Monday, October 7, 2024

Will Not Hide




Gen 18:16-19

16 When the men got up to leave, they looked down toward Sodom, and Abraham walked along with them to see them on their way. 17 Then the LORD said, "Shall I hide from Abraham what I am about to do? 18 Abraham will surely become a great and powerful nation, and all nations on earth will be blessed through him. 19 For I have chosen him, so that he will direct his children and his household after him to keep the way of the LORD by doing what is right and just, so that the LORD will bring about for Abraham what he has promised him."


We understand this was Abraham, the man who believed God and He credited Abraham’s faith as righteousness. Undoubtedly, Abraham was a special man of God, chosen by God for greatness, to be the beginning of the great and powerful nation Israel. It is also assured, that because God said so, Abraham would lead his children in the right ways and just, so that the LORD would bring about for Abraham what HE had promised him. We are confident we cannot be like Abraham, but we can be a man of God. We can and do live a life of faith, we believe in God. We believe his word is true and just and that God is full of grace, for he has bestowed His grace upon our lives. We are sure that God called Abraham, that he chose him, calling him from Ur, and onto Haran then from there to the land of Canaan and for him to be the father of many nations. Here we see that God had decided not to without his plan for Sodom from Abraham. Let us remember that God called us from that city of darkness and death, reaching us through the power of the Spirit moving through others, to direct us toward himself. He is the one who performed a great miracle proving himself to be real and true, bringing us to our knees in confession of our faith, and our belief in Jesus, turning our lives over to Him as our Lord and our Savior. His word has been a lamp, in fact, a spotlight shining before our footsteps leading us to where he wants us to be, both in the spiritual and physical. We are also sure that God has not withheld his plan for our lives, as he has always been actively involved with us, as the Spirit dwells within our being, continuously guiding us into all truth. God surely gave Abraham a heads-up about what he was going to do in Sodom, but also what he was going to do in the life of Abraham and Sarah, bringing about a son within a human impossibility, with both of them already old and Sarah well beyond childbearing age. This only proves to us again and again, how God desires to work in our lives, bringing about things that in our human abilities are impossible. Just as with Abraham, God desires us to believe him, to be a man of faith, moving beyond that which we cannot do, but there is nothing impossible with God, and he has not been keeping his plan from us one little bit. He has made sure we know our destiny, our future in his divine presence in that new city, with, not just one, but twelve pearly gates that will always be open. God had revealed all that he will do for us, and in us, and through us, through both his divine word, and through his divine words spoken directly within us, either audible or within our spirit, he directs our path, he makes the road straight. He is our portion; all we need in this life and our life to come. As he appeared to Abraham, he can, if he desires, appear to us. Let us simply keep living by faith, watching and waiting for God will not hide his plan from us. 

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