Sunday, November 8, 2020

Divine Influence





2 Thess 2:16-17

16 May our Lord Jesus Christ himself and God our Father, who loved us and by his grace gave us eternal encouragement and good hope, 17 encourage your hearts and strengthen you in every good deed and word.



As we read these words, we are becoming convince more and more that every aspect of our lives is due to the grace of God. Again, we remind ourselves that grace in this context as well as in many other scriptures can be seen as His divine influence upon our hearts and how that is reflected in our lives. So then, because he loves, he gives us his divine influence upon our hearts, which gives us eternal encouragement and good hope. This eternal encouragement in the Greek reads as everlasting calling near, or summons or exhortation. God is always doing all of that. He always calls us near to him, he always summons us and exhorts us or, that word could also be seen as comforting us. All of those are indeed an encouragement, as God is working in our lives, and how awesome is that. To know the maker of the whole universe, the creator of life, is at work in our heart, influencing us with a good hope that, in fact, does encourage our hearts and strengthens our resolve in all we do and say so that our life will reflect his glory to the world around us. This is a good remember to us that in and of ourselves we cannot do and say anything that is good. If we rely on ourselves, we are going to fail time and time again. However, we do not have to rely on ourselves for God’s divine influence is working in our hearts and he is the one who started that work, and He is the one who will complete it. What we have to do is simply yield to his influence. Sometimes that is the most difficult thing to do, as our “self” likes to have its way all too often and even likes to have some of the credit for what we do and say. We want to have that control over how we live our lives and we even make up certain rules to live by so we can feel good about ourselves because we are abiding by our own set of rules for Christian living. That is not to say that we should live free as the wind and do whatever we desire. By no means should we throw all caution to the wind. But, we do need to yield to the divine influence of the Lord upon our hearts and then we would naturally do that which is good and use the right words, to build each other up until we all reach the unity in the faith. When we can admit that we are weak, He is the one who gives us strength. God is the one who works in and through us so that we reflect his glory. Apart from Him, we can do nothing, but as long as we are connected, as long as we are being influenced by Him, drawing our life from Him, we will do and say that which is good.

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