Saturday, October 31, 2020

Persevering Faith





2 Thess 1:5-10

5 All this is evidence that God's judgment is right, and as a result you will be counted worthy of the kingdom of God, for which you are suffering. 6 God is just: He will pay back trouble to those who trouble you 7 and give relief to you who are troubled, and to us as well. This will happen when the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven in blazing fire with his powerful angels. 8 He will punish those who do not know God and do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus. 9 They will be punished with everlasting destruction and shut out from the presence of the Lord and from the majesty of his power 10 on the day he comes to be glorified in his holy people and to be marveled at among all those who have believed. This includes you, because you believed our testimony to you.


We may have to camp out on this portion of Paul’s letter, because of the volume of content it contains. First, this evidence that God’s judgment is right Paul is referring to has to be their perseverance and faith in the face of all the trials and persecution they were experiencing, which is recorded for us in the book of acts. Nevertheless, it is what will count as being worthy of the kingdom of God. We may not experience that kind of persecution in our country at present, but there are many Christians throughout the world who are being persecuted right now. Still, whether or not we are ever persecuted, it is faith and perseverance in that faith, continuing to believe no matter our situation in life is what counts as being worthy of the kingdom of God. Although men may not be actively trying to harm us, or persecute us, Satan is always about trying to cause us harm through offering us many temptations in an effort to lure us away from our faith in God. What appears is one of the most hideous of temptations, which is so subtle, is that of self-reliance. That can be viewed in many areas of life. When we seek out and put forth an effort to attain something, it is being reliant on ourselves rather than on God. This is a fine line we walk, between trusting God and trusting self. Surely that does not mean we can’t go to the store and buy a need or even a want. In addition, that does not mean we cannot go camping, boating, fishing, golfing, or some other pleasurable activity. All that is just living life and surely we are not turning our back on the Lord in the pursuit of living life. But we could be tempted in areas that would not please God. However, what we know is that anyone who does cause us harm, any type of persecution at all, even that type which is coming from certain fractions of our government will not escape the wrath of God. He will pay back all who cause us any form of persecution, while at the same time give us relief. True, we are not actually suffering in the way the Thessalonians were. Our life is really good, and we have seen so many blessings from God it would take a book to record them all. What we know is that we will always give our Lord the credit for everything we have, all that he does in our lives, and all that we are. We are certain that without the Lord working in our lives, we would be in a very dark place and in danger of everlasting darkness. God has been so good to us, all we can do is praise Him forever and ever. So for now we continue to trust God for everything in this life and for our everlasting life. Our faith will persevere.

Friday, October 30, 2020

Grow and Increase





2 Thess 1:1-4

1:1 Paul, Silas and Timothy,

To the church of the Thessalonians in God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ: 2 Grace and peace to you from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

3 We ought always to thank God for you, brothers, and rightly so, because your faith is growing more and more, and the love every one of you has for each other is increasing. 4 Therefore, among God's churches we boast about your perseverance and faith in all the persecutions and trials you are enduring.


We are not sure just how much time it has been since Paul wrote his first letter to these people. However, most of our scholars place this letter about a couple of months after his first letter. As we noticed in his first letter there was great concern about false teachings and especially about the time of the coming of the Lord. Paul went into great detail about what will happen on the day, but also made sure they knew that no one knew when it would happen as he compared it to be like a thief in the night. Now, most likely the Paul has heard an update from the carrier of his first letter to them. Most likely the situation has worsened and as he warned about idleness in his first letter and that everyone should work with their hands, it appears some more may have quit their jobs having listened to these false teachers, and are just sitting around waiting for Jesus to show up. As in most of Paul’s letters, he always starts off with a standard type greeting which was customary in that day. There is no need for us to go into detail about this greeting as we did in the first letter regarding grace and peace as we are more aware of God’s grace and peace now. He repeats what he says about always thanking God for them because of their faith and love. Again these may be more of the standard type greeting, however, we can see that we also should be growing in our faith more and more. And that our love for others is ever increasing. What this speaks to is that we cannot and should not be stagnant, but must always be growing in our faith and increasing in our love for others. If we are not, then we are being like a sponge that just sits and soaks up, but is never squeezed out. After a while, we become pretty stinky, and mold sets in, and eventually, we will begin to rot away, and then we would be useless for anything good for the kingdom. In other words, we cannot be content with the amount of faith we have and the amount of love we have for each other. We cannot be comfortable in the place we are now. We need to believe Jesus for more than we currently do now. There is far more power living in Christ than we now avail ourselves of now. We need to ever be increasing in our faith, believing for more than we have ever believed for before. In addition, we have to increase our love for each other. We are not certain just how that is accomplished as if we love each other then we love each other. How do we increase that love? Again, it would seem right to refer to Paul’s letter to the Corinthians when he explains all the aspects of love. Are we paying attention to that? Are there certain aspects of love that we are missing? When we examine that explanation, we are sure we can increase our love, as well as we can grow in our faith.     

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Pray for Us





1 Thess 5:25-28

25 Brothers, pray for us. 26 Greet all the brothers with a holy kiss. 27 I charge you before the Lord to have this letter read to all the brothers.

28 The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.


There doesn’t seem to be much to be said about the conclusion, or Paul’s closing statement, except to consider that he is asking for prayer, and making sure we greet other believers with a holy kiss, and to read his letter. Certainly, we would never refuse to pray for anyone who asks for prayer. Paul has revealed in some sense his condition or his circumstances throughout this letter and so he always seeks prayer. When we think of Paul we usually think of how strong of a man he was, how much power his conversion was, and how much he did for the kingdom. However, Paul also has shown us to consider how weak we are and how strong the Lord is. When we are weak, He is strong. Paul knows that and he demonstrates his dependence on the Lord by always asking for prayer. So we should not shy away from either praying for those we ask or to ask for prayer for our own service to the kingdom. We need to see just how weak we are so as to not consider relying on our own abilities and look to the Lord for the strength to do the work of the ministry he has called us to do. Jesus has told us that apart from him, we can do nothing, which means in Him we can do that which he has called us to do. The core issue is knowing what he has called us to do for if we are trying to do something we have not been called to do then do we have the right to expect him to give us the strength to do it. If we are doing that which we want to do, even for the kingdom, it would seem our motive may be in the wrong place. Maybe we think that our secular ability is that which God wants to use us for His kingdom, but then how does he get the glory for our service to the kingdom. When we look at the disciples, it sure seemed that Jesus took some simple uneducated fishermen and turned them into powerful men of God. True they became fishers of men, but that was just an expression, for they were not in boats using nets to fish for men, but they were using the power of God to do miracles, heal the sick, and preach the good news. We look at Peter, filled with the Spirit, standing up in a crowd and preaching with so much power thousands came to know Jesus that day. Certainly, if God can transform a simple fisherman into that kind of man, he can transform us into whatever he desires to use us for. That is why we need the prayers of others, so we can be used in a mighty way for the kingdom of God. Our cry should be, and is, brothers, pray for us.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

He Will Do It





1 Thess 5:23-24

23 May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul, and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. 24 The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it.


As we take a look at this statement, we need to see it from the last words to the first words. He will do it. That means we are not doing it, it is not up to us to make it happen and what we need to do is simply believe it is true. So now to look at what is going to take place. It is God, himself, the God of peace, who has sanctified us. He is the one and the only one who can declare us sacred, holy, to cleanse and purify us. If we think we can do any of that we deceive ourselves. Although we might be able to partnership with him in separating us from anything profane and dedicate ourselves to God, to consecrate ourselves, however, the major role in that is God’s. We only go along with Him in the work he is doing in us through and through. Perhaps the part we may be able to do is stay away from the cookie jar. That is to not put ourselves in harm’s way, or in a situation of temptation. If God told us we should not have any cookies, and we went and sat in front of the cookie jar, what are we thinking? Oh, those cookies sure look good and we know they have to taste good, maybe just one would do us any harm. Stay away from the cookie jar! That is the part we can do. However, there are times we simply work right near the cookie jar, we can’t get away from it, so we need to know and live as if God has declared us sacred and holy through and through. Our whole spirit, soul, and body are being kept blameless by Christ Jesus. Because we are in Christ, God sees us in that blameless state. There is absolutely no condemnation of our whole spirit, soul, and body for we are safe and secure in Christ Jesus. Although we may falter from time to time, in that we are still in this human form that is weak, God is always faithful, He has absolutely no flaws, no imperfections, and He will do it. He will sanctify us through and through, He will and has declared us holy and blameless in his sight, therefore we should live with that truth, understanding that it is God who started this work in us, and it is God who us doing the work in us, and it is God who will complete His work in us. He is faithful and he will do it.


Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Approve or Reject





1 Thess 5:19-22

19 Do not put out the Spirit's fire; 20 do not treat prophecies with contempt. 21 Test everything. Hold on to the good. 22 Avoid every kind of evil.


Having considered that first, we have the Spirit’s fire within and that we should not have any contempt for words of a prophetic nature we now are told to test everything. This gives us the picture of a teacher grading tests of the students. The teacher knows the right answer. Here we are to test everything, which has to refer to what we hear or read, that is not the bible. There are so many voices that are broadcast over the airwaves and books that crowd the shelves of bookstores. All expressing their opinion of what the scripture means, or how we are to think and live as Christians. Then there are the voices of the world as well as many forms of written material trying to persuade how we should think and live. We are to put it all to the test and either approve or reject everything. The Greek word translated as test carries the meaning of examine, prove, scrutinize, to recognize as genuine after examination, to approve, deem worthy. This requires first, that we have at least read the word of God, and second, that we listen to the Spirit as he leads us into all truth. When we hear or read something we should be able to know what we hear or read lines up correctly with the word of God. So often, those who are trying to persuade our thinking have such smoothness in their words, it appears to sound right, they make some pretty good points, but then they slip in that little deviation from the truth, ever so slightly, it might be difficult to detect, except if it weren’t for the Spirit who lets us discern that which is good and that which is evil. That seems to be the context of good and evil here.  We are to hold on to that which we hear and read that is good, that lines up correctly with the word of God, and we are to avoid or reject those who speak lies, or words of deception, which are evil. However, we could also apply this holding on to what is good and avoid every kind of evil to the word of God and everything else. The only thing that is really good is the word of God, or we should say, God, himself, and everything else is evil, which would be the world. How much of the way we think is influenced by God, and how much of our thoughts are influenced but the world? We have to test everything according to the word of God and either approve or reject it.

Monday, October 26, 2020

Flow Spirit Flow





1 Thess 5:19-20

19 Do not put out the Spirit's fire; 20 do not treat prophecies with contempt.


Jesus had promised his disciples that he would send the Holy Spirit and we have evidence of that happening to the disciples on the day of Pentecost as is recorded in the book of Acts. We also have to acknowledge that Jesus did not recall the Spirit, but that he has and will remain here in the world at least until the Last Day. Where he goes or what he does after that is unknown or at least uncertain. But for now, He is in the world and convicts men of their need of repentance and acceptance of Jesus as Lord and Savior. Then after someone does accept Jesus the Spirit comes to indwell that believer to lead them into all truth. There are also all His gifts and his Fruit that he manifests in a believer as He wills. Here we are told not to put out the Spirit’s fire. The Greek actually uses the word that means to extinguish or quench the Spirit, but the implication is as to extinguish a fire, but in this case, it would be the divine influence. Nevertheless, the Spirit is like a forest fire where the flames consume the trees. The Spirit is on fire within us and we are not to quench his divine influence. In other words, we cannot go about doing life our way, but we need to be doing life His way. If we douse the flames of the Spirit. If we do, we will more or less be walking in our sleep, with no emotions, and having no idea where we are going or where we are. We need to allow the Spirit to animate Himself within us and manifest Himself through us. We should be living as if we have a fire in our belly, or at least as if the fire of the Spirit is consuming us. We also have to understand that one of his gifts to the church at large is prophecy, which is to speak through someone regarding either a future event or to utter something which can only be known by divine revelation. This second definition is certainly possible every time a pastor steps into the pulpit. It is also possible through the divine revelation of the Spirit for a believer to speak regarding what is to come. All the work of the Spirit has been contested by some denominations, while others are more open to however the Spirit decides to work. What we know for sure is that we are admonished not to see anything the Spirit does with contempt. Flow Spirit flow, flow through us, break us, mold us, form us, and use us, flow through us into the world around us, overflow from within us, consume our being, lead us, guide us, have your way with us. Flow Spirit flow.   

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Being In His Will





1 Thess 5:15-18

15 Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else. 16 Be joyful always; 17 pray continually; 18 give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus.


How are we supposed to make sure nobody pays back wrong for wrong? Maybe it is not up to us to make sure about everyone else, but simply focus on ourselves and make sure we don’t engage in revenge. This would have to mean that first, we never allow something to fester if someone did something wrong to us. We would have to deal with it immediately and either simply not allow it to bother us, or if it did, then go to that person and ask them to forgive us for having ill feelings toward them because of what they did against us. Now it seems that we should point out their active that hurt us in some way. But that would be trying to get the speck out of our brothers’ eye with a log in our own eye. If they are truly a brother or sister in the Lord they would immediately, refuse to forgive by insisting they were the one in the wrong and ask us to forgive them. That is the ideal scenario in a healthy church. But, maybe the church isn’t as healthy as it should be and that is not what plays out and we end up with all sorts of friction, stress, and ill feelings all around. On the positive note, again we cannot force others to be kind to us, but we can make sure we are kind to everyone else, that includes the members of the body of Christ, and the ‘everyone else’ would be the non-believers we encounter on a daily basis. Being kind has to be active, not passive. Being kind is not ignoring others, but a responsive attitude in every situation, showing kindness. That would always be saying kind words to each other as well to anyone we deal with on a daily basis and it would make perfect sense that it would mean we were also joyful people. It would be very difficult to show kindness if we walked around with grumpy or sad-looking continence. On the other hand, if we were joyful in our hearts, it would show on our face, and kindness would simply be a natural response. Our joyfulness would be a natural expression of our constant being in communication with our Lord, which is what praying continually is. It would be very difficult to live out our daily lives, working, shopping, golfing, fishing, or whatever, if we were on our knees in prayer continually. However, if we were simply in communication with him, being aware of his presence, talking silently to him, and listening to his still small voice, then our joy would naturally overflow from us, and kindness would be a natural response, as well as being thankful in whatever circumstance we find ourselves in. It may be alright to not be thankful for the circumstance, but being thankful in that situation is something we can do. In other words, our situation of circumstance does not dictate whether we are thankful or not. What determines everything is being in the will of God in Christ Jesus.  

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Getting Along





1 Thess 5:12-15

12 Now we ask you, brothers, to respect those who work hard among you, who are over you in the Lord and who admonish you. 13 Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other. 14 And we urge you, brothers, warn those who are idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone. 15 Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else.


We still have more to do with these last instructions. We left off with encouraging the faint-hearted and now we need to help the weak and be patient with everyone. It is always interesting to see what the translations do with the Greek, most of them come close to help the weak, support the weak, uphold the weak, take care of the weak, yet the Greek uses in the context to hold up, support those who cannot achieve anything great, or those who are feeble, sickly, with infirmities. That word translated as weak could mean either of those two. However, considering we are to encourage the faint-hearted who could also be seen as one who does not or cannot achieve anything great because of their lack of faith, then helping or upholding the weak may well be those with some physical problem. So then we should care for them, help them, be of assistance to them, but the question is just how we do that. We suppose the church in general does meet that need at times when someone is ailing or unable to care for themselves. Our church has a food chain and we suppose some would take care of the outside, such as mowing a lawn or something else. This might be how this helping the weak could appear. That might be easier than being patient with everyone. That fact is there are people who have aggressive personalities, and some who are far passive. The movers and shakers and the sit backers so to speak. We also have those whose personalities are like fingernails on a chalkboard, while others are a sweet as mom’s apple pie. There are people we are simply drawn to, and others who repel, keeping everyone at an arm’s length. But we are not to be responsive, but rather active in our attitude by being patient with everyone. That is one of those things that are easier said than done. However, in the context, this may mean something else. It would seem this being patient carries the meaning of not losing heart. That might apply to those who are having struggles with their faith, or do not understand the truth of the gospel as we do, are not getting as involved as we think they should, or something along with those ideas. It goes along with living in peace with everyone, encouraging the faint-hearted and so supporting, holding up those who are weak in their faith, and not losing heart because they are not advancing as fast as we may be in the understanding of the truth. It is about getting along with everyone.

Friday, October 23, 2020






1 Thess 5:12-15

12 Now we ask you, brothers, to respect those who work hard among you, who are over you in the Lord and who admonish you. 13 Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other. 14 And we urge you, brothers, warn those who are idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone. 15 Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else.


Having considered the respect due to those who work hard among us and holding them in the highest regard in love, as well as living in peace with each other, we now should look at what we are urged to do. We are supposed to warn those who are idle. First, we wonder as to what consists of being idle. It is strange why this translation uses the word idle when the Greek word here carries the meaning of unruly, or disorderly. That is certainly different than just being idle, as in not doing anything for the kingdom or in the body of Christ, such as those who just sit and soak in the pews. But here it is more than sitting and soaking, it is actually causing disorder. These would be those who either gossip or speak against how something is being done, or how someone is doing something the wrong way. These are somewhat either the silent or vocal protesters of the traditional way a particular church is functioning, always wanting change, and maybe change that is not an improvement, but that they want it their way. So we are to warn that type of believer, warn them they are causing or stirring up trouble in the church. We are to take action, rather than allow them to continue. We are also to take action when it comes to the timid. Again, the Greek word here can be translated as feeble-minded, but it carries more of the meaning as to faint-hearted. That is their faith is not strong, they are struggling with issues about believing for either healing or a miracle or just putting their faith in Jesus or the Spirit to guide them in life. Here our action is one of two ways. The Greek word translated as encourage does carry that meaning, to speak to one, by way of admonishment and incentive or to calm and console. Either way we are not to ignore these brothers and sisters in the Lord, and just allow them to have a faint heart, to struggle with their faith. It may be difficult to identify these members of the body unless we are actively engaged in life with them. Just seeing them on Sunday morning and waving, or just saying, good morning, is not enough to know about them, their struggles, concerns, or issues with their faith. But how can we be actively involved and everyone’s lives, it would consume all of our time, as it would be a full-time ministry with no time for anything else. So we simply have to rely on the Spirit to reveal one timid person we do have time to encourage, then maybe another, and another, depending on how many there are if any at all. Nevertheless, what it looks like here is that we are to be people of action, a people of engaging with others, we cannot be an island onto ourselves. God is urging us to be involved with his people. But, do they want us to be involved with them? Should we wait until they ask for help? Should we just go forward, but only as the Spirit leads us? It still requires us to be involved.

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Love and Peace





1 Thess 5:12-15

12 Now we ask you, brothers, to respect those who work hard among you, who are over you in the Lord and who admonish you. 13 Hold them in the highest regard in love because of their work. Live in peace with each other. 14 And we urge you, brothers, warn those who are idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone. 15 Make sure that nobody pays back wrong for wrong, but always try to be kind to each other and to everyone else.


This is part of the final remarks of Pauls’ and he wants to impart some additional thoughts or instructions. First, he appears to be making reference to some local pastors as it seems he is talking about a plural number because he uses the word ‘those’ when referring to the ones who what hard among them. Paul had to install some of them as pastors or shepherds as spiritual guides, or spiritual leaders. These men were to admonish or as the Greek word implies, to put in mind, or to caution, or warning. This would then imply these men were in fact overseers, helping to guide the people along the right path. Paul is saying they are to be held in the highest regard in love because of their work. Certainly, we have carried that tradition within our church. In fact, many denominations set apart a month as pastor appreciation month and take up special offers simple to show our love for them. Although that is a good thing to do, it seems Paul is saying this a mindset that we should have for them all the time. We think that is the case in most churches, in fact, many churches are formed around the personality of the Senior Pastor. Nevertheless, we need to regard them in love. Paul goes on to admonish us all to live in peace with one another. We wonder why he would have to emphasize that point. Is it possible that some believers do not live in peace with each other? Would that then mean there may be some strife or tension between believers? We find that difficult to believe, yet if Paul, under the influence of the Spirit, makes it a point to instruct us to live in peace, we may not be doing it totally. There are more instructions, more urges, but we think we will deal with next time. For now, we have enough to contend with in showing our love to our pastor and living in peace with each other.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Day or Night Light or Darkness






1 Thess 5:4-11

4 But you, brothers, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief. 5 You are all sons of the light and sons of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness. 6 So then, let us not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be alert and self-controlled. 7 For those who sleep, sleep at night, and those who get drunk, get drunk at night. 8 But since we belong to the day, let us be self-controlled, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet. 9 For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. 10 He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with him. 11 Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.


Here Paul makes the distinction between the people of the day and the people of the night. Those of us who have accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior live in the daylight, while those who have not accepted Jesus live in the darkness of night. It makes perfect sense that we would live in the daylight because Jesus is the light. Our hearts have been illuminated by him, by the living word of God. This idea of those who live in the darkness of night are asleep and are drunkards is more of a metaphor for people who live for their own pleasures and have no concern about God or living in a manner that pleases God. They are the lost, their minds have not been illuminated by the truth of God so they are in the dark and cannot see the way to salvation if they even care about being saved. But we have a certain about of self-control, which is one of the fruit of the Spirit. We cannot say we have perfect self-control for that would be boasting in self rather than boasting in Christ, as we know that we fail at that controlling of ourselves at times. One moment of anger, or impatience or lust or some other human response, then we would not have total control of our self. Nevertheless, we are aware of our failures because we live in the light and it exposes our faults. Those who live in darkness are not even aware they are living in sin that leads to death. Again we have the breastplate of faith and love in place and have put on the helmet of salvation. That sounds a lot like God’s armor that Paul tells the Ephesians about. We can be assured that God has determined that those who are in Christ will not suffer wrath but we will receive salvation. We are saved from the wrath of God because we live in the daylight. His wrath will be upon all who live in the darkness of night. Having received salvation through Jesus we will be with Him. We live with him now in one sense, as we are aware of the presence of the Spirit who dwells within us, but we will also live together for all eternity with Jesus in that place he is preparing for us. So I will spur you on, I will encourage you, I will build you up, as you do the same for me. Live in the day, forget about the night, you are a child of the day.

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

God Said So





1 Thess 5:1-3

5:1 Now, brothers, about times and dates we do not need to write to you, 2 for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night. 3 While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.


First, we know without any doubt whatsoever, that Jesus is coming for us. We know whether we are asleep, or dead, or still alive on that day, He is coming to get us and we will float up in the air to meet him. But, just as Paul says here not a single person knows when that will be. Men have waited for over two thousand years plus for his return and many of them expected him to come during their lifetime. But he has not come for us yet and we just do not know when he will return. Now, again, there is the idea of thought that we each experience our own return of the lord or rapture the moment we take our last breath. That is when our body dies, our spirit goes to be with Jesus. But then we would be without our bodies, so then how do the dead in Christ rise first and those still alive would meet him in the air. Another thought which has to include us having our bodies in eternity is the new creation, the new heaven, and the new earth with the new city of Jerusalem coming down from heaven. We are going to live in this new city, Jesus has prepared this place for us, and there we will have an abode, a place to live and walk about on those streets of gold, and eat from the trees that bear fruit all the time. In addition, in this is a place there will be no more tears, it would make sense that we would have eyes that could tear, so we would have a body for those eyes. How all this happens is still a mystery as is the day when all of it will happen. No one knows and so we should live as though it could be today, for, in fact, it could be today. That would be absolutely all right with me, I am ready to leave right now, but at the same time if today is not the day, then I am ready to do that which he has set before me, the path he has me on. His word is a lamp onto my feet, he lights the path, just enough for me to see the next step. We cannot even know our own future must less the future of the whole world or when the destruction will come upon all those who either have not heard or refused to listen. But then Jesus said the gospel will be preached to the whole world, therefor somehow, everyone will have heard, so it simply comes down to those who refuse to accept Jesus will experience the destruction. We will have been taken out, gone, raptured. We have no idea when, but we have the assurance it will be, for it is a reality because Jesus said so, God said so.

Monday, October 19, 2020

The Reason for Hope






1 Thess 4:13-18

13 Brothers, we do not want you to be ignorant about those who fall asleep, or to grieve like the rest of men, who have no hope. 14 We believe that Jesus died and rose again and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him. 15 According to the Lord's own word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left till the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep. 16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. 18 Therefore encourage each other with these words.


We have finally come to the center of what has been called the rapture of the church. However, this is more, it is the word of God that gives us the way in which we will come into the presence of God Almighty. This solves the question about what will happen after the death of this body we are now in. We cannot be sure just exactly what he means to fall asleep. The Greek word does not indicate that means death, but it simply refers to be put to sleep, or to slumber, the figurative meaning is to die. It also gives us the big difference between us and the rest of the world. We live with hope, and those who do not know Jesus, have no reason for hope. Some might think they are going to heaven because they are a good person and all good people go to heaven. This is a false narrative they have been deceived by, giving to them from Satan, through the mouths of false teachers and preachers. The day of our meeting our Lord is coming as sure as our heart is beating right now. Whether we fall asleep, die, or we are still alive, we are going to rise up from this earth in the same manner Jesus ascended from it. His disciples saw him rise up from the earth as it floating in the air until he disappeared from their sight into the clouds. That is exacting what we are going to do someday. Jesus is coming for us, of that, we can have total confidence. Now as to what happens when we fall asleep we are not sure. What we know is that to be absent from this body is to be present with the Lord. We have had friends who were with loved ones at the moment of their last breathe and have testified their loved ones looked as if they were seeing Jesus or an angel there to take them home. If at the moment of our last breath we go to be with Jesus, have a personal rapture in a sense, that would be wonderful. But if we are just asleep until he returns with a loud command and the trumpet call of God, we will not know the difference. Just as each night we sleep, but are not aware of our sleeping or how long we sleep until we awake. It may well be just as that the moment we die, we in essence fall asleep unaware of our being dead, until that trumpet call of God and we awake from our slumber and rise up from the grave and float up into the air to meet our Lord. The point is we are going to ascend into heaven and be with our Lord, however and whenever that happens it just fine with us, because it is going to happen. As far as what happens after that it is up to the Lord. If we come back and rule and reign with him for a thousand years, that would be fine, but if we don’t that would be fine also. Either way, we are going to be eternal beings in the presence of our Lord. Who cares after we ascend to meet him in the air as to what happens next. Although we are told some of what will happen because he gave John that revelation and told him to write it down so others could know. Still, here we are assured we are going to be in the resurrection and the ascension just as Jesus. That is all I really need to know to have hope and to encourage you to that same hope.

Sunday, October 18, 2020

The Quiet Life





1 Thess 4:11-12

11 Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, 12 so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.


I wonder if any of them had a good retirement plan as it seems to me Paul did not mention anything about that, but only to work with their hands. But then, he also told them to make it their life’s ambition to lead a quiet life, minding their own business. This sure gives me a clue as to how I too should be living. But how does that blend in with being a witness for Jesus, or evangelism, which all believers are called to be actively doing? It would seem that if I live a quiet life and go about doing my business, which is not being about everyone’s business, not meddling in the affairs of others, which would certainly include gossiping about them. It appears this is what a quiet life looks like. I should just go about doing my own thing, working with my hands, that is supporting myself and my family, so as to not be a burden on anyone. I should also live such a daily life that is an example to others. I have to love everyone, as the word of God so dictates, and yet still live this quiet life. That almost seems an oxymoron. Perhaps loving them does not have to be about being over-involved with their lives. Maybe it is just in the attitude about them, how I think about them, and not so much how as to how much I do for them, showing or demonstrating my love for them. Then again, this quiet life, being about my own business and working with my hands, as of onto the Lord, of course, is about showing the non-believer, that Paul calls outsiders, will notice how I conduct my life and will respect how I live. Certainly, in this day and age, it seems it is not much different than the time of Paul. There seems to be an abundance of people today who live being dependent on others. There have been and will always be those who make it their lives' ambition to make as many people as possible dependent on them so as to be able to have power over them. The word of God makes it clear I am not to be one that kind of person who looks to someone to give me a handout, but that I am to work, and work well, living well, being an example to all outsiders so that God will receive glory through the way I live my life  in front of others. That is a quiet life.


Saturday, October 17, 2020

Brotherly Love





1 Thess 4:9-10

9 Now about brotherly love we do not need to write to you, for you yourselves have been taught by God to love each other. 10 And in fact, you do love all the brothers throughout Macedonia. Yet we urge you, brothers, to do so more and more.


It is interesting that Paul says they have been taught by God in regard to brotherly love. Of course, they also have the indwelling of the Spirit as all believers should have since Jesus ascended. He promised that he would send the Spirit and we know for certain that God, which includes Jesus, would never promise anything that he did not intend to see to completion. It would also seem unnatural for any believer who has a personal relationship with the Lord to hate any other believer. How could that be even possible? It would seem love would be the natural response for any believer, for God loves all of us. Still, I see that Paul is telling them to do this more and more. That seems rather strange that if they are loving each other, how are they to love each other more and more? It would appear there is no limit to loving each other. What I have to come to grips with is that one or two really odd brothers or sisters in the Lord whose personality simply rub me the wrong way. I am supposed to love them without any limitations. Is it possible to love them, but not like them? I have meant some believers along the way that simply are like nails on a chalkboard. I have often wondered if they love me without limit, yet I am supposed to love them. There are some believers it is really easy to love, they are simply lovable people. But for the most part, I have noticed many believers walk around a little grumpy or at least void of any smile on their faces. Still, I am called to love them and to do so more and more. Now this love is the brotherly type love, the Philadelphia love. It is a fraternal love, an affectionate love for the brethren. Just because they are fellow believers I am to have an affectionate attitude toward them, but then they are also expected to have that same type of attitude toward me. If everyone thought that way about everyone else, it would be a wonderful church. Yet, I am not called to respond, but to act. It does not matter if they are do not have that love for the brethren, which would include me, I am responsible for my attitude toward them. So then, it would seem natural if I am going to love them, I would also continually thank God for them. I would thank him that he has called them to himself and that he loves them just the same as he loves me. Then it would be natural for me to have this brotherly love for them as well. At least that sounds good in theory, but in the reality of life, I think I fail at having this brotherly love toward each and every other believer. So I have to apply myself, or rely on the Spirit, more and more.

Friday, October 16, 2020

Acceptance or Rejection





1 Thess 4:3-8

3 It is God's will that you should be sanctified: that you should avoid sexual immorality; 4 that each of you should learn to control his own body in a way that is holy and honorable, 5 not in passionate lust like the heathen, who do not know God; 6 and that in this matter no one should wrong his brother or take advantage of him. The Lord will punish men for all such sins, as we have already told you and warned you. 7 For God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life. 8 Therefore, he who rejects this instruction does not reject man but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit.


This is the further instructions that Paul gives regarding living in a manner that pleases God. Of course, if I love the Lord with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength then I would certainly be sanctified and avoid any sexual immorality. Now the two Greek words here have a more specific meaning. The first word that is translated as sanctified, means to consecrate which is to make or declare sacred, to dedicate something formally to a divine purpose. The question here is whether I am to consecrate myself, that is declare myself formally for the purpose of God, or is it God who makes or declares me sacred and wholly for his purpose. It would appear by the language that it is the will of God that I am sanctified and therefore he is the one who sanctifies me, makes me sacred. But then it could also be that it is God’s will that I declare myself, dedicate myself for his purpose in my life. It seems to me that it makes sense that If I am to avoid fornication, which is the second Greek word, that here is translated as sexual immorality, that I would be the one who dedicates myself for the purpose of God. The Greek word is actually porneia which applied in that day as used properly as illicit sexual intercourse. This would have been seen as having temple prostitutes or living in a very open society with no moral compass at all. This may well be the case in the society I find myself in today. Of course, I do not participate in that kind of open behavior of engaging in sexual intimacy with anyone at any time and it is an absolute that I do not have that kind of religious ceremony with temple prostitutes as who Paul calls the heathen did. It would appear our society is definitely heathen and I have been called out from that and I have been called to live a pure and holy life. I certainly do not live like the heathens of our culture, but I make every effort to live a life that is pleasing to the Lord. From this language, there is a clear line between the heathen lifestyle and that of the lifestyle of those who are sanctified. The main difference between the heathen or I should say non-believer and myself are that I have accepted Jesus and received the Holy Spirit, who leads me into all truth, and they have rejected both Jesus and the Spirit. It comes down to acceptance or rejection.  

Thursday, October 15, 2020

More and More





1 Thess 4:1-2

4:1 Finally, brothers, we instructed you how to live in order to please God, as in fact you are living. Now we ask you and urge you in the Lord Jesus to do this more and more. 2 For you know what instructions we gave you by the authority of the Lord Jesus.


Paul is going to get into some specific instruction again, but before I consider them, I think it would be good to simply consider how to live in order to please God. Paul says the Thessalonians are already doing that, yet he does go on to instruct them about certain behaviors they should avoid. So how can they be living in a manner that pleases God and still need to avoid certain ways of living? However, he is urging them to live more and more as pleasing to the Lord. What I need to discover here, is what manner of living pleases the Lord. It seems it is possible to increase in that form of living to please God if he urges them to do it more and more. I do know that having faith in Jesus Christ certainly pleases God. I also have the complete word of God which I can find all sorts of instructions for holy living, but the people of Thessalonica did not have the bible to refer to for instruction. What they had was the personal instruction from Paul when he visited with them. He spent time reasoning from the scriptures, which would be the scrolls containing what we now call the Old Testament, with the Jews in the synagogue. Some of the Jews and some of the God-fearing Greeks along with some women joined him. There was great opposition as well. Nevertheless, a church of believers was in this city and now Paul writes to them and instructs them further. What I am amazed at is that all they had was his personal testimony about the scriptures that tell about Jesus being the Christ. Now they are living in a manner that pleases God. I have to come to the conclusion the living to please God is not about what I do not do, but what I do, and what I do is believe with all my heart that Jesus is God and he came in the flesh to die for my sin, and now I am forgiven and I trust in Jesus alone. My salvation, my righteousness, my life is Jesus. Now, are there areas of my life that need to be corrected? Absolutely, as long as I am captive to this flesh, I am subject to fail in any effort to be perfect and be without any sin whatsoever. So then how can I live to please God more and more if I continue to falter? I know Paul has already commended them regarding several of the ways they would be pleasing God, such as loving each other, standing firm in their faith, the word of God is active, or working in them. So I have to realize it is not about abiding in rules and regulations that please God, as the Israelites had many of those and could not keep them, in fact, God gave them the law to show them they could not live by it, but that they needed a Savior. All the law pointed to Jesus. So the way I please God is to live in Christ, to accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior, to trust in him, to rely solely on Jesus, and to do so more and more instead of less and less, which would imply that I cannot go back to trying to live by the law or rules, but that I have to trust on and in Jesus more and more.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Holy and Blameless





1 Thess 3:13

 13 May he strengthen your hearts so that you will be blameless and holy in the presence of our God and Father when our Lord Jesus comes with all his holy ones.


I must first come to the conclusion that at one time my heart was weak. It is the Lord my God who makes my heart strong. He continually strengthens my heart each day. Without his power, my heart would still be weak, but praise be to my God that he has strengthened my heart, and the work that he started in me, he will bring to completion. There is no work that I can do to strengthen my heart, for it is God’s work and He does everything perfectly. If I were the one responsible to strengthen my heart, I still could not make myself blameless and holy in His presence. He is the only one who can make me blameless and holy in his sight. In Paul’s letter to the Ephesians, he makes it very clear that Christ gave himself up to make the church, which is me and all other believers, holy. He cleansed us all by the washing with water through the word, and to present us to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any blemish, but holy and blameless. In that same letter, Paul also says that God predetermined that we would be adopted as His sons through Jesus Christ because that is what pleases Him. It also says that he chose to make us holy and blameless in Christ before he even created the world. He could not be God if he did not know in advance of creation all that would happen and that I would be born in the time I was and that I would respond in the affirmative to His invitation and that He would strengthen my heart and that He would make me holy and blameless in his sight. Only the God of all creation could know and do everything that has been done. All over gods are the invention of man, for their own reasons. There is no other god who can make me holy and blameless. My God has done it, I am already holy and blameless in his sight, for I am hidden in Christ and He has already presented me in the presence of the Father. He watches over me, He loves me more than I can even imagine. Yet, I am confident of the Love of God because He sent his Son to be the ultimate sacrifice for sin. After Jesus died on the cross, there was no more need for any sacrifice for sin. I have been forgiven, I have been cleansed in the blood of Jesus.  I have been made holy by and in Christ. I have been declared blameless, innocent before God, because of Jesus. This brings peace to my heart. I have no reason to be anxious about anything for God is my strength, He is my fortress, and He is my help in ever-present danger. Just as a small child is comforted in the arms of its parent, I am comforted in the ever-present arms of Jesus. He has made me holy and blameless.


Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Increasing and Overflowing





1 Thess 3:12

12 May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else, just as ours does for you.


It would appear that it is not just enough to love everyone else, but that my love for them should always be increasing and always overflowing. The first thing I have to contend with is loving each of my fellow believers. What has to be dealt with is that in the natural we each have a personality and there are just some people who seem to clash with our personality and vice versa. That is sad that some of our fellow believers are more difficult to love than others. Yet, there is no wiggle room here when we are told that we should love each other. Jesus made it clear that the two greatest commandments were to love the Lord our God with all our hearts, soul, mind, and strength and to love our neighbor as ourselves. He also said that we should love each other as he has loved us. If I am going to follow Jesus then I have no other course of action other to love everyone all the same. This means I cannot show favoritism. Now, does that preclude my having a little group of special friends, a little clique? Is that showing more love for one than another? What it seems is that I am not to love just my fellow believers, each other spoken of here, but that I am to love everyone else. And again, it is not enough to just love them, but that my love should be increasing and overflowing. What does that look like? How do I demonstrate that kind of love, and the question is whether I do have that kind of love for everyone? I would think that if I have Christ in my heart that it would be a natural outflowing of his love for everyone. One problem is that I am an introvert and normally do not seek out being among people. Can I still love them, even though I enjoy or need alone time to recharge? An extrovert gains energy from being around people, but I am sapped of all my energy from being around people. My love for them should not be affected by my need to recharge. I can still love each of my fellow believers and everyone else. But, again the question is how is my love demonstrated to everyone? Is it doing something for them? Is it willing to lay my life down for them? It is just listening to them, being interested in what they are doing, or saying? Is it serving them in some way? Is it being an encouragement to them, exhorting them on in their spiritual as well as physical lives? I need to ponder on how I can love them more and more, increasing and overflowing in my love for them.   

Monday, October 12, 2020

Making A Way

 Forward, somehow I felt I needed to change from 3rd person to 1st person, at least for now. I hope that those of you who travel along with me can still find a blessing from this blog 




1 Thess 3:11

11 Now may our God and Father himself and our Lord Jesus clear the way for us to come to you.


There was a time in my life I wanted to make my own way. I wanted to make my mark on the world, to make a name for myself. For the most part that was before I knew Jesus, but even after knowing Christ, I still may have had that goal. Here Paul is saying that is he looking to God the Father himself and our Lord Jesus to clear the way for him to come to Thessalonica. I know the Lord is a lamp onto my feet and he lights the path before me. But that requires me to walk on the path that He lights. Then it would make sense that I cannot walk my own path, I cannot want to make my own way in life, for my life is hidden in Christ. I know God has given me the ability to make my own choices in life, but those choices stem from one of two positions. The first is from the point of being a non-believer. I had to choose to either stay a non-believer or to choose to believe. As I chose to believe, of course, after the incredible show of power God demonstrated to me through a miracle that I could not explain, I now have two choices. One is to ignore the voice of the Lord and still attempt to make my own way in life, but including God in my way. The other is to simply follow the path he has shown me, making no choices for my own, or effort to make my own way. That almost sounds like doing absolutely nothing unless God speaks to me about where to go and what to do. In essence, that is pretty much how it is. This is not to mean that I cannot decide whether to shop at one store or another or that I cannot decide today is a good day to mow the lawn or go golfing. What following the path God has me on is about being in the place he has directed me to live and work. Following his path is also, which is the most important, where I should fit into his kingdom. This is about how he has decided which of his gifts he determines to manifest in my life, where he wants me to worship, and how he decides how I should administer the gift he is blessing me with. I do not know how long I am supposed to travel any particular path, within the general path to my heavenly home. What I know is that I need to proceed on this particular path as though I were traveling on a road with all green lights. If someday he were to give me a red light, then I must wait for further instructions, but for now, I have the peddle to the metal headed along the path he has laid out before me. If and when he ever decides I should change course, he will let me know, of that I am confident. But for now full speed ahead as he makes a way for me.

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Faith and Love





1 Thess 3:6

6 But Timothy has just now come to us from you and has brought good news about your faith and love. He has told us that you always have pleasant memories of us and that you long to see us, just as we also long to see you.


Here again I get the sense of a real community of believers, always thinking, remember, and longing to see each other. I wonder sometimes if those people in my past have pleasant memories of me. Do they remember my faith and love? Did they experience my love toward them? Do I demonstrate any love toward them? Do I demonstrate any love toward the people in my present that someday they will have pleasant memories of me? Do I have pleasant memories of those in the past I knew? Do I recall their life of faith and love? Can my faith and love be reported on as good news to someone else? It is good news to someone else, do they even care? Do I care about getting a report about somebody’s faith and love? I would think in a real community of believers even if separated by miles would be together in the Spirit and thus all these answers would be yes. But are they? Are all the answers yes? At least now because of the modern technological advancements such as Facebook I am able to check in on all those people I have fond memories of and they can do the same with me. I can see what love they are demonstrating in their lives and how their faith is active and playing such a role in how they live. I would imagine they could so likewise with me. They could read my posts, my blog, and my book and find out all about my life of faith and love. I suppose in that sense we still are a community of believers, interacting with one another in a binary method rather than in person because of the many miles which separate us and the extremely busyness our lives are filled with. Now I must ask myself do I indeed live such a life of faith and love in front and wide open before my fellow believers. I pray I do. I hope I am being an example of a believer with faith in God beyond anyone or anything else. I hope and pray people know and sense my love for them. I know I may not act that out as much as I should. That is not an easy flowing trait as it should be. Why is that? Maybe I really do not love like I should. Maybe I say the words but really do not have it inside. Maybe it is inside but I have such a struggle getting it out. This I need more of the Spirit for. I know my life is forever changing, growing, being stretched and strained, being melted down and reformed into what God desires me to be. I must allow him more access to continue the work in me, as he continues to work for me and through me. Faith and love.

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Full of Faith





1 Thess 3:6-10

6 But Timothy has just now come to us from you and has brought good news about your faith and love. He has told us that you always have pleasant memories of us and that you long to see us, just as we also long to see you. 7 Therefore, brothers, in all our distress and persecution we were encouraged about you because of your faith. 8 For now we really live, since you are standing firm in the Lord. 9 How can we thank God enough for you in return for all the joy we have in the presence of our God because of you? 10 Night and day we pray most earnestly that we may see you again and supply what is lacking in your faith.


Certainly, there are some personal comments from Paul to this church that may not have any bearing on our lives. However, perhaps we can apply some of the same types of feelings Paul is expressing because of the faith of others. There is a sense of this longing to see each other that may not be as inherent in our personality. We have to ask ourselves if we long to see anyone at all. It is certainly nice to see certain people, but we cannot be sure we actually have a longing to see them. Maybe that is a character or personality flaw within us. Maybe we should have this longing as well as be encouraged because of the faith someone we may have had a hand in their accepting Jesus. Do we remember them, and think about them from time to time, but we do lack that sense of longing to see them again. On the other hand, we could apply this to ourselves in the sense that someone had a hand in our accepting Jesus and it is us who are standing firm in the Lord. We do not know if we have encouraged anyone because of our faith. We do not know if anyone is experiencing joy in the presence of the Lord because of us. However, we can say that when we think about those who we share the gospel with and they accepting Jesus, it does bring us a sense of joy, because God saw fit to use us as the vessel to draw them unto himself. There is something a bit odd in what Paul is saying here. First, he says that in all his distress and persecution he is encouraged because of their faith. Then, he says that he prays all the time that he might see them again so to supply what is lacking in their faith. Which is it? Is their faith and encouragement to him, or does he want to see them again to strengthen their faith, because their faith is lacking something? Surely we might apply that in our daily walk in the community of faith. We should live our faith, so as to be an encouragement to others. If we walk lacking in faith, or our faith is weak, then it would make sense we would not be much of an encouragement to anyone who may be struggling in their faith. This faith may not be about salvation, for we have to believe all who confess Jesus as their Lord and Savior have the faith for their salvation. There is no other way but by faith. No one can do any amount of good works to gain salvation. So any faith that may be lacking would have to do with our daily walk in life. So then, we should be an encouragement to this type of faith, for some may be lacking the faith in their daily lives. It would make sense that if we were encouraging others, our faith should be strong in the Lord. Certainly, Paul’s faith is an example of how our faith should be living out in us. So let us live full of faith in all the areas of our life, being encouraged by others and encouraging to others.

Friday, October 9, 2020

Strengthen and Encourage





1 Thess 3:1-5

3:1 So when we could stand it no longer, we thought it best to be left by ourselves in Athens. 2 We sent Timothy, who is our brother and God's fellow worker in spreading the gospel of Christ, to strengthen and encourage you in your faith, 3 so that no one would be unsettled by these trials. You know quite well that we were destined for them. 4 In fact, when we were with you, we kept telling you that we would be persecuted. And it turned out that way, as you well know. 5 For this reason, when I could stand it no longer, I sent to find out about your faith. I was afraid that in some way the tempter might have tempted you and our efforts might have been useless.


There is something afoot here which is not stated clearly, but we have a glimpse into the personal feelings of Paul that gives us a clue regarding Paul being left alone in Athens. First, we can see the intense concern he has for the church in Thessalonica. His concern was that the tempter may have subverted all Paul’s time and efforts he poured into the people there. Believers are always in the sights of the tempter. Whenever someone has a close and personal relationship with the Lord, the tempter is sure to show up, just as he did in the Garden of Eden. So Paul, at his own expense, which is being left alone, sent Timothy to strengthen and encourage their faith, so they would not be unsettled because of any trials they are going through. Again, another glue for us in that we too could be subject to some trials at times in our walk with the Lord. Our life may not always be a bed of roses, for there are thorns on the rosebush as well. Nevertheless, we can be assured that God will also send someone alone to encourage and strengthen our faith. This clue about Paul having Timothy go, and thus being alone in Athens shows us just how much Paul felt it inconvenient to not have a fellow worker beside him in the work of the Lord. When two are laboring together to spread the gospel in a new area, it gives strength to the cause. We do know from the following verses that Timothy does return to Paul in Athens, giving him the report about the church in Thessalonica. Thus this letter is a result of Timothy’s report. So we see that it is good to be about the Lord’s business with the help and fellowship of another believer, and we also see that as believers we will be subject to having the tempter hanging around making every effort to trip us up. Again, we can see that we do need each other so as to strengthen and encourage each other. We see that it is good to be concerned about the faith of our fellow believers and at times that concern might be at the cost of some personal inconvenience. We need to be about giving strength and encouragement to our fellow believers, whatever that looks like. It seems as we are jumping around with our thoughts about this passage, and the truth it bears in our lives. We just cannot organize it well, but the points are there. One, trials will come our way. Two, we need to be concerned for others. Three, being concerned could cost us. Four, we all need strengthening and encouragement. Five, we need each other in our labor for the Lord.  

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Stopped by Satan





1 Thess 2:17-20

17 But, brothers, when we were torn away from you for a short time (in person, not in thought), out of our intense longing we made every effort to see you. 18 For we wanted to come to you — certainly I, Paul, did, again and again — but Satan stopped us. 19 For what is our hope, our joy, or the crown in which we will glory in the presence of our Lord Jesus when he comes? Is it not you? 20 Indeed, you are our glory and joy.



At first glance, this section of Paul’s letter seems to be of a personal nature within a certain time in history and has little bearing in our lives. Paul leaves little doubt that he would like to see them again, and that he had an intense longing to come to them. He makes this case that Satan obstructed his efforts to see them in person. What we can apply to our lives, is the work of the evil one. He is always about trying to obstruct us from doing good things. What is interesting about this is that like us, Paul had the power of God working in his life. Why then did Satan have the ability to stop Paul from traveling to see them? Would it not have been God’s plan that he not go back to see those believers in Thessalonica? How could Satan have won over the power of God? We do not know the details as to how Satan stopped him, anything said about that would only be conjecture. But, we do know Satan does attack believers for he need not attack those who do not believe in God as he already has a firm grip on them. Of course, we do have the full armor of God to be able to take our stand against the schemes of the devil. Paul should have had that power of God’s armor, as he had to know of God’s armor for it was he who wrote about the armor to God in his letter to the Ephesians. That seems to be a little confusing as to how Satan could have stopped him, when he was wearing the armor of God. Nevertheless, we have to accept that Satan was able to keep Paul from going back to see them, however it happened. Paul also states that those who he, through the power of the Spirit, won to Christ, will be hope, joy and a crown when we see Jesus. Certainly Paul was used in bringing the gospel message to many and was instrumental in their accepting Christ. We wonder about those souls that have crossed our paths. Some have accepted Jesus, some have rejected Jesus. But we also wonder if we were ever stopped by Satan in our efforts to bring someone to Jesus. Still, that is one of the goals of our being a believer. We should be making every effort to share our faith, as Paul did. Sure we cannot travel like Paul did, but we are out in the world that is full of non-believers. There is opposition to the gospel message on our culture, even from some very powerful people in leadership. They want to take God out from the public square. This should motivate us to be more vocal in our witness for Jesus. We cannot allow Satan to silence our voice. Perhaps we cannot travel around like Paul did, but we have many formats to share our faith. Let our voice be heard, let the power of the Spirit fill us so we may be more effective in our efforts to bring the message to those who are lost. Yet at the same time we have to understand that it may be possible we could be stopped by Satan. We are not sure why or how, but if Paul could be stopped by Satan, maybe we could be stopped to. We know that sounds crazy, but it just might be possible we could be stopped by Satan. 

Wednesday, October 7, 2020

The Word of God at Work





1 Thess 2:13-16

13 And we also thank God continually because, when you received the word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men, but as it actually is, the word of God, which is at work in you who believe. 14 For you, brothers, became imitators of God's churches in Judea, which are in Christ Jesus: You suffered from your own countrymen the same things those churches suffered from the Jews, 15 who killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets and also drove us out. They displease God and are hostile to all men 16 in their effort to keep us from speaking to the Gentiles so that they may be saved. In this way they always heap up their sins to the limit. The wrath of God has come upon them at last.  


There has to be a difference between the word of God and the word of men, yet it would seem Paul is saying that some men were still telling the story of Jesus or some form of the gospel, but they were not bringing the truth of it, but rather were speaking so as to gain followers. Sharing the gospel message is not about gaining more followers for our own purpose. In fact, even to count the number of people would be prideful. But the point Paul is making is that when he shared the word of God, they accepted as the word of God, not as his words, so they did not follow Paul, but they followed after God. We see people today who are about gathering large crowds to themselves, speaking so as to please the ears and hearts of men, rather than God. It would seem the church as it appears here does the work of God that is if, in fact, God is working in it. That would be the key to a successful church, God working in it. Then the body of Christ would be the body of Christ, with each member serving the other members in some way. It would seem those false teachers are just interesting in gather listeners and not members of the body of Christ. The real church acts as a body does, all members of the body acting in concert together for the singular purpose of life. This is what Paul is referring to when he says that the word of God is at work in us who believe. Paul also makes reference to those religious men, who were most likely the Pharisees, the chief priests and the teachers of the law, the ones who killed Jesus, who were driving hard against the new believers in Jesus. Paul may also be speaking about those Jews who did believe, but were still entangled in the law and thought Jesus only came to the Jews, and the Gentiles were not to be included unless that first became a Jew. There is a danger for whoever stands in the way of the word of God working in someone. We know from other scripture that we are to work together as the body of Christ and that we are to encourage each other, lift each other up, so that we all function as one part of the whole, doing our part, as the word of God works in us, until we all reach the unity in the faith. Paul strains toward that mark in all his letters reminding them of his always praying for them, always thanking God for them, always building them up, and correcting them when they are wrong, but always in love. This is the true church, which is filled with people who the word of God is at work in.  

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Being Up to The Task





1 Thess 2:6-12

As apostles of Christ we could have been a burden to you, 7 but we were gentle among you, like a mother caring for her little children. 8 We loved you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us. 9 Surely you remember, brothers, our toil and hardship; we worked night and day in order not to be a burden to anyone while we preached the gospel of God to you. 10 You are witnesses, and so is God, of how holy, righteous and blameless we were among you who believed. 11 For you know that we dealt with each of you as a father deals with his own children, 12 encouraging, comforting and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory.


Certainly, the labor deserves a wage, but here Paul says that although they labored among them in sharing the Gospel and their lives, they did not receive any wage from the people. Instead, they worked at his trade as a tentmaker to support himself and his fellow evangelists. Today, there might be a few pastors of extremely small size churches, feel the need to have an outside job to support their own ministry because the church just cannot afford to pay them. On the flip side, there are pastors who are living very well and paid handsomely. It would seem there is no general rule regarding this area of ministry, but here Paul makes sure these Thessalonians know that he never expected any such support from them. His ministry was motived out of love. This serves as an example for ministry for anyone who has the call. The task of sharing the gospel as well as pastoring a church should be driven by the love for the people. How could it be possible to be effective in any ministry if we did not have love? Paul also serves as a picture of the attitude we should live, as not being a burden on anyone, but supporting our own lives and that in our service to others we need to be an example of holiness, righteousness, and being blameless. As Paul says he not only shared the gospel with them, he shared his life with them. This serves as an example of how we need to have this transparency among the church, sharing our lives with each other. We fear we might fail all too often in this area as we have a tendency to keep to ourselves in regard to many areas of our lives. We come together to worship, but for the most part that is all we share. There are and perhaps will always be little cliques that perhaps share a little more intimately than the general population of the church. Still, Paul makes the point especially about those who share the gospel and preach the word that there is a need to live their lives as an open book, and that book needs to be about holiness, righteousness, and blamelessness. In addition, serving others as one who cares for their own family. We wonder how successful we are, or how much we have failed to live up to this example. Are we encouraging and comforting and urging others to live a life worthy of God? That requires some self-examination. We can only hope we can live up to the task.