Monday, December 31, 2012

No Judgment

1 Cor 11:33-34
33 So then, my brothers, when you come together to eat, wait for each other. 34 If anyone is hungry, he should eat at home, so that when you meet together it may not result in judgment. And when I come I will give further directions.

The conclusion of statements about this partaking of the bread and wine experience is at hand. Surely there is a great significance to sharing the experience of eating the bread and drinking the wine that should be kept as a sacred event, as surely we do on those occasions at church. But still it would seem we should be giving this type of reverence every time we eat and drink. Is there any difference in the little pieces of cracker we get in church and the fresh baked bread at the store? There is some difference in the little plastic cup of grape juice we get in church and the nice bottle of wine we get at the store, but  then we could buy Welch’s and have the same thing. But then again that would not actually be recreating the exact event our Lord shared with His disciples. We have to use our imaginations no matter what church we attend. But then it is most likely that we are not supposes to actually recreate it, but sort of and do that as a remembrance of what He did, as well as proclaiming His death until He comes. It should be a solemn but also a joyous time when we gather around the table of the Lord. Now it also does appear we should be waiting on each other and not going ahead eating and drinking alone, by our lonesome. That may or may not fit into the scheme of things as directed by the leadership of the church, but that sure seems to be the plan as outlined here. Although it might be seen as long as we are all together and taking the “elements” within a certain defined time span, it fits the bill. But the real truth here still shouts out loud and clear. However, whenever, wherever we come together in any number we should be living in a manner, acting or behaving in such a way, understanding our position in Christ so that we are not bringing judgment on ourselves. There should be no judgment.

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