Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Gal 1:21-24
21 Later I went to Syria and Cilicia. 22 I was personally unknown to the churches of Judea that are in Christ. 23 They only heard the report: "The man who formerly persecuted us is now preaching the faith he once tried to destroy." 24 And they praised God because of me.
I certainly do not have to meet someone for them to know about me, that is for sure. What I have to ask myself, is what my reputation is? What do people think about me? Do they praise God because of me? That surely is a major question. Now it is true I do not think I ever actually persecuted the church, although I was certainly very verbal about my hatred of organized religion. But now I need to deal with what do I verbalize at this time and how is it received. I do wonder how other believers think of me. Do they praise God because of my reputation of being someone who preaches the faith? Maybe some of my closer believers who know me on a somewhat personal nature might. But what about those believers who do not know so closely? Am I living my life large enough and bold enough for God, living it out loud enough, that believers elsewhere know about me? I think I am trying to, but am I? Does writing my first book qualify for living large? Does posting my devotions on my blog qualify? Are people I have never met reading about me, and if so, are they praising God because of me? I am not sure how much more I am able to get done for God. I do not have a call to travel the world preaching Christ, at least physically. I am called to preach Christ wherever I am, that is for sure. Yet, I believe these words do speak to me regarding my reputation other than where I preach. I do believe my reputation is a reflection of who I actually am on the inside, and thus I need to be very aware of who I am. Now, having said that I also believe I should not be the largest figure within me, but rather Christ should and I must be that mirror who reflects him to others. That should be my reputation.

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