appendage hanging on to the rest of the body with no purpose, no calling, and no function. Yet at the same time I cannot help thinking that if I were doing something within the Kingdom in my own physical abilities, in the flesh so to speak, that it would be such a miserable mistake and failure. To attempt to be a part of the body of Christ on my own strength and skill would be nothing more than mocking the faith. Yet I cannot help think there might be members of the body of Christ who are doing exactly that thing. They are getting themselves into positions of leadership either because of their success in worldly endeavors, or because of their human skills seeking to have influence over others for personal satisfaction. I know that sounds like either condemnation on my part, or judging, or maybe even jealousy. It is? I think not, rather I think it is discernment from the Spirit. Or maybe some are just simple willing to serve and are being used by an eager pastor to have free help in the workings of his church rather than seeking God to see if that person is truly called to that task. God must command it before it can be the right place and the right position. I know he has called me to the task I have because I have absolutely no worldly success or human skills at teaching, preaching and for writing, yet here I am and it can only be because of the Spirit of God. It is all him and none of me. He has to receive all the glory because I have no human training and thus no human skills in the position I am in. No, I have to come to the realization I am where I am because it is the command of God.
Saturday, May 28, 2011
At Peace
2 Thess 3:16-18
16 Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you. 17 I, Paul, write this greeting in my own hand, which is the distinguishing mark in all my letters. This is how I write. 18 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.
The last of this letter and it is leaving me with this incredible benediction. To have peace at all times is by far one of the greatest gifts God has ever bestowed on those who accept his provision for eternal life through is son Jesus Christ. This peace is the opposite of war but rather something far greater and exceeding better. Having this peace is knowing, of course, the tranquil state I have in my spirit because I am assured of my salvation through Christ, and so I fear nothing from God and I am completely content with my earthly lot, of whatsoever sort that is or will ever be. What more could I really ever desire in this life? Why would I ever consider filling my life with stress and strife over an attempt to acquire material goods far beyond what I could ever hope to use. Although I think I have enough and even more than I could ever use, at least in the material possessions department. I surely lack an abundance of store up funds, if fact, I lack any store up funds. Actually I owe more funds than I have. But what of that, should I get all tired up in knots? I think that would be opposed to this peace. Should I be aware of my situation? Of course so, I am firmly aware and do seek God for direction and provision. He has always been faithful in the past, and is being faithful now and I believe he will continue to be faithful because he is God. My trust is in him and that trust is a main ingredient of this peace. Knowing that Lord is with me even promotes this peace within my being all the more. How could I ever live my life alone? I could not even imagine how bad off I would be if I were to be living without the presence of my Lord in my life. Life would be a bitter pill to swallow if I had to live it all by myself. I am sure many people try to fill their lives with all sorts of things and even with other people, but that would still be empty if they did not include the Lord. I know that all the things I have and people who I love and who love me would be rather meaningless if the Lord was not with me. Oh sure, it would be enjoyable, for the moment, for my lifespan, but then it would be over, finished, complete, and perish with everything else. But because of the Lord being with me and with those I love and who love me, we all are going to continue to be together in the everlasting presence of our Lord and Savior. True maybe is a different environment and relationship, but nevertheless this peace, this presence, this having the Lord with us is for eternity. Yes, there are a few I love who have not yet decided to allow the Lord into their lives, but I still have this peace, knowing God is at work, he is in command, he is doing his part and having done my part, the rest is up to him. So I am at peace.
2 Thess 3:16-18
16 Now may the Lord of peace himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you. 17 I, Paul, write this greeting in my own hand, which is the distinguishing mark in all my letters. This is how I write. 18 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all.
The last of this letter and it is leaving me with this incredible benediction. To have peace at all times is by far one of the greatest gifts God has ever bestowed on those who accept his provision for eternal life through is son Jesus Christ. This peace is the opposite of war but rather something far greater and exceeding better. Having this peace is knowing, of course, the tranquil state I have in my spirit because I am assured of my salvation through Christ, and so I fear nothing from God and I am completely content with my earthly lot, of whatsoever sort that is or will ever be. What more could I really ever desire in this life? Why would I ever consider filling my life with stress and strife over an attempt to acquire material goods far beyond what I could ever hope to use. Although I think I have enough and even more than I could ever use, at least in the material possessions department. I surely lack an abundance of store up funds, if fact, I lack any store up funds. Actually I owe more funds than I have. But what of that, should I get all tired up in knots? I think that would be opposed to this peace. Should I be aware of my situation? Of course so, I am firmly aware and do seek God for direction and provision. He has always been faithful in the past, and is being faithful now and I believe he will continue to be faithful because he is God. My trust is in him and that trust is a main ingredient of this peace. Knowing that Lord is with me even promotes this peace within my being all the more. How could I ever live my life alone? I could not even imagine how bad off I would be if I were to be living without the presence of my Lord in my life. Life would be a bitter pill to swallow if I had to live it all by myself. I am sure many people try to fill their lives with all sorts of things and even with other people, but that would still be empty if they did not include the Lord. I know that all the things I have and people who I love and who love me would be rather meaningless if the Lord was not with me. Oh sure, it would be enjoyable, for the moment, for my lifespan, but then it would be over, finished, complete, and perish with everything else. But because of the Lord being with me and with those I love and who love me, we all are going to continue to be together in the everlasting presence of our Lord and Savior. True maybe is a different environment and relationship, but nevertheless this peace, this presence, this having the Lord with us is for eternity. Yes, there are a few I love who have not yet decided to allow the Lord into their lives, but I still have this peace, knowing God is at work, he is in command, he is doing his part and having done my part, the rest is up to him. So I am at peace.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Pay Attention
Thess 3:14-15
14 If anyone does not obey our instruction in this letter, take special note of him. Do not associate with him, in order that he may feel ashamed. 15 Yet do not regard him as an enemy, but warn him as a brother.
Alright then, I guess that is what I am supposed to do. But am I to go around looking for that one that is idle in order to take special note of him? How am I to know who is idle and who is not? How do I tell if someone is not earning his own bread and butter? I think again of the ministries that feed those who do not work, and may even be homeless. How does that fit into this concept? But closer to home I wonder if there are those how fit into this category? I mean after all within the church we all just say hello to each other passing in the foyer or hallway and never really know anything about each other’s life, whether we are or not obeying these instructions regarding not being busy but rather being a busybody. I know I need to that this message to my own heart but I also see here I have a responsibility to my fellow believers if I see them in violation of this instructions which precede this one. Not an easy task, although I do think my book serves as somewhat of a warning on certain issues. I also am not sure how I am supposed to not associate with anyone who does not obey those instructions. Should I just ignore them? Well, first I have to warn them then ignore them. Actually in order or ignore them I first must have been not ignoring them. That is not likely the case. I am not sure I actually involve myself with hardy anyone to start with. I pretty much already ignore most everyone. Sure I say hello, and even shake hands or give a hug, smile and converse about many mundane topics seeming trying to be interested, but that hardly constitutes the opposite of not associating with him. What does it mean to not associate with him? Does simply mean not to socialize with them and if so how do I treat him as a brother while not associating with him? I know I have spoken up rather boldly in some settings, and as a result was not invited back into that little group. Was I being the busybody or the warning brother who was rejected because I did warn, although it was not about this, but rather about something else? I just am not sure how this is all supposed to play out in the post modern church. What I do know is I will have to allow the Spirit to lead. I have to pay attention to the Spirit.
Thess 3:14-15
14 If anyone does not obey our instruction in this letter, take special note of him. Do not associate with him, in order that he may feel ashamed. 15 Yet do not regard him as an enemy, but warn him as a brother.
Alright then, I guess that is what I am supposed to do. But am I to go around looking for that one that is idle in order to take special note of him? How am I to know who is idle and who is not? How do I tell if someone is not earning his own bread and butter? I think again of the ministries that feed those who do not work, and may even be homeless. How does that fit into this concept? But closer to home I wonder if there are those how fit into this category? I mean after all within the church we all just say hello to each other passing in the foyer or hallway and never really know anything about each other’s life, whether we are or not obeying these instructions regarding not being busy but rather being a busybody. I know I need to that this message to my own heart but I also see here I have a responsibility to my fellow believers if I see them in violation of this instructions which precede this one. Not an easy task, although I do think my book serves as somewhat of a warning on certain issues. I also am not sure how I am supposed to not associate with anyone who does not obey those instructions. Should I just ignore them? Well, first I have to warn them then ignore them. Actually in order or ignore them I first must have been not ignoring them. That is not likely the case. I am not sure I actually involve myself with hardy anyone to start with. I pretty much already ignore most everyone. Sure I say hello, and even shake hands or give a hug, smile and converse about many mundane topics seeming trying to be interested, but that hardly constitutes the opposite of not associating with him. What does it mean to not associate with him? Does simply mean not to socialize with them and if so how do I treat him as a brother while not associating with him? I know I have spoken up rather boldly in some settings, and as a result was not invited back into that little group. Was I being the busybody or the warning brother who was rejected because I did warn, although it was not about this, but rather about something else? I just am not sure how this is all supposed to play out in the post modern church. What I do know is I will have to allow the Spirit to lead. I have to pay attention to the Spirit.
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Doing Right
2 Thess 3:11-13
11 We hear that some among you are idle. They are not busy; they are busybodies. 12 Such people we command and urge in the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down and earn the bread they eat. 13 And as for you, brothers, never tire of doing what is right.
Surely I am not one of those people who are idle or have nothing better to do then to meddle in other peoples affairs. Sometimes I wonder if some of the word is specific towards certain people and cannot be personalized by everyone. But I suppose I can be introspective asking if I have ever been like that. I would have to answer no. I am not a person who gets involved in other peoples affairs without an invitation. I do not even offer advice unless I am asked for it. The way I have it figured if someone wanted my opinion or advice about something they would seek me out as ask for it. Otherwise I simply go about my own business doing my daily thing, working at what I do and being who I am. I think I mind my own business fairly well. I try not to even gossip about anyone because I think that is another form of being a busybody. Oh sure I might slip up once and awhile getting catch up in the gossip when I am with believers who are getting it on in their chatter about someone. But I really try not to, it just isn’t any of my business, and besides I think it only serves to make me feel superior when I speak about someone else who is doing something dumb. No, I have to guard myself closer and make sure I do not get catch up in being a busybody, being a gossip in thought or word. I have enough trouble living my own life in a manner which pleases my Lord to be judging others if they are and then sharing that opinion of mine about them with someone else. Even in my preaching or teaching I must not declare problems people are involved with, but simply declare the word of God. I need to allow it to speak to the hearts of others, not me or my opinions or ideas about what someone might be doing or not doing. Pastor T always warned me about not preaching problems but preach the Word. So I think I should be more careful, and be more aware of going about my work in society and my ministry in the Kingdom. Doing what God desires of me and allowing him to work out his desire in others as he does in me is the way to go. Simply put, I should not grow weary of doing what is right.
2 Thess 3:11-13
11 We hear that some among you are idle. They are not busy; they are busybodies. 12 Such people we command and urge in the Lord Jesus Christ to settle down and earn the bread they eat. 13 And as for you, brothers, never tire of doing what is right.
Surely I am not one of those people who are idle or have nothing better to do then to meddle in other peoples affairs. Sometimes I wonder if some of the word is specific towards certain people and cannot be personalized by everyone. But I suppose I can be introspective asking if I have ever been like that. I would have to answer no. I am not a person who gets involved in other peoples affairs without an invitation. I do not even offer advice unless I am asked for it. The way I have it figured if someone wanted my opinion or advice about something they would seek me out as ask for it. Otherwise I simply go about my own business doing my daily thing, working at what I do and being who I am. I think I mind my own business fairly well. I try not to even gossip about anyone because I think that is another form of being a busybody. Oh sure I might slip up once and awhile getting catch up in the gossip when I am with believers who are getting it on in their chatter about someone. But I really try not to, it just isn’t any of my business, and besides I think it only serves to make me feel superior when I speak about someone else who is doing something dumb. No, I have to guard myself closer and make sure I do not get catch up in being a busybody, being a gossip in thought or word. I have enough trouble living my own life in a manner which pleases my Lord to be judging others if they are and then sharing that opinion of mine about them with someone else. Even in my preaching or teaching I must not declare problems people are involved with, but simply declare the word of God. I need to allow it to speak to the hearts of others, not me or my opinions or ideas about what someone might be doing or not doing. Pastor T always warned me about not preaching problems but preach the Word. So I think I should be more careful, and be more aware of going about my work in society and my ministry in the Kingdom. Doing what God desires of me and allowing him to work out his desire in others as he does in me is the way to go. Simply put, I should not grow weary of doing what is right.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Labor On
2 Thess 3:7-10
7 For you yourselves know how you ought to follow our example. We were not idle when we were with you, 8 nor did we eat anyone's food without paying for it. On the contrary, we worked night and day, laboring and toiling so that we would not be a burden to any of you. 9 We did this, not because we do not have the right to such help, but in order to make ourselves a model for you to follow. 10 For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: "If a man will not work, he shall not eat."
So what do I make of this dissertation? I certainly am not going to model myself after another man. Yet that is not all bad either. I know I hear my pastor express his lifestyle as a model. I think a lot of believers think their pastor should be a model of perfect Christianity. I think a lot of believers might think everyone else should be perfect too. I don’t know about this concept. I suppose I should be a model for others and they should be a model for me as well. It may well be right to be an example for others. I was sure my example was supposed to be Jesus. Is using another man as an example simply not lowering the bar? Maybe this has nothing to do with spiritual matters but rather simply being concerned about the physical condition of not being idle and looking to others for food, clothing, and housing. Maybe this is just about not being a burden on society, looking for a handout from the government or the church. Does this fly in the face of ministries which provide such assistance? Should the church being telling those homeless, jobless, drug dependent folks to work for their keep? I wonder if the church trots them out on display ever so often to show what a great thing we are doing, or to use them to raise support money. I think if we are to be examples working for our food, then we should be helping others find jobs so they can follow our example, not just feeding them. That sure sounds cruel. I know I have been on the receiving end a few times, but never admonished to go work. Now maybe that is because I was out looking for work, seeking a way to support my family. I never gave up. Now I am not in a place, I don’t think, to be that example for others who are not working, but eating from the hands of others. So I am still not sure about this. Yet I am sure I am to be working, trying to be out there working for my food which I know is a blessing from God and am thankful and thank him daily for each and every meal I have. Just being able to buy food is a blessing from God. He has provided me with every type of work I have done. He has given me a strong back to be able to labor, to physically toil with my hands. He has given me a fair mind to be able to work in certain ways. He has provided miracles one after another in providing so many things for me to have. How could I not know it is all him, yet I must work, if I am to eat. I cannot ever retire from work. Society may have the concept of retirement, but God does not. I labor on.
2 Thess 3:7-10
7 For you yourselves know how you ought to follow our example. We were not idle when we were with you, 8 nor did we eat anyone's food without paying for it. On the contrary, we worked night and day, laboring and toiling so that we would not be a burden to any of you. 9 We did this, not because we do not have the right to such help, but in order to make ourselves a model for you to follow. 10 For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: "If a man will not work, he shall not eat."
So what do I make of this dissertation? I certainly am not going to model myself after another man. Yet that is not all bad either. I know I hear my pastor express his lifestyle as a model. I think a lot of believers think their pastor should be a model of perfect Christianity. I think a lot of believers might think everyone else should be perfect too. I don’t know about this concept. I suppose I should be a model for others and they should be a model for me as well. It may well be right to be an example for others. I was sure my example was supposed to be Jesus. Is using another man as an example simply not lowering the bar? Maybe this has nothing to do with spiritual matters but rather simply being concerned about the physical condition of not being idle and looking to others for food, clothing, and housing. Maybe this is just about not being a burden on society, looking for a handout from the government or the church. Does this fly in the face of ministries which provide such assistance? Should the church being telling those homeless, jobless, drug dependent folks to work for their keep? I wonder if the church trots them out on display ever so often to show what a great thing we are doing, or to use them to raise support money. I think if we are to be examples working for our food, then we should be helping others find jobs so they can follow our example, not just feeding them. That sure sounds cruel. I know I have been on the receiving end a few times, but never admonished to go work. Now maybe that is because I was out looking for work, seeking a way to support my family. I never gave up. Now I am not in a place, I don’t think, to be that example for others who are not working, but eating from the hands of others. So I am still not sure about this. Yet I am sure I am to be working, trying to be out there working for my food which I know is a blessing from God and am thankful and thank him daily for each and every meal I have. Just being able to buy food is a blessing from God. He has provided me with every type of work I have done. He has given me a strong back to be able to labor, to physically toil with my hands. He has given me a fair mind to be able to work in certain ways. He has provided miracles one after another in providing so many things for me to have. How could I not know it is all him, yet I must work, if I am to eat. I cannot ever retire from work. Society may have the concept of retirement, but God does not. I labor on.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
He Commands
2 Thess 3:4-5
4 We have confidence in the Lord that you are doing and will continue to do the things we command. 5 May the Lord direct your hearts into God's love and Christ's perseverance.
I am not so sure of the correctness of the use of the word command here. As I approach this from the Greek, I see this word being defined more as transmitting a message alone from one to another. I do not think this is so much that Paul has commanded them as he has transmitted the commands of our Lord Jesus Christ onto them. Now I can deal with being told what God has said. I cannot deal with being told by some man as to how I am to behave or act. I cannot deal with the authority of a man who has set himself up as ruler over my spirit, my being, my free will. No, I submit only to the authority of my Lord Jesus Christ. Now do I listen to my pastor? Sure, for I am convinced he has been called by God to transmit the message or the commands of God. Yet he is not in authority of my being. I cannot simply obey his commands, but I can listen and discern his words thus digesting and assimilating those behaviors and actions into my being which are in accordance with the word of God. So I am not sure the translation of this Greek word is absolutely what God intents here, or at least the English word leaves it short. Nevertheless, I will do as he commands to the best of my ability. I fail a lot, I fall short a lot, I miss the mark a lot, but I think I am at least giving it the ole college try. I certainly would have to agree that my humanity gets in the way all too often. I would have to Jesus that my spirit may be willing but my body is weak. Yet I do desire to do what he commands of me. I hope and pray I can fulfill that desire. I surely need his grace, his divine influence, his guidance, his making straight my heart right into the love of God and that he would give me the patience to wait until my Lord Jesus Christ returns for me. It is not that I do not enjoy this life I have, I surely do. But I am also looking so forward to that day when my Jesus I shall see, when he takes me by the hand and leads me to that promised land, what I day, glories day that will be. But until then I shall continue to do the things he commands.
2 Thess 3:4-5
4 We have confidence in the Lord that you are doing and will continue to do the things we command. 5 May the Lord direct your hearts into God's love and Christ's perseverance.
I am not so sure of the correctness of the use of the word command here. As I approach this from the Greek, I see this word being defined more as transmitting a message alone from one to another. I do not think this is so much that Paul has commanded them as he has transmitted the commands of our Lord Jesus Christ onto them. Now I can deal with being told what God has said. I cannot deal with being told by some man as to how I am to behave or act. I cannot deal with the authority of a man who has set himself up as ruler over my spirit, my being, my free will. No, I submit only to the authority of my Lord Jesus Christ. Now do I listen to my pastor? Sure, for I am convinced he has been called by God to transmit the message or the commands of God. Yet he is not in authority of my being. I cannot simply obey his commands, but I can listen and discern his words thus digesting and assimilating those behaviors and actions into my being which are in accordance with the word of God. So I am not sure the translation of this Greek word is absolutely what God intents here, or at least the English word leaves it short. Nevertheless, I will do as he commands to the best of my ability. I fail a lot, I fall short a lot, I miss the mark a lot, but I think I am at least giving it the ole college try. I certainly would have to agree that my humanity gets in the way all too often. I would have to Jesus that my spirit may be willing but my body is weak. Yet I do desire to do what he commands of me. I hope and pray I can fulfill that desire. I surely need his grace, his divine influence, his guidance, his making straight my heart right into the love of God and that he would give me the patience to wait until my Lord Jesus Christ returns for me. It is not that I do not enjoy this life I have, I surely do. But I am also looking so forward to that day when my Jesus I shall see, when he takes me by the hand and leads me to that promised land, what I day, glories day that will be. But until then I shall continue to do the things he commands.
Monday, May 23, 2011
The Advantage
2 Thess 3:2-3
2 And pray that we may be delivered from wicked and evil men, for not everyone has faith. 3 But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen and protect you from the evil one.
Some of my fellow believers, especially in other parts of the world may very well be, even in these days, persecuted by evil and wicked men. I should be praying for them. I certainly do not think I have much to worry about here in my country as far as me having to deal with being delivered from wicked and evil men. Yet there certainly are an awful lot of people who do not have faith. Could I assume then if someone does not have faith that person is evil and wicked and therefore maybe I do have to deal with that in my life? Maybe it is not that evil and wicked people would do me physical harm, but surely they might very well do me spiritual harm. If I were captured by their ideas, their thinking, their spiritual blindness, their ways of living life then I would surely need to be delivered from them. It may not even be that they are seeking me any harm, but simply that I would be drawn toward the concepts of this world in which they have citizenship. It has to be an either or situation. Either someone has faith or they don’t and those who do not have faith must be considered evil and wicked. Everyone has to serve somebody, either the Lord or Satan but you have to serve somebody. I have chosen to serve him who is faithful. I have chosen to serve him who has the ability and will strengthen and protect me from the evil one. I am so grateful for his strengthening. I know that without his faithfulness and his strengthening I would certainly not be able to withstand the assaults hurled at me from the evil one. God has provided me with a shield of faith to protect me from all his flaming arrows. It surely gives me the picture of battle lines between me and him, between me and wicked and evil people. Yet how am I to spread the message if I am on the battlefield? It is spiritual warfare, and although I must not allow them to infiltrate my thinking, I should do all I can in my power to infiltrate their thinking with the message, the good news of Jesus Christ, in an effort to win them over from their side of the battlefield to Gods side. As I am armed with all of the armor of God and the truth I have the advantage.
2 Thess 3:2-3
2 And pray that we may be delivered from wicked and evil men, for not everyone has faith. 3 But the Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen and protect you from the evil one.
Some of my fellow believers, especially in other parts of the world may very well be, even in these days, persecuted by evil and wicked men. I should be praying for them. I certainly do not think I have much to worry about here in my country as far as me having to deal with being delivered from wicked and evil men. Yet there certainly are an awful lot of people who do not have faith. Could I assume then if someone does not have faith that person is evil and wicked and therefore maybe I do have to deal with that in my life? Maybe it is not that evil and wicked people would do me physical harm, but surely they might very well do me spiritual harm. If I were captured by their ideas, their thinking, their spiritual blindness, their ways of living life then I would surely need to be delivered from them. It may not even be that they are seeking me any harm, but simply that I would be drawn toward the concepts of this world in which they have citizenship. It has to be an either or situation. Either someone has faith or they don’t and those who do not have faith must be considered evil and wicked. Everyone has to serve somebody, either the Lord or Satan but you have to serve somebody. I have chosen to serve him who is faithful. I have chosen to serve him who has the ability and will strengthen and protect me from the evil one. I am so grateful for his strengthening. I know that without his faithfulness and his strengthening I would certainly not be able to withstand the assaults hurled at me from the evil one. God has provided me with a shield of faith to protect me from all his flaming arrows. It surely gives me the picture of battle lines between me and him, between me and wicked and evil people. Yet how am I to spread the message if I am on the battlefield? It is spiritual warfare, and although I must not allow them to infiltrate my thinking, I should do all I can in my power to infiltrate their thinking with the message, the good news of Jesus Christ, in an effort to win them over from their side of the battlefield to Gods side. As I am armed with all of the armor of God and the truth I have the advantage.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
The Message
2 Thess 3:1
3:1 Finally, brothers, pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honored, just as it was with you.
It does seem strange that I talk about a relationship with God in such a personal way. It seems that everything is always about my relationship with the Lord. It is about God and how he deals with my life and what he has done for me, in me and through me. Well now that through me is really not about me actually is it? I suppose in a sense I am in the process of spreading the message of the Lord as well. However looking at it from the other prospective I am not sure I spend much time praying that the message is spread rapidly through the efforts of other people. In Fact I do not recall much ever being preached by pastors I have listened to regarding praying for others efforts in spreading the Gospel. True we support missionaries who may very well be spreading the Gospel. But we don’t spend much time talking or praying about them. Well, at least I don’t. Maybe I should be, at least according to the admonishment of this verse. Maybe it is more than missionaries. Maybe it is also about other people like me who preach in local settings around this country. People who serve in spreading the Gospel right here in retirement communities, food pantries, outreach centers, or those bringing food and clothes to the homeless. There are so many people serving others in ways which are spreading the good news about Jesus who need to have people like me praying for them and their message, that it will spread rapidly and be honored. I don’t think this is so much about the praying for those people themselves, but praying about their message. Sure they need prayers, but it is about the message. I need to be praying about the message. Not just spreading myself, but also praying about it being spread rapidly wherever it is being spread and that it will be honored, or considered worthy, received, taken to heart and accepted as something of value and great importance. Just as I did, believing the message, the good news about Jesus Christ saving me from death, from perishing into nothingness and bringing me eternal life everlasting in the presence of my Lord. This is what I should be praying about, the message.
2 Thess 3:1
3:1 Finally, brothers, pray for us that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honored, just as it was with you.
It does seem strange that I talk about a relationship with God in such a personal way. It seems that everything is always about my relationship with the Lord. It is about God and how he deals with my life and what he has done for me, in me and through me. Well now that through me is really not about me actually is it? I suppose in a sense I am in the process of spreading the message of the Lord as well. However looking at it from the other prospective I am not sure I spend much time praying that the message is spread rapidly through the efforts of other people. In Fact I do not recall much ever being preached by pastors I have listened to regarding praying for others efforts in spreading the Gospel. True we support missionaries who may very well be spreading the Gospel. But we don’t spend much time talking or praying about them. Well, at least I don’t. Maybe I should be, at least according to the admonishment of this verse. Maybe it is more than missionaries. Maybe it is also about other people like me who preach in local settings around this country. People who serve in spreading the Gospel right here in retirement communities, food pantries, outreach centers, or those bringing food and clothes to the homeless. There are so many people serving others in ways which are spreading the good news about Jesus who need to have people like me praying for them and their message, that it will spread rapidly and be honored. I don’t think this is so much about the praying for those people themselves, but praying about their message. Sure they need prayers, but it is about the message. I need to be praying about the message. Not just spreading myself, but also praying about it being spread rapidly wherever it is being spread and that it will be honored, or considered worthy, received, taken to heart and accepted as something of value and great importance. Just as I did, believing the message, the good news about Jesus Christ saving me from death, from perishing into nothingness and bringing me eternal life everlasting in the presence of my Lord. This is what I should be praying about, the message.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
Bring It On
2 Thess 2:16-17
16 May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, 17 encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.
If it is one thing I am sure of, is that God has certainly given me eternal encouragement and a lot of good hope I surely do have the hope of everlasting last in his presence and that hope is based on actually historical fact alone with a faith in those facts. Now I know that Jesus says I am blessed because I believe and have not actually seen him, but I so have the historical account of God dealing with mankind. Somehow and I do not know how he was able to do it, preserved this record throughout time so I would be able to know about him and allow him to establish this personal relationship with me. I am so thankful for that relationship because I believe that is the only way I could be encouraged and have good hope. I do not think with everything that has happened in my life and what is happening throughout the world I would have a heart filled with encouragement or strength to accomplish anything good either in deed or word. But that is not the case. I do have a heart filled with encouragement; my heart is encouraged by God. I am not in this world alone and do not have to face the past, present or the future without him being by my side. I may not have a brave heart but I certainly have a strong heart. Maybe I might even say I have a bold heart for I do things for the kingdom of God which by myself would absolutely scare me beyond belief. He has strengthened my heart to do good things for his kingdom. Just standing up in front of people is bad enough, but then I actually preach his truths. I could only do that because of his encouragement and strengthening of my heart. I put myself out there for others to see only because of him. I could not do that on my own. I remember how horrible I felt when I tried to sell my photography at art fairs. How exposed I felt having people view me work. Maybe that was not doing good works for the Kingdom, but maybe it was more about me. Maybe that is why it was that way. But now I do feel bold, empowered, directed, and guided to do these types of good works and words, even exposing my own self to anyone who reads my devotions or my book. And now I am even stepping out further to accomplish more good deeds and words because he is strengthening and encouraging me on. I cannot just sit back and become comfortable within the confines of my existing activities. He is encouraging me to go beyond, to do more, to expand beyond my now comfort zone. I am going to need all the encouragement, hope, and strength he will give. I am looking forward to him bringing it on.
2 Thess 2:16-17
16 May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, 17 encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.
If it is one thing I am sure of, is that God has certainly given me eternal encouragement and a lot of good hope I surely do have the hope of everlasting last in his presence and that hope is based on actually historical fact alone with a faith in those facts. Now I know that Jesus says I am blessed because I believe and have not actually seen him, but I so have the historical account of God dealing with mankind. Somehow and I do not know how he was able to do it, preserved this record throughout time so I would be able to know about him and allow him to establish this personal relationship with me. I am so thankful for that relationship because I believe that is the only way I could be encouraged and have good hope. I do not think with everything that has happened in my life and what is happening throughout the world I would have a heart filled with encouragement or strength to accomplish anything good either in deed or word. But that is not the case. I do have a heart filled with encouragement; my heart is encouraged by God. I am not in this world alone and do not have to face the past, present or the future without him being by my side. I may not have a brave heart but I certainly have a strong heart. Maybe I might even say I have a bold heart for I do things for the kingdom of God which by myself would absolutely scare me beyond belief. He has strengthened my heart to do good things for his kingdom. Just standing up in front of people is bad enough, but then I actually preach his truths. I could only do that because of his encouragement and strengthening of my heart. I put myself out there for others to see only because of him. I could not do that on my own. I remember how horrible I felt when I tried to sell my photography at art fairs. How exposed I felt having people view me work. Maybe that was not doing good works for the Kingdom, but maybe it was more about me. Maybe that is why it was that way. But now I do feel bold, empowered, directed, and guided to do these types of good works and words, even exposing my own self to anyone who reads my devotions or my book. And now I am even stepping out further to accomplish more good deeds and words because he is strengthening and encouraging me on. I cannot just sit back and become comfortable within the confines of my existing activities. He is encouraging me to go beyond, to do more, to expand beyond my now comfort zone. I am going to need all the encouragement, hope, and strength he will give. I am looking forward to him bringing it on.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Standing Firm
2 Thess 2:15
15 So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the teachings we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter.
I think I am standing firm. That is I am not moved from my position or my opinion of what the word of God declares. I am not deceived into thinking so other form of interpretation of the scriptures. I am holding fast to the truth which I do absolutely believe I have been enlightened with. It does amaze me how there are so many denominations and each one has one little difference idea as to what the scripture is saying than all the others. Maybe they just see something different, or read into it something different, or choose to ignore something, or declare it was just for then and not now. Who knows what goes through the mind of man. I surely do not and I cannot understand how some of them come up with so many off the wall ideas. But I have not yet been swayed from the truth I learned from the beginning. Now true it resembles much of the belief of one denomination, but not all of that belief. No, I do not learn truth from the mouth of men today as those men had to in the past. No, they did not have the compiled words of God available to them as I do today. I must admit that maybe some men might well pass on by word of mouth truth about God. I think I do. Maybe I should be open to concepts regarding the truth. Maybe my insights are not completely correct. Maybe I have developed a position which best suits the way I wanted to live anyway. No, I think that is not the case. I believe it is clear exactly what the word says and there is but one truth. Can I be bold enough to think I have that truth? That I am the only one who has that truth would really be prideful. I surely think God must have been able to get through to many others who believe the same as I do. Surely many, more than I can count, believe salvation is through Jesus Christ and him alone. Surely they all believe God is three in one. All the basic stuff is the same; it is the fine points which cause so many so much trouble and the ability to agree upon. Well that is not absolutely true, that one church believes salvation is through Jesus Christ and baptism, that is not exactly a fine point. Another believes God choose me, not that I chose him, that is not a fine point either. I guess so many do not believe even the basic truth as I believe. How could they be wrong? I know a house divided cannot stand. Will this entire denominational division thing just become a house of cards? Whatever the case I am going to stand firm to the truth I have heard and read.
2 Thess 2:15
15 So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the teachings we passed on to you, whether by word of mouth or by letter.
I think I am standing firm. That is I am not moved from my position or my opinion of what the word of God declares. I am not deceived into thinking so other form of interpretation of the scriptures. I am holding fast to the truth which I do absolutely believe I have been enlightened with. It does amaze me how there are so many denominations and each one has one little difference idea as to what the scripture is saying than all the others. Maybe they just see something different, or read into it something different, or choose to ignore something, or declare it was just for then and not now. Who knows what goes through the mind of man. I surely do not and I cannot understand how some of them come up with so many off the wall ideas. But I have not yet been swayed from the truth I learned from the beginning. Now true it resembles much of the belief of one denomination, but not all of that belief. No, I do not learn truth from the mouth of men today as those men had to in the past. No, they did not have the compiled words of God available to them as I do today. I must admit that maybe some men might well pass on by word of mouth truth about God. I think I do. Maybe I should be open to concepts regarding the truth. Maybe my insights are not completely correct. Maybe I have developed a position which best suits the way I wanted to live anyway. No, I think that is not the case. I believe it is clear exactly what the word says and there is but one truth. Can I be bold enough to think I have that truth? That I am the only one who has that truth would really be prideful. I surely think God must have been able to get through to many others who believe the same as I do. Surely many, more than I can count, believe salvation is through Jesus Christ and him alone. Surely they all believe God is three in one. All the basic stuff is the same; it is the fine points which cause so many so much trouble and the ability to agree upon. Well that is not absolutely true, that one church believes salvation is through Jesus Christ and baptism, that is not exactly a fine point. Another believes God choose me, not that I chose him, that is not a fine point either. I guess so many do not believe even the basic truth as I believe. How could they be wrong? I know a house divided cannot stand. Will this entire denominational division thing just become a house of cards? Whatever the case I am going to stand firm to the truth I have heard and read.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Sharing Glory
2 Thess 2:13-15
13 But we ought always to thank God for you, brothers loved by the Lord, because from the beginning God chose you to be saved through the sanctifying work of the Spirit and through belief in the truth. 14 He called you to this through our gospel, that you might share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I knew it was from the beginning that God choose me to have salvation through Jesus Christ and that I would be sanctified or purified by the Holy Spirit. Not that he chose me, but that he choose the method by which I could be saved and set apart for him. It was the through the message of the good news that I came to the knowledge of his plan for me not having to perish but have everlasting life in his presence. I am always amazed that some people actually think they do not have a choice but that it is up to God to choose who is in and who is not. That just does not make any sense to me and my understanding of God. Now I am glad I am in and I am thankful that my family is in and I am thankful for so many people that I know and love, in a sense, are in. But I am also a little sad that some of the people I love have not yet made that choice. I do not think God has predetermined them to perish. He has sent his message to them. He has called to them through the gospel message. I know they have even read the bible and have heard the message from my lips as well. But they refuse to accept it as the truth. One in particular argues there are many paths to get to God. How wrong is that! It is as plan as the wrinkles in my face. God choose Jesus Christ as the method by which men may be saved. God choose the Holy Spirit to be the method by which men could be purified, set apart for him and his plan for them. I am dumbfounded by their hard lined refusal of that truth. Maybe it is because they know the truth and know it will expose the sin in their life and are afraid to face it or are unwilling to give it up. I do not know, but I do know I was not afraid but was glad to have that burdened lifted from me. To have to carry around the guilt of sin and the fear of death was way too much for me. I am so thankful I have been rendered innocent, freed from the guilt and I am so glad I no longer have to fear the end of my life here, but rather look forward with great anticipation of the day I will be able to see Jesus and share in his glory.
2 Thess 2:13-15
13 But we ought always to thank God for you, brothers loved by the Lord, because from the beginning God chose you to be saved through the sanctifying work of the Spirit and through belief in the truth. 14 He called you to this through our gospel, that you might share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I knew it was from the beginning that God choose me to have salvation through Jesus Christ and that I would be sanctified or purified by the Holy Spirit. Not that he chose me, but that he choose the method by which I could be saved and set apart for him. It was the through the message of the good news that I came to the knowledge of his plan for me not having to perish but have everlasting life in his presence. I am always amazed that some people actually think they do not have a choice but that it is up to God to choose who is in and who is not. That just does not make any sense to me and my understanding of God. Now I am glad I am in and I am thankful that my family is in and I am thankful for so many people that I know and love, in a sense, are in. But I am also a little sad that some of the people I love have not yet made that choice. I do not think God has predetermined them to perish. He has sent his message to them. He has called to them through the gospel message. I know they have even read the bible and have heard the message from my lips as well. But they refuse to accept it as the truth. One in particular argues there are many paths to get to God. How wrong is that! It is as plan as the wrinkles in my face. God choose Jesus Christ as the method by which men may be saved. God choose the Holy Spirit to be the method by which men could be purified, set apart for him and his plan for them. I am dumbfounded by their hard lined refusal of that truth. Maybe it is because they know the truth and know it will expose the sin in their life and are afraid to face it or are unwilling to give it up. I do not know, but I do know I was not afraid but was glad to have that burdened lifted from me. To have to carry around the guilt of sin and the fear of death was way too much for me. I am so thankful I have been rendered innocent, freed from the guilt and I am so glad I no longer have to fear the end of my life here, but rather look forward with great anticipation of the day I will be able to see Jesus and share in his glory.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
2 Thess 2:9-12
9 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, 10 and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.
It seems to me a horrible thing awaits those who do not accept the truth about God. Yet I think so many people are so interested in spiritual things, well maybe not spiritual in the sense of God, but in the sense of the supernatural. Maybe that is why they will all be deceived by Satan with all that counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders. I think people are willing to accept most anything as long as they do not have to accept the truth about God. I don’t understand that. It seems too simple to accept his, his mercy, his forgiveness, and his son Jesus Christ as Savior. Maybe that is it, too simple. Maybe people are looking for the more complicated, a system, a method, a series of works or rituals to achieve whatever they think the afterlife it like. I know one thing for sure, I do not want to be in the crowd that refused to love the truth because I want to be saved. I do not want to be the precipitant of a powerful delusion and thus believe all the lies of Satan. I desire the truth of God; I want to know more about God, not Satan. I definitely do not want to be around every sort of evil as and be among those who will perish. That is not to say I have achieved perfection either, I sure have my faults, I sure still yield to certain temptations from time to time. I have sin in my sin even after these many years of trying to follow God. But I still love his truth and desire to live in a way that pleases him. I wish and pray I did not fail as much as I do, but I know that I am not condemned because I do believe the truth and I do not delight in wickedness. Now on the other hand I do not delight in the fact that people I know are going to be deceived and refuse to love the truth about God and thus they will perish. That is not a good thing, but what can I do? I have spoken about the truth of God and they refuse. Do they delight in wickedness? I don’t know. I do know it is their refusal which condemns them, not God. It is their delight in wickedness that condemns them, not God. It is because they will accept the deception of Satan, and believe all those supernatural things that are false they will perish, not because of God. God wants everyone to be saved, but because he loves everyone so much he allows them to choose on their own. So everyone must choose whom they will serve, but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord. No perishing here.
2 Thess 2:9-12
9 The coming of the lawless one will be in accordance with the work of Satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders, 10 and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing. They perish because they refused to love the truth and so be saved. 11 For this reason God sends them a powerful delusion so that they will believe the lie 12 and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in wickedness.
It seems to me a horrible thing awaits those who do not accept the truth about God. Yet I think so many people are so interested in spiritual things, well maybe not spiritual in the sense of God, but in the sense of the supernatural. Maybe that is why they will all be deceived by Satan with all that counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders. I think people are willing to accept most anything as long as they do not have to accept the truth about God. I don’t understand that. It seems too simple to accept his, his mercy, his forgiveness, and his son Jesus Christ as Savior. Maybe that is it, too simple. Maybe people are looking for the more complicated, a system, a method, a series of works or rituals to achieve whatever they think the afterlife it like. I know one thing for sure, I do not want to be in the crowd that refused to love the truth because I want to be saved. I do not want to be the precipitant of a powerful delusion and thus believe all the lies of Satan. I desire the truth of God; I want to know more about God, not Satan. I definitely do not want to be around every sort of evil as and be among those who will perish. That is not to say I have achieved perfection either, I sure have my faults, I sure still yield to certain temptations from time to time. I have sin in my sin even after these many years of trying to follow God. But I still love his truth and desire to live in a way that pleases him. I wish and pray I did not fail as much as I do, but I know that I am not condemned because I do believe the truth and I do not delight in wickedness. Now on the other hand I do not delight in the fact that people I know are going to be deceived and refuse to love the truth about God and thus they will perish. That is not a good thing, but what can I do? I have spoken about the truth of God and they refuse. Do they delight in wickedness? I don’t know. I do know it is their refusal which condemns them, not God. It is their delight in wickedness that condemns them, not God. It is because they will accept the deception of Satan, and believe all those supernatural things that are false they will perish, not because of God. God wants everyone to be saved, but because he loves everyone so much he allows them to choose on their own. So everyone must choose whom they will serve, but as for me and my house we will serve the Lord. No perishing here.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Until That Day
2 Thess 2:5-8
5 Don't you remember that when I was with you I used to tell you these things? 6 And now you know what is holding him back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time. 7 For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. 8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming.
There is no way this man of lawlessness can be here because the Holy Spirit is here and working in this world today. Jesus said that he must go in order he could send him. I do not think according to these words that whoever this man of lawlessness is, he cannot be out in the open until the Holy Spirit leaves. But what a horrible world this is going to be when that happens. Yes, evil is at work now, of that I have no doubt. Evil is all around lurking in every corner seeing who it might suck into its grasp. I have to be ever vigilant keeping a sharp eye out for this hideous monster. I am so grateful for the Holy Spirit and those gifts he has bestowed. To be able to discern that evil spirit is the key to being vigilant. Without it I am afraid I could not see it if it were in front of my face. True, Jesus is going to overthrow him and he will be destroyed, but for now I and all my friends still have to content with his secret power which is at work attempting to lure me and them into his fold. Now it is not that I am able to withstand every temptation which he hurls at me, especially those which are not hurled by ever so slyly slipped in. When those temptations are thrust fast and hard it is easier to see them coming and refuse to catch them. But those little slippery ones that just sneak up and crawl in slowly are a little more difficult to push back. I am not sure how that happens, but I know it does, and I have failed to resist, yet I have not refused the help of the Holy Spirit, nor have I turned my back on Jesus or the word of God. I want to do that which is good, but I don’t all the time, and I do not want to do that which is not good, but I do sometimes. I am convinced it is a war which will wage on until either Jesus comes for the church or I step into eternity before the whole church is taken. I am surely disappointed in myself in those times of failure, yet I am confident of my helper, the Holy Spirit to keep me until that day.
2 Thess 2:5-8
5 Don't you remember that when I was with you I used to tell you these things? 6 And now you know what is holding him back, so that he may be revealed at the proper time. 7 For the secret power of lawlessness is already at work; but the one who now holds it back will continue to do so till he is taken out of the way. 8 And then the lawless one will be revealed, whom the Lord Jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming.
There is no way this man of lawlessness can be here because the Holy Spirit is here and working in this world today. Jesus said that he must go in order he could send him. I do not think according to these words that whoever this man of lawlessness is, he cannot be out in the open until the Holy Spirit leaves. But what a horrible world this is going to be when that happens. Yes, evil is at work now, of that I have no doubt. Evil is all around lurking in every corner seeing who it might suck into its grasp. I have to be ever vigilant keeping a sharp eye out for this hideous monster. I am so grateful for the Holy Spirit and those gifts he has bestowed. To be able to discern that evil spirit is the key to being vigilant. Without it I am afraid I could not see it if it were in front of my face. True, Jesus is going to overthrow him and he will be destroyed, but for now I and all my friends still have to content with his secret power which is at work attempting to lure me and them into his fold. Now it is not that I am able to withstand every temptation which he hurls at me, especially those which are not hurled by ever so slyly slipped in. When those temptations are thrust fast and hard it is easier to see them coming and refuse to catch them. But those little slippery ones that just sneak up and crawl in slowly are a little more difficult to push back. I am not sure how that happens, but I know it does, and I have failed to resist, yet I have not refused the help of the Holy Spirit, nor have I turned my back on Jesus or the word of God. I want to do that which is good, but I don’t all the time, and I do not want to do that which is not good, but I do sometimes. I am convinced it is a war which will wage on until either Jesus comes for the church or I step into eternity before the whole church is taken. I am surely disappointed in myself in those times of failure, yet I am confident of my helper, the Holy Spirit to keep me until that day.
Monday, May 16, 2011
2 Thess 2:3-4
3 Don't let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. 4 He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God's temple, proclaiming himself to be God.
I surely do not think I would allow anyone to deceive me regarding anything about the coming of my Lord. I am absolutely positive I will not every think that my Lord is going to set himself up as king or God here on earth until way after the rapture or taking up of the church and the seven years are finished and this man of lawlessness is put away for one thousand years. Ok then maybe for that period of time there is going to be an earthly reign but it will include all the saints. But no way is some creep going to deceive me that he is God. I am conceived this is one of the reasons God bestowed upon whoever desires to open up the gift of discerning of spirits. I can tell if a person is of God or not simple by allowing that gift to operate within me. I don’t think that spirit pride to admit I have opened that gift. I think all of the gifts of the Spirit are meant to be opened up and used otherwise of what purpose are they? Besides this man of lawlessness cannot set himself up in God’s temple until it has been rebuilt, which includes the sanctuary, and the holy of holies. No, I am convinced I will not be deceived about this or for that matter about anything else regarding the Word of God. Already there are way too many false teachers out and about and it is far too easy to discern their wayward words, their words of self serving purpose. God is so marvelous and wise in his gifting his people. He knows how much I need his gifts as well as everyone else. So here I stand in opposition to the man of lawlessness and his claim to be God. Now I suppose there is within this a little peek into one other view. It is possible the man of lawlessness could set himself up as God within God’s temple as meaning me? Am I not the temple of God? 1 Cor 3:16 Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you? NIV Is it possible this speaks to the issue of allowing the things of the world, the man of lawlessness to rule in my heart over the things of God? Wow, this could be really something. But I am sure it is talking about the actual events within time. But I will not be deceived in either case.
2 Thess 2:3-4
3 Don't let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction. 4 He will oppose and will exalt himself over everything that is called God or is worshiped, so that he sets himself up in God's temple, proclaiming himself to be God.
I surely do not think I would allow anyone to deceive me regarding anything about the coming of my Lord. I am absolutely positive I will not every think that my Lord is going to set himself up as king or God here on earth until way after the rapture or taking up of the church and the seven years are finished and this man of lawlessness is put away for one thousand years. Ok then maybe for that period of time there is going to be an earthly reign but it will include all the saints. But no way is some creep going to deceive me that he is God. I am conceived this is one of the reasons God bestowed upon whoever desires to open up the gift of discerning of spirits. I can tell if a person is of God or not simple by allowing that gift to operate within me. I don’t think that spirit pride to admit I have opened that gift. I think all of the gifts of the Spirit are meant to be opened up and used otherwise of what purpose are they? Besides this man of lawlessness cannot set himself up in God’s temple until it has been rebuilt, which includes the sanctuary, and the holy of holies. No, I am convinced I will not be deceived about this or for that matter about anything else regarding the Word of God. Already there are way too many false teachers out and about and it is far too easy to discern their wayward words, their words of self serving purpose. God is so marvelous and wise in his gifting his people. He knows how much I need his gifts as well as everyone else. So here I stand in opposition to the man of lawlessness and his claim to be God. Now I suppose there is within this a little peek into one other view. It is possible the man of lawlessness could set himself up as God within God’s temple as meaning me? Am I not the temple of God? 1 Cor 3:16 Don't you know that you yourselves are God's temple and that God's Spirit lives in you? NIV Is it possible this speaks to the issue of allowing the things of the world, the man of lawlessness to rule in my heart over the things of God? Wow, this could be really something. But I am sure it is talking about the actual events within time. But I will not be deceived in either case.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
Ready When He Is
2 Thess 2:1-2
2:1 Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers, 2 not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by some prophecy, report or letter supposed to have come from us, saying that the day of the Lord has already come.
May 21st is nothing but another day in the Kingdom of God here on planet Earth. All the fuss this whoever is stirring up is nothing but a big farce. All throughout history man has been attempting to put a date on the coming of the Lord. But I am not worried about any date for I have nothing to fear. I am ready when he is. Oh sure I have not yet attained perfection, but I am still ready to be gathered to him. I am not unsettled or alarmed by any prophecy or report about the Lord already have come and gone, or about some day he is supposed to come. I am ready when he is. Right I am not without sin even at this point in my long journey with him, but I am ready. Why would I even think I could ever be free from sin in thought, word or deed? If I thought that way I would be in sin of having spiritual pride and so I still would not be free from the grip of sin in my life. No I am nothing but a sinner saved by grace and I am ready when he is. No alarm, no unsettledness in my spirit for I know God is the only one who knows when he will send Jesus and I am ready when he is. Do I have things I would still like to do here on earth? Sure, who doesn’t? I would at least like to see my second book published. I would still like to watch my granddaughter grow up and get married and see my great grandchildren. I would still like to finish, which it will never be, my model railroad. I would still like to shoot under 80 someday on the golf course. I would still like to preach at other churches sharing the message of Psalm one. I would still like to some specific person come to the saving knowledge of Christ, to be born again. And these things are not in any special order, just randomly listed. I am sure there might be a few other things I would like to get done, I just can’t think of them now, yet I am still ready when he is, even if I never see any of these done. No matter who says what, or when he is going to come, I am ready when he is.
2 Thess 2:1-2
2:1 Concerning the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our being gathered to him, we ask you, brothers, 2 not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by some prophecy, report or letter supposed to have come from us, saying that the day of the Lord has already come.
May 21st is nothing but another day in the Kingdom of God here on planet Earth. All the fuss this whoever is stirring up is nothing but a big farce. All throughout history man has been attempting to put a date on the coming of the Lord. But I am not worried about any date for I have nothing to fear. I am ready when he is. Oh sure I have not yet attained perfection, but I am still ready to be gathered to him. I am not unsettled or alarmed by any prophecy or report about the Lord already have come and gone, or about some day he is supposed to come. I am ready when he is. Right I am not without sin even at this point in my long journey with him, but I am ready. Why would I even think I could ever be free from sin in thought, word or deed? If I thought that way I would be in sin of having spiritual pride and so I still would not be free from the grip of sin in my life. No I am nothing but a sinner saved by grace and I am ready when he is. No alarm, no unsettledness in my spirit for I know God is the only one who knows when he will send Jesus and I am ready when he is. Do I have things I would still like to do here on earth? Sure, who doesn’t? I would at least like to see my second book published. I would still like to watch my granddaughter grow up and get married and see my great grandchildren. I would still like to finish, which it will never be, my model railroad. I would still like to shoot under 80 someday on the golf course. I would still like to preach at other churches sharing the message of Psalm one. I would still like to some specific person come to the saving knowledge of Christ, to be born again. And these things are not in any special order, just randomly listed. I am sure there might be a few other things I would like to get done, I just can’t think of them now, yet I am still ready when he is, even if I never see any of these done. No matter who says what, or when he is going to come, I am ready when he is.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
2 Thess 1:12
12 We pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Do I glorify my Lord Jesus Christ? That is the question I think every believer has to ask himself. How do I glorify the name of my Lord Jesus? What do I do in the presence of others that bring glory to his name? Does my behavior line up with my profession of faith in him? Do others think of how great God is because of me? Do others look at me and think that Jesus is the Lord of my life and that he is wonderful. Just how does he get any glory from my life? I know some people have told me they admire my faith, but that is admiring my faith not giving glory to Jesus. That, in a sense, lifts me up as a person of strong faith. Maybe that is alright due to my faith is being in him. Maybe living in such a manner as I trust him does bring glory to his name. Yet, I think I have to give testimony as to his greatest as well. I have to speak about how he has provided everything for me. I have to be vocal about all he has done for me, in me and through me. But I must do this in a manner which does not lift me up but lifts him up and gives him the glory and honor for all he has done and is still doing. Yet I see it is not all bad to receive some small amount of glory myself as I should be in him. I am not sure how I should be glorified in him. Except that all he does in my life, because he does all of that I am in a certain form glorified. That is difficult to wrap my mind around. I know that any glory I might have is completely due to the grace, the pleasure, of God and my Lord Jesus Christ. I really should not be doing anything which would bring me glory, but only that which would bring glory to him. Now if he has pleasure in my having any glory so be it. It seems strange even saying that. But I suppose in the whole of this idea, as I live demonstrating faith he is glorified and with all he does I get some as well. I know God loves me, that is for sure. I know he desires to bless my life, and show himself to others through his actions on behave of me. Still I just am not sure about this two way glorified concept, but I accept it.
2 Thess 1:12
12 We pray this so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you, and you in him, according to the grace of our God and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Do I glorify my Lord Jesus Christ? That is the question I think every believer has to ask himself. How do I glorify the name of my Lord Jesus? What do I do in the presence of others that bring glory to his name? Does my behavior line up with my profession of faith in him? Do others think of how great God is because of me? Do others look at me and think that Jesus is the Lord of my life and that he is wonderful. Just how does he get any glory from my life? I know some people have told me they admire my faith, but that is admiring my faith not giving glory to Jesus. That, in a sense, lifts me up as a person of strong faith. Maybe that is alright due to my faith is being in him. Maybe living in such a manner as I trust him does bring glory to his name. Yet, I think I have to give testimony as to his greatest as well. I have to speak about how he has provided everything for me. I have to be vocal about all he has done for me, in me and through me. But I must do this in a manner which does not lift me up but lifts him up and gives him the glory and honor for all he has done and is still doing. Yet I see it is not all bad to receive some small amount of glory myself as I should be in him. I am not sure how I should be glorified in him. Except that all he does in my life, because he does all of that I am in a certain form glorified. That is difficult to wrap my mind around. I know that any glory I might have is completely due to the grace, the pleasure, of God and my Lord Jesus Christ. I really should not be doing anything which would bring me glory, but only that which would bring glory to him. Now if he has pleasure in my having any glory so be it. It seems strange even saying that. But I suppose in the whole of this idea, as I live demonstrating faith he is glorified and with all he does I get some as well. I know God loves me, that is for sure. I know he desires to bless my life, and show himself to others through his actions on behave of me. Still I just am not sure about this two way glorified concept, but I accept it.
Thursday, May 12, 2011
Keep on Keeping On
2 Thess 1:11
11 With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may count you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith.
It is one thing to have the ability to achieve what I set my mind on doing, but it is completely a different thing to have God cramming full to completion all the things I do for the good of his kingdom. But I have to admit I that I cannot achieve all that I set my mind to as I am weak, but I relish in the fact he is strong. As to whether I am worthy of his calling on my life, I cannot speak to that issue for I cannot judge my worthiness, only he can. Sometimes I think I am, and than other times I know I am not. I suppose the one and only one who makes me worthy is Christ. Yet I am to be about my father’s business. I am to get on with having a purpose which is good and will benefit the Kingdom of God. I am to be doing things, actions, every act of my must be prompted by my faith in him. Because I believe I should be having good purposes and actions. These are not purposes for my own advancement in life. My actions are not supposed to be for my benefit, for things I want to get done, but rather for the kingdom. Yet am I not allowed to have some agenda of my own? Am I not allowed to have some plan for my life? Am I not allowed to have my own pleasures and comforts? Do I have to be continually having a good purpose and actions that will advance the kingdom? Maybe I need to reconfirm exactly what is my calling which I may be counted worthy of by God. I know that without him in the mix I surely cannot accomplish this calling. I know there are other people with an incredible charismatic personality able to attract and influence many others with their fine talk. I am not one of those. I have neither a charismatic personality nor fine talk and I do not attract or influence many. So why has God called me to do what I do? I can only think because he desires me to do what he desires me to do. The reason is his and I am but his servant to do whatever he calls me to do. He will fulfill that purpose. He will see to it that whatever he is having me to do will get done as he has planned it. I may never see the completion of any of the actions I do prompted by my faith. I think all I need to be concerned about is keeping on doing until he decides I should do something else. So I keep in keeping on.
2 Thess 1:11
11 With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may count you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may fulfill every good purpose of yours and every act prompted by your faith.
It is one thing to have the ability to achieve what I set my mind on doing, but it is completely a different thing to have God cramming full to completion all the things I do for the good of his kingdom. But I have to admit I that I cannot achieve all that I set my mind to as I am weak, but I relish in the fact he is strong. As to whether I am worthy of his calling on my life, I cannot speak to that issue for I cannot judge my worthiness, only he can. Sometimes I think I am, and than other times I know I am not. I suppose the one and only one who makes me worthy is Christ. Yet I am to be about my father’s business. I am to get on with having a purpose which is good and will benefit the Kingdom of God. I am to be doing things, actions, every act of my must be prompted by my faith in him. Because I believe I should be having good purposes and actions. These are not purposes for my own advancement in life. My actions are not supposed to be for my benefit, for things I want to get done, but rather for the kingdom. Yet am I not allowed to have some agenda of my own? Am I not allowed to have some plan for my life? Am I not allowed to have my own pleasures and comforts? Do I have to be continually having a good purpose and actions that will advance the kingdom? Maybe I need to reconfirm exactly what is my calling which I may be counted worthy of by God. I know that without him in the mix I surely cannot accomplish this calling. I know there are other people with an incredible charismatic personality able to attract and influence many others with their fine talk. I am not one of those. I have neither a charismatic personality nor fine talk and I do not attract or influence many. So why has God called me to do what I do? I can only think because he desires me to do what he desires me to do. The reason is his and I am but his servant to do whatever he calls me to do. He will fulfill that purpose. He will see to it that whatever he is having me to do will get done as he has planned it. I may never see the completion of any of the actions I do prompted by my faith. I think all I need to be concerned about is keeping on doing until he decides I should do something else. So I keep in keeping on.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Here I am to Worship
2 Thess 1:10
10 on the day he comes to be glorified in his holy people and to be marveled at among all those who have believed. This includes you, because you believed our testimony to you.
On the day he comes is an incredible statement all in itself, yet not only is he coming but he will be glorified in me and he will be marveled at by me as well. I am not completely sure how this will all happen. How will he be glorified or clothed in a garment in me? I think maybe this is in the sense that I will and have crowned him King, and he will be seen as the King by the whole world because of all his servants. I will be bowing down to the kingship of my Lord and Savior and the world will see that I was not wrong, or foolish to believe in him even though I have not seen him yet. The world whole will see he is the glorified King of kings, Lord of lords because he will be. It is beyond me why I am among all those who have believed. I have no idea why he got through to me and not to some others. Why was I able to hear the call of the Spirit? Why, when in all my sin, was he able to get into me? And even now I have not yet shed off all sin and still he counts me as one of those who believe. Why if I believe am I not able to rid myself of all sin? How can he really be glorified in me if I still am not completely free of sin? It has to be the simple fact of faith because works is not going to do it. I cannot ever glorify him because of works, because of being a perfect human being. I will be able to glorify him because of my faith in him. Sure I try to rid myself of all those sinful attitudes and or behaviors but I do not think I am ever going to be able to be successful. I am simply a sinner saved by grace and therefore I will bow down to my King and I will praise him and give him all the glory and honor he so rightly desires and I will do this before the whole earth.
Here I am to worship, here I am to bow down, here I am to say that you’re my God, You’re altogether lovely, all together worthy, all together wonderful to me…
2 Thess 1:10
10 on the day he comes to be glorified in his holy people and to be marveled at among all those who have believed. This includes you, because you believed our testimony to you.
On the day he comes is an incredible statement all in itself, yet not only is he coming but he will be glorified in me and he will be marveled at by me as well. I am not completely sure how this will all happen. How will he be glorified or clothed in a garment in me? I think maybe this is in the sense that I will and have crowned him King, and he will be seen as the King by the whole world because of all his servants. I will be bowing down to the kingship of my Lord and Savior and the world will see that I was not wrong, or foolish to believe in him even though I have not seen him yet. The world whole will see he is the glorified King of kings, Lord of lords because he will be. It is beyond me why I am among all those who have believed. I have no idea why he got through to me and not to some others. Why was I able to hear the call of the Spirit? Why, when in all my sin, was he able to get into me? And even now I have not yet shed off all sin and still he counts me as one of those who believe. Why if I believe am I not able to rid myself of all sin? How can he really be glorified in me if I still am not completely free of sin? It has to be the simple fact of faith because works is not going to do it. I cannot ever glorify him because of works, because of being a perfect human being. I will be able to glorify him because of my faith in him. Sure I try to rid myself of all those sinful attitudes and or behaviors but I do not think I am ever going to be able to be successful. I am simply a sinner saved by grace and therefore I will bow down to my King and I will praise him and give him all the glory and honor he so rightly desires and I will do this before the whole earth.
Here I am to worship, here I am to bow down, here I am to say that you’re my God, You’re altogether lovely, all together worthy, all together wonderful to me…
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Need of Him
2 Thess 1:7-9
8 He will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. 9 They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the majesty of his power
If that doesn’t scare anyone into the kingdom I do not know what would. Except those I know who refuse to accept the truth just use this to prove how nasty God is and therefore he is not God. But I do not have a problem with this. It only proves to me that God is just. He allows people to decide for themselves if they what his peace or his wrath. If he was actually a mean unloving God he would simply make people do what he wants them to do. But he does not; I am not a puppet on stings being controlled by him. I had the free will to decide to follow him. I know I do not want anything to do with that everlasting destruction nor do I want to be shut out from his presence. That I think a lot of people, including believers have a misguided view of. I do not know how I think I have the right view, but yet I cannot see being in the process of being destroyed lasting forever. It is the simple fact that when they are destroyed, they are destroyed forever; never to come back, never to ever live again in some form in paradise with God. No, destruction is eternal, and therefore no in the presence of God. If they were still alive and in a eternal process of destruction, they would be in the presence of God or there is no place anyone can hide from him, he is everywhere. Hell is not even eternal, it will be destroyed when it is throw into the lake of burning sulfur. Now, although I am not a perfect human being, I don’t think I have to worry about this end for me. I sure have my faults, my failures and sins which continue to plague me and may well all the days of my life. But I am still saved from the horrible end of those who refuse to obey the gospel, because I do know God and I have accepted his provision for my salvation. It almost seems funny; those people think they have to be perfect and that I am supposed to be perfect. That is not possible. What is possible is God loves everyone so much he made a way for them to not be destroyed but to have everlasting life in his presence, even if they are not perfect. Right I should not just go about my merry way sinning anyway I want to. But at the same time I cannot never sin either, then I would be as pure as Jesus, as God and I am not, because I am not Jesus, and that is why I need him. I am in constant need of him.
2 Thess 1:7-9
8 He will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. 9 They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the majesty of his power
If that doesn’t scare anyone into the kingdom I do not know what would. Except those I know who refuse to accept the truth just use this to prove how nasty God is and therefore he is not God. But I do not have a problem with this. It only proves to me that God is just. He allows people to decide for themselves if they what his peace or his wrath. If he was actually a mean unloving God he would simply make people do what he wants them to do. But he does not; I am not a puppet on stings being controlled by him. I had the free will to decide to follow him. I know I do not want anything to do with that everlasting destruction nor do I want to be shut out from his presence. That I think a lot of people, including believers have a misguided view of. I do not know how I think I have the right view, but yet I cannot see being in the process of being destroyed lasting forever. It is the simple fact that when they are destroyed, they are destroyed forever; never to come back, never to ever live again in some form in paradise with God. No, destruction is eternal, and therefore no in the presence of God. If they were still alive and in a eternal process of destruction, they would be in the presence of God or there is no place anyone can hide from him, he is everywhere. Hell is not even eternal, it will be destroyed when it is throw into the lake of burning sulfur. Now, although I am not a perfect human being, I don’t think I have to worry about this end for me. I sure have my faults, my failures and sins which continue to plague me and may well all the days of my life. But I am still saved from the horrible end of those who refuse to obey the gospel, because I do know God and I have accepted his provision for my salvation. It almost seems funny; those people think they have to be perfect and that I am supposed to be perfect. That is not possible. What is possible is God loves everyone so much he made a way for them to not be destroyed but to have everlasting life in his presence, even if they are not perfect. Right I should not just go about my merry way sinning anyway I want to. But at the same time I cannot never sin either, then I would be as pure as Jesus, as God and I am not, because I am not Jesus, and that is why I need him. I am in constant need of him.
Monday, May 9, 2011
Awesome Yet Awful
2 Thess 1:6-7
6 God is just: He will pay back trouble to those who trouble you 7 and give relief to you who are troubled, and to us as well. This will happen when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven in blazing fire with his powerful angels. NIV
He could be nothing else but just. I know some of my un-believing friends would say that a loving caring merciful God could not be just as well. To them he has to be one or the other. Yet he is both. He is just and he will pay back but he has given everyone the opportunity to not get paid back. He has given me relief, rest, relaxation. Jesus has told me that if I was weary and burdened he would give me rest. I have that rest, I have that relief. I do not have to be concerned about the pay back one little bit. Now having said that I am concerned about some of those people who I care about that have refused his relief and are going to be paid back. But how can I change that? It is up to them, not me. I have told them, I have fulfilled my obligation and it is in their court not. Do I keep telling them? I think I am like a broken record, saying the same thing over and over again. It is up to God now. I do think about the coming day when Jesus is revealed. What is it actually going to look like? Will the sky actually be filled with a blazing fire and hoards of powerful angels? What a vision that is. I wonder if it will happen in my lifetime here on earth, or will I witness it from within the heavenly kingdom. Having knowledge of this event does present me with the concept of being ready even now. It is easy to get distracted from this coming event and get so involved in life and what I am going to do tomorrow or next week, next month, next year, or in 5 years that I sometimes hope he will wait until I get all I want to get done completed. Then I remember I need to live as though he is coming back tonight or even right now before I finish this devotion. It is going to happen, of this I am sure. History is not wrong, Jesus ascended and he is coming back, this time filled with glory and power and might to avenge all those who were wronged and belong to him. It will be an awesome, yet awful sight.
2 Thess 1:6-7
6 God is just: He will pay back trouble to those who trouble you 7 and give relief to you who are troubled, and to us as well. This will happen when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven in blazing fire with his powerful angels. NIV
He could be nothing else but just. I know some of my un-believing friends would say that a loving caring merciful God could not be just as well. To them he has to be one or the other. Yet he is both. He is just and he will pay back but he has given everyone the opportunity to not get paid back. He has given me relief, rest, relaxation. Jesus has told me that if I was weary and burdened he would give me rest. I have that rest, I have that relief. I do not have to be concerned about the pay back one little bit. Now having said that I am concerned about some of those people who I care about that have refused his relief and are going to be paid back. But how can I change that? It is up to them, not me. I have told them, I have fulfilled my obligation and it is in their court not. Do I keep telling them? I think I am like a broken record, saying the same thing over and over again. It is up to God now. I do think about the coming day when Jesus is revealed. What is it actually going to look like? Will the sky actually be filled with a blazing fire and hoards of powerful angels? What a vision that is. I wonder if it will happen in my lifetime here on earth, or will I witness it from within the heavenly kingdom. Having knowledge of this event does present me with the concept of being ready even now. It is easy to get distracted from this coming event and get so involved in life and what I am going to do tomorrow or next week, next month, next year, or in 5 years that I sometimes hope he will wait until I get all I want to get done completed. Then I remember I need to live as though he is coming back tonight or even right now before I finish this devotion. It is going to happen, of this I am sure. History is not wrong, Jesus ascended and he is coming back, this time filled with glory and power and might to avenge all those who were wronged and belong to him. It will be an awesome, yet awful sight.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Up To God
2 Thess 1:5-6
5 All this is evidence that God's judgment is right, and as a result you will be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you are suffering.
Is there anybody else who has right judgment? I think not. It is a comforting thing to know that God is always right and has always and will always make the right call. Father knows best! As for the evidence, I am not absolutely sure my life declares his judgment is right. If it depends on that preceding statement about perseverance and faith, well maybe my life does display evidence that his judgment is right. I surely want to be in the number who will be counted worthy of the kingdom of God. Yet I know it really has nothing to do with my desire. I cannot make it in based on anything I do or don’t do or could do. Right, I know I made the choice to accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior. But that is as far it goes depending on me. It is all God; he made that possible in the first place. So I have to come to the conclusion that the only reason I will be counted worthy of the kingdom of God is because of Jesus. My perseverance cannot do that. My faith cannot really do that either except that it is by faith that I am saved, least I boast about how I was counted worthy. I think the only reason I am counted worthy is because God says I am. He accepted my faith. It really is up to him, to his judgment whether I am worthy or not. I know some never really know if they are or not. But God has not left his judgment unknown for he has told me if I confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that he raised Jesus from the dead, I will be saved, I will be counted worthy of the kingdom of God. But I also think that because I am maybe just a little bold about my faith, I have been the recipient of ridicule, but from the unbelievers and from those in the family of God. Especially when I do not act as holy as they think I am supposed to. But it is not up to their judgment as to if I am worthy, it is up to God. And I am going to leave it up to God.
2 Thess 1:5-6
5 All this is evidence that God's judgment is right, and as a result you will be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you are suffering.
Is there anybody else who has right judgment? I think not. It is a comforting thing to know that God is always right and has always and will always make the right call. Father knows best! As for the evidence, I am not absolutely sure my life declares his judgment is right. If it depends on that preceding statement about perseverance and faith, well maybe my life does display evidence that his judgment is right. I surely want to be in the number who will be counted worthy of the kingdom of God. Yet I know it really has nothing to do with my desire. I cannot make it in based on anything I do or don’t do or could do. Right, I know I made the choice to accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior. But that is as far it goes depending on me. It is all God; he made that possible in the first place. So I have to come to the conclusion that the only reason I will be counted worthy of the kingdom of God is because of Jesus. My perseverance cannot do that. My faith cannot really do that either except that it is by faith that I am saved, least I boast about how I was counted worthy. I think the only reason I am counted worthy is because God says I am. He accepted my faith. It really is up to him, to his judgment whether I am worthy or not. I know some never really know if they are or not. But God has not left his judgment unknown for he has told me if I confess with my mouth and believe in my heart that he raised Jesus from the dead, I will be saved, I will be counted worthy of the kingdom of God. But I also think that because I am maybe just a little bold about my faith, I have been the recipient of ridicule, but from the unbelievers and from those in the family of God. Especially when I do not act as holy as they think I am supposed to. But it is not up to their judgment as to if I am worthy, it is up to God. And I am going to leave it up to God.
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Perseverance and Faith
2 Thess 1:4
4 Therefore, among God's churches we boast about your perseverance and faith in all the persecutions and trials you are enduring.
Although I really am not enduring much in the way of persecution and trials I wonder if anyone can boast about my perseverance and faith. Yet, at times I do think I have been thought of by some of my acquaintances, especially the liberal ones, as being foolish to believe as I do. To actually believe the Bible was inspired by God is really a fools thought to them. Then to believe Jesus actually rose from the dead and ascended into heaven physically is just way to naïve on my part. I think I even get a little persecution from the body of believers. When I fail, or fall short, I am told so, and reminded that I come across as being so spiritual, or that I do daily devotions and yet I am not perfect. So I suppose in some sense that is a form of persecution. I also think I have over the years gone through times I could count as a trial or pressures on my life. There have been times of very difficult situations when it may have been easy to just give up. So I guess I could say I have had the perseverance, the patience to wade through all of those things and continue to hold fast to my faith in God and in my salvation through Jesus Christ. I am not sure how many people even know about those events in my life in order to boast about how I have held on and continued to trust God no matter what the circumstances I found myself in. I surely know not a single one of those non believers could ever convince me I was foolish in my faith. But those trails, those moments which exerted pressure on me, those times were hard to believe God was in charge. I have had dry times, when I felt God was so far away. My mind said just continue to go through the motions, don’t quit, don’t give in or up, keep going and as sure as God is God, he was able to break through my dryness and encourage me on. I don’t know what I would do without him. So why do others not boast about my perseverance and faith? Are they jealous? Do they think they have more faith or are better than me? Are they just as troubled as I am? Are they going through the same or more trials and persecutions as I have and am? I suppose I should be boasting about their perseverance and faith.
2 Thess 1:4
4 Therefore, among God's churches we boast about your perseverance and faith in all the persecutions and trials you are enduring.
Although I really am not enduring much in the way of persecution and trials I wonder if anyone can boast about my perseverance and faith. Yet, at times I do think I have been thought of by some of my acquaintances, especially the liberal ones, as being foolish to believe as I do. To actually believe the Bible was inspired by God is really a fools thought to them. Then to believe Jesus actually rose from the dead and ascended into heaven physically is just way to naïve on my part. I think I even get a little persecution from the body of believers. When I fail, or fall short, I am told so, and reminded that I come across as being so spiritual, or that I do daily devotions and yet I am not perfect. So I suppose in some sense that is a form of persecution. I also think I have over the years gone through times I could count as a trial or pressures on my life. There have been times of very difficult situations when it may have been easy to just give up. So I guess I could say I have had the perseverance, the patience to wade through all of those things and continue to hold fast to my faith in God and in my salvation through Jesus Christ. I am not sure how many people even know about those events in my life in order to boast about how I have held on and continued to trust God no matter what the circumstances I found myself in. I surely know not a single one of those non believers could ever convince me I was foolish in my faith. But those trails, those moments which exerted pressure on me, those times were hard to believe God was in charge. I have had dry times, when I felt God was so far away. My mind said just continue to go through the motions, don’t quit, don’t give in or up, keep going and as sure as God is God, he was able to break through my dryness and encourage me on. I don’t know what I would do without him. So why do others not boast about my perseverance and faith? Are they jealous? Do they think they have more faith or are better than me? Are they just as troubled as I am? Are they going through the same or more trials and persecutions as I have and am? I suppose I should be boasting about their perseverance and faith.
Friday, May 6, 2011
More and More
2 Thess 1:3
3 We ought always to thank God for you, brothers, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love every one of you has for each other is increasing.
More and more are the key words here that speak directly to the heart of the issue of faith. It is not just good enough to have faith. It would seem it may not even be good enough to that my faith grows. I think this verse speaks to the issue of my faith growing even above an ordinary degree. That is the question which I must search my heart each and every day. Is my faith growing above an ordinary degree? Does my conviction in that God exists and is the creator and ruler of all things, the provider and bestower of eternal salvation through Christ grow above an ordinary degree each day of my life? Does my faith grow exceedingly more regarding Christ being the Messiah and through him I have obtained eternal life in the kingdom of God? These are facts I certainly believe and profess but that may not be enough. I think I am supposed to increase in my convictions of these truths. How do I do that? I wonder if trusting him more and trusting me less would qualify. I wonder when I start thinking about how I can do something I am decreasing in my faith rather than increasing. Is there anything I can do? Yes, I can increase in my faith in God. I can increase in my trust in him for all things in my life. I know I can never qualify myself for entrance into the Kingdom of God. I can never be perfect in word, thought or deed which I believe is needed if anyone thinks they have the ability to gain entrance on their own. But nothing counts except Jesus. My faith in that must grow and grow exceedingly above ordinary growth. My faith cannot simply plateau or get into a routine or rut. It cannot stay the same, in fact, if it is not growing; it is stagnant being dull and sluggish and may even smell like in the case of stagnant water. No, I must be on the more, growing more and more, ever increasing in my faith, my trust, my belief in God. I must do that even in the face of opposite, even opposite from the family of God. Attacks on my imperfection, attacks on my failures, and attacks on my seemingly arrogant attitude regarding spiritual matters must all be ignored. If I were to allow those things to sink in, it would have an adverse effect on my faith. No, I believe God more than anyone. I believe God desires that of me. I believe I must continue to grow in my trust of him for every aspect of my life, more and more.
2 Thess 1:3
3 We ought always to thank God for you, brothers, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love every one of you has for each other is increasing.
More and more are the key words here that speak directly to the heart of the issue of faith. It is not just good enough to have faith. It would seem it may not even be good enough to that my faith grows. I think this verse speaks to the issue of my faith growing even above an ordinary degree. That is the question which I must search my heart each and every day. Is my faith growing above an ordinary degree? Does my conviction in that God exists and is the creator and ruler of all things, the provider and bestower of eternal salvation through Christ grow above an ordinary degree each day of my life? Does my faith grow exceedingly more regarding Christ being the Messiah and through him I have obtained eternal life in the kingdom of God? These are facts I certainly believe and profess but that may not be enough. I think I am supposed to increase in my convictions of these truths. How do I do that? I wonder if trusting him more and trusting me less would qualify. I wonder when I start thinking about how I can do something I am decreasing in my faith rather than increasing. Is there anything I can do? Yes, I can increase in my faith in God. I can increase in my trust in him for all things in my life. I know I can never qualify myself for entrance into the Kingdom of God. I can never be perfect in word, thought or deed which I believe is needed if anyone thinks they have the ability to gain entrance on their own. But nothing counts except Jesus. My faith in that must grow and grow exceedingly above ordinary growth. My faith cannot simply plateau or get into a routine or rut. It cannot stay the same, in fact, if it is not growing; it is stagnant being dull and sluggish and may even smell like in the case of stagnant water. No, I must be on the more, growing more and more, ever increasing in my faith, my trust, my belief in God. I must do that even in the face of opposite, even opposite from the family of God. Attacks on my imperfection, attacks on my failures, and attacks on my seemingly arrogant attitude regarding spiritual matters must all be ignored. If I were to allow those things to sink in, it would have an adverse effect on my faith. No, I believe God more than anyone. I believe God desires that of me. I believe I must continue to grow in my trust of him for every aspect of my life, more and more.
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Where Are They?
2 Thess 1:1-2
1:1 Paul, Silas and Timothy,
To the church of the Thessalonians in God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ:
2 Grace and peace to you from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
So how do I deal with a salutation? Of what importance is it to me knowing that three men conspired to write this letter under the influence of the Holy Spirit? Wait that is just it, three men united their hearts and spirits to agree with the Holy Spirit regarding what they were to say to those believers who read this letter. I think that in itself is a great accomplishment. I know God has told his followers that whenever two or three are gathered in his name, he would be in the midst of them. As well as if those two or three agree on anything they ask for it will be done for them. So here are the three and they are asking God the Father to bestow grace and peace upon those readers in the church of the Thessalonians. Of Course I have to accept this for my own personal being as well, for I am also a reader of this letter which God has seen fit to include in his accumulated sayings for all his church. So knowing that he surely answered that prayer of those three who agreed, I have his grace, his divine influence on my heart, and his peace, my oneness with him. That is an awesome thought and feeling to know I am so connected with God, not because of me, but because of him. Now, there is also the point here that I also should be both in agreement with other believers and gathering with them so as to experience his presence in the midst of us. I think all too often this agreement thing is set aside because of doctrines and disagreements over the interpretation of what God said. When that happens I do not think God is in the midst. I think that excludes him completely. Oh sure we gather, but really we don’t agree. Even when two of three of us get together to pray for someone, I think it is possible some really don’t expect God to heal, they might believe he could, but question of he would. Am I at fault in not agreeing with those who interpret the word different them I do? Should I be agreeing with them so God could be there? I am not sure about that. Maybe they should be agreeing with me. See how divisive this becomes. I do think we do need to find those things we can agree on, but that requires open discussions without debate filled with stubbornness. I am not sure I am capable of such kind of thing. I am so solid in how I see the scriptures; in fact, I cannot understand how some could see any
2 Thess 1:1-2
1:1 Paul, Silas and Timothy,
To the church of the Thessalonians in God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ:
2 Grace and peace to you from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
So how do I deal with a salutation? Of what importance is it to me knowing that three men conspired to write this letter under the influence of the Holy Spirit? Wait that is just it, three men united their hearts and spirits to agree with the Holy Spirit regarding what they were to say to those believers who read this letter. I think that in itself is a great accomplishment. I know God has told his followers that whenever two or three are gathered in his name, he would be in the midst of them. As well as if those two or three agree on anything they ask for it will be done for them. So here are the three and they are asking God the Father to bestow grace and peace upon those readers in the church of the Thessalonians. Of Course I have to accept this for my own personal being as well, for I am also a reader of this letter which God has seen fit to include in his accumulated sayings for all his church. So knowing that he surely answered that prayer of those three who agreed, I have his grace, his divine influence on my heart, and his peace, my oneness with him. That is an awesome thought and feeling to know I am so connected with God, not because of me, but because of him. Now, there is also the point here that I also should be both in agreement with other believers and gathering with them so as to experience his presence in the midst of us. I think all too often this agreement thing is set aside because of doctrines and disagreements over the interpretation of what God said. When that happens I do not think God is in the midst. I think that excludes him completely. Oh sure we gather, but really we don’t agree. Even when two of three of us get together to pray for someone, I think it is possible some really don’t expect God to heal, they might believe he could, but question of he would. Am I at fault in not agreeing with those who interpret the word different them I do? Should I be agreeing with them so God could be there? I am not sure about that. Maybe they should be agreeing with me. See how divisive this becomes. I do think we do need to find those things we can agree on, but that requires open discussions without debate filled with stubbornness. I am not sure I am capable of such kind of thing. I am so solid in how I see the scriptures; in fact, I cannot understand how some could see any
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
1 Thess 5:25-28
25 Brothers, pray for us. 26 Greet all the brothers with a holy kiss. 27 I charge you before the Lord to have this letter read to all the brothers. 28 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
The end of the letter sees valediction, the closing thought as it were, the sincerely yours. But here it includes so much more. The Lord is not finished with instruction. It apparently is important for me to pray for others and to greet others with a holy kiss. I think the whole of that idea is based on the simple fact I do not stand alone. I am a part of a community in which I am required to participate. I cannot be idle or just be a bystander; I must be engaged within the community I live in. Now that is the of course the community of believers, the local church. I surely would not go around greeting all my physical neighbors with a holy kiss, heaven rebid! Now I suppose it would be appropriate to pray for my neighbors in that the Holy Spirit would speak to their hearts about repentance and acceptance of Jesus. But my prayers for my fellow believers, those in my community of faith are a different matter. How am I to pray for them? What should the focus of my prayers be? Should I pray for their health or for their success in their endeavors of life? Should I just pray that God would bless them? Should I pray for their spiritual growth? Remember who I am praying to should have some bearing on what I am praying for. I think perhaps my prayer should be more alone the lines of asking God to simply have his way with them. Although I do think it would be alright to ask him to bless them, to guide them, to protect them, to use them for the benefit of his kingdom, to keep his hand upon them and thoughts like that. I think again the point is that I should be focused them and their relationship with God. That focus would then be physically demonstrated by my greeting them with a holy kiss, rather than a wave across the foyer. Or maybe then that passing “how ya doing” as I travel down the hall to class, or even just the handshake in greetings during the service. How worldly have our greetings become? How polite. Now care surely is needed in greeting the women of the church. I can’t just go around kissing them all, can I? So then what is a holy kiss? A pure, morally blameless kiss would be describing it I think. So then pure in thought and pure in deed would be alright. But keeping to the basics, I must be engaged with my fellow believers, that is it in a nutshell. And I will surely accept the influence upon my heart, his grace being with me. Amen.
1 Thess 5:25-28
25 Brothers, pray for us. 26 Greet all the brothers with a holy kiss. 27 I charge you before the Lord to have this letter read to all the brothers. 28 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.
The end of the letter sees valediction, the closing thought as it were, the sincerely yours. But here it includes so much more. The Lord is not finished with instruction. It apparently is important for me to pray for others and to greet others with a holy kiss. I think the whole of that idea is based on the simple fact I do not stand alone. I am a part of a community in which I am required to participate. I cannot be idle or just be a bystander; I must be engaged within the community I live in. Now that is the of course the community of believers, the local church. I surely would not go around greeting all my physical neighbors with a holy kiss, heaven rebid! Now I suppose it would be appropriate to pray for my neighbors in that the Holy Spirit would speak to their hearts about repentance and acceptance of Jesus. But my prayers for my fellow believers, those in my community of faith are a different matter. How am I to pray for them? What should the focus of my prayers be? Should I pray for their health or for their success in their endeavors of life? Should I just pray that God would bless them? Should I pray for their spiritual growth? Remember who I am praying to should have some bearing on what I am praying for. I think perhaps my prayer should be more alone the lines of asking God to simply have his way with them. Although I do think it would be alright to ask him to bless them, to guide them, to protect them, to use them for the benefit of his kingdom, to keep his hand upon them and thoughts like that. I think again the point is that I should be focused them and their relationship with God. That focus would then be physically demonstrated by my greeting them with a holy kiss, rather than a wave across the foyer. Or maybe then that passing “how ya doing” as I travel down the hall to class, or even just the handshake in greetings during the service. How worldly have our greetings become? How polite. Now care surely is needed in greeting the women of the church. I can’t just go around kissing them all, can I? So then what is a holy kiss? A pure, morally blameless kiss would be describing it I think. So then pure in thought and pure in deed would be alright. But keeping to the basics, I must be engaged with my fellow believers, that is it in a nutshell. And I will surely accept the influence upon my heart, his grace being with me. Amen.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
By God
1 Thess 5:23-24
23 May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 24 The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it.
There it is right up front and personal like. I cannot do it, I could never do it, I will never be able to do it, no matter how hard I try, no matter how diligent I am or become, I cannot make myself holy. It is only God himself who will sanctify or make my holy through and through or absolutely perfect. Does that mean I should not even try? How can I? I do not have to power to make myself perfectly holy. I can make every effort to live a clean upright life, keeping myself the best I can from failing or falling to some temptation, but it won’t work all the time, perfectly. I can make every effort to be righteous but that is all it is going to be, an effort, and then one that will fall short. So I am left with the simple truth that it is God and God alone who make me perfectly holy. He completes it with absolute perfection. He does that work in my spirit, my soul, and my body. He makes that part of me which will depart my body when I die, my spirit, who I really am holy and pure and blameless because of Jesus Christ, not because of what I do. Well it is because I accepted that provision he make on the cross, but that is all I could ever do to be holy in his sight. He makes my soul, or that part of me I represent to all others, my personality, my mind holy and acceptable to him. I cannot do that, I cannot make my mind, my thoughts, my conscience self holy and acceptable to him except through the cross of Christ. And my body, the whole of me, I cannot separate that part from the rest of me. I think at one time there were those who taught that. But God tell me he will also make my physical part holy and acceptable to him. All that I am, or will ever be is completely in the hands of God. And even I am not faithful in living an absolutely holy and perfect life; he is faithful in making me absolutely holy and perfect to him. That is an awesome thought. As imperfect as I am to me, he sees me as perfect because he sees me through the blood of Christ. I have been washed in the blood, and make white as snow, by God.
1 Thess 5:23-24
23 May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 24 The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it.
There it is right up front and personal like. I cannot do it, I could never do it, I will never be able to do it, no matter how hard I try, no matter how diligent I am or become, I cannot make myself holy. It is only God himself who will sanctify or make my holy through and through or absolutely perfect. Does that mean I should not even try? How can I? I do not have to power to make myself perfectly holy. I can make every effort to live a clean upright life, keeping myself the best I can from failing or falling to some temptation, but it won’t work all the time, perfectly. I can make every effort to be righteous but that is all it is going to be, an effort, and then one that will fall short. So I am left with the simple truth that it is God and God alone who make me perfectly holy. He completes it with absolute perfection. He does that work in my spirit, my soul, and my body. He makes that part of me which will depart my body when I die, my spirit, who I really am holy and pure and blameless because of Jesus Christ, not because of what I do. Well it is because I accepted that provision he make on the cross, but that is all I could ever do to be holy in his sight. He makes my soul, or that part of me I represent to all others, my personality, my mind holy and acceptable to him. I cannot do that, I cannot make my mind, my thoughts, my conscience self holy and acceptable to him except through the cross of Christ. And my body, the whole of me, I cannot separate that part from the rest of me. I think at one time there were those who taught that. But God tell me he will also make my physical part holy and acceptable to him. All that I am, or will ever be is completely in the hands of God. And even I am not faithful in living an absolutely holy and perfect life; he is faithful in making me absolutely holy and perfect to him. That is an awesome thought. As imperfect as I am to me, he sees me as perfect because he sees me through the blood of Christ. I have been washed in the blood, and make white as snow, by God.
Monday, May 2, 2011
1 Thess 5:22
22 Avoid every kind of evil.
Another zinner, short and to the point. I had to check out the Greek to make sure I was not thinking in terms of what I have heard other men teach on this verse. They have used this verse for that teaching I think is based on the original Greek word here also used in the Gospel of John for the appearance of God or the form of God. But that is the exact case here, to abstain from every form of evil, not the appearance of it, but every kind, every form, every type of evil. What good would it be if I were to engage in evil as long as I did not appear to? That is if I did evil in the private away from the watchful eyes of other believers. No, I think this means to abstain from it, not just avoid it or the appearance of it, not just go around it but keep away from it. The question of course I have to ask myself is if I spend any time defining for myself exactly what is evil and what is not. Do I look for the line and see how close I can get to it without actually crossing over to the wrong side? Evil is always there tempting me to get closer and closer. That is how I could view this verse but if I connect it with the whole of holding onto that which is good and avoiding that which is bad, then it hands out another meaning. If I test whatever I hear from the mouths of men and gather to myself that which is good and agrees with the word of God, but throw out that bad teaching which does not agree with the word of God than I am complying with this verse. I am avoiding every kind of bad theology, bad doctrine, bad teaching, for I have tested it against the word. Now should I avoid evil, of course, but keeping this in context the evil is those bad men using the word for their own gain, their own evil purposes of exerting power and authority over others. They lift themselves up as someone special striving to gather as large a crowd of followers as possible as a goal. This to me is as evil as it gets, to use God for one’s own selfish ambitions. Yet I am also to test everything as to its good or evil in the sense of behaviors and attitudes of my heart. I am to hold onto the goodness which God brings into my being and throw off the bad, or evil which fights to cling to my heart. Either way it is a battle. I cannot listen to the bad teaching of those who are evil and I cannot allow evil to penetrate or dominate my being. Knowing the word of God gives me the opportunity to distinguish between what is good and what is bad. I think the key word in this verse is every.
1 Thess 5:22
22 Avoid every kind of evil.
Another zinner, short and to the point. I had to check out the Greek to make sure I was not thinking in terms of what I have heard other men teach on this verse. They have used this verse for that teaching I think is based on the original Greek word here also used in the Gospel of John for the appearance of God or the form of God. But that is the exact case here, to abstain from every form of evil, not the appearance of it, but every kind, every form, every type of evil. What good would it be if I were to engage in evil as long as I did not appear to? That is if I did evil in the private away from the watchful eyes of other believers. No, I think this means to abstain from it, not just avoid it or the appearance of it, not just go around it but keep away from it. The question of course I have to ask myself is if I spend any time defining for myself exactly what is evil and what is not. Do I look for the line and see how close I can get to it without actually crossing over to the wrong side? Evil is always there tempting me to get closer and closer. That is how I could view this verse but if I connect it with the whole of holding onto that which is good and avoiding that which is bad, then it hands out another meaning. If I test whatever I hear from the mouths of men and gather to myself that which is good and agrees with the word of God, but throw out that bad teaching which does not agree with the word of God than I am complying with this verse. I am avoiding every kind of bad theology, bad doctrine, bad teaching, for I have tested it against the word. Now should I avoid evil, of course, but keeping this in context the evil is those bad men using the word for their own gain, their own evil purposes of exerting power and authority over others. They lift themselves up as someone special striving to gather as large a crowd of followers as possible as a goal. This to me is as evil as it gets, to use God for one’s own selfish ambitions. Yet I am also to test everything as to its good or evil in the sense of behaviors and attitudes of my heart. I am to hold onto the goodness which God brings into my being and throw off the bad, or evil which fights to cling to my heart. Either way it is a battle. I cannot listen to the bad teaching of those who are evil and I cannot allow evil to penetrate or dominate my being. Knowing the word of God gives me the opportunity to distinguish between what is good and what is bad. I think the key word in this verse is every.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Testing 1,2,3 Testing
1 Thess 5:21
21 Test everything. Hold on to the good.
Another one of those little gems, small but mighty is this verse. How am I to test everything? I know I am supposed to as instructed here, but how? I am to examine, to scrutinize, to recognize what is genuine after my examination, to deem what is worthy. Let me see, that would be only one thing, the word of God. Everything I hear from the mouth of any person must be tested against the word of God. Especially when someone is speaking about religious or spiritual matters I have to test their words against God’s words. I have to doubt there must have been men of that time who were using spiritual ideas for their own gain. I know that surely exists today, I only have to turn on the television to one of those religious channels to watch them in action. Right, I know some or good people and doing the right thing. But some are not and that is why I am to test everything. Even when it comes to my own pastor, I am responsibility to test what he says. I am not supposed to blindly follow any mans teaching. I am responsibility for knowing the word of God for myself and to follow it and it alone. This is why God has given out the gift of discerning of spirits as one of his gifts to his church. To be able to discern in the spirit the falseness in teaching, preaching, and the writings of men is required. I think all too often it is easy to be deceived by some charismatic personality if the discerning of spirits is ignored. I also must be careful to rightly divide the word of God, not only for myself, but when I am given the opportunity to preach, teach and write. I must hold on to the good within the scriptures and let go of the bad that is within the world. How does this test up? Is this what God really means? That sure sounds like I have spiritual pride. But that is exactly what God tells me to do, to test everything.
1 Thess 5:21
21 Test everything. Hold on to the good.
Another one of those little gems, small but mighty is this verse. How am I to test everything? I know I am supposed to as instructed here, but how? I am to examine, to scrutinize, to recognize what is genuine after my examination, to deem what is worthy. Let me see, that would be only one thing, the word of God. Everything I hear from the mouth of any person must be tested against the word of God. Especially when someone is speaking about religious or spiritual matters I have to test their words against God’s words. I have to doubt there must have been men of that time who were using spiritual ideas for their own gain. I know that surely exists today, I only have to turn on the television to one of those religious channels to watch them in action. Right, I know some or good people and doing the right thing. But some are not and that is why I am to test everything. Even when it comes to my own pastor, I am responsibility to test what he says. I am not supposed to blindly follow any mans teaching. I am responsibility for knowing the word of God for myself and to follow it and it alone. This is why God has given out the gift of discerning of spirits as one of his gifts to his church. To be able to discern in the spirit the falseness in teaching, preaching, and the writings of men is required. I think all too often it is easy to be deceived by some charismatic personality if the discerning of spirits is ignored. I also must be careful to rightly divide the word of God, not only for myself, but when I am given the opportunity to preach, teach and write. I must hold on to the good within the scriptures and let go of the bad that is within the world. How does this test up? Is this what God really means? That sure sounds like I have spiritual pride. But that is exactly what God tells me to do, to test everything.
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