Sunday, January 1, 2012

Life or Death

Prov 11:19
19 The truly righteous man attains life,
but he who pursues evil goes to his death.
Well there it is right out in the open, all that I have been seeing in some of the previous proverbs that were sort of saying it but not actually uses these words. I do have to think about that one Bob Dylan song, that you have to serve somebody, either you serve the Lord or you serve the devil but you have to serve somebody. Here is lies the truth of God. Even if a person says they do not believe in God and the devil hey are by default serving the devil, for that is the essence of his scheme and his kingdom. If the devil can convince a person there is no God, he has gained one more follower. He does not even care if that person believes in him, he will ultimately gain that person in his kingdom. The problem with that is he and all that are his kingdom will perish, in the lake of burning sulfur. That is what is spoken here about the evil goes to his death. I do not understand how intelligent people do not see this and refuse to accept Jesus as the Son of God, and Lord and Savior of their life. I do remember living for self in my youth, but I was completely unaware of what the Word of God proclaimed. I had no knowledge about God and his plan for my life. So I was by default serving the devil, but when I was exposed to the truth of God, the Holy Spirit revealed to me the errors of my way and I reversed the course of my life. But I cannot understand how people who declare knowledge of the scriptures or at least are aware of what is written, refuse to accept it as truth. Are they so deceived? Or are they actually pursuing evil knowingly. Now this truly righteous phrase gives me a little pause. So I employ the Hebrew which simply says as righteousness is to life, so I am alright with that because Jesus Christ is my righteousness and he leads me to life. It is because of him, not me, that I am counted as one of the truly righteous men who will attain life. For this I am eternal grateful. I cannot imagine what my life would have been like if it were not for God intervening in such a powerful way. What I do know for sure is I what nothing to do with death, but I want everything to do with life. It is a matter of life or death.

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