Josh 13:1
13:1 When Joshua was old and well
advanced in years, the LORD said to him, "You are very old, and there are
still very large areas of land to be taken over.
All of chapter thirteen, fourteen.
Fifteen, sixteen, and seventeen are mostly about the territories within the
land of Canaan that Israel tribe by tribe, clan by clan were to inherit according
to how the LORD told Moses how to divide up the land. However, the first verse grabs us right where we live. The LORD said to Joshua, although
he was very old, that there is much to still do. Our culture today has been moving
toward the young to accomplish the great things in life by putting the older
ones out to pasture, so to speak. We are witnessing today that may be the norm for
many of the people who are very old and well advanced in years, but it does not
have to be. We can see some who are considered old doing great things. Retirement
does not have to be our inheritance, for the Lord has never told anyone that we
can find in the Bible that it was time to quit doing that which he called them
to do and that he would find someone else younger to do it. Sure, Joshua
replaced Moses, but Moses did not retire. He led Israel until God decided to
take him home, on top of Mt. Nebo, at the ripe old age of one hundred and twenty.
Now, Joshua is old, but not so old that God still had more for him to do. What
we know is that we cannot retire from the call God has on our lives. Sure, our
culture has established a retirement agenda, with some endeavoring to amass as
much as they can to live out their days in comfort, spending them on their own
pleasures. However, we cannot quit, we cannot give in, or give up no matter how
old and well advanced we are in age, for the Lord has placed the call upon us
to do that certain thing in his plan until he decides to take us home, or he releases
us from his call. Yet, until he tells us we have done enough, we will continue
to work for the Lord, doing whatever he has planned for our lives. Let us not even
consider how old or advanced we are in age, for with God all things are
possible and therefore we still have life within us, we still have his breathe
within us, sound of mind, strength in our bones, and able to take nourishment.
Let us serve with him all the passion he has given us. We still have more to
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