Eph 1:18-19
18 I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order
that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his
glorious inheritance in the saints, 19 and his incomparably great power for us
who believe.
Paul continues with his prayer for them and it is full of rich truths. Just
what does he mean regarding the eyes of our hearts being enlightened? We think
this might be all about faith, having real faith, real hope, which is what he
is saying is the reason for having an enlightened heart. So we might know the
hope to which we have been called. This word hope has great significance in Greek. It can mean anticipation with pleasure, but it also can mean joyful and
confident expectation, and in the sense of this context, of eternal life. Our
hope is not like, “I hope I get that new whatever for my birthday”. This hope is not really hoping at all, it is a joyful confidence. We do not have to hope, we can
expect it to happen. It is promised by God and he never fails to keep his word.
Because we believe in Jesus, God has called us to eternal life with him. He has
blessed us with that glorious inheritance. We never have to worry about it, it
is a done deal, and our destination is heaven. This is not a see-saw of life,
that when we fail him we are out, and when we do good we are back in. We can
have confidence that we are going to be in heaven because we believe in Jesus,
we are born again. Of course we will never be perfect until we reach heaven in
our glorified bodies, but nevertheless, we are still going to heaven. That is
our inheritance as children of God. It is not based on how good we are, or how
much we do or don’t do. It is not based on anything other than faith in Jesus.
That is having the eyes of our hearts enlightened. That is knowing our hope to which
he has called us. Jesus told us that he went to prepare a place for us and that
he would come back to take us to that place, so we may be where he is, with him.
That is not a hope, it is a reality and we should be living in that reality. In
addition to all that, if that is not enough, we also have available to us the
incomparably great power of God. We have to think that it would be the most
awesome life ever, to live, having the power of God in us. We are not sure how
that all works, and what exactly that looks like, but it is something spectacular.
The whole thing, heaven, and his power is, in fact, something spectacular.