Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Prov 12:18
18 Reckless words pierce like a sword,
but the tongue of the wise brings healing.
I do not think there is any question that in the heat of a disagreement I have been guilty of some reckless words. Now maybe not the type of words which are actually reckless in the sense of calling someone a bad name, or defaming them in some way, but I have said things I wish I had not. I do find it very difficult to not say something when I know full well in the mind that I am in the right and they are in the wrong. But nevertheless I most likely should just keep my words to myself, although I do not think my words are really reckless, but more defensive in nature. I believe I am only trying to make the truth a reality. I think this saying is really speaking to words which are said without thinking, or words which cause harm to another person, such as gossip, or backbiting words which defame the character of a person. I do not believe I am guilty of this. But at the same time I am not sure I am saying words of healing either, although the truth about daily things as well as the truth about God should be healing. I do not understand how standing up for the truth could be reckless, yet maybe it is the way I do that might be considered wrong by some, but it is not reckless in the sense of this saying. I do get stubborn about what I know is right. But that is not reckless yet it also is not healing. So I have some more work to do on my inner being. I have some more growing to do. I am not sure how I can keep silent in the middle of a wrong, but I think I need to work more on how I voice my words. I might need to be a little less passionate in my verbalization of the truth. I do not know I to do that, unless I become somebody I am not. God made me with passion, so I can I not have it when I speak about issues I know to be truth. I simply am not a meek mild mannered Mr. milk toast kind of guy. If that is the kind of person God had wanted me to be he would have created me that way, but he did not an I am not. So I have to deal with who I am but at the same time making sure in my passion for the truth I am not reckless with my words.

Monday, January 30, 2012

I Believe

Prov 12:17
17 A truthful witness gives honest testimony,
but a false witness tells lies.
What do I do with this? Either I am truthful or I am a liar and that is that. If I am a believer in Jesus Christ I have no choice but to give an honest testimony. I trust God is my testimony. I believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God who was born of a virgin, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and who was fully man and fully God. I believe Jesus came for the singular purpose of dying in the cross for my sin. I believe he was buried and in three days rose from the grave in a gloried body, walked and talked, with his people, and then ascended in bodily form to the right hand of God the Father where he is always making intercession for me. I believe he is preparing a place for me and one day he will return to get me and bring me to that place in the everlasting presence of God the Father. I believe he is alive and well, and that he is in fact God. I believe he is my Lord and master and it is my privilege to serve him and his kingdom. I believe I am no longer a citizen of this world, but hold my citizenship in the Kingdom of God. I am but am alien here, yet also an ambassador of my Lord to this foreign land. I represent his lordship in the place. I believe God inspired holy men to record words he told them and that he inspired other holy men to assemble all those records into one book, the Holy Bible which is in fact his words and if without error. That is my honest testimony. Now I suppose I could say all that and not live according to my belief and that would be false and telling lies. I could profess to be a Christian and actually within my being not really truly believe all that is true. I am not sure how I could do that considering all the personal contact I have had with my Lord. I know I could not believe after having him heal me, provide for me through so many miracles and speak to my heart and mind in such a clear and resounding way. I could not believe, and if I did not believe I would surely say it, I would not be double-minded and simply pretend to believe. I am who I am and I say what I believe. I am honest about my faith, outspoken about my faith, and truthful about what I believe is the truth of God. The simple fact is I believe.

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Prov 12:16
16 A fool shows his annoyance at once,
but a prudent man overlooks an insult.
Here is a tract I think I need a little work on. I am not too sure that I overlook insults very well. Now having said that I think I do not respond every time I am belittled or insulted either. There sure are times I make an effort to set the record straight. I do not like to be criticized by those who are imperfect themselves. I just cannot quite get the hang on the idea that someone who is not perfect expecting another person to be perfect. I cannot understand how anyone has the right to deploy insults. But if I am going to be the man of God I am supposed to be I have to simply ignore them. But that is not always the best course of action, for that increases the wrath of the insulter. I would think I do overlook when the insult is inadvertent or said without actually knowledge that it is an insult. But when it is blatant, and said with malice or a critical spirit I have to admit I am fairly sure I will defend myself in some way. According to this saying I need not even do that, I should ignore all of them. I should simply just go on my merry way, as if that person had said nothing at all. Now maybe I am lumping insults and criticism in the same category and they should not be, yet I think to criticize is to insult. True, they is constructive criticism, but again when coming from a non-perfect being, I think it is all subjective. Now about God, I have to accept his correction. I cannot be annoyed with God for being any form of criticism to my way of thinking or acting. But he does not insult, only man has the capacity, and I must begin anew with the commitment to overlook any and all insults regarding my character, my faith, my thinking and my way of life. Truly the only person I really need to please is God and so I redouble my efforts to follow this course of action.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Listening to God

Prov 12:15
15 The way of a fool seems right to him,
but a wise man listens to advice.
I know a whole lot of people who would like to make this out as a great saying about listening to what they have to say about how I should live. They might try to convince me that I would be wise man if I would only listen to their advice about how I should be doing something or that there are some things that I am doing which they would advise I stop or adjust the way I do it. I know I have be accused of being stubborn or set in my ways, closed minded, and rigid. Recently I have been accused or judged as one who is not willing to grow, to accept new ideas, new thoughts about or to expand my thinking to include the ideas and thoughts of that person, who happens not to be a believer in the Lordship and deity of Jesus Christ. I have to admit that I am not willing to accept advice from people, because God declares the people’s hearts are deceitfully wicked, which does include mine of course. All people are equal in God’s eyes, as well as in mine, which then surely means no man is wiser then I, nor am I wiser than any man. God declares, in fact, that man’s wisdom is foolishness to him, so why would I ever what to listen to any advice spawned from foolish wisdom. Because my way does seem right to me, it does not make me a fool, because it is not my way, but God’s. The advice I listen to comes from the only qualified source of good and wise consul. What good advice can foolishness provide me? But God’s Word can advise me on every good and perfect aspect of life. I think that in fact those who do not know Jesus Christ as personal Lord and Savior who accuse me of being closed minded and set in my ways are, in fact, closed minded and set in their ways, unwilling to listen to the advice from God, and thus are the real fools. Their end will not be good, but mine will be glorious. When I step into eternity I there will be great rejoicing in my spirit. I have listened to the advice of the Holy Spirit and I have accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, and I continue to listen to his advice as to how I should live, where I should live, what I should do with the life he has given me, and how I should benefit his Kingdom through the gifts he has bestowed upon me. This is not about listening to men, but all about listening to God.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Keep Speaking

Prov 12:14
14 From the fruit of his lips a man is filled with good things
as surely as the work of his hands rewards him.
I know the truth of that saying, it is better to give than to receive, however I see a great receiving in the course of giving within this proverb. As I expound on the Word of God, as I share truths from the greatness of God’s Word to others, I think I actually learn more than those who hear my words. As I write books for the soul purpose of helping others to gain insight into the truths of God, I believe I learn a far greater amount then anyone who reads my words. It is a tremendous learning experience every time I teach, preach or write. I benefit so much from what I say. I know that sounds prideful in the sense that I say such great things, but I am saying when I talk about God, his word, his truths, to others, I learn as well. I know I am filled with good things, and one of the reasons is because I talk about God’s Word. But even greater is my reward because of the labor I do for the Kingdom of God. I do not consider this portion as aimed toward getting a greater abundance of material goods because I do good work with my hands, but this speaks to the reward for my efforts for the kingdom. As I speak about God, and as I endeavor to work for the Kingdom I will be filled with good things, and my labor will be rewarded. Yet this is all about the words of my mouth filling me, as the work of my hands rewards me. It is showing me the results of my words are like the results of my hands. So I must continue on, doing what I do, saying what I say. I will not be silenced by those who oppose the message. I will not be shut down by those who disbelieve. I will not be kept from speaking about God and his Holy Word by those who deny its authenticity or authority. My knowledge is from both experiential and study of God. I will keep speaking.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Trapped or Escaped

Prov 12:13
13 An evil man is trapped by his sinful talk,
but a righteous man escapes trouble.
This could be taken as an evil man is trapped by his own lie, which is sooner or later he will be found out, but I am not so sure that is the real case here. That Hebrew word translated sinful carries the meaning of revolt. Thus an evil man revolts against God. An evil man talks about the things which are in his heart as does a righteous man. That is a truth which God has already declared. So I would think that because an evil man hates the idea of God and the standards God has set forth for living in a manner which pleases him, this evil man would speak words which defame God, or refute his existence, or discredit his word, the Bible. Within those kinds of word this evil man reveals his true character to others, but more importantly he confirms his evilness in the eyes of God. By those words, which come forth from his heart, he is trapped. He is found guilty without any defense and thus this evil man has caused his own demise. Now on the other hand because God considers me righteous and I speak of his word as the truth, the only truth, and I believe in my heart that he sent his Son, Jesus to die on the cross for my sin, past present and future, and that Jesus rose from the grave and bodily ascended to the right hand of the Father, I will escape the demise of evil men. I will see no trouble at the judgment sit of God, for I have a defense for my transgressions. Jesus stands in the gap, and says to the Father, I took care of his sin on the cross. I have no trouble before me, not because I am perfect, but because Jesus is. The evil man is trapped, I am set free. If Jesus sets me free I am free indeed. What a relief to know I do not have to experience the demise of the evil. I know that may be selfish in some respect, but those who are evil have the same opportunity I have to escape rather than be trapped, but it by what is in their own hearts, and on their lips which cause their end. I am saddened by that, for it does not have to be that way, yet it is. Escape is my future, demise is theirs.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012


Prov 12:12
12 The wicked desire the plunder of evil men,
but the root of the righteous flourishes.
I am not sure I agree with the exact interpretation of the scholars here. First I see the word “men” has been added for clarification and secondly the word for desire is also rendered as delighted. So I would have said that those who are morally wrong delight in the results of evil. Now I suppose it is the same thing in a sense because those who are morally wrong, those who God considers as wicked surely most what the rest of evil men obtain through their deeds. In either case I think it is a sad commentary on the human condition that refuses to acknowledge Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Whatever plunder they achieve in the world will pale in comparison to the plunder they will get at the judgment. The end result of their desires for that which is evil I dare not even imagine. But not so with those who are considered righteous. Now again I remind myself many people who are in the wicked category may be nice well-meaning people, with good intentions toward others, and doing many good deeds, but with a heart bend against God. Therefore he declares them wicked. I also know that those who he declares as righteous, like me, are not perfect human beings and we all still have elements of sin in our life. I know I do, not that I am proud of that fact, but it is a fact, and I would be deceiving myself to think otherwise. But I have accepted Jesus Christ in my life, and I know I am a changed person from who I was, and what the desire of my heart was and who I am now and the desire of my heart now. Do I make mistakes? Yep, no doubt, but I keep asking for more help from the Holy Spirit and keep seeking the forgiveness of God, and keep trying to do better. I think that is the big difference between the wicked and the righteous. I have to believe I have grown more as a person being rooted in the Word of God then I would have before God intervened in my life, In fact, I think I would be dead already and I would have encountered the plunder of being evil. But not now, I have been forgiven, I have been redeemed, I have been saved from that plunder and I can rest in the arms of my Lord. I will truly flourish.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Prov 12:11
11 He who works his land will have abundant food,
but he who chases fantasies lacks judgment.
There just is not any get rich quick schemes that really provide for the daily needs. It would sure seem as though God from the very beginning when he told Adam to tend the garden determined the best course of action for a man’s life was work, or course after the fall, God not only told him to work the land, but it would be with great toil and sweat. I don’t think hard labor ever did my any harm. I have worked hard with my hands most of my life. I think I even put forth a great deal of effort in what some people thought of a get rich quick method. I have not starved since I have been here; I have not gone without any of the needs of life. If I compare myself to the whole of the people on earth, I would say I do have an abundance of not only food but everything else. Certainly there are some people who make me look like I am a poor miserable pauper, but I am not. I have not chased after fantasies for the daily needs of my life, or those I have been responsible for. I think the world has said nothing ventured, nothing gained. I think the world has said that you have to take some chances, step out, go for it, but that still requires working the plan. I am not sure just what would be considered chasing a fantasy. I suppose if I spent all my paycheck on lottery tickets, instead of paying bills, and buying food that might fill the bill of chasing a fantasy, at least in the cultural I live in. I would think the same would be true of the race track, the dog track, the boat casino, Las Vegas, or any other form of chance, if I were to spent my money in that fashion instead of meeting the daily needs of my family. Work is the best method for life. Although I do get tired sometimes I do not think I should ever stop work completely. I do not think God said he who works the land until he is a certain age will have abundant food. Yes, I know a lot of people who have stored up enough money to retire, but I do not think that is what God planned. I will work, unless God provides another way. I am not going to limit him, or restrict him to work in only certain ways, but for now I will work.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Caring or Cruel


Prov 12:10
10 A righteous man cares for the needs of his animal,
but the kindest acts of the wicked are cruel.
I have no beast of burden or oxen to draw my plow nor a horse or mule to carry me to market. Surely those days of Solomon were filled with beasts which served the daily choirs of men, but not so much today, at least in my culture and my own circumstance. Due to the timelessness of God’s Word there has to be some relevant principle which applies to my life today. Certainly those who are categorized by God as wicked are just as loving and caring for their little pets as I am toward my cooper. I don’t think I have ever seen an acquaintance of mine who does not know the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior act in a cruel way toward their pet. Could it just me this surface truth or is there a deeper meaning pointing to the true character of each man depending on the guiding principles of his life? Considering those who are considered wicked by God have protested against companies which are supposedly destroying the habitat of some creature, it would appear their acts toward the animal kingdom are truly not cruel at all. So this must have some implication toward the true nature within each person. If I am righteous I should be caring toward the least of all creation, not doing harm to my fellow man nor to the beasts who occupy this planet for my purpose and pleasure. I do not think this would apply toward a gator who would consider me as a meal, but then I am not sure about that. I know I am to rule over the animals, and not be their servant, but at the same time I should not do them any harm either. It would appear those who are the wicked hide they true intentions of cruelty beneath false acts of kindness both toward their fellow man as well as to the animal kingdom. Rather than truly caring for animals with their protests, they are actually serving their own agenda for some hideous self-edification or aggrandizement. What I know is, I can have only compassion and care for any animal I encounter as they truly cannot control their circumstance as a man can. The animals have been given to us by God for us, to serve us, as beasts of burden, food and even as pets for our pleasure. I also do not think I have intentionally not cared for another person, or done so with cruelness in my heart. I suppose there are people who have done both, but as for me, I choose not to. I choose to be caring, not cruel.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Being Nobody

Prov 12:9
9 Better to be a nobody and yet have a servant
than pretend to be somebody and have no food.
As I do not have either a servant or the lack of food I am not quite sure how I should personalize this. Perhaps it is speaking more to the issue of thinking more of me than I should. I would think putting on a façade, acting all high and mighty, as not having any sin in my life, and being so spiritual when in reality I am not, would be one aspect of this concept. I would think any attempts to make me out to be anything but what I am is a form of pretending to be somebody I am not. I do not think I do that. I am fairly confident that I am honest and forthright about the condition of my spiritual being. I know I still have sin in my life and speak of myself as a work in progress. I have not attained perfection and never profess to having done reached it. There are people I know who have professed such perfection, such a state as to be without sin and it troubles me when I hear them talk like that. I cannot imagine how I could ever be that perfect. Oh sure, I do not go around looking for ways to commit sin, but I simply fail sometimes at being perfect. Who doesn’t fail from time to time? Not that I should feel good about myself because everyone else fails too, but it is a fact of humanity and that is why God sent Jesus. Now there is a thought, I am a nobody. But Jesus came not to be served to but serve. He is my servant; he served as the price for my sin. Those people who go around pretending to be so good, in reality they do not have the food of the truth, the bread of life. I am so thankful Lord for you revealing this truth to me today. I am blessed because Jesus came to serve, and others are so in need, although they think they have knowledge, success and wealth and their goodness is sufficient, because they do not have the bread of life. I am so glad I am being a nobody.

Saturday, January 21, 2012


Prov 12:8
8 A man is praised according to his wisdom,
but men with warped minds are despised.
I think the first order of my thinking is to ask who is doing the praising and despising. Is it God or other men? I think it surely could say people do praise a person because of his good sense, or wisdom or success and I think most people surely do despise a person who has a perverse heart or warped mind. I am not sure I can say the same thing about God, for I am not sure he could despise, as even through a person is a terrible sinner. The reason being is he loves them enough to have sent his Son to die for them. So I think I am left with the praising and despising coming from men. Did not Jesus grow in statue with God and men? Should not I do the same thing? If I live my life in accordance with the ways of God, how could anyone every no praise the way I live? But if I were to live in accordance with a perverse heart how could anyone even think of praising the way I live. I do not think this should be the reason I live the way I do, but it surely is one of the results of my lifestyle. The question which haunts me through is; have I grown in statue with both God and men? I believe I have and I believe I am seeing the spoken about result. I think for the most part other people think well of me. I am sure there are some, if not many unbelievers who would challenge that statement as I do not think they consider me as having wisdom, but rather as being foolish in trusting a God they don’t even believe in. Well maybe they believe in a God but it is with a warped mindset. Maybe I am on to something here. Maybe this is all about how a man thinks about God. If I think about God in the way he desires me to, I have wisdom, but if I were think about him as many unbelievers do, it would be with a warped sense of thinking and he would not be pleased with that. I think it is pretty much all academic anyway as I do think and live in accordance with the way he desires me to and whatever the result is the result.

Friday, January 20, 2012


Prov 12:7
7 Wicked men are overthrown and are no more,
but the house of the righteous stands firm.
Not exist, to be nothing, a non-entity is the whole meaning of the Hebrew word translated as no more. That is an absolute confirmation to my heart that what God said through John about perishing being the opposite of life. If this does not scare the life out of anyone, what will? It cannot be said any clearer than this. God surely is telling anyone who reads this if they do not accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and thus be considered by him as righteous, they will be considered as wicked and will ultimately be overthrown and become absolutely nothing and exist no more. That surely means to me they is no continued form of life at all, not in hell, or anyway else, but to be thrown into the lake of burning sulfur and simply burn up and perish becoming a non-entity. I am so grateful I responded in a positive manner to the call of God. I know he desires all people be saved from becoming a non-entity, but I am grateful he was able to get through my thick heart and break down the barrier I had built to protect myself from being hurt from anyone. I was so closed, so completely protective and unwilling to allow anyone to get to close, to truly get in and see who I really was. I know now God already knew who I was and still was willing to extend his total love and compassion toward me. I also knew and felt deep within me that in death I was going to become no more, as no longer existing, and a non-entity. I was not like so many others who either are deceived or deceive themselves into thinking everyone goes to heaven or hell and lives forever there. I knew it was over, and that was a great fear, perhaps because I was so self-centered, so into total concern for me and the thought of my no longer existing was unbearable. But God was able to break through all that and offered me eternal life in his glorious presence. I will now live forever in a house that stands firm for all eternity. Firm or no more, I choice firm.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Hurt or Heal

Prov 12:6
6 The words of the wicked lie in wait for blood,
but the speech of the upright rescues them.
A lot has been said about words, especially those which are spoken, although I suppose even the written word can be lethal or restoring as well. Surely the written word of God has an overwhelming restoration to the spirit of man. But I have to consider this to be those words which come forth from my mouth verses those words which gush from the mouth of those who are wicked. I would think when the chief priests sent spies to question Jesus, those spies pretending to be nice, but were looking for a way to get him killed might well serve as an example of lying in wait for blood. I am not sure how that looks in today’s cultural. Maybe it simply is the fact wicked men lie about whatever they need to in order to cause trouble for the righteous. Maybe this underhanded method by those wicked who are in powerful positions to remove any evidence of God from the public square is just one example. Surely they lie about the meaning of the Constitution. Surely they are lying in wait to find some way to disprove God, and thus the righteous, and all for their own personal gain. But I cannot imagine any believer ever saying anything which would be damaging to another person. Oh sure, I have inadvertently said things I should not have which might have been hurtful to someone. I also have had things said to me which are somewhat hurtful as well, but I think that is humanity at its finest. I do not think I or others intentionally say those things. I think for the most part we all are looking for words which encourage each other, build each other up and have a healing affect. At least that is the goal, it may not always work, I have to believe that is the goal of every believer. I do not believe I or any other believer looks for ways to be hurtful, or damaging with our words. I think a choice has to be made; do the words I use hurt or heal?

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Bad Advice

Prov 12:5
5 The plans of the righteous are just,
but the advice of the wicked is deceitful.
This smacks right out of the first psalm. I certainly would this Solomon was remembering what his father had written, maybe even heard him singing it. I really think God intended both of them to record those words to make sure his followers, the household of faith, would get the picture. There is absolutely no advice from those outside the household of faith which is profitable for me to listen to, much less use in my life. Through David, God told me I would be blessed if I did not take the advice of the ungodly. But through Solomon, God is announcing that advice to be deceitful. That would imply to me those who are ungodly, or wicked have deceitful motives for giving advice. I could only imagine their advice would only be for the advancement of their cause, their personal gain instead of for any gain on my part, or at the very least any gain on my part would certainly cause a greater gain for them is some manner. Why would I ever what to subject myself to that kind of advice? Why would I listen to anyone who does not know the Lord and live according to his Holy Word? Sure I might be able to learn some kind of knowledge, but never could I learn how to live my life from them. I make my plans based on the Word of God. I live according to how the Word of God declares I should. My plans need to be in accordance with how God declares. He has given me the Holy Spirit to guide me into all truth and thus I can plan appropriately. I have to admit sometimes those plans have cost me in the eyes of the world. Sometimes the things God has me plan have not be successful in the eyes of the wicked, but I have obeyed what God has had me plan and thus I have been successful in his eyes and that is all that really counts. Surely trusting him completely rather than I is foolishness to the wicked, ungodly people of this world. Even more foolish in their eyes is that I trust his advice more than theirs. His advice is good, their advice is bad.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Prov 12:4
4 A wife of noble character is her husband's crown,
but a disgraceful wife is like decay in his bones.
It is a good thing I have a noble wife or I would have a difficult time with this devotion. I cannot think of anyone I know who does not admire my wife and think of here as a good woman and of noble character. It may be true of those days when this saying was penned that men choose their women without much input from the woman herself. The cultural of this day is not so, as I believe most marriages are based on the choice of the woman rather than the man. But I have to say I believe my and wife and I are married because of God. I am not sure with how due to how it all began, but surely I am convinced it was his plan, or he made so awesome adjustments in his plan because I am so blessed to have her as a wife. This saying does not speak to my character, but only that she is a crown for me. I can only imagine how some men must feel if their wife is disgraceful. I am not sure how that is defined other than a woman who causes shame to her husband. How that would be accomplished could be a variety of ways which I dare not expound upon and for that matter have no need to as my wife certainly does not cause me shame in any way manner or form. So I am a blessed man, wearing a crown upon my head because of the character of my wife. Maybe that does not mean much in this cultural but is surely means a whole lot to me. Maybe most woman are not concerned about their character for the purpose of their husbands, but I truly believe my wife does. What more can I say, I am blessed.

Monday, January 16, 2012



Prov 12:3
3 A man cannot be established through wickedness,
but the righteous cannot be uprooted.
It appears there is one more reason to be considered by God as righteous. It does remind me of the tree of Psalm one or for that matter an orchard of trees. A wicked person just does not stand a chance to get roots firmly planted by the stream of living water. I don’t think a wicked person is even trying to establish his root system near then stream, so as to draw nourishment from it. I would think a wicked person, and again, this is God’s definition, or classification, not mine, even wants to have his roots established by the stream of living water. But it is the choice of the righteous to be rooted near this stream, this living water, the Word of God. What else could provide the life giving nourishment? Now, I think this saying offers a couple of thoughts. One idea I see is that no matter how life happens, that is the tough times, trials, temptations, storms, drought or whatever, as long as I am rooted, established in the Word of God, I will not be shaken, or uprooted. There is no outside influence which can tear me from my place beside still waters. I am firmly established in the family of God. I am firmly planted in his garden of paradise. The other view I could take from this is my eternal security as being one of the righteous. I do not believe in eternal security as never ever not losing out, as I believe I can uproot myself and simply walk away from the stream of living water. But as long as I have chosen to stay there, drawing the nourishment from God, than I am secure in my place within the Kingdom of God. Either way, I am one of the righteous; I am firmly established in the Kingdom of God. I am drawing nourishment from him and as such I will not be uprooted. Yes, there are times when the wind blows and I am blown around a bit. Yes there are times, when my leaves are shaken, and the fruit is not so nice to taste. Once again I must admit imperfection. But I am still planted next to the stream and my roots are deep within. If I concentrate on all the attempts to destroy me, I might think it is possible, but if I keep my focus on the Word of God, I know it is not possible for anything to uproot me, even my imperfection. I am firmly established by God.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Finding Favor

Prov 12:2
2 A good man obtains favor from the LORD,
but the LORD condemns a crafty man.
Here is one more advantage of being counted as one of the righteous by God. I think it is a really good thing to obtain favor or as the Hebrew implies, have God delight in me. What greater thing could there ever be than to have God delight in my being. One of the things he has said is to find out what pleases him. So I would think that anyone who has become a believer makes it their life goal to find out what pleases the lord so he would be delighted with them. Although I suppose just the simple fact that I accepted his provision, his Son as my Lord and Savior is surely enough to please him. I would think that alone would cause him to delight in me, knowing that I will be able to spend eternity with him as he originally designed. If I did nothing else I think just because of that I would obtain favor from the Lord, but I know there is more in that title, “good man”. I believe that implies a whole life of pleases God. All my motives, my thoughts, my character, my behavior, my actions and reactions, and my words are included in being a good man. I think some men could appear on the outside, that is their personality, as being a good man, but inwardly, they true character is not so. That to me would be being a crafty man. As ashamed as I am of when I react in a wrong manner, that is who I am. I think I am as transparent as I can be. I try not to be someone I am not, nor do I make any bones about who I am. I have never said I was perfect, I indeed have many faults, failures and downfalls, but I am a work in progress, God is not finished with me yet, and I doubt he will ever be until he takes me home. Just because I am a man of faith and trust God completely does not make me a perfect man, but it does make me a good man. Do I have some contradictions in my life? That is do I say I am one way, but act in another way. Maybe that is so, but it is not an intentional behavior, it is merely humanity at its weakest. I will always contend it is my desire to please God. Yes, I fail. It is not an excuse for my failing, but who among us here does not fail God. I do not believe I stand alone. But still I truly believe in the final analysis I am a good man and I have surely obtained favor from my Lord.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Love Not Hate

Prov 12:1
Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge,
but he who hates correction is stupid.
Now here is a difficult saying. I do not mind discipline or instruction as the Hebrew implies, but I think it depends on from where it comes. I bristle a bit when another person offers correction or discipline aimed in my direction. I think it is because that smacks of judgment or them thinking more of themselves then they should. I think that log should be removed before looking for the toothpick in my eye. Who here on the earth is perfect enough to offer correction for my life? Granted I sit under the ministry of men who have been called by God to declare his truth and I accept those words with a grateful heart although I still weight their words against his word. I certainly love knowledge but I am not so enamored with the knowledge of this world as much as I am with the knowledge of God. So much of the time I think those who spout off of this world’s knowledge are simply the ones who are stupid. They merely recite the same thoughts of another human idea, following after one another as sheep to the slaughter. The only source of true discipline, of true correction comes from the Word of God. I look toward his word for the true way of my life. I love his word and how it speaks to the real heart issues of my being. It is alive and well within my soul. I still become a bit defensive when God speaks to me through his word, but not like I do when a person thinks they have the right to correction and discipline me. But when God speaks, there are times I try to justify my behavior, but it never works, and I always give in and accept his teaching and his leading. No doubt my humanity gets in the way of perfect acceptance at all times, but that does not override my desire for his instruction in my life. Do I live as though I am not accountable to others, but only God? No, I try to live in harmony and peace with others, and believe I am responsible to interact in the proper manner respecting others and demonstrating restraint. But at the same time I am not so willing to have them stand as judge and jury of my every word or action. Mutual respect and equality are key in a Godly relationship here on earth. I will endeavor to restrain from anything else. I will also continue to believe the only source for my life, both in discipline and correction is God. I love it not hate it.

Friday, January 13, 2012


Prov 11:31
31 If the righteous receive their due on earth,
how much more the ungodly and the sinner!
Here is where I might depart from the traditional view that could be taken here. I think it could be read as if the righteous are going to either receive a portion of punishment and the wicked a greater portion here on earth during the course of life. It could also be read as though the righteous might receive a portion of reward here, and the ungodly will get a far greater form of God’s wrath here. But as I look at the Hebrew I see it could be something more than that. The Hebrew reads, “Behold the righteous in the earth will be( safe in mind body or estate) much more the wicked and the sinner”. That safe in mind part is where the rub is for me. The scholars say that is recompenced or due, but it is the word “Shalam” one of the derivatives of the Shalom meaning peace with God. So I have to see this as the righteous will be safe in the earth far greater than the wicked will. The how is not there. I will be safe, in mind, body, or my estate in the earth much more the wicked will. This is more of a commentary then a devotion I think, but sometimes I just have to say thing out for my own understanding, as prompted by the Spirit. Could I be wrong in this, as the scholars are scholars and the theologians are theologians and I am just me, neither a scholar nor a theologian? Nor am I that versed in the Hebrew language, and its intricacies. But this is a root word, to be safe; it is only by extension that it is used as reciprocated. So I am stuck with what I see, as enlightened by the Spirit, rather than what I am told to see as expounded by men. I will be far safer in the earth than any wicked person. God looks over me, protects me, and guards me against the assaults of the evil one. I do not think I can say the same for the ungodly and wicked. They are left to they own defense against Satan, which of course they have already lost, surrendered or have been captured and enslaved. I have been given God’s armor. I have his shield of faith with certainly extinguishes all the assaults, the flaming arrows of the evil one. I have nothing to worry about from him, God is my shield, his is my fortress, his is my defense and my offense against any and all attempts to kill me off. I am safe!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Time is Right

Prov 11:30
30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life,
and he who wins souls is wise.
The question is am I a tree of life. Do I have fruit that become a tree of life for others to imbibe or feast upon? I have certainly that made that point in talking about the fruit of the Spirit and how any fruit I produce is not for me but for others to come along and pick it to enjoy. They are the ones who benefit from any love, joy peace, patience, kindness, goodness and self-control I might exhibit in my life as a result of being planted by the stream of living waters. It always comes down to the same question from God. Do I live my life looking how the Kingdom of God can benefit me, or do I live to benefit the Kingdom of God. It would appear this proverb asks that question again. If I am one of the righteous, than I will have fruit and that fruit is a tree of life for others to benefit from especially because of the second part here, that I will also be wise in winning souls which certainly benefits them, and the Kingdom. Although I have brought a few people into the Kingdom I am not sure I could be called a soul winner. Have I slowed down in my efforts to win souls? Maybe I have only switched gears and approach this task from a different perspective. Instead of that exuberant over the top out loud in your face testifying about God, I am trying to use the written word to reach out to more people than I could personal contact. Or is that just an excuse for not being out there talking more about Jesus Christ and the need for repentance and salvation? Surely I have a message about the fruit. Surely I have a message about how everyone should live for the benefit of the Kingdom rather than self. Surely I have a storehouse of messages that need to be brought to others, mostly believers, but also to those who do not believe yet. Why am I stalling? What am I waiting for? Maybe it is because I do not feel worthy to bring these messages forward because of my own failures. Is that the devil trying to silence me? Am I just too lazy to put forth the effort? No, I think I am just being deliberate in making sure each move is directed by God. I do not want to rush ahead of him, nor do I want to lag behind, I hope am I just keeping in step with him and he has it all under control as to when, where and how I should get these messages out, being both a tree of life and a soul winner. His timing is right.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

No Trouble

Prov 11:29
29 He who brings trouble on his family will inherit only wind,
and the fool will be servant to the wise.
In the continuing saga of those who put their trust in money this warns of bringing trouble on the family. I think that if I had an extreme earnestness in the pursuit of the world and it’s ways, my mind would be filled with anxiety about my business and I would fret about how much money I was making or perhaps losing because of some deal gone bad, a customer refusing to pay the full amount, or some other loss. If I would have been so intense over money in my business, I think I would have been a mean and strict employer and I would have had no time for my family, being consumed with my work. This would have brought some quality of trouble within my family. There is one other thought here regarding bringing trouble to my household as well. I think if I were the kind of person who supported factions and feuds within the extended family, that is talking badly about one member to another, creating doubt and division among the family it would certainly be bringing trouble to the family. Either or both of those behaviors would bring me nothing but wind which I think signifies just worthless emptiness or the wind of a storm that damages everything in its path. But on the other hand if I were to function in the world with absolutely no concern for proper behavior in the affairs of money, I would be as the fool who would be indebted to those with the fortune. I would have to rely on them for all I have, and not be a free man at all able to determine my own life’s direction. It is true I am not debt free, but I am also not a servant to those I owe. In today’s culture it is nearly impossible to live a cash only lifestyle, homes, cars, and other expenses are a form of debt which are inherit to most. I think this speaks to being an indentured servant, forced into laboring for another’s profit due to that personal indebtedness which cannot be repaid. I do not think I live in either of these manners and thus have no concern about inheriting the wind, for I know in my heart I serve my God, who I am eternally in debt to which I cannot ever repay, but that indebtedness brings no trouble, it brings eternal life.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Prov 11:28
28 Whoever trusts in his riches will fall,
but the righteous will thrive like a green leaf.
Right in your face, no hidden meaning here, is this statement. How clearer could it be said? I simply cannot put any faith in the currency of this world. Money is such an issue with so many, even believers. Sure and abundance of money can afford fine homes, fancy cars, expensive clothing, and flashy jewels. It can also make available face lifts, tummy tucks, and whatever else self-pleases a person could imagine. Sure, I need a certain amount of money to afford to live in the style God has determined I should be in. As he directs my life, and where I live and with whom I should associate, I do require an amount sufficient to pay my way, which I believe he has always provided and I have no reason to doubt he will continue to. Now if I were not to believe God will always provide a means for me, then I would have to be concerned about the amount of money I have all the time. I would be thinking about how could I make my money grow, how could I save up enough for the rest of my life, how could I increase my wealth knowing that it is the only way I could ever get by. I think all too often too many believers have been deceived into thinking that investing, or storing up money is a Godly principle. Even though that kind of thinking is so far from the truth, is it not caused by looking to see how the Kingdom of God can benefit self, instead of how I can benefit the Kingdom? Those who are in the classification as righteous, which includes me, should not be so concerned about where we live, or what clothes we have, or where our next meal will come from. Are not we more important to God then all the flowers in the field? I can personally testify to the provisions of God throughout my believing life. I have thrived within the Kingdom of God. I have been given his Word, his truth, and have grown as an individual. My spirit has thrived, but I have also seen the hand of God in the provisions of this world, over and over again, I have been given much. I will never place trust in anything but in my Lord and Savior, and as a result I am thriving.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Good or Evil, God or Self

Prov 11:27
27 He who seeks good finds goodwill,
but evil comes to him who searches for it.
I think there is no question here that good is what I should be seeking. I think the truths behind the truth lies in this word seek. The Hebrew word actually means to dawn i.e. be up early at any task with the implication of earnestness extended to search for something with painstaking effort. What greater good can I seek then to rise up early in the morning and be the first task of my day and search for the truth of God? Unknowing for the past seven hundred plus days I have been accomplishing the truth of this proverb. Certainly the Word of God is crammed pack with goodwill, God unveiling his truth to my heart. But I think also there may be an implication in regards to how I interact with people, but I am convinced seeing the second half this has to do with my heart and the good within the Word verses the evil within the ways of the world. This searching for evil is not the same as the seeking good. This word means to frequent, to follow and specifically to worship. If I were to follow after the ways of the world, the anti-God system of living for self and personal gratification always thinking about how everything affects me, being self-centered in that sense, it would be as if I were making me the most important thing, self-worship, and that would absolutely be evil. I cannot allow that type of thought to enter my being. Although I certainly make my fair share of mistakes and have moments of thinking about my own situation and how at times become defensive in my interactions with others, I believe in my heart I am not searching for evil but only being subject to my humanity, not being perfect. I think it is the attitude of which direction I desire to live. I seek the good of God, not follow after the evil of self.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Hoard or Sell

Prov 11:26
26 People curse the man who hoards grain,
but blessing crowns him who is willing to sell.
It certainly would appear this is absolutely dealing with commodities, and with those of substance. It would be a most worldly approach to withhold the sale of grains or for that matter anything in order to drive the price higher so as to increase an already fair profit to one of excess. I think this is the way of the world I live in today. I remember the contrived gas shortage years ago which was nothing more than the hoarding by oil companies or by OPEC in order to drive the price higher. As to some practical application for me life, I have nothing to hoard in order to make the price increase. But I do have myself which I could hoard rather than be willing to give. I have abilities and knowledge. I have compassion and love. I have grace and mercy. I have the Word of God and Jesus Christ, which surely are the same. At least I should have all those attributes. Of what value am I if I hoard them? Would that cause those qualities to increase in value so that when I expressed them they would bring me a greater gain? Maybe I am making more out of this than what is a straight forward command to those of commerce. I cannot imagine I have anything of worth to others which I am hoarding rather than selling. Although I have copies of my book which I am in a sense hoarding, because I am not out there selling it to everyone. But I do not thing that is the point here. I have to go back to self. Do I hoard myself from others in order to increase my value? Do I withhold anything in order to be more important at some later date? Does this speak to that or is it just about grain? Something more to ponder.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Give or Hoard

Prov 11:24
24 One man gives freely, yet gains even more;
another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty.
Does it say it any clearer? I have to believe that I cannot out give God. Although this may appear to be speaking only about monetary giving or withholding, it surely can apply to every aspect of life as well. I think I am safe in saying a person could give a lot of money in the offering plate, do nothing else for the Kingdom of God and think he is a big giver. Time, talent and energy are items for freely giving also. I may be wrong, but I do not count the time, talent and energy of full time paid employees of the church, for it is just another form of a job, a profession compensated by payment. What I think God is speaking about is truly the freely giving of self to his plan. I do not think it matters about the earthy compensation, but if I simply give myself, freely to what he has called me to do, then he will make sure I am well taking care of. I will gain far more than just money; I will gain fulfillment, satisfaction, and contentment in knowing God is pleased with my giving. True I believe in the giving of money as well, but not in a fashion so someone might keep a record of it, so I may be rewarded at tax time, or that I might be known by the staff as a tither. Surely then I will have already received my gain, but not from God, just from men. Either case the freely giving of money, or self surely is only my business between me and God. He is the only source of gain I am interested in, not that I give to get, that would be wrong. I believe I give just because that is what he desires me to do. If I were to hoard either my funds or my time, talent, and energy I surely would be a poor man for in my hoarding, I could not expect anything from God, the source of all things. I would be stuck with just what I have and what I am, which is not a lot. But I am not stuck as I give freely and he provides me with much gain. This is not a gamble as in a house of chance, it is not just being a winner or loser, but this is a house of choice. Choose you this day whom you will serve, but as for me and my household we will serve the Lord. Choice you this day if you will give or hoard, but as for me I while freely give.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

No Wrath Only Good

Prov 11:23
23 The desire of the righteous ends only in good,
but the hope of the wicked only in wrath.
What is the desire of the righteous? Does my desire fall into line with what this speaks of? I think I desire that all would go well with me, and that I wish no hurt on anyone else. I cannot imagine me actually trying to harm another person on purpose. Maybe I might say or do something without premeditated design which could be seen as causing hurt, but that is not my desire, it is merely my humanity. I think I would like to see happiness for all people as well as myself. I do not think I would cause harm to anyone, or desire to gratify evil lusts. Sure I might slip up from time to time, but I know it is my desire not to. I believe my true desire is to obtain favor from my God and to preserve the peace of a good conscience. I believe it is my desire to be a benefit to the Kingdom of God and if this is true which I surely believe it is, I will find only good in this life as in the one to come. Once again I see those people who have been classified as wicked not experiencing the good I will. It is sad to think people spend so much if not all their life centered on themselves rather than God. Again, I think many might well be nice, pleasant well-meaning individuals who serve the greater good of mankind, helping others, being a benefit to the human race in some way, but their refusal to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior of their life puts them in a grave disadvantage at the end of their life, in fact it truly puts them in a grave period. They will only experience the wrath of God. Surely he loves them, and desires them not to experience his wrath, but it is their choice, just as it was mine. I was smart enough to listen to the calling of the Holy Spirit and response in the right way. I wish some others I know would do that. I know there will be no tears in heaven, but for now, there is some feelings of disappointment and even pain because if they do not response to God, their end I dare not contemplate. However, I still have the joy of knowing I will eternally be in the everlasting presence of my Lord. No wrath for me, only good.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

True Value

Prov 11:22
22 Like a gold ring in a pig's snout
is a beautiful woman who shows no discretion.
Amidst all the talk about the righteous and the wicked here stands this comment about a beautiful woman. What truth should I glean for my life from this? I agree, I have met some extremely good looking women in my days until they open they mouth. I have heard the most vile words and attitudes expressed from the most these outwardly charming women. I have to admit at the sound of those voices I was immediately disenchanted with them, no matter their appearance. Although my wife is beautiful on the outside, I have often said to her, that her real beauty is in her eyes, for they are the window to her soul which is truly beautiful. Of what value is the outward appearance of any person? All the effort spent on the outside and very little to no effort is spent on the inside. The world certainly would have me believe it is all about my body. If I listened to them I would get in shape right now, I would be fit and have six pack abs, and look and feel like I was twenty-five. I would have more of everything because I looked good. I could brush away just enough gray so I looked young enough to do whatever, but wise enough to know how. If I listened to the world I would be on the right diet so my body would stay thin, last forever, and everyone would like me and think good things about how I looked, except those fat people who would be jealous and hate me. But that is just me, what about how much time, effort and money is spent by the women of this world on the outside alone, and I think it has nothing to do with looking good for men, but rather to compete with all the other women. But back to my life and how I think this speaks to how I should approach it. Although I do look in the mirror and I do notice changes, for the most part it is the effects of aging which I see. I cannot change that, I cannot delay it nor can I erase or cover it up. Aging is a fact of life, at least since the time Adam changed everything by his disobedience. I will not be able to really to anything about this process, but what I can do is enhance my inner self, the true me, the real me, my spirit. The only way is can be done is in my relationship with my Lord and Savior. Nothing on the outside has anywhere the value of what is on the inside, in fact the outside has no value at all compared to the value of what is on the inside. I have seen so much outward beauty that is but an empty shell housing filth and wickedness on the inside. I think that is why the world which is controlled by the devil himself devotes so much attention to the outward, so that the place of true value remains void. I shall forever be grateful to my Lord for his intervention in my life, so I can see my true value.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Punished or Freed

Prov 11:21
21 Be sure of this: The wicked will not go unpunished,
but those who are righteous will go free.
I surely do not want to see anyone punished. What a sad thing to know there are people who will not go free but will be sentenced to punishment. Is the way of self-centered life worth the end it will bring? Is living in the denial or refusal to accept the ways of God worth being punished in the end? Is living free from all Godly standards worth not being freed from punishment? I guess I understand why people want to live for their self instead of living for God. I think in a way it frees them to live in a manner which pleases their own sense of what is right and wrong. I think is gives them the opportunity to justify any behavior by their own values. I think that is the key idea here, of those who are classified as wicked, that they live according to their own values. Surely some are very nice people, good in many respects, doing great things for whatever cause they are connected to. Surely many are loving parents, devoted children, and dedicated to serving others. But unless they accept Jesus Christ as their own personal Lord and Savior, and they acknowledge God in their lives, he considers them wicked. All the good that is done in the name of mankind in the grand scheme of things is worthless. What matters if what is done in the name of God. What matters is living for God and being the person he desires me to be, to acknowledge him as my God, and to declare all that he has done for me, in me and through me to all who will listen. I dare not think that any believer would simple believe for their own benefit alone. It is not about how the Kingdom of God benefits me, but how I benefit the Kingdom of God. I must be about my Fathers business. Even though it is true I have been set free already, I also know that at the conclusion of this life on earth, I will be eternally free.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Detest or Delight

Prov 11:20
20 The LORD detests men of perverse heart
but he delights in those whose ways are blameless.
No doubt is would serve me well to have a firm understanding of what displeases the Lord and then govern my life accordingly. I think it is pretty clear he does not like a man who is double-hearted in the sense of pretending to do good well actually doing evil. Hypocrisy is at the core of the type of behavior, or attitude of the heart, which the Lord not only dislikes but detests. This building of facades for the purpose of personal gain is most offensive to God. He delights in honesty, not crookedness. I have to be who I am, especially with my Lord. How could I hide anything from him? He knows me better than I know myself, and I know myself very well. I suppose some people might even attempt being dishonest, crooked or hypocritical with themselves, thinking they are something they are not, and not something they are. What about those who are one way with one certain group and another way with some other group? I do not think I am that sort of chameleon. Yet I do think I am more guarded with some than with others. Does that make me a hypocrite? Yet on the other side of things I am confident that God seeks me as blameless. This view is not because I am blameless, but because he sees me through the blood of Jesus. All my blamelessness is due completely by Christ. The reason God delights in me is because I have accepted his provision for my salvation. He has justified me through the blood of Jesus. He has satisfied his own justice by sending Jesus to die for me. My ways are blameless because of Jesus Christ. I walk in the ways of God, not the ways of the world. Yes it was my choice to walk in the direction I walk, but as far as being pure and blameless, that is still due to Jesus, not me. But within the context of this proverbs I prefer God delights rather than his detest.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Life or Death

Prov 11:19
19 The truly righteous man attains life,
but he who pursues evil goes to his death.
Well there it is right out in the open, all that I have been seeing in some of the previous proverbs that were sort of saying it but not actually uses these words. I do have to think about that one Bob Dylan song, that you have to serve somebody, either you serve the Lord or you serve the devil but you have to serve somebody. Here is lies the truth of God. Even if a person says they do not believe in God and the devil hey are by default serving the devil, for that is the essence of his scheme and his kingdom. If the devil can convince a person there is no God, he has gained one more follower. He does not even care if that person believes in him, he will ultimately gain that person in his kingdom. The problem with that is he and all that are his kingdom will perish, in the lake of burning sulfur. That is what is spoken here about the evil goes to his death. I do not understand how intelligent people do not see this and refuse to accept Jesus as the Son of God, and Lord and Savior of their life. I do remember living for self in my youth, but I was completely unaware of what the Word of God proclaimed. I had no knowledge about God and his plan for my life. So I was by default serving the devil, but when I was exposed to the truth of God, the Holy Spirit revealed to me the errors of my way and I reversed the course of my life. But I cannot understand how people who declare knowledge of the scriptures or at least are aware of what is written, refuse to accept it as truth. Are they so deceived? Or are they actually pursuing evil knowingly. Now this truly righteous phrase gives me a little pause. So I employ the Hebrew which simply says as righteousness is to life, so I am alright with that because Jesus Christ is my righteousness and he leads me to life. It is because of him, not me, that I am counted as one of the truly righteous men who will attain life. For this I am eternal grateful. I cannot imagine what my life would have been like if it were not for God intervening in such a powerful way. What I do know for sure is I what nothing to do with death, but I want everything to do with life. It is a matter of life or death.