Saturday, October 17, 2020

Brotherly Love





1 Thess 4:9-10

9 Now about brotherly love we do not need to write to you, for you yourselves have been taught by God to love each other. 10 And in fact, you do love all the brothers throughout Macedonia. Yet we urge you, brothers, to do so more and more.


It is interesting that Paul says they have been taught by God in regard to brotherly love. Of course, they also have the indwelling of the Spirit as all believers should have since Jesus ascended. He promised that he would send the Spirit and we know for certain that God, which includes Jesus, would never promise anything that he did not intend to see to completion. It would also seem unnatural for any believer who has a personal relationship with the Lord to hate any other believer. How could that be even possible? It would seem love would be the natural response for any believer, for God loves all of us. Still, I see that Paul is telling them to do this more and more. That seems rather strange that if they are loving each other, how are they to love each other more and more? It would appear there is no limit to loving each other. What I have to come to grips with is that one or two really odd brothers or sisters in the Lord whose personality simply rub me the wrong way. I am supposed to love them without any limitations. Is it possible to love them, but not like them? I have meant some believers along the way that simply are like nails on a chalkboard. I have often wondered if they love me without limit, yet I am supposed to love them. There are some believers it is really easy to love, they are simply lovable people. But for the most part, I have noticed many believers walk around a little grumpy or at least void of any smile on their faces. Still, I am called to love them and to do so more and more. Now this love is the brotherly type love, the Philadelphia love. It is a fraternal love, an affectionate love for the brethren. Just because they are fellow believers I am to have an affectionate attitude toward them, but then they are also expected to have that same type of attitude toward me. If everyone thought that way about everyone else, it would be a wonderful church. Yet, I am not called to respond, but to act. It does not matter if they are do not have that love for the brethren, which would include me, I am responsible for my attitude toward them. So then, it would seem natural if I am going to love them, I would also continually thank God for them. I would thank him that he has called them to himself and that he loves them just the same as he loves me. Then it would be natural for me to have this brotherly love for them as well. At least that sounds good in theory, but in the reality of life, I think I fail at having this brotherly love toward each and every other believer. So I have to apply myself, or rely on the Spirit, more and more.

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