Sunday, June 12, 2016

Set free


Gen 49:21
21 "Naphtali is a doe set free that bears beautiful fawns.  

Another very short blessing that seems at first to bear little we could sink our teeth into. Perhaps this version gives a slightly different twist then some of the others as well as the original Septuagint version. The original language uses a hind, which is a female deer, but then says she speaks goodly words. Although in the sense of this version, beautiful fawns could imply those goodly words. If we search out the fulfillment of these words Jacob spoke to Naphtali we do find his descendants had a good number of fighting men, many of who it is recorded they were fleet of foot. They could run like a deer, pursuing their enemy. But what about the beautiful fawns or good words? It could imply his land allotted to him produced beautiful produce as well as fighting men who were swift runners. But then how does all that apply to us, if it does? Have we not been set free from the bondage of sin? Are we not like a doe set free? What does a doe before being set free look like? It must be in a trap, or a cage, or some form of constraint. From some studies a captive doe responds as one under stress. Captivity of a wild doe causes them to be stressed. Could this be how we are when we are captive to sin? Could we have been living a very stressful life? When a deer is set free, it can run freely through the fields and taste the best of leaves of the trees and bushes, it can roam into the field in the early morning and feel the warm of the sun on it. We too have been set free, we are free to run like the gazelle, to leap through the fields freely, tasting the best of leaves, enjoying the feeling of warmth the Son on us. We also can bear beautiful fawns, speak goodly words. Those goodly words are the message of the Gospel. We can speak beautiful words into the hearts and minds of people who like the trapped doe, living under stress, under the dominion of darkness, not being able to see their way to freedom. Our goodly words can be a beacon of light, shining brightly into their dark domain, giving them a way out, showing them a path to freedom. This is why we are referred to as the light of the world. This may also add some truth to being the salt of the earth as well. Deer seem to always find the salt blocks put out for them. They find their way to the salt. Could this also apply that as the salt of the earth we should be attracting those trapped deer giving them that needed taste of salt? Interesting thought. But the point of this blessing is still within the setting free of the doe and it speaking goodly words. Let us live free and speak those goodly words. 

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