Sunday, July 20, 2014



Acts 6:8-10
8 Now Stephen, a man full of God's grace and power, did great wonders and miraculous signs among the people. 9 Opposition arose, however, from members of the Synagogue of the Freedmen (as it was called)-Jews of Cyrene and Alexandria as well as the provinces of Cilicia and Asia. These men began to argue with Stephen, 10 but they could not stand up against his wisdom or the Spirit by whom he spoke.

It is odd to a certain extent that such a diverse group of Jews would be so united in their argument with Stephen. The correct word used for Freedmen is actually Libertines who are Jews that were once slaves, but freed by Rome alone with Jews who lived in all these other Regions who are now in Jerusalem to celebrate the feast of Pentecost. We could focus on this unique bond against Stephen but our life lesson should come from Stephen. He was a man full of God’s grace and power. Once again this grace can be defined as simply being or acting in a gracious manner, but it also can be defined as the divine influence upon his heart and the reflection in his life, including gratitude. This second definition best describes Stephen. He was full of the influence of God on his heart, and his actions, his life reflected that as he did great wonders and miraculous signs among the people plus in addition his wisdom could not be stood up against by those Jews mentioned. It would seem if we were, in fact, full of the divine influence upon our hearts it would be reflected in our lives as well and others might well see us doing great wonders and miraculous signs. If that were the case, we might even see some kind of opposition arise among our fellow believers. Perhaps the reason for the opposition to Stephen was because those Jews were jealous of Stephen having so much of the power of God in his life. We will never know for sure, but it would seem that if we were that full of the power of God, some might be a tad bit jealous, or envious and wonder why they do not have that power. It is for certain that power only comes from having a heart that is completely influence by the divine. When our hearts contain human influence, when we are driven by our own ambitions or desires we will never see the power of God evident in our lives. Stephen, a man full of faith and the Holy Spirit, who was full of God’s divine influence upon his heart had the power to do great wonders and signs among the people. Should this not be our first desire? This kind of living brings glory to God. If we live under our own human influence we cannot bring glory to God, but if we live full of his divine influence upon our hearts it is for certain we will bring glory to God. What could bring greater glory to God then living or being like Stephen, full of God’s grace and power? We may never actually attain the perfection of Jesus, being in his likeness, until we reach heaven, but we can be like Stephen, full of God’s grace and power. 


Anonymous said...

Full of God's grace and power! Long for more of this! I remembered your definition of grace. I like it!

wordwriterone said...

Not my definition,but strong's