Monday, September 23, 2013

Right Words

Prov 15:28
28 The heart of the righteous weighs its answers, but the mouth of the wicked gushes evil.

There might be nothing wrong with having a quick wit about us but it certainly seems a whole lot better to be a little slow of speech. Sometimes we might get ourselves in a little trouble by being so smart-mouthed or blabber-mouthed about something which requires a bit of thought about before saying something we are sorry we said, or which makes us look a little foolish at the least. But the importance here is about righteousness for it is the heart of the righteous that weights its answer and the opposite is evil. There is many times when discussions center around issues which a righteous person might weight a response which could bring about proper word directing the course of the conversation in the direction toward Godly things which would certainly benefit all who are engaged in this conversation. But it is certain that the mouth of the wicked gushes with either gossip, or dribble about one self which benefits none other than the gusher. It might be that if we take our time to speak we may not have an opportunity to get a word in edge wise, but that is not all bad. We might get a reputation sort of like that old commercial, when Payne Weber talks, people listen. Everyone was chattering about but then when this one person began to speak, everyone stopped and bent an ear in their direction. It is far better to say a few meaningful thoughtful words then simply talk to hear one’s own voice. The more words spoken might indicate just how impressed one is with oneself, especially if they are words which endeavor to impress all others, yet they may serve an evil intent. The righteous will consider carefully how to response lifting others up, placing them before self, speaking words of kindness, gentleness and love, always based upon the truth of God. 

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