The next day the rulers, elders and teachers of the law met in Jerusalem. 6
Annas the high priest was there, and so were Caiaphas, John, Alexander and the
other men of the high priest's family. 7 They had Peter and John brought before
them and began to question them: "By what power or what name did you do
is just the beginning of another demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit
in a person’s life, but we need to stop and visit this beginning for a moment.
Although it is a record of an actual event, there is still a life lesson for us
to consider. This question the rules, elders and teachers of the law asked
Peter and John brings us something to ponder on. They knew there was power at
work, power that was not of human origin, but they did not know who it was
from. This is the established spiritual leadership of the nation of Israel, and
they did not recognize the power of God at work. The other reason for the
question could have been they knew the power was from God, but did not what their
power and influence over the people to be disrupted by these men, even if God
was at work in them. But we will see they were impressed with Peter’s response,
so we might well conclude it was more about their not seeing the moving of God,
then wanting to crush this new movement. Although they were also wanting to
crush it, as they are the ones responsibly for having Jesus crucified. The point
we see here is they were trying to trap Peter and John by some means. Whenever
God moves in the lives of people some are not going to be happy about it. It is
even quite possible those who are the rulers, elders, and teachers of the New Testament
today may not like it when a simple uneducated person, who has not paid for their
denominational degree from the subscribed bible college, is filled with the
Holy Spirit and is used by God to perform miracles and speak with the wisdom of
God. Yet it is by the power of the name of Jesus we all can be filled with the
Spirit and speak the mind of God. The scriptures can be open to all of us who
seek the truth from God. He has poured out his spirit upon all men, if they are
willing to be filled, filled to overflowing. That is another point we will see,
but should note in this context as well. When Peter responds being filled with
the Spirit, he is filled to overflowing. What good is being filled, if we are
not filled to overflowing? Others cannot be affected by the Spirit within us,
unless it flows out of us, unless it is overflowing from us all over them? The
power of the Spirit, the power of the name of Jesus is not exclusive, it does
not only belong to the leaders, elders, and the teachers of the Scripture, and
it is all inclusive, available to anyone who believes. So as we live and walk
in the Spirit, we should be doing it in such a manner that people would ask us,
“By what power or what name did you do this?”