Saturday, February 21, 2015



Luke 4:31-32
31 Then he went down to Capernaum, a town in Galilee, and on the Sabbath began to teach the people. 32 They were amazed at his teaching, because his message had authority.

His message had authority and that is why the people were amazed. Of course Jesus spoke with authority, he was God, and would we expect anything less. So why are we being told this fact? What truth can we glean for our life lesson from knowing this fact about Jesus and the people? Could this apply to pastors or preachers only? Should they proclaim the message with such authority their congregation would be amazed? They certainly have a little more of a challenge then Jesus had since he had a new crowd in Capernaum, and pastors have the same crowd week after week. What if we applied this to our message? First we would have to tell the message. We certainly have a message to tell. But can we tell it with authority, with the same authority as Jesus had? Can we teach the people with such authority they will be amazed? The answer has to be yes. If we have the Spirit dwelling within us, we have the authority of God right inside our being and thus we should be able, providing we know the message, to teach it with the authority of God. We need not apologize for our faith. We need not be afraid to speak our faith. We need not remain in the background and allow the message of non-believers to overshadow the truth we know within. Let’s amaze some people. When we speak about God, about Jesus, about salvation let the people be amazed.

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