Monday, December 5, 2011

Committed To

Prov 10:23
23 A fool finds pleasure in evil conduct,
but a man of understanding delights in wisdom.
Here I am again in the middle of a comparison between a foolish man and one of understanding. I would suppose the only reason God would call anyone a fool is because they have not yet come to the realization they need him. I think anyone who would go about his or her own life thinking they are the center of their own self and do whatever they think is the right thing to do is a fool. I think many people do some great humanistic deeds which result in the betterment of human kind, but if it is not centered on God, it is still evil conduct and they are fools. I cannot imagine this evil conduct just talking about the sin issue, because every believer, including me, still commits sin, and this would, in a sense, be finding pleasure in evil conduct. So if everyone finds pleasure in evil conduct, saved and unsaved alike, then there is no one of understanding. So I have to come to the conclusion that the true evil conduct which is spoken of here is the refusal to accept Jesus Christ as the resurrected Son of God and the Lord and Savior of their life. The fool does commit this act of refusal so he can continue to live his life to please just himself and himself alone. The man of understanding, which I am, lives his life with the knowledge of God and what he has done for me. I accept his provision for my salvation, and I know the only righteousness I have is in Christ Jesus. I understand what it is all about. I do delight in that knowledge and in the wisdom of God. Yes, I still do some foolish things, I still act, react in improper behaviors, I still commit sins I wish I did not and I still do not do the things I wish I did. But I know the difference, and that is because I understand the difference because I delight in wisdom, in God. So what do I do? I continue to walk with him, stumbling at times, but never walking my own way without him at my side. I know he will help me to travel the path I am on. He will guide me and direct me, he will correct me, rebuke me, and discipline me when I need it. I am committed to this walk of understanding and delighting in wisdom.

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