Wednesday, June 26, 2013

In Need of A Sign

Mark 8:11-13
11 The Pharisees came and began to question Jesus. To test him, they asked him for a sign from heaven. 12 He sighed deeply and said, "Why does this generation ask for a miraculous sign? I tell you the truth, no sign will be given to it."  13 Then he left them, got back into the boat and crossed to the other side.

It seems strange that the Pharisees should ask for a miraculous sign from heaven when he had just feed four thousand people with five loaves and ended up with seven baskets full after everyone had their full. It is seems stranger that Jesus told them they would not be given any sign from heaven especially after he just gave one. Now of course the Pharisees were not on the other shore, because they came to him after he crossed over to the other side. Now maybe some of them had been there, maybe not, but they sure knew what he had been doing and these questions were a test, to see if he is the one or not. They knew all the scriptures, including all the prophetic ones about the Messiah, but he also was disturbing their order of things. Although Mark does not record his complete response like Matthew did, we have enough information to know that Jesus was very sad about how they could not see who he was. How they hearts were so filled with their own rules and regulations, their human enhancements of the laws of God, they could not see the truth even if it was standing right in front of them. They truly did not want God’s way, they wanted their way and because of the Greek words “signed deeply” we know that hurt the heart of Jesus. It seems there are people today who are looking for a sign from heaven in order to believe. Maybe they really are only testing God to prove he does not exist so they can go on living their way, when no sign is given. But God has already given so many signs, in fact, he says that all that can be known about him can plainly been seen in his creation, so that men are without excuse. God is clearly visible to anyone who has eyes to see, or ears to hear. But many are like the Pharisees trying to entrap God to prove himself, when he is standing right in front of them. Do miracles happen today? Sure, all the time. Do we experience the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives? Yes, without question. Do we need signs and wonders in order to believe? Maybe, but for the most part not really, for we know all we need to know in order to believe. God has given us a sign, his Word, recorded and kept for all generations to be able to find him, if they cannot see him because of all his creation. The Pharisees were able to distinguish tomorrow’s weather based on the color of the evening sky, but they could not interpret the signs of times, the scriptures regarding who Jesus was, and what was going to happen in order to bring them salvation. We know what brings us salvation, and surely we have not allowed our ways, our enhancement of the laws of God to get in the way of pure faith in Jesus Christ. What more sign do we need? Are we in need of a sign?

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