Ps 119:89-96
89 Lamedh
Your word, O LORD, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens. 90 Your
faithfulness continues through all generations; you established the earth, and
it endures. 91 Your laws endure to this day, for all things serve you. 92 If
your law had not been my delight, I would have perished in my affliction. 93 I
will never forget your precepts, for by them you have preserved my life. 94
Save me, for I am yours; I have sought out your precepts. 95 The wicked are
waiting to destroy me, but I will ponder your statutes. 96 To all perfection I
see a limit; but your commands are boundless.
Day twelve in the longest psalm. Yesterday we ended with a declaration we
would take our stand and today we are assured the word of the Lord is eternal
and it stands firm in the heavens. We might falter in our stand from time to
time, but God’s word never falters, and it has always been and will always be
and it is always ready to be applied to our lives. But this is not all, we are
also assured of his faithfulness for it endures through all generations. That
is us. We are part of the all generations. Those who preceded us and those who
follow us, all of us are recipients of his faithfulness. Now we get to the age
old argument the environmentalist and some of us believers get into. The Lord established
the earth and it endures. It was the same the day he established it as it was
the day the psalmist penned those words and it remains the same today. God
established the earth and it endures, it remains, it does not change, it stays,
which is the meaning of the Hebrew word translated endures. Who do some people think
that are that they could change, or have any effect on, that which God
established to endure? It is just like his law which endures and all things
serve him. All things serve him. That is a powerful statement. Everything
serves the Lord, or we could say serves his purpose. Everything that exists,
the whole earth, the solar system, the galaxy as well as the entire universe
serves him. This would include all living things. Even those who are considered
evil serve him or his purpose. But his law, which now rests firmly in Jesus, is
our delight. If we were not delighted in Jesus, as still are, for that matter,
we would have perished in our former life of distress. But now that we know
Jesus, we will never forget him or his love and faithfulness toward us for he
has and will always preserve our life. The psalmist asked the Lord to save him,
but we need not ask, for we are saved, we are in Christ. We also have the Holy Spirit
as a deposit, a guarantee of our inheritance. We have sought out the law of the
Lord, we have sought out Jesus. Some would say that Jesus found us, but the truth
is we found Jesus. The only way to find someone, such as Jesus, is to look for
him, seek him, and search for him. It does not matter who wants to destroy us,
they will not prevail for we ponder on Jesus, the statutes of the Lord, and he
is everything, the law, precepts, statutes, faithfulness and love that endures
forever. All that we think is perfect or complete has a limit, but the commands
of the Lord, Jesus is boundless, roomy in every direction as the Hebrew word
means. Because we are in Christ, we are therefore boundless. That is we are
roomy in every direction without limits, no walls, no end to the room, in fact
there are no walls, we live in the boundlessness of Jesus. There is no limit to
our life, it has not walls, not boundaries. we are limitless.
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