Sunday, January 26, 2025

The Trifecta




Gen 49:19-21

19 "Gad will be attacked by a band of raiders, but he will attack them at their heels.

20 "Asher's food will be rich; he will provide delicacies fit for a king.

21 "Naphtali is a doe set free that bears beautiful fawns.  


Does not seem like much on the surface as far as finding anything we can glean for our daily lives. Yet this idea about Gad does give us a view of the evil one who attacks us as if he were a band of raiders, wanting to raid us from our eternal home. He does not even care if we call ourselves Christians as long as we doubt God, even in some small way, for doubt is doubt and that will not do at all. If he can get us to doubt that God heals, while he continues to attack us, or doubt that God provides, then he has raided the cookie jar so to speak. But the truth is we have all we need to crush his heel, to attack back, for we have the word of God and the indwelling Holy Spirit who leads us into all truth. We need not be afraid of this toothless lion roaming about seeing who he can devour. Now we have Asher’s food, which we can see represents both food fit for God and the food of God fit for us as co-heirs with Jesus the King of kings. However, Jesus is the food of God for us, as He is the bread of life. Each time we share in the elements of the communion, we remember Jesus died for us and that one day He is coming back for us to take us to where He is and we will enjoy a feast like no other. Now we come to Naphtali who is set free and bears beautiful fawns. We see this in a twofold manner. First, Jesus was set free from the grave and bears all who believe in him as beautiful fawns. On the other hand, we too have been set free from the penalty of sin, as well as from the grave. Because we are set free, we now bear the beautiful fawns of the Spirit, all His fruit and gifts for the common good of all. Therefore, we walk in harmony with our Lord, free from all fear of the evil one, while we enjoy the blessing of our Lord and the workings of the Spirit.    

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