Rom 13:6-7
6 This is also why you pay
taxes, for the authorities are God's servants, who give their full time to
governing. 7 Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if
revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.
It is interesting that we should
come to this portion of this letter dealing with paying our taxes, as it is tax
season in our country. We pay federal, state, and local taxes to support those who
govern as well as for all the programs that are implemented by them. Nevertheless,
it is the Christian duty to pay our fair share of taxes based on our level of
income because, once again, Paul makes it clear those who govern or the authorities
are God’s servants, keeping watch over our society so that it does not become
lawless. However, these instructions go beyond just paying our taxes. We recall
the trap the Pharisees attempted to catch Jesus in regarding taxes and he asked
them whose inscription was on the coin. It was much different in those days
under the Romans’ governance than how we live under the authority of those who govern our country. The people had to pay a tax period, no matter their income, and if they could not pay, they were deeply in trouble. Today we must pay according
to our income after the government gives us a certain amount of deductions so
that in some cases where the deductions are more significant than the income, no tax is
due. But now we are to consider paying someone respect if that is what we owe them and honor if that is what we owe them. Both these Greek words that are translated
as respect and honor deal with persons of rank, that is those who govern. For
the Jews and Gentiles who first received this letter, that meant because they
were the image bearers of God, as we are today, it was their duty as well as
ours, not to rebel against those who govern over us, for their positions are of
authority which has been given to them by God. The wholeness of all this is in
those words of giving everyone what is owed them because they are servants of God,
even if they do not honor God, as the Romans surely did not, and as many who govern
us do not. Paul has more to say about this, especially about not leaving any debt
unpaid. But for now, let us simply see that as Christians it is our duty to live
faithfully in accordance with God’s instructions about living within the law of
the land.
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