Thursday, March 22, 2012

Oh Silly Man

Prov 14:15
15 A simple man believes anything,
but a prudent man gives thought to his steps.
What is anything? The world is filled with philosophies, ideologies and theologies in amounts that would stagger even the greatest mind of man. Many if not all of them are invented from the condition of humanity which seems to have some need to believe in some form or another in something. It would appear in this saying; God has once again divided people into two categories. Those who would adhere to just about anything the worlds view has to offer, no matter of its origin and those who through careful deliberation determine that God and his views are the right and true source of life. It seems to me those of the first camp think they are the great thinkers and have spent many years in search of the correct belief, while those of the household of faith in God are the simply minded fools who are not very intelligent. Yet the original language used here for simply has an implication of silly. These people who refuse to accept the truth of God but cling to some form of thought process of this world are simply silly. They do not understand the greatest of God and the power of his word. They cannot see past their own human based ideas of life and its meaning. How silly it is to consider the words of other humans if they do not include the word of God. What can man know of himself without God? It would appear they are deceived by a force far more powerful then themselves. They are blinded to the riches of truths within the Bible. They refute the Word of God with the ideas of man. If that isn’t silly, what is? The truly smart, wise person when exposed to the truth of God considers it as what it is, the truth. These people will not be fooled by all the doctrines of this world as he sees the truth and understands it. He searches this truth for the way he is to live his life, rather than accepting those false thoughts of man. What a powerful way to live.

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