Rom 1:21-25
21 For although they knew God,
they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking
became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Although they claimed
to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God
for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles. 24
Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual
impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged
the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than
the Creator — who is forever praised. Amen.
Paul is still talking about
those who suppress the truth by their wickedness and are the object of wrath.
It is interesting that Paul says they knew God although they did suppress that
truth, refusing to accept what they knew to be true. Of course, we both glorify
and give thanks to God. That was a time when our hearts were darkened, but the
light always will overpower the dark. Yet Paul says there are people who have
darkened hearts because they refuse to allow the light, the truth to bear any
authority in their lives. It is interesting this futile thinking in the Greek has meaning of being vain in their imaginations. When we start to think of making
up some truth to living by using our imagination and being prideful in the way we
imagine how things are, is foolishness that darkens our hearts. It is even foolish
to approach the study of the word of God with our preconceived ideas, or our
own filters, for it can expose our hearts to the darkness. It is difficult to
truly think as God thinks, for we are human, and he is divine. However, we can never
all our thinking to be futile, to think that we have it all figured out, that
we know it all, which would be a figment of our imagination. However, we
know that God is full of glory, and we look to God in all his glory as the one
true God. It would be an awful thing to turn to look at something else that we
made with our own hands. How can anyone worship anything other than the God who
created all that is created? How can anyone look to the created rather than the
creator is beyond our comprehension. It is interesting how we hear some believers
talk about so many of the created things instead of talking about the creator.
Yes, it is the way of life, in the sense that we all have some interest in life,
whether that be in sports, work, hobbies, or whatever, we find time to relax somehow to relieve
some of the pressures of life. That is humanity in an essence, but the difference
between us believers and those who became futile in their thinking or vain in their
imaginations is that we know we are in the hands of God, and under his authority.
We know that is but one truth and only one truth, although some Christians
would argue that point which is evident in the various doctrinal positions
taken by different denominations. The one we have personal knowledge of is of
one fellowship of believers holding to the truth that one must accept Jesus as Lord
and Savior plus be baptized in order to be saved. They believe salvation is not
complete until a person is baptized. That is their truth, it is from their imagination
and not from the scripture, for we are saved by grace and not by any works at
all. They exchanged the truth for their vain imaginations. So then how do we
deal with that fact there is disparity in what is the truth? Do we all have
some amount of futile thinking? Do we all have some vanity in the way we think
what the truth is? Have we imagined any truth, rather than allowing the Spirit
to lead us into all truth, which means we cannot make up truth, we cannot make
up rules to live by based on our imagination, but only look to the word of God,
with the Spirit guiding hand. If we see our wrong thinking, then we repent, change the way we think, and align our hearts and minds in accordance with the
light that is revealed to us. Let us not exchange worship of God for anything
in this world. Let us not have any exchanges.
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