Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Upright in His Sight




Luke 1:5-7

5 In the time of Herod king of Judea there was a priest named Zechariah, who belonged to the priestly division of Abijah; his wife Elizabeth was also a descendant of Aaron. 6 Both of them were upright in the sight of God, observing all the Lord's commandments and regulations blamelessly. 7 But they had no children, because Elizabeth was barren; and they were both well along in years.


This is going to be a long narrative on the birth of John the Baptist, and there are some truths we should look at as we move through this story. First, we are told about the spiritual life of Zachariah and his wife Elizabeth. Why it is important that we are to know that both were upright in the sight of God? Of course, this was before Christ, although it was about the time for Jesus to be born of a woman, but the law was still the main source of righteousness and life. However, the law was also in effect to show Israel they needed a Savior, an ultimate sacrifice on the altar, which was the cross. Yet, here are two people, both descendants of Aaron who observed all the Lord’s commandments and regulations blamelessly. It is no wonder God decided to use them for the birth of the one who declared and introduced the Holy One of God. It is interesting that Zechariah and Elizabeth are both from the line of Aaron, the brother of Moses, who delivered God’s people from bondage in Egypt. Now their future son, John, is going to be the forerunner to Jesus, his cousin, who would deliver His people from bondage to sin. This does bring up a question in our minds regarding Zechariah and Elizabeth following the law and regulations blamelessly and being upright in the sight of God. That cannot mean they were completely free of all sin, can it? Is it possible to follow all the commands blamelessly and still have sin in their lives? Does that mean it is possible for us to live uprightly in the sight of God, by obeying all the commandments and regulations blamelessly? If that is the case then we are not in need of Jesus, for our righteousness comes from our works and not by faith. This would also mean then after we have accepted the provision of God, Jesus, as our Savior, and we have been forgiven of all our sins, that we are upright in the sight of God because we are in Christ. But that does not mean we have become sinless, for then we would be perfect, and that we know it simply not so. Yet, because of Christ, we can walk upright in the sight of God. For now, we have learned that a descendant of Aaron will introduce the descendant of David, as both Zechariah and Elizabeth are in the line of Aaron, and Joeseph and Mary are both in the line of David. Just an interesting fact. However, the truth we glean here is being upright in the sight of God. They were because of the law, we are because of Christ. 

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