Prov 14:24
24 The wealth of the wise is their crown,
but the folly of fools yields folly.
It would appear in the simplest form this is speaking about how accumulating large amounts of wealth is a wise thing to do and those who do not are fools. It also seems inconceivable God encourages his people to accumulate the wealth of this world to wear it as a crown, displaying it for all to see. But is this wealth is in fact God, and then truly it should be worn as a crown for all to see. Truly wise people seek the wealth of God which is his divine word, his truth, his righteousness. To have the forgiveness of God, to be justified, sanctified and filled with Holy Spirit is wealth beyond anything in this world. It is the fools who refuse such wealth and spend their lives in foolish pursuits of self-importance and self-indulgence thus yielding no true wealth, but just the folly of their own making. It matters not to quantity or the quality of worldly wealth which can be accumulated for death will always separate a person from such wealth. Fools who put their trust in this type of wealth will indeed reap horrible folly when death claims them. It is the wise who will be ushered into the glory of God. It is the man who has taken the wisest path in life who will see the Glorious wealth which awaits him after this life on earth is done. Death cannot claim the wise person as it does the fool. Oh, death where is thy sting? The wise person has untold wealth at his disposal in this life and the one to come for it is only the wise who will step into eternity in the paradise of God. How can anyone think his own foolish ways can gain him that kind of wealth? The only reason it seems to me is they have been deceived by the evil one, or even by their own foolish ideas. They are living within a fool’s paradise, fake, built on falseness and with facades of gold, hiding the real truth. Who is the fool? Who is the wise? The answer is so simple.
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Friday, March 30, 2012
Profit or Poverty
Prov 14:23
23 All hard work brings a profit,
but mere talk leads only to poverty.
It is certain many might see this as a word admonishing people to not be lazy and go out and get a good hard working job, or at least work diligently at whatever job or profession they have so as to make an abundant life for themselves. It may also be true that if one simply talks about working and does little about it, no profit, no gain, no abundant life will follow. Yet it seems also true that many people do work very diligently at their job and make far less in material payment then some who work very little but are able to charge far more for their skillset. But if we look at the true spiritual wealth of information which is written here we can see a profit and loss statement which has far greater ramifications than material profit. If a person merely talks the walk about being a believer in Christ Jesus and does not actually walk the talk it will surely lead to poverty. It is mandatory for a believer to walk the talk. What value is there in simple saying I am a believer? If a person is not working hard for the benefit of the Kingdom of God, what value does he have? Does God just call people into his kingdom to sit around all day within the confines of their own self, home or even church? Is simply giving God lip service about their faith in him having any merit? Mere talk will lead to spiritual poverty for sure. Far too many times God expresses his views about why he calls people to him. They are all members of one body, each having a function. They are living stones being built into his temple, all having a place, a purpose for their location. They are trees planted by the stream of living water being fruit for others to enjoy. Talking about being a believer is nothing, living as a believer, working diligently for his Kingdom brings profit to our Lord. Even talking about our faith, trusting him and then living as though all material gain id dependent on our own efforts will lead to poverty. If we say we trust him for everything, that we depend on God for all things, that we believe he directs our paths, then we have to actually be diligent to listen and obey. It does take hard work to actually believe, but when accomplished it brings great a reward, a great profit to those who really believe. God has declared some would say they are rich, but he sees them as poor. It is not about money, it is about him. Who will work hard for his Kingdom? Who will experience great profit for God? I will!
Prov 14:23
23 All hard work brings a profit,
but mere talk leads only to poverty.
It is certain many might see this as a word admonishing people to not be lazy and go out and get a good hard working job, or at least work diligently at whatever job or profession they have so as to make an abundant life for themselves. It may also be true that if one simply talks about working and does little about it, no profit, no gain, no abundant life will follow. Yet it seems also true that many people do work very diligently at their job and make far less in material payment then some who work very little but are able to charge far more for their skillset. But if we look at the true spiritual wealth of information which is written here we can see a profit and loss statement which has far greater ramifications than material profit. If a person merely talks the walk about being a believer in Christ Jesus and does not actually walk the talk it will surely lead to poverty. It is mandatory for a believer to walk the talk. What value is there in simple saying I am a believer? If a person is not working hard for the benefit of the Kingdom of God, what value does he have? Does God just call people into his kingdom to sit around all day within the confines of their own self, home or even church? Is simply giving God lip service about their faith in him having any merit? Mere talk will lead to spiritual poverty for sure. Far too many times God expresses his views about why he calls people to him. They are all members of one body, each having a function. They are living stones being built into his temple, all having a place, a purpose for their location. They are trees planted by the stream of living water being fruit for others to enjoy. Talking about being a believer is nothing, living as a believer, working diligently for his Kingdom brings profit to our Lord. Even talking about our faith, trusting him and then living as though all material gain id dependent on our own efforts will lead to poverty. If we say we trust him for everything, that we depend on God for all things, that we believe he directs our paths, then we have to actually be diligent to listen and obey. It does take hard work to actually believe, but when accomplished it brings great a reward, a great profit to those who really believe. God has declared some would say they are rich, but he sees them as poor. It is not about money, it is about him. Who will work hard for his Kingdom? Who will experience great profit for God? I will!
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Plan Not Plot
Prov 14:22
22 Do not those who plot evil go astray?
But those who plan what is good find love and faithfulness.
If a person is not planning good, which in this case, this setting, is talking about a relationship with God, then all else would be considered evil. What else is good other than God? He has declared that man’s heart is deceitfully wicked. How could any man plan good if it is not based on accepting God’s provision for his salvation? If man plans anything for his own pleasures it has to be evil because it does not include God. In this planning for self, without God, man will always head in the wrong direction and thus be going astray. He is headed away from God instead of toward him. Whatever thoughts man has devised based in human terms are plots of evil. Man’s philosophies, ideologies and even theologies which are based on man’s own mind are not headed toward God but are headed astray. God is the only thing man can plan on which is good. To plan in living in the realm of his Kingdom rather than in the realm of this world is not only a good plan, it is the only plan as all the rest are plots. No matter how diligent a person is in his plotting toward his own future, it is doomed to go astray, if it is not based on God’s plan for his life. There is no hope of finding love and faithfulness without finding God first. Life without God is a lonely path to travel. Whatever attempts to find love and faithfulness without God fail, and people knows and understands they are really all alone in the world, even if they endeavor to hide it from others, they know in their heart, they are all alone. Why would anyone want to travel that path of plotting their life without God? Is self-pleasure and self-fulfillment worth the end result? Who in their right mind would desire to go astray? Why is the truth so painful to accept? Are they so deceived by Satan they cannot even see the truth? The only way to finding love and faithfulness is to find God. He has declared if people will only seek him, they will find him, if they knock, the door will be opened and they will find all the love and faithfulness they will ever need. Simply plan and not plot.
Prov 14:22
22 Do not those who plot evil go astray?
But those who plan what is good find love and faithfulness.
If a person is not planning good, which in this case, this setting, is talking about a relationship with God, then all else would be considered evil. What else is good other than God? He has declared that man’s heart is deceitfully wicked. How could any man plan good if it is not based on accepting God’s provision for his salvation? If man plans anything for his own pleasures it has to be evil because it does not include God. In this planning for self, without God, man will always head in the wrong direction and thus be going astray. He is headed away from God instead of toward him. Whatever thoughts man has devised based in human terms are plots of evil. Man’s philosophies, ideologies and even theologies which are based on man’s own mind are not headed toward God but are headed astray. God is the only thing man can plan on which is good. To plan in living in the realm of his Kingdom rather than in the realm of this world is not only a good plan, it is the only plan as all the rest are plots. No matter how diligent a person is in his plotting toward his own future, it is doomed to go astray, if it is not based on God’s plan for his life. There is no hope of finding love and faithfulness without finding God first. Life without God is a lonely path to travel. Whatever attempts to find love and faithfulness without God fail, and people knows and understands they are really all alone in the world, even if they endeavor to hide it from others, they know in their heart, they are all alone. Why would anyone want to travel that path of plotting their life without God? Is self-pleasure and self-fulfillment worth the end result? Who in their right mind would desire to go astray? Why is the truth so painful to accept? Are they so deceived by Satan they cannot even see the truth? The only way to finding love and faithfulness is to find God. He has declared if people will only seek him, they will find him, if they knock, the door will be opened and they will find all the love and faithfulness they will ever need. Simply plan and not plot.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Kindness Over Rudeness Rules
Prov 14:21
21 He who despises his neighbor sins,
but blessed is he who is kind to the needy.
Sitting in church hearing a good sermon on righteous living and thinking of how someone else should have been to hear it surely is a form of despising a neighbor’s sin. How can any man stand or for that matter sit in judgment of another’s sin? Do we not all have enough sin of our own? Of course it has been said by some that they do not sin anymore. Could that not be the sin of pride? How can someone not sin anymore? If a person attained perfection then the purpose of the cross was for nothing. Jesus did not have to die, for man achieved perfection and reinstated himself into right relationship with God. How prideful is that? True, they might say it is because of Jesus they do not sin anymore, but that is simply not true. Who are they trying to convince, others or themselves? This use of all have fallen short of the glory of God as before being saved, but after no more falling short, is simply misused. Is any sin worse than another? So how can one despise another, all are sinners saved by grace. Every human is in the same condition and is the same condition and needs Christ. The greatest kindness one can exhibit to his neighbor is to share the joy of having sin forgiven and to have been brought back into right relationship with God by God. It seems right that having sin within self surely should bring acts of kindness to others who have sin within. Understanding the temptations which so easily entangle a person certainly should activate acts of kindness to those in need of salvation. If believers portray themselves as perfect and righteous people better than those sinful neighbors, it is no wonder the neighbor wants nothing to do with their religion for they feel the despise. The only true difference is the act of acceptance of Christ and the forgiveness of God. Other than that we are all sinners in need. If a believer loves his neighbor as himself than no more despising, just kindness is at hand. Even when a believer who knows of his own sin, despises other believers who do not act in accordance with the faith, but say they are perfect is another form of despising. No, it is apparent; each man must stand before God for his own life, and his alone. Judge not or be judged. Love covers a multitude of sins. Kindness over rudeness.
Prov 14:21
21 He who despises his neighbor sins,
but blessed is he who is kind to the needy.
Sitting in church hearing a good sermon on righteous living and thinking of how someone else should have been to hear it surely is a form of despising a neighbor’s sin. How can any man stand or for that matter sit in judgment of another’s sin? Do we not all have enough sin of our own? Of course it has been said by some that they do not sin anymore. Could that not be the sin of pride? How can someone not sin anymore? If a person attained perfection then the purpose of the cross was for nothing. Jesus did not have to die, for man achieved perfection and reinstated himself into right relationship with God. How prideful is that? True, they might say it is because of Jesus they do not sin anymore, but that is simply not true. Who are they trying to convince, others or themselves? This use of all have fallen short of the glory of God as before being saved, but after no more falling short, is simply misused. Is any sin worse than another? So how can one despise another, all are sinners saved by grace. Every human is in the same condition and is the same condition and needs Christ. The greatest kindness one can exhibit to his neighbor is to share the joy of having sin forgiven and to have been brought back into right relationship with God by God. It seems right that having sin within self surely should bring acts of kindness to others who have sin within. Understanding the temptations which so easily entangle a person certainly should activate acts of kindness to those in need of salvation. If believers portray themselves as perfect and righteous people better than those sinful neighbors, it is no wonder the neighbor wants nothing to do with their religion for they feel the despise. The only true difference is the act of acceptance of Christ and the forgiveness of God. Other than that we are all sinners in need. If a believer loves his neighbor as himself than no more despising, just kindness is at hand. Even when a believer who knows of his own sin, despises other believers who do not act in accordance with the faith, but say they are perfect is another form of despising. No, it is apparent; each man must stand before God for his own life, and his alone. Judge not or be judged. Love covers a multitude of sins. Kindness over rudeness.
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
A Sad Commentary
Prov 14:20
20 The poor are shunned even by their neighbors,
but the rich have many friends.
What a sad commentary on the condition of the human heart. Would this not be speaking to the fact people merely are attracted to those who have money in hopes of getting some of it? It also shows at the same time the fact people are not attracted to those without money because they have nothing to offer. The whole of relationships are not built on the personality of a person, but rather on social positions. Why a person of means would even desire to build a friendship with someone without means? It would seem that people who do not have money have no friends, but that is not actually the truth here, for they do. This is about the injustice in relationships between the classes. No matter the upstanding quality of a person’s character and the validity of his ability to be a good friend, if he is without the financial means to live in the standard of those with enough wealth to live such, he is not considered worthy to invest any time in building a friendship with. Perhaps the wealthy simple are afraid of his motives and are guarding their wealth from a potential mooch and that is the enough reason alone to shun them. Could this be also speaking to the church and that which was declared through James? Could those within the church even form judgments about new people based upon their appearance rather on their relationship with God? If a long haired, unshaven, ill clothed child of God entered the church would all those clean shaven, with cut hair and clean fine clothes rush to give this person the hand of fellowship and greet him with a holy kiss or even a hug? I dare say, I think if a couple of fine good looking demeanor appeared for the first time within the walls of the church, a line of handshakes and introductions would ensue. Perhaps even this distinction might even occur by the staff of the church, thinking one might be a good tither while the other may be an expense which the church cannot afford. It is a sad commentary.
Prov 14:20
20 The poor are shunned even by their neighbors,
but the rich have many friends.
What a sad commentary on the condition of the human heart. Would this not be speaking to the fact people merely are attracted to those who have money in hopes of getting some of it? It also shows at the same time the fact people are not attracted to those without money because they have nothing to offer. The whole of relationships are not built on the personality of a person, but rather on social positions. Why a person of means would even desire to build a friendship with someone without means? It would seem that people who do not have money have no friends, but that is not actually the truth here, for they do. This is about the injustice in relationships between the classes. No matter the upstanding quality of a person’s character and the validity of his ability to be a good friend, if he is without the financial means to live in the standard of those with enough wealth to live such, he is not considered worthy to invest any time in building a friendship with. Perhaps the wealthy simple are afraid of his motives and are guarding their wealth from a potential mooch and that is the enough reason alone to shun them. Could this be also speaking to the church and that which was declared through James? Could those within the church even form judgments about new people based upon their appearance rather on their relationship with God? If a long haired, unshaven, ill clothed child of God entered the church would all those clean shaven, with cut hair and clean fine clothes rush to give this person the hand of fellowship and greet him with a holy kiss or even a hug? I dare say, I think if a couple of fine good looking demeanor appeared for the first time within the walls of the church, a line of handshakes and introductions would ensue. Perhaps even this distinction might even occur by the staff of the church, thinking one might be a good tither while the other may be an expense which the church cannot afford. It is a sad commentary.
Monday, March 26, 2012
Bow Now or Later
Prov 14:19
19 Evil men will bow down in the presence of the good,
and the wicked at the gates of the righteous.
Even though it may be thought by some this actually applies to people on earth such as in the case with Joseph and his brothers who bowed before him, it appears it could actually speak to the day of the Lord. Has there been much presence day examples of evil men bowing before believers? How many have seen those God classifies as evil bowing as to beg from the hands of the righteous? No, it would seem right to see this as what will happen on the day of the Lord. God himself declares that every knee will bow before him, the only true and good one who is actually righteous. It does not matter how vehement people oppose the true of God, they will bow their knee before him on that day. Perhaps in some feeble effort to seek his mercy, but they will bow before him and before the gates to his presence. They may be begging for his forgiveness for their refusal to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. The may be seeking some escape from the inevitable end to their evil life, but they will be bowing low before him. Who could dare stand in defiance of his power on that day? What on this earth could be so worthwhile to have to bow in fear before a just God? Yes, all the believers will bow also, but not in fear, for they will be bowing in reverence, to pay honor and praise for his righteousness, with joy and gladness in their hearts. They will hear those wonderful words, “Welcome into my rest, good and faithful servant”. But those who have been wicked and live for their own self-pleasure in this earth refusing to accept the ways of God, will not hear those words, and in truth, they may already know that truth, which makes it even worse on that day. With fear and trembling those who live for self rather than for God will bow before him anyway. Bow now or bow later, but bow everyone will. I have chosen to bow now.
Prov 14:19
19 Evil men will bow down in the presence of the good,
and the wicked at the gates of the righteous.
Even though it may be thought by some this actually applies to people on earth such as in the case with Joseph and his brothers who bowed before him, it appears it could actually speak to the day of the Lord. Has there been much presence day examples of evil men bowing before believers? How many have seen those God classifies as evil bowing as to beg from the hands of the righteous? No, it would seem right to see this as what will happen on the day of the Lord. God himself declares that every knee will bow before him, the only true and good one who is actually righteous. It does not matter how vehement people oppose the true of God, they will bow their knee before him on that day. Perhaps in some feeble effort to seek his mercy, but they will bow before him and before the gates to his presence. They may be begging for his forgiveness for their refusal to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. The may be seeking some escape from the inevitable end to their evil life, but they will be bowing low before him. Who could dare stand in defiance of his power on that day? What on this earth could be so worthwhile to have to bow in fear before a just God? Yes, all the believers will bow also, but not in fear, for they will be bowing in reverence, to pay honor and praise for his righteousness, with joy and gladness in their hearts. They will hear those wonderful words, “Welcome into my rest, good and faithful servant”. But those who have been wicked and live for their own self-pleasure in this earth refusing to accept the ways of God, will not hear those words, and in truth, they may already know that truth, which makes it even worse on that day. With fear and trembling those who live for self rather than for God will bow before him anyway. Bow now or bow later, but bow everyone will. I have chosen to bow now.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
Folly or Knowledge
Prov 14:18
18 The simple inherit folly,
but the prudent are crowned with knowledge.
Back to opposites between those who know God and those who refuse to know him. Although those who refuse to acknowledge God and his power, refusing to accept him as the creator of all things, the author of the Bible, and the Savior of mankind, think they are the intelligent people of this world, are actually the simple of silly ones. All they trust in the wisdom of mankind will prove to be an absolute folly. How can mankind provide any answers to life, the beginning of it, or the end of it? How can mankind prove any real answers to the beginning of the universe of the end of it? How can mankind prove anything that it does not actually experience? Even then it can merely record its experiences such as gravity, which was established by God. True mankind might invent some mechanical device to make its life easier, but that is only because its knowledge has been established by God. God created mankind with cognizant thought and the ability to use that which he has established for their use. But instead of acknowledging God, they give homage to man who declares their heritage comes from apes and before that some primordial slime. All their thoughts are simply and will result in folly. But the people who see the real truth and accept all that God has declared and have accepted his Son as their Savior will be crowned but in this life and the one to come with true knowledge. They will see the truth of the beginning of the universe, the beginning of mankind and they will know all about the end as well. God has revealed his plan to them, which is the best true knowledge there is to have. If a person does not know where they come from or where they are going, it only makes sense they can only wonder in circles with no idea of what to prepare for. They lives are simply void of purpose and are filled with silliness. But the person who knows God has the knowledge if his past and the knowledge of his future do his life is spent in purpose and preparation. The children of God know him, they have true knowledge.
Prov 14:18
18 The simple inherit folly,
but the prudent are crowned with knowledge.
Back to opposites between those who know God and those who refuse to know him. Although those who refuse to acknowledge God and his power, refusing to accept him as the creator of all things, the author of the Bible, and the Savior of mankind, think they are the intelligent people of this world, are actually the simple of silly ones. All they trust in the wisdom of mankind will prove to be an absolute folly. How can mankind provide any answers to life, the beginning of it, or the end of it? How can mankind prove any real answers to the beginning of the universe of the end of it? How can mankind prove anything that it does not actually experience? Even then it can merely record its experiences such as gravity, which was established by God. True mankind might invent some mechanical device to make its life easier, but that is only because its knowledge has been established by God. God created mankind with cognizant thought and the ability to use that which he has established for their use. But instead of acknowledging God, they give homage to man who declares their heritage comes from apes and before that some primordial slime. All their thoughts are simply and will result in folly. But the people who see the real truth and accept all that God has declared and have accepted his Son as their Savior will be crowned but in this life and the one to come with true knowledge. They will see the truth of the beginning of the universe, the beginning of mankind and they will know all about the end as well. God has revealed his plan to them, which is the best true knowledge there is to have. If a person does not know where they come from or where they are going, it only makes sense they can only wonder in circles with no idea of what to prepare for. They lives are simply void of purpose and are filled with silliness. But the person who knows God has the knowledge if his past and the knowledge of his future do his life is spent in purpose and preparation. The children of God know him, they have true knowledge.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Two Wrongs Do Not Make One Right
Prov 14:17
17 A quick-tempered man does foolish things,
and a crafty man is hated.
No comparisons here between a believer and a non-believer, or the righteous and the wicked, or how ever else God makes the distinction. This is all about people who either have no control over their emotions or people who manipulate the emotions of others. What good is it to allow your emotions to run wild and say things which are either hurtful to others or do things which harm both others and self in the long run? If people did not consider the consequences of their behavior it is a foolish thing. Why would someone just act without thinking first? It would appear the reason is mainly due to a self-centered position. If others say or act in a manner which casts some critical or innuendo, an indirect intimation, about this person it is usually is met with a quick-tempered response. I would ever suspect that this crafty man is the one casting disparaging or derogatory comments, or asking questions, typically disparaging in the form of an insinuation or ever an insult. Both these players are acting and reacting with each other, again, mainly due to both having a self-centered position about life. It makes sense if a person has an attitude which places themselves in a position of being better than others, they would be one of these two individuals. I would think the person of God would not believe he is better than others and thus not response in such manner. I have, however been guilty of this kind of response when provoked by a crafty person. Failing to see the truth of the matter and holding my tongue. Humanity is frail and self does get in the way. I believe the difference is, however, that believers come to that realization and make amends for their responses attempting to reconcile any hard feelings, while others merely go on being quick-tempered and act in a foolish manner, perhaps causing even greater divisions, which increases the actions of the crafty man toward that quick-tempered one. This is a vicious cycle which harms the relationship of both persons with God. It is prudent to be slow of speech, and speak only good words.
Prov 14:17
17 A quick-tempered man does foolish things,
and a crafty man is hated.
No comparisons here between a believer and a non-believer, or the righteous and the wicked, or how ever else God makes the distinction. This is all about people who either have no control over their emotions or people who manipulate the emotions of others. What good is it to allow your emotions to run wild and say things which are either hurtful to others or do things which harm both others and self in the long run? If people did not consider the consequences of their behavior it is a foolish thing. Why would someone just act without thinking first? It would appear the reason is mainly due to a self-centered position. If others say or act in a manner which casts some critical or innuendo, an indirect intimation, about this person it is usually is met with a quick-tempered response. I would ever suspect that this crafty man is the one casting disparaging or derogatory comments, or asking questions, typically disparaging in the form of an insinuation or ever an insult. Both these players are acting and reacting with each other, again, mainly due to both having a self-centered position about life. It makes sense if a person has an attitude which places themselves in a position of being better than others, they would be one of these two individuals. I would think the person of God would not believe he is better than others and thus not response in such manner. I have, however been guilty of this kind of response when provoked by a crafty person. Failing to see the truth of the matter and holding my tongue. Humanity is frail and self does get in the way. I believe the difference is, however, that believers come to that realization and make amends for their responses attempting to reconcile any hard feelings, while others merely go on being quick-tempered and act in a foolish manner, perhaps causing even greater divisions, which increases the actions of the crafty man toward that quick-tempered one. This is a vicious cycle which harms the relationship of both persons with God. It is prudent to be slow of speech, and speak only good words.
Friday, March 23, 2012
Fear is Good
Prov 14:16
16 A wise man fears the LORD and shuns evil,
but a fool is hotheaded and reckless.
What is wise about fearing God? It would seem appropriate to see this in contrast to that of a fool who lives his life is the consent pursuit of self-indulgence without regard for any moral value established by God. If a person is classified by God as a fool and does live a reckless life, refusing to acknowledge the values established by God, he will also know in the end to fear God. People may well live in accordance with some form of moral value that has been established by men, being what would be considered as “Good people” by the world, but if they do not fear God, they are still living as fools. If they refuse to acknowledge God as the creator of all things including their own self, they are fools. If they refuse to acknowledge God as the trinity he has declared himself to be, they are fools. If they believe the bible was actually written by the mind of man, without the expressed influence from the Spirit of God, they are fools. How can they put they faith in any book written by man about events that preceded their life as truth if they refuse to accept the bible as truth? If they do that they are fools. In the end of life, these people will see the foolish way of they life, as they are sent away from the presence of God for all eternity. If it a wise choice to fear God and live according to his precepts and to turn away from that foolish life of self-indulgence. Sure a wise man still falls short of the standard of God. Yes, they is still sin that befalls the wise man, but he knows when he fails and seeks the forgiveness of God knowing his love and forgiveness for those who seek to follow his ways. Yes, God would certainly love to forgive those fools as well, if they would only turn from their ways and seek him, but is appears some will never do that. I have left the reckless life behind, and I therefor am a wise man for I fear the Lord. In this case fear is good.
Prov 14:16
16 A wise man fears the LORD and shuns evil,
but a fool is hotheaded and reckless.
What is wise about fearing God? It would seem appropriate to see this in contrast to that of a fool who lives his life is the consent pursuit of self-indulgence without regard for any moral value established by God. If a person is classified by God as a fool and does live a reckless life, refusing to acknowledge the values established by God, he will also know in the end to fear God. People may well live in accordance with some form of moral value that has been established by men, being what would be considered as “Good people” by the world, but if they do not fear God, they are still living as fools. If they refuse to acknowledge God as the creator of all things including their own self, they are fools. If they refuse to acknowledge God as the trinity he has declared himself to be, they are fools. If they believe the bible was actually written by the mind of man, without the expressed influence from the Spirit of God, they are fools. How can they put they faith in any book written by man about events that preceded their life as truth if they refuse to accept the bible as truth? If they do that they are fools. In the end of life, these people will see the foolish way of they life, as they are sent away from the presence of God for all eternity. If it a wise choice to fear God and live according to his precepts and to turn away from that foolish life of self-indulgence. Sure a wise man still falls short of the standard of God. Yes, they is still sin that befalls the wise man, but he knows when he fails and seeks the forgiveness of God knowing his love and forgiveness for those who seek to follow his ways. Yes, God would certainly love to forgive those fools as well, if they would only turn from their ways and seek him, but is appears some will never do that. I have left the reckless life behind, and I therefor am a wise man for I fear the Lord. In this case fear is good.
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Oh Silly Man
Prov 14:15
15 A simple man believes anything,
but a prudent man gives thought to his steps.
What is anything? The world is filled with philosophies, ideologies and theologies in amounts that would stagger even the greatest mind of man. Many if not all of them are invented from the condition of humanity which seems to have some need to believe in some form or another in something. It would appear in this saying; God has once again divided people into two categories. Those who would adhere to just about anything the worlds view has to offer, no matter of its origin and those who through careful deliberation determine that God and his views are the right and true source of life. It seems to me those of the first camp think they are the great thinkers and have spent many years in search of the correct belief, while those of the household of faith in God are the simply minded fools who are not very intelligent. Yet the original language used here for simply has an implication of silly. These people who refuse to accept the truth of God but cling to some form of thought process of this world are simply silly. They do not understand the greatest of God and the power of his word. They cannot see past their own human based ideas of life and its meaning. How silly it is to consider the words of other humans if they do not include the word of God. What can man know of himself without God? It would appear they are deceived by a force far more powerful then themselves. They are blinded to the riches of truths within the Bible. They refute the Word of God with the ideas of man. If that isn’t silly, what is? The truly smart, wise person when exposed to the truth of God considers it as what it is, the truth. These people will not be fooled by all the doctrines of this world as he sees the truth and understands it. He searches this truth for the way he is to live his life, rather than accepting those false thoughts of man. What a powerful way to live.
Prov 14:15
15 A simple man believes anything,
but a prudent man gives thought to his steps.
What is anything? The world is filled with philosophies, ideologies and theologies in amounts that would stagger even the greatest mind of man. Many if not all of them are invented from the condition of humanity which seems to have some need to believe in some form or another in something. It would appear in this saying; God has once again divided people into two categories. Those who would adhere to just about anything the worlds view has to offer, no matter of its origin and those who through careful deliberation determine that God and his views are the right and true source of life. It seems to me those of the first camp think they are the great thinkers and have spent many years in search of the correct belief, while those of the household of faith in God are the simply minded fools who are not very intelligent. Yet the original language used here for simply has an implication of silly. These people who refuse to accept the truth of God but cling to some form of thought process of this world are simply silly. They do not understand the greatest of God and the power of his word. They cannot see past their own human based ideas of life and its meaning. How silly it is to consider the words of other humans if they do not include the word of God. What can man know of himself without God? It would appear they are deceived by a force far more powerful then themselves. They are blinded to the riches of truths within the Bible. They refute the Word of God with the ideas of man. If that isn’t silly, what is? The truly smart, wise person when exposed to the truth of God considers it as what it is, the truth. These people will not be fooled by all the doctrines of this world as he sees the truth and understands it. He searches this truth for the way he is to live his life, rather than accepting those false thoughts of man. What a powerful way to live.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
No Turning Back
Prov 14:14
14 The faithless will be fully repaid for their ways,
and the good man rewarded for his.
It appears evil will be repaid with due recompense. Those who elect to reject the ways of God and spend their lives in the pursuit of self-indulgence will get all they deserve when their life here in earth comes to an end. After already spending some time, no one knows for sure how long that time is, in this place God calls hades or hell, they will need to stand before the judgment sit of God and be told they have no place in his paradise and they are going to receive their due repayment for their ways. They will be sent from his throne room to a place no one should have to go. I dare not even speak of such a despicable end to their existence. It will be the “paid in full” for they refusal to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. The good man, those who have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior have nothing to fear from God, for in fact, he will give them a full reward for their commitment to his ways. This reward is so incredible filled with things such as a new name which has been written down in Glory, a white robe, a crown of life, the right to eat from the tree of life, hidden manna, and authority of the nations. Their names will never be blotted out from the book of life, and what I think is the most incredible is that we will be given the right to sit on his throne. What a glorious reward for those who choose the ways of God. What in this life could ever be as fulfilling as the reward which awaits those believers in Christ? Sure even believers have some nice things in the life, but those are things which have been from the hand of God, not out of a selfish pursuit from their own hands. Sure believers have a great blessing living for God, knowing his working in their lives, feeling his presence, and experiencing the fruit of his Spirit. The life if a believer has many great advantages over that of an unbeliever, but this saying speaks to what happens after this life is over. Which way is up to each person to decide, I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back.
Prov 14:14
14 The faithless will be fully repaid for their ways,
and the good man rewarded for his.
It appears evil will be repaid with due recompense. Those who elect to reject the ways of God and spend their lives in the pursuit of self-indulgence will get all they deserve when their life here in earth comes to an end. After already spending some time, no one knows for sure how long that time is, in this place God calls hades or hell, they will need to stand before the judgment sit of God and be told they have no place in his paradise and they are going to receive their due repayment for their ways. They will be sent from his throne room to a place no one should have to go. I dare not even speak of such a despicable end to their existence. It will be the “paid in full” for they refusal to accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. The good man, those who have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior have nothing to fear from God, for in fact, he will give them a full reward for their commitment to his ways. This reward is so incredible filled with things such as a new name which has been written down in Glory, a white robe, a crown of life, the right to eat from the tree of life, hidden manna, and authority of the nations. Their names will never be blotted out from the book of life, and what I think is the most incredible is that we will be given the right to sit on his throne. What a glorious reward for those who choose the ways of God. What in this life could ever be as fulfilling as the reward which awaits those believers in Christ? Sure even believers have some nice things in the life, but those are things which have been from the hand of God, not out of a selfish pursuit from their own hands. Sure believers have a great blessing living for God, knowing his working in their lives, feeling his presence, and experiencing the fruit of his Spirit. The life if a believer has many great advantages over that of an unbeliever, but this saying speaks to what happens after this life is over. Which way is up to each person to decide, I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back, no turning back.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Jesus is the Answer
Prov 14:13
13 Even in laughter the heart may ache,
and joy may end in grief.
Solomon tried many things to see what worthwhile, one was in particular as he expresses in Eccl 2:1-3 is laughter while he found as meaningless. It would seem this is talking about a forced laughter on the face to hide the real pain that exists within the heart. This external appearance of being happy and content with life while deep within discontentment breeds angry and hatred would seem to be the truth here. The façade people wear to disguise their real self does not fool God for he sees the heart of man and knows their condition. In fact, I believe most people can see past those false fronts if any meaningful time is spent in the company of those presenting such a façade. It may fool some for a while, but the true self always emerges in time. God has declared that as a person thinks so is he. People cannot hide the pain or the angry which resides within forever, they actions will someday expose them. Worldly joy however exuberant it might appear is merely a surface expression and does not express the true condition of the inner being of a person. The only true joy and happiness that can be found is in Christ Jesus. The peace of knowing that at the end of this time on earth, however good or bad it may be, will result in stepping into the presence of God in the paradise he has prepared for us is beyond the comprehension of the world. There is no need to hide this kind of joy behind anything for it does not end in grief, as those who refuse to accept God will. Only pain, suffering, angry, hatred and all those negative emotions of the heart are tried to be covered up. Even faith in God can be a form of false laughter by those who would say everyone gets to go to heaven. Grief will surely find them in the end. No, it is only through the true repentance of the heart and the acknowledgement that Jesus Christ is Lord will true joy last forever. I am who I am, a sinner saved by grace, no getting around it, no façade, no lies, I need Jesus. Jesus is the answer.
Prov 14:13
13 Even in laughter the heart may ache,
and joy may end in grief.
Solomon tried many things to see what worthwhile, one was in particular as he expresses in Eccl 2:1-3 is laughter while he found as meaningless. It would seem this is talking about a forced laughter on the face to hide the real pain that exists within the heart. This external appearance of being happy and content with life while deep within discontentment breeds angry and hatred would seem to be the truth here. The façade people wear to disguise their real self does not fool God for he sees the heart of man and knows their condition. In fact, I believe most people can see past those false fronts if any meaningful time is spent in the company of those presenting such a façade. It may fool some for a while, but the true self always emerges in time. God has declared that as a person thinks so is he. People cannot hide the pain or the angry which resides within forever, they actions will someday expose them. Worldly joy however exuberant it might appear is merely a surface expression and does not express the true condition of the inner being of a person. The only true joy and happiness that can be found is in Christ Jesus. The peace of knowing that at the end of this time on earth, however good or bad it may be, will result in stepping into the presence of God in the paradise he has prepared for us is beyond the comprehension of the world. There is no need to hide this kind of joy behind anything for it does not end in grief, as those who refuse to accept God will. Only pain, suffering, angry, hatred and all those negative emotions of the heart are tried to be covered up. Even faith in God can be a form of false laughter by those who would say everyone gets to go to heaven. Grief will surely find them in the end. No, it is only through the true repentance of the heart and the acknowledgement that Jesus Christ is Lord will true joy last forever. I am who I am, a sinner saved by grace, no getting around it, no façade, no lies, I need Jesus. Jesus is the answer.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Which Way?
Prov 14:12
12 There is a way that seems right to a man,
but in the end it leads to death.
Can there be any mistake here regarding the thoughts of the human mind? When the mind of man does not include the way of God it is depraved. No matter the degree of knowledge and intellectual power the mind of man might have, without God as part of its thinking process it is surely to lead its owner right into the pits of hell. The greatest of philosophers who limit their reasoning to the human mind excluding God, are doomed as well to experience eternal death. Of what value does all the knowledge and wisdom of man have it is does not led them to Christ? Even the most highly skillful medical practitioners can only delay the inevitable. Some of the ways of man might benefit the whole of the human race, for a time, but have no value to the Kingdom of God unless they led men to him, which according to this saying of God, only led men to death. The only source of life is Jesus Christ. The only way to escape the clutches of eternal death is through the provision God made through the cross at Calvary. If the ways of man led to eternal death, the ways of God led to eternal life. How could any intelligent being reason that death is better than life? Is the life of self-pleasure worth death over life? Are those who’s ways seem right to them so deceived by Satan they cannot see the truth? Why is the life of faith so foreign to them? Why do they insist they ways are good, right and have great merit? Why do they extol those who have great minds, which only expound of the human realm? Is not God the greatest mind? Is not his ways the only ways which are right and led to the everlasting life in his paradise? Of course his ways are right, but it must be that those people simply refuse to accept his ways over theirs because they know it will show them their depraved thinking and sinful ways which they refuse to leave. They must justify they ways as good, but will fail when they stand before the judgment sit of God. I choose to reject the ways of man, and accept the way of God.
Prov 14:12
12 There is a way that seems right to a man,
but in the end it leads to death.
Can there be any mistake here regarding the thoughts of the human mind? When the mind of man does not include the way of God it is depraved. No matter the degree of knowledge and intellectual power the mind of man might have, without God as part of its thinking process it is surely to lead its owner right into the pits of hell. The greatest of philosophers who limit their reasoning to the human mind excluding God, are doomed as well to experience eternal death. Of what value does all the knowledge and wisdom of man have it is does not led them to Christ? Even the most highly skillful medical practitioners can only delay the inevitable. Some of the ways of man might benefit the whole of the human race, for a time, but have no value to the Kingdom of God unless they led men to him, which according to this saying of God, only led men to death. The only source of life is Jesus Christ. The only way to escape the clutches of eternal death is through the provision God made through the cross at Calvary. If the ways of man led to eternal death, the ways of God led to eternal life. How could any intelligent being reason that death is better than life? Is the life of self-pleasure worth death over life? Are those who’s ways seem right to them so deceived by Satan they cannot see the truth? Why is the life of faith so foreign to them? Why do they insist they ways are good, right and have great merit? Why do they extol those who have great minds, which only expound of the human realm? Is not God the greatest mind? Is not his ways the only ways which are right and led to the everlasting life in his paradise? Of course his ways are right, but it must be that those people simply refuse to accept his ways over theirs because they know it will show them their depraved thinking and sinful ways which they refuse to leave. They must justify they ways as good, but will fail when they stand before the judgment sit of God. I choose to reject the ways of man, and accept the way of God.
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Enjoy the Journey
Prov 14:11
11 The house of the wicked will be destroyed,
But the tent of the upright will flourish.
It is interesting that the choice of words God uses here for the two types of dwellings. The wicked have a house and the upright a tent. It would seem rather clear there is a purpose for this distinction so as to indicate the frame of mind of each type of person. Those God considers as wicked build their lives around the material goods of this world. They lay the foundation of their lives with physical possessions and the realm of this world. But not matter how strong they build they lives it will not last. No matter how great they may become in the realm of this world their greatest will be destroyed. It does not matter how much material goods they accumulated and store up within their house it will all be destroyed. The upright understand the value of the things of this world and build not a foundation of it. They live only as sojourners in a foreign land, living as nomads in tents on a journey to paradise. A tent does not offer much room to store things and it must be carried with you on the journey, only providing a shelter to rest. The upright must travel light only with what they can bring with them, which apparently is their own self. All goods will ultimately be left behind when the last journey into eternity is taken. The upright, the believer, is in fact the tent, the tabernacle of the God. The lives of the upright will indeed flourish because God is dwelling among them. Their spirits soar with the eagles. They lives are filled with peace, joy, and love. They are living in the wilderness of this world but are led by God on their journey to his kingdom. The upright have not made a house in the world, but only dwell in the temporary tent. I enjoy this journey.
Prov 14:11
11 The house of the wicked will be destroyed,
But the tent of the upright will flourish.
It is interesting that the choice of words God uses here for the two types of dwellings. The wicked have a house and the upright a tent. It would seem rather clear there is a purpose for this distinction so as to indicate the frame of mind of each type of person. Those God considers as wicked build their lives around the material goods of this world. They lay the foundation of their lives with physical possessions and the realm of this world. But not matter how strong they build they lives it will not last. No matter how great they may become in the realm of this world their greatest will be destroyed. It does not matter how much material goods they accumulated and store up within their house it will all be destroyed. The upright understand the value of the things of this world and build not a foundation of it. They live only as sojourners in a foreign land, living as nomads in tents on a journey to paradise. A tent does not offer much room to store things and it must be carried with you on the journey, only providing a shelter to rest. The upright must travel light only with what they can bring with them, which apparently is their own self. All goods will ultimately be left behind when the last journey into eternity is taken. The upright, the believer, is in fact the tent, the tabernacle of the God. The lives of the upright will indeed flourish because God is dwelling among them. Their spirits soar with the eagles. They lives are filled with peace, joy, and love. They are living in the wilderness of this world but are led by God on their journey to his kingdom. The upright have not made a house in the world, but only dwell in the temporary tent. I enjoy this journey.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Prov 14:10
10 Each heart knows its own bitterness,
and no one else can share its joy.
Can any stranger really have empathy for the deep feelings within a person’s soul? When pain and sorrow fill the heart of a person, they stand alone without any true sense of companionship. No matter how much another might say, “I feel your pain” it is nothing more than empty words. Each soul, each spirit is alone in the world to travel the course of life singularly. Even that expression of “Soul mates” is just that, and expression, but not actually a reality. Only the one soul itself knows the pain and suffering it feels deep within as well as any bitterness or hatred it feels toward others. No matter the amount of counseling or therapy aloneness is still within. No person can truly understand and share in the inner feelings of the other. Sometimes it might be due to kept secrets, but nevertheless even when all feelings are shared in words, the experience is not. This is also true when the spirit is set free by Jesus Christ. When the true joy fills the heart of a person, they are still alone. Yes, we can gather together with like-minded people, stand with arms raised to God, singing out hearts out with praise and adoration to our Lord and Savior, but we still stand alone, only really knowing the joy that is within our own being. Each person comes to the experience of joy with different baggage, different pains and sufferings, a different deep and dark past which never leave the memory and thus stand alone with a joy only that person truly understands. When it is said that a person’s relationship with God is a personal one, it is truly just that. Yes, we can share a life together enjoying the union of a receptacle love. We can share in experiences of happiness and even moments of sorrow. We can share our time, our thoughts, dreams and aspirations. We may even share feelings of hurts as well as those moments of certain joys, but when it comes down to the final analysis, each person will stand before God alone for each person is truly alone deep within they soul, their spirit. Alone with God is just fine.
Prov 14:10
10 Each heart knows its own bitterness,
and no one else can share its joy.
Can any stranger really have empathy for the deep feelings within a person’s soul? When pain and sorrow fill the heart of a person, they stand alone without any true sense of companionship. No matter how much another might say, “I feel your pain” it is nothing more than empty words. Each soul, each spirit is alone in the world to travel the course of life singularly. Even that expression of “Soul mates” is just that, and expression, but not actually a reality. Only the one soul itself knows the pain and suffering it feels deep within as well as any bitterness or hatred it feels toward others. No matter the amount of counseling or therapy aloneness is still within. No person can truly understand and share in the inner feelings of the other. Sometimes it might be due to kept secrets, but nevertheless even when all feelings are shared in words, the experience is not. This is also true when the spirit is set free by Jesus Christ. When the true joy fills the heart of a person, they are still alone. Yes, we can gather together with like-minded people, stand with arms raised to God, singing out hearts out with praise and adoration to our Lord and Savior, but we still stand alone, only really knowing the joy that is within our own being. Each person comes to the experience of joy with different baggage, different pains and sufferings, a different deep and dark past which never leave the memory and thus stand alone with a joy only that person truly understands. When it is said that a person’s relationship with God is a personal one, it is truly just that. Yes, we can share a life together enjoying the union of a receptacle love. We can share in experiences of happiness and even moments of sorrow. We can share our time, our thoughts, dreams and aspirations. We may even share feelings of hurts as well as those moments of certain joys, but when it comes down to the final analysis, each person will stand before God alone for each person is truly alone deep within they soul, their spirit. Alone with God is just fine.
Friday, March 16, 2012
Who's the Fool?
Prov 14:9
9 Fools mock at making amends for sin,
but goodwill is found among the upright.
Well there it is right out in the open. Anyone who says that they do not to ask God for the forgiveness of their sins is a fool. It would seem this includes all those who refuse to accept the fact there is a God. It would also include those who say God is a force not actually a being. It might be better to lump all un-believers into one big pot here as fools. God has said that everyone he created he put the knowledge of him within but that some, in this case he defines them as fools, suppress the truth of him with their evil deeds. But it would appear this people; these fools even mock those who do believe. They mock the believer who falls to his knees and seeks the forgiveness of God for sin. It might even be as bad as they calling the believer a fool for having faith in God. The fools might think the knowledge, wisdom, and the intellectual power of this world and their minds are the truth and we the believers lack that, so we have nothing else but to think God is going to save us. Whatever the case this is as frank as it gets, those who disbelieve are the fools who lack knowledge, wisdom and intellectual power. They have been deceived by a power far greater than them, the devil himself. They are trapped in his power over their minds and spirits, in bondage, in the chains of sin. But God can set them free if they could only put aside their foolish ideas and see the truth. Yet it may not to be, they may be fools till the day they die. Those of us who have put aside our foolish thinking and have seen the truth and accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior did find the goodwill of God in our lives. This goodwill, this favor, this delight fills our being and should fill it so full that it overflows upon anyone who is near us. Mock all you want fools; I choose to believe in God and his goodwill which is available to all men. I choose to bend my knee to the King of kings, to the Lord of lords, and to the creator of all mankind. I choose to seek his forgiveness for the sin in my life, and live free from the burden of death. He has chosen me and I have chosen him.
Prov 14:9
9 Fools mock at making amends for sin,
but goodwill is found among the upright.
Well there it is right out in the open. Anyone who says that they do not to ask God for the forgiveness of their sins is a fool. It would seem this includes all those who refuse to accept the fact there is a God. It would also include those who say God is a force not actually a being. It might be better to lump all un-believers into one big pot here as fools. God has said that everyone he created he put the knowledge of him within but that some, in this case he defines them as fools, suppress the truth of him with their evil deeds. But it would appear this people; these fools even mock those who do believe. They mock the believer who falls to his knees and seeks the forgiveness of God for sin. It might even be as bad as they calling the believer a fool for having faith in God. The fools might think the knowledge, wisdom, and the intellectual power of this world and their minds are the truth and we the believers lack that, so we have nothing else but to think God is going to save us. Whatever the case this is as frank as it gets, those who disbelieve are the fools who lack knowledge, wisdom and intellectual power. They have been deceived by a power far greater than them, the devil himself. They are trapped in his power over their minds and spirits, in bondage, in the chains of sin. But God can set them free if they could only put aside their foolish ideas and see the truth. Yet it may not to be, they may be fools till the day they die. Those of us who have put aside our foolish thinking and have seen the truth and accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior did find the goodwill of God in our lives. This goodwill, this favor, this delight fills our being and should fill it so full that it overflows upon anyone who is near us. Mock all you want fools; I choose to believe in God and his goodwill which is available to all men. I choose to bend my knee to the King of kings, to the Lord of lords, and to the creator of all mankind. I choose to seek his forgiveness for the sin in my life, and live free from the burden of death. He has chosen me and I have chosen him.
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Either Or
Prov 14:8
8 The wisdom of the prudent is to give thought to their ways,
but the folly of fools is deception.
The idea in the Greek is the phrase “to know thyself” which mirrors this concept of living a true course in life. To be honest with self is the first step in understanding the wickedness of a person’s own heart and knowing there is a need for a cure. This kind of wisdom, this understanding of self and the realization of the result of such lifestyle should bring a person to see the saving grace of God. Anyone who is wise in this self-understanding does just that, knowing there is no other way. This saying also gives meaning to the manner in which a person handles themselves in conduct with others. Being honest and forthright in all their dealings with others, but more importantly being honest regarding who they are is essential for the prudent person. That is to say they are transparent, allowing others to see who they are, for they have nothing to hide and keep secret in dark places. It is the folly of the fools who practice this deception. They live behind a façade showing a front to disguise their true lifestyle, and intentions. They spent ceaseless efforts to deceive others both as to who they really are inside as well as for the purpose of personal gain. The practice of fraud may cause some damage to the victim, but ultimately this sort of deception will be the downfall of the practitioner. God has said that surely a man’s sin will find him out. Those who attempt to hide they sin with deception, especially when then try to hide it from their own self, will be found out, perhaps not by men, but by God. I believe there is a massive need to be honest with self, and see the truth which lies within the spirit, the soul, the mind of self. This is pure wisdom and this leads to repentance and forgiveness from God. I can live no other way. Everyone must decide either or.
Prov 14:8
8 The wisdom of the prudent is to give thought to their ways,
but the folly of fools is deception.
The idea in the Greek is the phrase “to know thyself” which mirrors this concept of living a true course in life. To be honest with self is the first step in understanding the wickedness of a person’s own heart and knowing there is a need for a cure. This kind of wisdom, this understanding of self and the realization of the result of such lifestyle should bring a person to see the saving grace of God. Anyone who is wise in this self-understanding does just that, knowing there is no other way. This saying also gives meaning to the manner in which a person handles themselves in conduct with others. Being honest and forthright in all their dealings with others, but more importantly being honest regarding who they are is essential for the prudent person. That is to say they are transparent, allowing others to see who they are, for they have nothing to hide and keep secret in dark places. It is the folly of the fools who practice this deception. They live behind a façade showing a front to disguise their true lifestyle, and intentions. They spent ceaseless efforts to deceive others both as to who they really are inside as well as for the purpose of personal gain. The practice of fraud may cause some damage to the victim, but ultimately this sort of deception will be the downfall of the practitioner. God has said that surely a man’s sin will find him out. Those who attempt to hide they sin with deception, especially when then try to hide it from their own self, will be found out, perhaps not by men, but by God. I believe there is a massive need to be honest with self, and see the truth which lies within the spirit, the soul, the mind of self. This is pure wisdom and this leads to repentance and forgiveness from God. I can live no other way. Everyone must decide either or.
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
To Know The Truth
Prov 14:7
7 Stay away from a foolish man,
for you will not find knowledge on his lips.
The original language uses a word here translated as foolish which carries the idea of stupid or silly. It would seem those who are the readers of this saying who believe and understand it to be the very words of God are to go from the presence of those who are stupid or silly which is implied as foolish. What would God call foolish? What condition in man would refer as stupid or silly? Although many people have a great deal of knowledge about many subjects in the world, they may well be stupid because they refuse to accept God’s provision for their salvation. There are many people who have a great deal of education and would appear to be very intellectual in the matters of the human thought, but when it comes to the matters of God, they refuse to acknowledge his truth as having validity for their lives. This would then mean although God still loves them dearly and still died on the cross for their sins, he sees them as silly, as foolish and therefore warns his followers to stay clear of their philosophy, to stay away from the influence of their thinking. A believer should not allow the ideas and philosophy of the un-believer to infiltrate into his being. There is a distinct difference between the realm of this would and that of the realm of God. Surely believer are not to shun those God considers as foolish, but rather make every effort to sow the seeds of the Gospel among them. This requires relationships in the form of social intercourse, for the purpose of exposing them to the truth of God, but being cautious not to be influenced by their worldly thinking. How can we go into the entire world to tell them if we are to keep away from their physical presence? That is why this is a warning to stay clear of their false and foolish thinking. Nothing they have to say has real and truth meaning. They only speak of human thought and no knowledge of God is found in that. How blessed it is to know the truth.
Prov 14:7
7 Stay away from a foolish man,
for you will not find knowledge on his lips.
The original language uses a word here translated as foolish which carries the idea of stupid or silly. It would seem those who are the readers of this saying who believe and understand it to be the very words of God are to go from the presence of those who are stupid or silly which is implied as foolish. What would God call foolish? What condition in man would refer as stupid or silly? Although many people have a great deal of knowledge about many subjects in the world, they may well be stupid because they refuse to accept God’s provision for their salvation. There are many people who have a great deal of education and would appear to be very intellectual in the matters of the human thought, but when it comes to the matters of God, they refuse to acknowledge his truth as having validity for their lives. This would then mean although God still loves them dearly and still died on the cross for their sins, he sees them as silly, as foolish and therefore warns his followers to stay clear of their philosophy, to stay away from the influence of their thinking. A believer should not allow the ideas and philosophy of the un-believer to infiltrate into his being. There is a distinct difference between the realm of this would and that of the realm of God. Surely believer are not to shun those God considers as foolish, but rather make every effort to sow the seeds of the Gospel among them. This requires relationships in the form of social intercourse, for the purpose of exposing them to the truth of God, but being cautious not to be influenced by their worldly thinking. How can we go into the entire world to tell them if we are to keep away from their physical presence? That is why this is a warning to stay clear of their false and foolish thinking. Nothing they have to say has real and truth meaning. They only speak of human thought and no knowledge of God is found in that. How blessed it is to know the truth.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
Wisdom that Counts
Prov 14:6
6 The mocker seeks wisdom and finds none,
but knowledge comes easily to the discerning.
This is the same Hebrew word for mocker that is used in the first Psalm which implies to make mouths at. It would make perfect sense that anyone who makes mouth at God, or mocks his existence would be able to understand any of the wisdom of God. How could any individual who thinks the human mind is greater than God find any wisdom at all? They seek after the wisdom of this world which there is none of for anyone and all of this world’s supposed wisdom is but foolishness to God anyway. It matters not which kind of wisdom, rather worldly or spiritually a person who mocks God will not find either. How can a person who does not acknowledge God as the almighty creator of all things and that the Bible is the inerrant word, gain any wisdom from him or his word? They can even read it and not see the truth contained within; dismissing that truth they argue it was only written by man. It is understandable they have a need to dismiss this truth because of the desire to maintain the life of self-indulgence they so love, and so mock God and his word and as a result continue to live in ignorance and with the lack of wisdom. Those individuals who know God and have accepted his Son Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior see the truth contained within his Word. They can understand the wisdom which comes from God. They hear his voice speaking clearly into their spirits and gain the knowledge he has for them. Life becomes a joy surrounded by the peace of God. His word is understand, his truths are not hidden from those who believe. The truth of God jumps off the pages of the Bible right into the hearts and minds of those who believe in him. It is easy to see what God desires of his people, it is not complicated or obscure, but plain and simple. For those who understand he is God, his wisdom and knowledge are open and available. It is without question the only way to truly live in wisdom that counts.
Prov 14:6
6 The mocker seeks wisdom and finds none,
but knowledge comes easily to the discerning.
This is the same Hebrew word for mocker that is used in the first Psalm which implies to make mouths at. It would make perfect sense that anyone who makes mouth at God, or mocks his existence would be able to understand any of the wisdom of God. How could any individual who thinks the human mind is greater than God find any wisdom at all? They seek after the wisdom of this world which there is none of for anyone and all of this world’s supposed wisdom is but foolishness to God anyway. It matters not which kind of wisdom, rather worldly or spiritually a person who mocks God will not find either. How can a person who does not acknowledge God as the almighty creator of all things and that the Bible is the inerrant word, gain any wisdom from him or his word? They can even read it and not see the truth contained within; dismissing that truth they argue it was only written by man. It is understandable they have a need to dismiss this truth because of the desire to maintain the life of self-indulgence they so love, and so mock God and his word and as a result continue to live in ignorance and with the lack of wisdom. Those individuals who know God and have accepted his Son Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior see the truth contained within his Word. They can understand the wisdom which comes from God. They hear his voice speaking clearly into their spirits and gain the knowledge he has for them. Life becomes a joy surrounded by the peace of God. His word is understand, his truths are not hidden from those who believe. The truth of God jumps off the pages of the Bible right into the hearts and minds of those who believe in him. It is easy to see what God desires of his people, it is not complicated or obscure, but plain and simple. For those who understand he is God, his wisdom and knowledge are open and available. It is without question the only way to truly live in wisdom that counts.
Monday, March 12, 2012
The Witness
Prov 14:5
5 A truthful witness does not deceive,
but a false witness pours out lies.
Would anyone actually think this speaks of the experience in a courtroom of this world? Or would they contemplate on how it has to do with our relationships with other humans and what we say about each other? Is not this so plainly seen as the choice a person has in their belief of God and what they say about him? Surely those who deny or refuse to accept God as the almighty creator of the world and the triune God, who redeemed his creation through the Son, would pour out lies about the beginning of the universe and the evolution of mankind over billions of years. What else would be expected from those who refuse to accept God and his creation of all things? All they can ever be is a false witness to the theories of human thought. When God is removed from the conversation regarding the beginning of all things, only false theories developed by the mind of human thought are left. How can any human being ever think they could know how something happened billions of years ago? No physical evidence exists, it is only a pouring out of lies by a false witness. A believer in God who speaks of the Words God has declared is the only true witness of the truth. There is no deception in the words spoken by a believer in God. Believers speak of only what they know about God from his Word, which is the only truth in this world at all. All other thought is but a deception attempting to deny to truth. Perhaps it is not from human thought, but rather a clever deception of Satan to trap humans into disbelief in God and pouring out those lies about life and its beginning. Whatever the case, I will not get catch up in that trap, I once lived there but have been set free and now I know the truth and I will not deceive anyone I speak to with those horrible lies, but I will be a truthful witness for the Kingdom of God.
Prov 14:5
5 A truthful witness does not deceive,
but a false witness pours out lies.
Would anyone actually think this speaks of the experience in a courtroom of this world? Or would they contemplate on how it has to do with our relationships with other humans and what we say about each other? Is not this so plainly seen as the choice a person has in their belief of God and what they say about him? Surely those who deny or refuse to accept God as the almighty creator of the world and the triune God, who redeemed his creation through the Son, would pour out lies about the beginning of the universe and the evolution of mankind over billions of years. What else would be expected from those who refuse to accept God and his creation of all things? All they can ever be is a false witness to the theories of human thought. When God is removed from the conversation regarding the beginning of all things, only false theories developed by the mind of human thought are left. How can any human being ever think they could know how something happened billions of years ago? No physical evidence exists, it is only a pouring out of lies by a false witness. A believer in God who speaks of the Words God has declared is the only true witness of the truth. There is no deception in the words spoken by a believer in God. Believers speak of only what they know about God from his Word, which is the only truth in this world at all. All other thought is but a deception attempting to deny to truth. Perhaps it is not from human thought, but rather a clever deception of Satan to trap humans into disbelief in God and pouring out those lies about life and its beginning. Whatever the case, I will not get catch up in that trap, I once lived there but have been set free and now I know the truth and I will not deceive anyone I speak to with those horrible lies, but I will be a truthful witness for the Kingdom of God.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Fill The Manger
Prov 14:4
4 Where there are no oxen, the manger is empty,
but from the strength of an ox comes an abundant harvest.
Although I would think the majority of scholars might approach this as for the need to either the benefit of oxen over horses for the work of a farm, or the benefit of hard work at some industrious worldly task for the sake of filling the barns with an abundance of material gain, I will take exception with them. It would seem God has a richer, deeper truth within his purpose for telling us this saying. Of what use is a believer to God? Do people really think that God simply goes around saving people for the benefit of the people? Sure he loves us and desires us to have fellowship with him and to accept his Son Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Sure he did all that so we would not have to be subject to his justice, but would be rendered as innocent and thus we have eternal life in his presence. But this is not all about us, it is all about him. If we do not labor for the Kingdom of God, of what worth is our salvation? God has called each believer to a task. Each believer has a calling within the Kingdom of God for the purpose of the kingdom and not for the benefit of the believer. As the oxen are a strong steady tool of the farmer, the oxen’s labor is for the gain of the farmer. The farmers’ field will produce no crop without the labor of the oxen. Should we not see the parallel? Our task is to labor for God. Our task is to increase the harvest in the field. Jesus has said, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." Is this not plain enough? We live not for our own gain, but for the purpose of gain within the Kingdom of God. What greater labor can there be? What greater reward within our own hearts and minds could be achieved? Surely believers cannot think God is our oxen. Surely believers cannot think God labors for our material abundance here on earth. True, he does provide us with much and cares for our well-being, much as a farmer would for his oxen, so it is healthy and well able to serve him. Should we not be able to pull our fair share of the load? Do we just sit around and expect someone else to do our task? Do we think we have aged to a point the labor is for the younger? I believe when I have finished running the race, when I have fully completed his calling for my life, I will then step into eternity. As long as I have the breath of life within me, I am to labor diligently for the Lord of the harvest. My calling, my purpose has no end until he calls me home. I must fill the manager.
Prov 14:4
4 Where there are no oxen, the manger is empty,
but from the strength of an ox comes an abundant harvest.
Although I would think the majority of scholars might approach this as for the need to either the benefit of oxen over horses for the work of a farm, or the benefit of hard work at some industrious worldly task for the sake of filling the barns with an abundance of material gain, I will take exception with them. It would seem God has a richer, deeper truth within his purpose for telling us this saying. Of what use is a believer to God? Do people really think that God simply goes around saving people for the benefit of the people? Sure he loves us and desires us to have fellowship with him and to accept his Son Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. Sure he did all that so we would not have to be subject to his justice, but would be rendered as innocent and thus we have eternal life in his presence. But this is not all about us, it is all about him. If we do not labor for the Kingdom of God, of what worth is our salvation? God has called each believer to a task. Each believer has a calling within the Kingdom of God for the purpose of the kingdom and not for the benefit of the believer. As the oxen are a strong steady tool of the farmer, the oxen’s labor is for the gain of the farmer. The farmers’ field will produce no crop without the labor of the oxen. Should we not see the parallel? Our task is to labor for God. Our task is to increase the harvest in the field. Jesus has said, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field." Is this not plain enough? We live not for our own gain, but for the purpose of gain within the Kingdom of God. What greater labor can there be? What greater reward within our own hearts and minds could be achieved? Surely believers cannot think God is our oxen. Surely believers cannot think God labors for our material abundance here on earth. True, he does provide us with much and cares for our well-being, much as a farmer would for his oxen, so it is healthy and well able to serve him. Should we not be able to pull our fair share of the load? Do we just sit around and expect someone else to do our task? Do we think we have aged to a point the labor is for the younger? I believe when I have finished running the race, when I have fully completed his calling for my life, I will then step into eternity. As long as I have the breath of life within me, I am to labor diligently for the Lord of the harvest. My calling, my purpose has no end until he calls me home. I must fill the manager.
Saturday, March 10, 2012
Which Words
Prov 14:3
3 A fool's talk brings a rod to his back,
but the lips of the wise protect them.
It would seem only right that a fool speaks first before engaging his brain. It may also be that these foolish people use their mouth, their words to abuse others because of the some form of pride which resides deep within them. When speech is based upon the human form of knowledge rather than on the truth of God it often may be rendered as prideful, especially when it is used to put others down or to show them their lack of such knowledge. I would consider the Word of God the only words which would bring encouragement to others. The words of human thought when used to express the intelligence of the speaker as opposed to the listener are weak at best to encourage anyone. The truth of this saying from God surely indicates those foolish people who speak such prideful arrogant words to slam others will find those words are actually smacking their own backs as a slave is caned with a rod. Those kinds of words only serve to demonstrate their slavery to the human condition under the control of the master of evil. On the other hand, wise people speak the words of truth which are founded upon the Word of God. It is only the words God has shared with us that bring healing to the broken soul. It is only God’s words which can bring salvation to the lost soul. The wise person speaks of such things and as a result lives his life according to those words. This type of speech will not only bring healing and encouragement to others, but it will keep the speaker from damaging his own spirit. God has said that as a man thinks so is he and thus thinking about the greatness of self will result in expressing it in order to prove how better one is then others. But when we think about God and our relationship with him, our words are based on his truth, not on ours. This and this alone will protect a person from the pitfalls of pride and the rod across his back. May I only speak of God and his truth, his creation, his plan for man.
Prov 14:3
3 A fool's talk brings a rod to his back,
but the lips of the wise protect them.
It would seem only right that a fool speaks first before engaging his brain. It may also be that these foolish people use their mouth, their words to abuse others because of the some form of pride which resides deep within them. When speech is based upon the human form of knowledge rather than on the truth of God it often may be rendered as prideful, especially when it is used to put others down or to show them their lack of such knowledge. I would consider the Word of God the only words which would bring encouragement to others. The words of human thought when used to express the intelligence of the speaker as opposed to the listener are weak at best to encourage anyone. The truth of this saying from God surely indicates those foolish people who speak such prideful arrogant words to slam others will find those words are actually smacking their own backs as a slave is caned with a rod. Those kinds of words only serve to demonstrate their slavery to the human condition under the control of the master of evil. On the other hand, wise people speak the words of truth which are founded upon the Word of God. It is only the words God has shared with us that bring healing to the broken soul. It is only God’s words which can bring salvation to the lost soul. The wise person speaks of such things and as a result lives his life according to those words. This type of speech will not only bring healing and encouragement to others, but it will keep the speaker from damaging his own spirit. God has said that as a man thinks so is he and thus thinking about the greatness of self will result in expressing it in order to prove how better one is then others. But when we think about God and our relationship with him, our words are based on his truth, not on ours. This and this alone will protect a person from the pitfalls of pride and the rod across his back. May I only speak of God and his truth, his creation, his plan for man.
Friday, March 9, 2012
Life or Death
Prov 14:2
2 He whose walk is upright fears the LORD,
but he whose ways are devious despises him.
Why would someone ever think of slowing down when they saw a police car sitting in the middle of the expressway? I the only reason to fear getting pulled over and ticketing is because that person is breaking the law. The only reason to despise the police is because of disrespect for their authority and defiance of the law. Is there any difference with God? I think not. If a person is walking according to the ways of God he fears God in all the respects of that word in the original language. If a person fears the power and authority of God he will endeavor to do the right thing, which is first of all accept Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior. After that being afraid of God is not the issue as much as being reverent towards him, accepting his authority and living to please him. Sure sin still exists in the life of a believer, but he has not to fear reprisal from God, but rather forgiveness. The believer knows God does not approve of bad behavior, but also knows the human condition and has made a provision for forgiveness. True, sin should not be sort out and blatantly acted out, but temptations get the best of even the most morally holy believer at times. Still that believer is aware of God and the failure to remain absolutely pure and seeks the forgiveness of God once more. Those who live to please only their own self despise the authority of God, even to the point of refusing to acknowledge his existence. If they refute the existence of God then they need not have any restraints on their lifestyle. Just as criminals despise the laws of the land in order to satisfy their own desires, the morally wicked despise the law of God in order to continue to satisfy their own desire. God will not be mocked and those who despise him will receive their just reward. But the righteous, those who fear him, who revere him, who try to live to please him, will receive the crown of life. They will enter into the paradise of God and eat from the tree of life. They will live forever in the presence of God. Why would anyone refuse such a life? Why anyone would choose to despise God and as a result spent any time in hell at all, until the day of perishing, I cannot understand. I choose God, I choose life rather than death.
Prov 14:2
2 He whose walk is upright fears the LORD,
but he whose ways are devious despises him.
Why would someone ever think of slowing down when they saw a police car sitting in the middle of the expressway? I the only reason to fear getting pulled over and ticketing is because that person is breaking the law. The only reason to despise the police is because of disrespect for their authority and defiance of the law. Is there any difference with God? I think not. If a person is walking according to the ways of God he fears God in all the respects of that word in the original language. If a person fears the power and authority of God he will endeavor to do the right thing, which is first of all accept Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and Savior. After that being afraid of God is not the issue as much as being reverent towards him, accepting his authority and living to please him. Sure sin still exists in the life of a believer, but he has not to fear reprisal from God, but rather forgiveness. The believer knows God does not approve of bad behavior, but also knows the human condition and has made a provision for forgiveness. True, sin should not be sort out and blatantly acted out, but temptations get the best of even the most morally holy believer at times. Still that believer is aware of God and the failure to remain absolutely pure and seeks the forgiveness of God once more. Those who live to please only their own self despise the authority of God, even to the point of refusing to acknowledge his existence. If they refute the existence of God then they need not have any restraints on their lifestyle. Just as criminals despise the laws of the land in order to satisfy their own desires, the morally wicked despise the law of God in order to continue to satisfy their own desire. God will not be mocked and those who despise him will receive their just reward. But the righteous, those who fear him, who revere him, who try to live to please him, will receive the crown of life. They will enter into the paradise of God and eat from the tree of life. They will live forever in the presence of God. Why would anyone refuse such a life? Why anyone would choose to despise God and as a result spent any time in hell at all, until the day of perishing, I cannot understand. I choose God, I choose life rather than death.
Thursday, March 8, 2012
The Choice is Yours
Prov 14:1
The wise woman builds her house,
but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.
Should I just leave this one alone? I think not for as many of this saying from God deal with us men, this might be wise to explore how the woman may have some special talents to offer. It has been said that “If momma isn’t happy, nobody is happy”. This has some truth in the sense that in many cases the woman does set the tone of her home. She has the ability of either building up here home or tearing it down. I think this might well serve to instruct woman the wise choice is to build up. How does she do this? Could it be with her encouraging words to her husband and children? I have seen such foolish women absolutely tearing down their children in public places that is breaks my heart. Children have such a tender spirit so easily damaged by a foolish mother. Husbands and the marriage relationship well may be damaged at times beyond repair by a foolish woman who cannot keep her tongue in check. I think the wise woman knows the strength of words which encourage s strong relationship in her home. I think the wise woman understands the power of love, passion, compassion and encouragement with her family. In most cases anyone can observe the strong bond a woman has with her children, but may not see that same bond displayed with her husband. I believe wise woman show this kind of bond with all her family both in private and in public. A wise woman also builds up her husband in the eyes of others. This actually brings greater honor to her than if she were to say anything negative about him at all. Tearing down her family in anyway before others only brings her dishonor in the eyes of her listeners. A wise woman is a jewel to her family, but a foolish one is coal. Choose wisely dear ladies, the choice is yours.
Prov 14:1
The wise woman builds her house,
but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.
Should I just leave this one alone? I think not for as many of this saying from God deal with us men, this might be wise to explore how the woman may have some special talents to offer. It has been said that “If momma isn’t happy, nobody is happy”. This has some truth in the sense that in many cases the woman does set the tone of her home. She has the ability of either building up here home or tearing it down. I think this might well serve to instruct woman the wise choice is to build up. How does she do this? Could it be with her encouraging words to her husband and children? I have seen such foolish women absolutely tearing down their children in public places that is breaks my heart. Children have such a tender spirit so easily damaged by a foolish mother. Husbands and the marriage relationship well may be damaged at times beyond repair by a foolish woman who cannot keep her tongue in check. I think the wise woman knows the strength of words which encourage s strong relationship in her home. I think the wise woman understands the power of love, passion, compassion and encouragement with her family. In most cases anyone can observe the strong bond a woman has with her children, but may not see that same bond displayed with her husband. I believe wise woman show this kind of bond with all her family both in private and in public. A wise woman also builds up her husband in the eyes of others. This actually brings greater honor to her than if she were to say anything negative about him at all. Tearing down her family in anyway before others only brings her dishonor in the eyes of her listeners. A wise woman is a jewel to her family, but a foolish one is coal. Choose wisely dear ladies, the choice is yours.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
Fully Content
Prov 13:25-14:1
25 The righteous eat to their hearts' content,
but the stomach of the wicked goes hungry.
Is this not all about the tree of life in the paradise of God? Yet it is also about the complete satisfaction of being a believer in Christ. It seems to be no matter how much of this world’s wealth and material goods an unbeliever gathers around themselves it is never enough. It seems they have an insatiable appetite which is never satisfied. The emptiness within their being is due to the lack of God in their lives. There is never enough of things to lust after and desire more of them each and every moment of life here on the earth. From childhood and the craving for toys to adulthood and the lust for wealth and the things it will afford, to the elderly who seem to a quest for greater health and more time, there is never enough. Without God as the center of life, I believe all people will never be content with their life. But this also speaks to the eternal life which follows this short stay on earth. Those of us who are born again, saved by the blood of Christ on the cross will someday eat our fill from the tree of life while those who refuse to accept Christ as their personal Lord and Savior will definitely go hungry for they will not eat of or for that matter even see the tree of life. There is no question that the life of a believer is filled with contentment as life is more than the things of this world. The life of a believer is centered on Christ rather than self. There is no way self can ever be content. As far as the goods of this world, even a believer eats to his hearts’ content because he need only ask God the Father in the name of Jesus. God does not intent for his people to go without unless it brings him glory in some way, and then the believer still finds contentment and that in itself brings God glory. I have learned to be content no matter my lot in life. God simply is enough.
Prov 13:25-14:1
25 The righteous eat to their hearts' content,
but the stomach of the wicked goes hungry.
Is this not all about the tree of life in the paradise of God? Yet it is also about the complete satisfaction of being a believer in Christ. It seems to be no matter how much of this world’s wealth and material goods an unbeliever gathers around themselves it is never enough. It seems they have an insatiable appetite which is never satisfied. The emptiness within their being is due to the lack of God in their lives. There is never enough of things to lust after and desire more of them each and every moment of life here on the earth. From childhood and the craving for toys to adulthood and the lust for wealth and the things it will afford, to the elderly who seem to a quest for greater health and more time, there is never enough. Without God as the center of life, I believe all people will never be content with their life. But this also speaks to the eternal life which follows this short stay on earth. Those of us who are born again, saved by the blood of Christ on the cross will someday eat our fill from the tree of life while those who refuse to accept Christ as their personal Lord and Savior will definitely go hungry for they will not eat of or for that matter even see the tree of life. There is no question that the life of a believer is filled with contentment as life is more than the things of this world. The life of a believer is centered on Christ rather than self. There is no way self can ever be content. As far as the goods of this world, even a believer eats to his hearts’ content because he need only ask God the Father in the name of Jesus. God does not intent for his people to go without unless it brings him glory in some way, and then the believer still finds contentment and that in itself brings God glory. I have learned to be content no matter my lot in life. God simply is enough.
Monday, March 5, 2012
Beloved Son
Prov 13:24
24 He who spares the rod hates his son,
but he who loves him is careful to discipline him.
Ah yes, the age old spare the rod spoil the child phrase or at least what was quoted to me. It is true that a measure of discipline is needed in the task of rearing offspring in order to assure they grow to a level of maturity capable of being on the right path of life. If a child is allowed to grow without the supportive measures of discipline it is quite possible that child will become less of what he or she could have been or even travel on the wrong paths of life. But I think this may well be speaking of the relationship between God and his creation. This is about God and me. I have no doubt that he loves me deeply because he has not spared the rod with me. I have been disciplined by God but not in the sense that he has whipped me brutally until I fell to my knees in submission. The original language carries the implication of discipline in the form of instruction so as to indicate God instructs me in the proper way to live because he loves me so much. If he did not love me he would not care how I lived my life and what direction I traveled. I am sure he has that same love for everyone. He has said that he loves every person in the entire world for all of time so much that he sent Jesus to die n the cross in order they could return to a proper relationship with him. He attempts to instruct everyone, but some simply refuse to listen. They refuse his disciple and thus will travel the wrong direction and end up in the wrong destination. It is clear God loves us because he has made sure we have all of his instructions for life, recorded and saved, for all of time until he chooses to bring time to an end. I have accepted his discipline, his instruction, although I have failed at times in keeping it. Yet he continues to love me and he continues to discipline my life toward the direction he desires. I am his beloved son.
Prov 13:24
24 He who spares the rod hates his son,
but he who loves him is careful to discipline him.
Ah yes, the age old spare the rod spoil the child phrase or at least what was quoted to me. It is true that a measure of discipline is needed in the task of rearing offspring in order to assure they grow to a level of maturity capable of being on the right path of life. If a child is allowed to grow without the supportive measures of discipline it is quite possible that child will become less of what he or she could have been or even travel on the wrong paths of life. But I think this may well be speaking of the relationship between God and his creation. This is about God and me. I have no doubt that he loves me deeply because he has not spared the rod with me. I have been disciplined by God but not in the sense that he has whipped me brutally until I fell to my knees in submission. The original language carries the implication of discipline in the form of instruction so as to indicate God instructs me in the proper way to live because he loves me so much. If he did not love me he would not care how I lived my life and what direction I traveled. I am sure he has that same love for everyone. He has said that he loves every person in the entire world for all of time so much that he sent Jesus to die n the cross in order they could return to a proper relationship with him. He attempts to instruct everyone, but some simply refuse to listen. They refuse his disciple and thus will travel the wrong direction and end up in the wrong destination. It is clear God loves us because he has made sure we have all of his instructions for life, recorded and saved, for all of time until he chooses to bring time to an end. I have accepted his discipline, his instruction, although I have failed at times in keeping it. Yet he continues to love me and he continues to discipline my life toward the direction he desires. I am his beloved son.
Sunday, March 4, 2012
Using it for God
Prov 13:23
23 A poor man's field may produce abundant food,
but injustice sweeps it away.
Once again I think a lot of controversy might exist over how this should be seen as it relates to the life of a believer verses that of an unbeliever or how a believer should approach life in respect to wealth. In the original language I think it speaks clearer than in any translation, in the sense that a poor man might well loss his opportunity to hold on to any abundance because of his poor judgment. But once again of what value would that be anyway? Why would God want any man to cling to his material wealth? Would the judgment have anything to do with between hoarding the abundance for self and spending it to benefit the Kingdom of God? What is the reason the man is poor? Is it because of he wants to keep all his abundance? I think some believers would what to use this saying as a justification for not being a spendthrift and to store up and hoard the abundance in order to not be poor. But all wealth is from the hand of God anyway and it is within his order which state a man should be. But is within the power of the man as to how he decides to employ that which has been provided by God. I think this even applies to the gifts God bestows which are outlined in the parable of the talents. If God gives someone a gift in abundance and the person does not use it for the Kingdom it might well be swept away and what he could have done for the kingdom is lost. I believe as God gives the abundance to me I should be ready willing and able to spend it all for the benefit of his kingdom divesting the all of self. I should not hold anything back; hoard anything which God has provided me with whether that be of material matter or spiritual gifts. The real poverty exists in spiritual bankruptcy because of his bad judgment in refusing to acknowledge God and all of the wealth any spiritually bankrupt person accumulates will be swept away in the final day. What I know is whatever God produces in my life, I need to use it for him as thus I will never be poor, but rich in spirit.
Prov 13:23
23 A poor man's field may produce abundant food,
but injustice sweeps it away.
Once again I think a lot of controversy might exist over how this should be seen as it relates to the life of a believer verses that of an unbeliever or how a believer should approach life in respect to wealth. In the original language I think it speaks clearer than in any translation, in the sense that a poor man might well loss his opportunity to hold on to any abundance because of his poor judgment. But once again of what value would that be anyway? Why would God want any man to cling to his material wealth? Would the judgment have anything to do with between hoarding the abundance for self and spending it to benefit the Kingdom of God? What is the reason the man is poor? Is it because of he wants to keep all his abundance? I think some believers would what to use this saying as a justification for not being a spendthrift and to store up and hoard the abundance in order to not be poor. But all wealth is from the hand of God anyway and it is within his order which state a man should be. But is within the power of the man as to how he decides to employ that which has been provided by God. I think this even applies to the gifts God bestows which are outlined in the parable of the talents. If God gives someone a gift in abundance and the person does not use it for the Kingdom it might well be swept away and what he could have done for the kingdom is lost. I believe as God gives the abundance to me I should be ready willing and able to spend it all for the benefit of his kingdom divesting the all of self. I should not hold anything back; hoard anything which God has provided me with whether that be of material matter or spiritual gifts. The real poverty exists in spiritual bankruptcy because of his bad judgment in refusing to acknowledge God and all of the wealth any spiritually bankrupt person accumulates will be swept away in the final day. What I know is whatever God produces in my life, I need to use it for him as thus I will never be poor, but rich in spirit.
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Leaving Forever
Prov 13:22
22 A good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children,
but a sinner's wealth is stored up for the righteous.
Here again I think many might well use this saying of God to insist it is a biblical principle to hoard and store up as much money as possible in order to leave it all behind for the children and grandchildren. This approach to seeing what is said would be far from the truth. Of what eternal value are any of the wealth or material goods of the world? Why would God what a believer to demonstrate to his children and grandchildren the principle of seeking after and lying up of treasures here on earth? Will not God continue to provide all a believer will ever need and thus will do the same for his children and his children’s children? Ah, that is the rub. He will continue to provide for the future generations if they are living their lives for him rather than for their own self. So then the inheritance of eternal value which I must leave for my children is a life in Christ. As a father I need to live my life as to lead my children to Christ, so they in turn will lead their children to Christ and on through the generations will follow the ways of God. I did not have that inheritance, but it now starts with me and has already been passed on to my daughters and I see them passing that on to theirs. This is the inheritance which is spoken of here, not of material wealth. That sort of wealth will not last more than one lifetime on earth. Yet even that which is made and store up by those who God calls sinners will be made available by him to his righteous. Surely God uses sinners to provide material blessing to his followers. How ironic is that! It is not that believers should look to those who are classified by God as sinners for any provisions because God is the believer’s source for all things spiritual and material. One of the main focuses of my life is to leave behind a heritage of faith for my children to follow after. Surely my main focus is to follow Christ first, and to live a life of faith for without faith, I cannot please God. If I live this life of faith and leave that inheritance for the generations of my family to follow I have done well. I need not concern myself with the worlds’ goods and how many of them I leave behind for my family for all of that will fade away, but God’s word will last forever. This is what I leave for my children, I leave them “Forever”.
Prov 13:22
22 A good man leaves an inheritance for his children's children,
but a sinner's wealth is stored up for the righteous.
Here again I think many might well use this saying of God to insist it is a biblical principle to hoard and store up as much money as possible in order to leave it all behind for the children and grandchildren. This approach to seeing what is said would be far from the truth. Of what eternal value are any of the wealth or material goods of the world? Why would God what a believer to demonstrate to his children and grandchildren the principle of seeking after and lying up of treasures here on earth? Will not God continue to provide all a believer will ever need and thus will do the same for his children and his children’s children? Ah, that is the rub. He will continue to provide for the future generations if they are living their lives for him rather than for their own self. So then the inheritance of eternal value which I must leave for my children is a life in Christ. As a father I need to live my life as to lead my children to Christ, so they in turn will lead their children to Christ and on through the generations will follow the ways of God. I did not have that inheritance, but it now starts with me and has already been passed on to my daughters and I see them passing that on to theirs. This is the inheritance which is spoken of here, not of material wealth. That sort of wealth will not last more than one lifetime on earth. Yet even that which is made and store up by those who God calls sinners will be made available by him to his righteous. Surely God uses sinners to provide material blessing to his followers. How ironic is that! It is not that believers should look to those who are classified by God as sinners for any provisions because God is the believer’s source for all things spiritual and material. One of the main focuses of my life is to leave behind a heritage of faith for my children to follow after. Surely my main focus is to follow Christ first, and to live a life of faith for without faith, I cannot please God. If I live this life of faith and leave that inheritance for the generations of my family to follow I have done well. I need not concern myself with the worlds’ goods and how many of them I leave behind for my family for all of that will fade away, but God’s word will last forever. This is what I leave for my children, I leave them “Forever”.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Give me Wisdom
Prov 13:20
20 He who walks with the wise grows wise,
but a companion of fools suffers harm.
Once again the message is long and clear regarding who should be chosen as a friend. Surely none of those who do not have a personal relationship with God are on the list. Now or course that is not to say a believer should ignore the opportunities to develop a relationship with an unbeliever for what I believe should be for the express reason of being able to share the Gospel with them. But to develop a relationship based on friendship alone would be against all the principles set forth in the scriptures. Believers should not be unequally yoked with unbelievers and being a companion of fools falls into that category. Companionship is none other than being in league with someone and if that person is a fool, which would be defined as refusing to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, then a believer should avoid that type of interrelationship. Anyone who lives according to the standards of the world rather than of God would be considered a fool and therefore no advice given should be considered by a believer. The only wisdom comes from God and therefore from others who live according to his ways would be worthy of companionship, friendship and a voice of consul. It is inconceivable to me that any believe would take the advice of or enter into any type of contact with a fool, which is defined as an unbeliever. Yet I think far too many have been deceived into thinking this is not the case and have separated their physical circumstances and resources from their spiritual position in the body of Christ, and thus not only are living in the manner of the world but taking consul regarding their resources from fools. I cannot live nor accept their companionship and consul. I know who has all the wisdom and I will only hear words which flow from the mouth of God. He has all the wisdom for my life, the way I should live and how I should pursue the advancement of his kingdom. I desire to grow wise and therefor I desire his wisdom, and not that of the fools of this world. Give me wisdom.
Prov 13:20
20 He who walks with the wise grows wise,
but a companion of fools suffers harm.
Once again the message is long and clear regarding who should be chosen as a friend. Surely none of those who do not have a personal relationship with God are on the list. Now or course that is not to say a believer should ignore the opportunities to develop a relationship with an unbeliever for what I believe should be for the express reason of being able to share the Gospel with them. But to develop a relationship based on friendship alone would be against all the principles set forth in the scriptures. Believers should not be unequally yoked with unbelievers and being a companion of fools falls into that category. Companionship is none other than being in league with someone and if that person is a fool, which would be defined as refusing to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, then a believer should avoid that type of interrelationship. Anyone who lives according to the standards of the world rather than of God would be considered a fool and therefore no advice given should be considered by a believer. The only wisdom comes from God and therefore from others who live according to his ways would be worthy of companionship, friendship and a voice of consul. It is inconceivable to me that any believe would take the advice of or enter into any type of contact with a fool, which is defined as an unbeliever. Yet I think far too many have been deceived into thinking this is not the case and have separated their physical circumstances and resources from their spiritual position in the body of Christ, and thus not only are living in the manner of the world but taking consul regarding their resources from fools. I cannot live nor accept their companionship and consul. I know who has all the wisdom and I will only hear words which flow from the mouth of God. He has all the wisdom for my life, the way I should live and how I should pursue the advancement of his kingdom. I desire to grow wise and therefor I desire his wisdom, and not that of the fools of this world. Give me wisdom.
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