1 Cor
10 If
Timothy comes, see to it that he has nothing to fear while he is with you, for
he is carrying on the work of the Lord, just as I am. 11 No one, then, should
refuse to accept him. Send him on his way in peace so that he may return to me.
I am expecting him along with the brothers.
Is there a
chance the Corinthians would attack Timothy? Why should he have anything to
fear from them? Why would they refuse to accept him? What can we learn from
this personal note? Does it have anything for us to apply in our lives?
Certainly the world was far more lawless in those days. Surely travel to
foreign shores was not without possible harm. But we have nothing like that now.
If a somewhat stranger comes to our fellowship we welcome him as he steps upon
the stage and speaks. We embrace his ministry; we buy his cd’s or books. We
make him out to be special. We send him on his way in peace and even a little
better off than when he came to us. We even have the recommendation of some
about his worth, his message, the value of listening to him. So then why would
we need to learn anything from this passage? Of course Timothy might well be
going to give them some very hard instructions about how they are to conduct
themselves, and how they should develop in their fellowship. After all the corrections
Paul had for them, they might not like someone else tell them more. But should
we not be open to all instruction? Should we not be willing to listen? Of
course we have the whole word of God, and we know if someone is giving
instruction which does not comply with the word. They did not. But we should be
willing to hear and even apply the principles of the truth brought to us by some
traveling preacher. With the local leaders having to live among us, and are in
some sense dependent on us for their jobs, they may not be so willing to speak
out hard instructions of correct. It seems easy for some in the congregation to
contact them with disapproval over what they said or how they are leading the
church. Would we do that to some traveling preacher? Would we shun him or ride
him out on a rail, because he preached the truth? It seems the truth here for
us is that we should be open to instruction; open to correction, open to the
Spirit in whatever form he determines to bring us the truth. Yes, be on guard
against false prophets, but also be open to who God sends to us. On guard and
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