Thursday, November 17, 2011



Prov 10:4
4 Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth.
Is it true God is so concerned about the material gain of a man he needs to speak about it? Although I agree that in the sense of the Hebrew it is a deceitful hand which might well make a man poor. That is a man deals deceitfully in business it will ultimately bring him to ruin if in nothing else than is reputation. I think it is also true that if a hand works hard and honest at his labor he will at least make some honest gain from it. I am convinced some believers will see this only in the context that God desires us to be wise in the ways of the world, investing and making the most of every opportunity to grow our worldly position and possessions. But I also think this goes much deeper than the material loss or gain of worldly goods. Does not God deal more vigorously, more diligently with the spirit of mankind? Does he not spend most if not all of his words dealing with the spiritual well-being of his creation? If a man is lazy or deceitful in his relationship with God is he not so very poor? Those who are remiss in their communication and fellowship with him surely have little to nothing within them that would be of worth. How poor can a spirit be if it is not connected to God? But also I see that if I am diligent in my relationship with God I will have great spiritual wealth. I will be blessed, happy, content, fulfilled, complete, satisfied, in fellowship with him, if I am diligent in our relationship. There can be no slacking off, no just cruising through life, calling myself a believer, but not growing in the word. There can be no just sliding alone, just being saved and not pursuing after his ways. There can be no resting, no retiring, no just sitting around, but I must continually be about my Fathers business. I cannot rest both in the physical realm and in the spiritual realm until I have fulfilled his purpose for my life, and when I have I can then step into eternity, but not until. How can any believer think they can just be, and not be doing for the Kingdom? I must be diligent!

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