Prov 10:18
18 He who conceals his hatred has lying lips,
and whoever spreads slander is a fool.
It seems two vices are revealed here instead of a contrasting pair of good and evil so perhaps God desires to make a big point here. I am not sure which is worst, though I am inclined to the first. I think it is an awful thing to conceal any hatred within my heart, but to have it, hide it, but say nice things to that recipient of my hatred would really be hideous. How evil could a person be to do such a thing? First off it is inconceivable as a believer I could actually have any hatred for anyone. But could I have feelings that do not love, not filled with love, toward someone yet I smile, shake hands and act as if I am pleased to be in there presence? What if I have felt offended by another and have not resolved it, but still smile, shake hands and pretend all is right? I think there is far more at risk in this concealing thing than being a big blabber mouth. Although slander is never a good deed, not ever and I will not have a part in that. Yet, I think how easy it is to talk about other people when they are not around. I don’t really have to actually say anything nasty about them, but just something negative will do. Then maybe I don’t even have to say anything at all, but just kept silent when someone I am with makes some disparaging remark about a mutual acquaintance. I think in my silence I have helped spread slander and thus have become a fool. Well if it is the truth about that person then it is not slander, but only gossip, and surely that is alright. Not! I think I must be very careful and extremely aware of by heart or mind first, then my tongue. Watchful is the key word for me here. I cannot afford to be either of these characters, for I think it is far too easy to simply slip into that part of the play. Watchful then.
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
The Right Path
Prov 10:17
17 He who heeds discipline shows the way to life,
but whoever ignores correction leads others astray.
In order for me to heed discipline, I think there is quite a bit of thought within the word heed. What does it mean to heed? It is so easy to just say it, but I think in order for me to heed this discipline I first must be willing to hear this discipline. I cannot close off my ears and refuse to listen. I also after hearing it must give it full consideration within my heart. It is true that I am in need of this discipline? Have I gone wrong? Have I spoken or acted in a way that is unpleasing to God? Then after coming to the realization of the truth, I need to act in accordance with the discipline or correction and make the necessary changes within my own self, then I can show others the way to life. But if I refuse or ignore this correction, and continue to act in a manner which is unpleasing to God I certainly am not going to be able to lead others to the way of life, but rather I would be leading them astray. I think this discipline comes from the word of God, either through revelation from the Holy Spirit directly to me, or through the preaching of his word by a shepherd. I also am not discounting that God speaks directly into my being, words of correction, which also always agree with what he has already spoken and has been recorded. My task is to always remain open to hearing from him. That is the difficult part. Sure I desire to do the right thing, and listen for his still small voice, but somehow I am not always at my best. There are times I think my “self” gets in the way of hearing. There are those times I just do it my way and I know that is not a good thing, maybe because I know I am in error, I am actually hearing from God. I suppose if I truly refused to hear, to listen I would not even be aware I am in error and I would be bolding leading others on a way no man dares to go. If I refused to listen I would believe I was right but in reality I would lead others to be wrong. So I am glad I listen, I am happy to know God still loves me enough to continue to correct me, to discipline me when I get off track, and keep me going in the way he desires. It is a journey, sometimes with some stumbles, but nevertheless I am on the right path.
Prov 10:17
17 He who heeds discipline shows the way to life,
but whoever ignores correction leads others astray.
In order for me to heed discipline, I think there is quite a bit of thought within the word heed. What does it mean to heed? It is so easy to just say it, but I think in order for me to heed this discipline I first must be willing to hear this discipline. I cannot close off my ears and refuse to listen. I also after hearing it must give it full consideration within my heart. It is true that I am in need of this discipline? Have I gone wrong? Have I spoken or acted in a way that is unpleasing to God? Then after coming to the realization of the truth, I need to act in accordance with the discipline or correction and make the necessary changes within my own self, then I can show others the way to life. But if I refuse or ignore this correction, and continue to act in a manner which is unpleasing to God I certainly am not going to be able to lead others to the way of life, but rather I would be leading them astray. I think this discipline comes from the word of God, either through revelation from the Holy Spirit directly to me, or through the preaching of his word by a shepherd. I also am not discounting that God speaks directly into my being, words of correction, which also always agree with what he has already spoken and has been recorded. My task is to always remain open to hearing from him. That is the difficult part. Sure I desire to do the right thing, and listen for his still small voice, but somehow I am not always at my best. There are times I think my “self” gets in the way of hearing. There are those times I just do it my way and I know that is not a good thing, maybe because I know I am in error, I am actually hearing from God. I suppose if I truly refused to hear, to listen I would not even be aware I am in error and I would be bolding leading others on a way no man dares to go. If I refused to listen I would believe I was right but in reality I would lead others to be wrong. So I am glad I listen, I am happy to know God still loves me enough to continue to correct me, to discipline me when I get off track, and keep me going in the way he desires. It is a journey, sometimes with some stumbles, but nevertheless I am on the right path.
Monday, November 28, 2011
A Choice
Prov 10:16
6 The wages of the righteous bring them life,
but the income of the wicked brings them punishment.
I really like the way the New Living Translation says this, “The earnings of the godly enhance their lives, but evil people squander their money on sin”. Now of course is this really taking about money? If I consider it as speaking about money, I would have to say the only reason as a righteous man, my life would be enhanced by the money I earn, is because I am able to give to the Kingdom of God. And on the opposition side, a person who simply spends all his money on self simply increases his sinful ways. But I still think more is here. I know the word tells me that the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life. Could not this wage, this income, this fruit of the labor of the wicked be the wages of sin which brings death? The income being of course the choice a person makes. Because I have chosen God, because I have decided to accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, God declares me righteous and as such I am paid the wage of eternal life for my labor, my choice. Either way I consider this I would be the winner here. No matter if it is about money or about choice, I am among the first rather than the last. I have life rather than punishment. Is it because I am so good? I think not. Is it because I am such a great wage? I think not. Is it because I spend my money so wisely? I think not once again. Is it because I make all the right choices in life? Not quite. It is only because I made one right choice. I made the choice to accept Jesus Christ, to accept the provision God made for me to inherit life rather than punishment, death. It is not about choices, but only about a choice.
Prov 10:16
6 The wages of the righteous bring them life,
but the income of the wicked brings them punishment.
I really like the way the New Living Translation says this, “The earnings of the godly enhance their lives, but evil people squander their money on sin”. Now of course is this really taking about money? If I consider it as speaking about money, I would have to say the only reason as a righteous man, my life would be enhanced by the money I earn, is because I am able to give to the Kingdom of God. And on the opposition side, a person who simply spends all his money on self simply increases his sinful ways. But I still think more is here. I know the word tells me that the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life. Could not this wage, this income, this fruit of the labor of the wicked be the wages of sin which brings death? The income being of course the choice a person makes. Because I have chosen God, because I have decided to accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior, God declares me righteous and as such I am paid the wage of eternal life for my labor, my choice. Either way I consider this I would be the winner here. No matter if it is about money or about choice, I am among the first rather than the last. I have life rather than punishment. Is it because I am so good? I think not. Is it because I am such a great wage? I think not. Is it because I spend my money so wisely? I think not once again. Is it because I make all the right choices in life? Not quite. It is only because I made one right choice. I made the choice to accept Jesus Christ, to accept the provision God made for me to inherit life rather than punishment, death. It is not about choices, but only about a choice.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
No Distractions
Prov 10:15
15 The wealth of the rich is their fortified city,
but poverty is the ruin of the poor.
Of what society does this speak? Surely no matter the financial situation of any person in one social setting could be consider rich compared to someone in another social setting. Still there is truth in that material wealth may well act as a source for security to those who have it. They may well put their trust in wealth as a means to escape trouble, at least in the here and now. Wealth certainly can afford its owner the creature comforts desired. It would appear only wealth can make more wealth in a sense and the poor are trapped in their condition because poverty can only multiply additional poverty. It would also appear the rich become so on the backs of the poor. It is the labor of the poor which produces the wealth for the rich. Servants have labored in the fields of kings. Workers labor in the factories of the owners. But there is far more here than just the abundance or lack of money. Although man can find himself in either situation, and even perhaps of his own doing, it is evident each has forgotten the real truth of life. I have learned to be content in whatever situation I am in. I do not think the earthy condition or situation makes any difference to the true believer. True, there are believers who have wealth and some who do not. I also think some might get distracted from trusting in God because of either having or not having wealth. Sure, I enjoy a certain amount of wealth, especially if I compare myself to those who live in the welfare state or some impoverished county. Yet I would be considered by some in this country as being poor. So what does it matter what situation I am in? I must be content. Now does that mean I should be unproductive or apathetic? I think not! I have an obligation to provide for my family both in a material and a spiritual sense. But the wealth or poverty of this world in not my focus, it is the Kingdom of God. Why should I be concerned whether I am rich or poor? Why should I care about my situation, for neither provides salvation? I shall not be distracted by either of those positions in life. I put God ahead of both, no distractions.
Prov 10:15
15 The wealth of the rich is their fortified city,
but poverty is the ruin of the poor.
Of what society does this speak? Surely no matter the financial situation of any person in one social setting could be consider rich compared to someone in another social setting. Still there is truth in that material wealth may well act as a source for security to those who have it. They may well put their trust in wealth as a means to escape trouble, at least in the here and now. Wealth certainly can afford its owner the creature comforts desired. It would appear only wealth can make more wealth in a sense and the poor are trapped in their condition because poverty can only multiply additional poverty. It would also appear the rich become so on the backs of the poor. It is the labor of the poor which produces the wealth for the rich. Servants have labored in the fields of kings. Workers labor in the factories of the owners. But there is far more here than just the abundance or lack of money. Although man can find himself in either situation, and even perhaps of his own doing, it is evident each has forgotten the real truth of life. I have learned to be content in whatever situation I am in. I do not think the earthy condition or situation makes any difference to the true believer. True, there are believers who have wealth and some who do not. I also think some might get distracted from trusting in God because of either having or not having wealth. Sure, I enjoy a certain amount of wealth, especially if I compare myself to those who live in the welfare state or some impoverished county. Yet I would be considered by some in this country as being poor. So what does it matter what situation I am in? I must be content. Now does that mean I should be unproductive or apathetic? I think not! I have an obligation to provide for my family both in a material and a spiritual sense. But the wealth or poverty of this world in not my focus, it is the Kingdom of God. Why should I be concerned whether I am rich or poor? Why should I care about my situation, for neither provides salvation? I shall not be distracted by either of those positions in life. I put God ahead of both, no distractions.
Saturday, November 26, 2011
Which Will It Be?
Prov 10:14
14 Wise men store up knowledge,
but the mouth of a fool invites ruin.
If there is anything of value to store up for the purpose of a good life it is knowledge, and not just any knowledge but that of God. Of what purpose is the knowledge of other men? All it can bring is perhaps worldly gain, if used correctly and applied toward that purpose. Yet this is nothing more than temporal gain, however pleasant it may be. A truly wise man stores up the knowledge of God within his mind and heart. This is eternal and brings spiritual gain far beyond any material matters. It is this knowledge which is stored up and can be used in the appropriate time to offer a defense against the fiery arrows of the evil one. It is only the Word of God which can cause the devil to flee from me. This is what I must store up within me, this knowledge of God, his word and his ways. I have a defense ready to be deployed whenever needed. But the person who has never stored up the word of God and has not stored up this knowledge of God within them has no defense. Whatever words he uses are certainly not a worthy defense against the devil, if he even attempts to defend himself from that evil one. No, this fool has nothing; no knowledge of God stored up and therefore invites only ruin. He may have great material gain, but he is spiritually bankrupt and his eternal end is ruin. Being wise is essential to life, eternal life. Being wise is all about knowing God. Sure I am not perfect, and the enemy of my soul still struggles against me, but I do have a defense, actually an offense against this adversary if I choose to deploy it. Granted sometimes I am drawn away, but not by him who is determined to destroy me, but by my own desires. I really do not need any help to do wrong, I am quite capable myself. But by storing up the knowledge of God within me, and being able to bring that to mind, I am able to withstand those moments with greater efficiency. It really is clear, it is far better to be wise than foolish.
Prov 10:14
14 Wise men store up knowledge,
but the mouth of a fool invites ruin.
If there is anything of value to store up for the purpose of a good life it is knowledge, and not just any knowledge but that of God. Of what purpose is the knowledge of other men? All it can bring is perhaps worldly gain, if used correctly and applied toward that purpose. Yet this is nothing more than temporal gain, however pleasant it may be. A truly wise man stores up the knowledge of God within his mind and heart. This is eternal and brings spiritual gain far beyond any material matters. It is this knowledge which is stored up and can be used in the appropriate time to offer a defense against the fiery arrows of the evil one. It is only the Word of God which can cause the devil to flee from me. This is what I must store up within me, this knowledge of God, his word and his ways. I have a defense ready to be deployed whenever needed. But the person who has never stored up the word of God and has not stored up this knowledge of God within them has no defense. Whatever words he uses are certainly not a worthy defense against the devil, if he even attempts to defend himself from that evil one. No, this fool has nothing; no knowledge of God stored up and therefore invites only ruin. He may have great material gain, but he is spiritually bankrupt and his eternal end is ruin. Being wise is essential to life, eternal life. Being wise is all about knowing God. Sure I am not perfect, and the enemy of my soul still struggles against me, but I do have a defense, actually an offense against this adversary if I choose to deploy it. Granted sometimes I am drawn away, but not by him who is determined to destroy me, but by my own desires. I really do not need any help to do wrong, I am quite capable myself. But by storing up the knowledge of God within me, and being able to bring that to mind, I am able to withstand those moments with greater efficiency. It really is clear, it is far better to be wise than foolish.
Friday, November 25, 2011
Discern This
Prov 10:13
13 Wisdom is found on the lips of the discerning,
but a rod is for the back of him who lacks judgment.
Here is it once again, this discussion about wisdom and discerning as opposed to one who lacks judgment. Just exactly what is a person to have judgment about? Is it about what I should do with my money, my career, my location, or for that matter my life in general? Should I be exercising discernment regarding which is the better way to attain the things I want? All that seems to futile, to mundane, so worldly, that I just cannot believe this is speaking about that. No, I think the lack of judgment deals with the absolute choice a person has in regards to accepting Jesus Christ as the Son of God and as a personal Lord and Savior. I think the wisdom that is found on the lips is from discerning the truth about God. The truth he exists and that he created mankind. I think the lack of judgment a person has is in accepting those truths. Now as to getting a rod for their back, maybe, just maybe, this is spare the rod, spoil the child, which I will see in future proverbs. God just might be trying to discipline those who lack judgment, those who refuse to accept his reign in their life, so they will understand his reality. I surely believe being about to discern the truth about God has brought wisdom into my being. Knowing him, being able to learn and begin to understand his character, his ways, his passion for mankind is surely the beginning of wisdom, along of course, with giving him reverence. I also think just maybe some people who lack judgment, also move more toward hatred of God for disciplining them. I am glad he has disciplined me at times, because I know he loves me and desires me to be doing the right thing, rather than the wrong thing. His words correct, rebuke, and discipline me all the time, because I am prone to doing the wrong thing. But that is being human, and I understand, even though I am not to make my humanity an excuse, it is a fact. I know he has my best interest at heart and is concerned about every aspect of my life. I am not my own, I am his and that is a wise choice.
Prov 10:13
13 Wisdom is found on the lips of the discerning,
but a rod is for the back of him who lacks judgment.
Here is it once again, this discussion about wisdom and discerning as opposed to one who lacks judgment. Just exactly what is a person to have judgment about? Is it about what I should do with my money, my career, my location, or for that matter my life in general? Should I be exercising discernment regarding which is the better way to attain the things I want? All that seems to futile, to mundane, so worldly, that I just cannot believe this is speaking about that. No, I think the lack of judgment deals with the absolute choice a person has in regards to accepting Jesus Christ as the Son of God and as a personal Lord and Savior. I think the wisdom that is found on the lips is from discerning the truth about God. The truth he exists and that he created mankind. I think the lack of judgment a person has is in accepting those truths. Now as to getting a rod for their back, maybe, just maybe, this is spare the rod, spoil the child, which I will see in future proverbs. God just might be trying to discipline those who lack judgment, those who refuse to accept his reign in their life, so they will understand his reality. I surely believe being about to discern the truth about God has brought wisdom into my being. Knowing him, being able to learn and begin to understand his character, his ways, his passion for mankind is surely the beginning of wisdom, along of course, with giving him reverence. I also think just maybe some people who lack judgment, also move more toward hatred of God for disciplining them. I am glad he has disciplined me at times, because I know he loves me and desires me to be doing the right thing, rather than the wrong thing. His words correct, rebuke, and discipline me all the time, because I am prone to doing the wrong thing. But that is being human, and I understand, even though I am not to make my humanity an excuse, it is a fact. I know he has my best interest at heart and is concerned about every aspect of my life. I am not my own, I am his and that is a wise choice.
Thursday, November 24, 2011
My Choice
Prov 10:12
12 Hatred stirs up dissension,
but love covers over all wrongs.
I really do not think anyone actually hates, at least among my fellow believers, but I also think God speaks to the household of faith. Why would a non-believer be reading this to gain understanding? So then I would have to consider that this hatred is really all about self-righteousness. I when if I were to think more of myself than I ought to, I would have this mighty than thou attitude which in essence is a form of hatred. If I verbalized this kind of attitude in the form of gossip, even if I cloaked it as a prayer request I may well be stirring up dissension. Any time any kind of talk discredits anyone, especially those who have been called to lead, it is a form of hatred and it causes dissension. I think the only reason that kind of talk exists in the first place is because of thinking more about self than about others. I am not sure why people are so concerned about what others do, and lose sight of what they are doing. I cannot afford to have any kind of attitude toward another believer. I have been guilty of that in the past and cannot allow it to happen again. Any words regarding another, when a negative attitude exists within can nothing but harm, it can cause dissension. I am convinced of this because God has said so. I am also sure that if I truly love my neighbor as myself, I will cause them no harm, externally as well as spiritually. It does not matter how they behave, or what they say for they are as imperfect as I am and thus I am no better than they are or they no better or worse than I am. Thus I am left with love. If I love them I gossip not about them. If I love them I keep any thoughts and words of disapproval from my being. If I love them I will only desire the best for them, which could never cause dissension. I think it is clear, do not hate, but love. Once again the choice is mine.
Prov 10:12
12 Hatred stirs up dissension,
but love covers over all wrongs.
I really do not think anyone actually hates, at least among my fellow believers, but I also think God speaks to the household of faith. Why would a non-believer be reading this to gain understanding? So then I would have to consider that this hatred is really all about self-righteousness. I when if I were to think more of myself than I ought to, I would have this mighty than thou attitude which in essence is a form of hatred. If I verbalized this kind of attitude in the form of gossip, even if I cloaked it as a prayer request I may well be stirring up dissension. Any time any kind of talk discredits anyone, especially those who have been called to lead, it is a form of hatred and it causes dissension. I think the only reason that kind of talk exists in the first place is because of thinking more about self than about others. I am not sure why people are so concerned about what others do, and lose sight of what they are doing. I cannot afford to have any kind of attitude toward another believer. I have been guilty of that in the past and cannot allow it to happen again. Any words regarding another, when a negative attitude exists within can nothing but harm, it can cause dissension. I am convinced of this because God has said so. I am also sure that if I truly love my neighbor as myself, I will cause them no harm, externally as well as spiritually. It does not matter how they behave, or what they say for they are as imperfect as I am and thus I am no better than they are or they no better or worse than I am. Thus I am left with love. If I love them I gossip not about them. If I love them I keep any thoughts and words of disapproval from my being. If I love them I will only desire the best for them, which could never cause dissension. I think it is clear, do not hate, but love. Once again the choice is mine.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
Prov 10:11
11 The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life,
but violence overwhelms the mouth of the wicked.
Once again I must deal with the contrast between a righteous and wicked person. I am sure God feels very strongly about how I deal with those who I have contact with. He cares greatly about how I live my life and it’s interactions with others. What I have to say is of huge importance to God otherwise he would not repeat this idea over and over again. My words should be ones of encouragement to others. My words should strengthen their lives. What I speak should be to the edification of others, being a fountain of life for them. My words should be like streams that water the ground and make it fruitful. My words should be consoling as to quench the thirst of a weary traveler. All this is good and righteous in the eyes of God and that is my desire, to please my God. I certainly cannot be like those who speak other kinds of words, words of violence. These are the words that conceal the real design of a person. These words may not be outright lies, but surely words of deception, hiding the true intentions of the speaker. These kinds of words are hurtful and do harm to the hearer. I think of the kiss of Judas, how deceptive and violent that actually was. I know the words of my mouth are from the thoughts of my mind and thus it all starts with my attitude. I wonder just how is the attitude of the mind whose words I hear. Only God actually knows the condition of the heart, and the attitude of the mind, but he does gives the gift of discernment so I am also may know if what I hear comes from the mind and mouth of a righteous or wicked man. It sure seems clear to me. I must not be influenced by deceptive words, but rather be an influence for God.
Prov 10:11
11 The mouth of the righteous is a fountain of life,
but violence overwhelms the mouth of the wicked.
Once again I must deal with the contrast between a righteous and wicked person. I am sure God feels very strongly about how I deal with those who I have contact with. He cares greatly about how I live my life and it’s interactions with others. What I have to say is of huge importance to God otherwise he would not repeat this idea over and over again. My words should be ones of encouragement to others. My words should strengthen their lives. What I speak should be to the edification of others, being a fountain of life for them. My words should be like streams that water the ground and make it fruitful. My words should be consoling as to quench the thirst of a weary traveler. All this is good and righteous in the eyes of God and that is my desire, to please my God. I certainly cannot be like those who speak other kinds of words, words of violence. These are the words that conceal the real design of a person. These words may not be outright lies, but surely words of deception, hiding the true intentions of the speaker. These kinds of words are hurtful and do harm to the hearer. I think of the kiss of Judas, how deceptive and violent that actually was. I know the words of my mouth are from the thoughts of my mind and thus it all starts with my attitude. I wonder just how is the attitude of the mind whose words I hear. Only God actually knows the condition of the heart, and the attitude of the mind, but he does gives the gift of discernment so I am also may know if what I hear comes from the mind and mouth of a righteous or wicked man. It sure seems clear to me. I must not be influenced by deceptive words, but rather be an influence for God.
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
True Integrity
Prov 10:9
9 The man of integrity walks securely,
but he who takes crooked paths will be found out.
Why would someone chose to take a crooked path and what does it mean that he will be found out? Is that like surely your sins will find you out? If I were to live according to the ways of the world instead of by the ways of God, is that the crooked path? I think this is it. I think that if a person refuses to accept Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior of their life, they are in fact on the crooked path. That person will be found out on the Day of Judgment. It also in opposition to the man of integrity applies to the way I live my life here on the earth in relationship with others. If I live with integrity I have nothing to fear from other men. I have nothing to be found out about that would harm my reputation, my name, my character. I have difficulty understanding how a believer in Jesus Christ could do anything but walk with integrity. Is it possible a believer could walk a crooked path? Could a believer act in a way that is deceptive, appearing to be righteous but actually not? Could I believer be doing righteous acts for self-gain, self-edification and self-fulfilling reasons? That would have to create within a real sense of insecurity, or those actions, those reasons could be the result of insecurity. I know that Jesus is my righteousness and that is the only way I can stand before God. I am secure in that fact, and I am secure in my relationship with God because of Jesus and not because of me. Surely as my heart beats, I can do nothing to warrant a place in the Kingdom of God, except acknowledge Jesus Christ as my Savior. To me that is true integrity.
Prov 10:9
9 The man of integrity walks securely,
but he who takes crooked paths will be found out.
Why would someone chose to take a crooked path and what does it mean that he will be found out? Is that like surely your sins will find you out? If I were to live according to the ways of the world instead of by the ways of God, is that the crooked path? I think this is it. I think that if a person refuses to accept Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior of their life, they are in fact on the crooked path. That person will be found out on the Day of Judgment. It also in opposition to the man of integrity applies to the way I live my life here on the earth in relationship with others. If I live with integrity I have nothing to fear from other men. I have nothing to be found out about that would harm my reputation, my name, my character. I have difficulty understanding how a believer in Jesus Christ could do anything but walk with integrity. Is it possible a believer could walk a crooked path? Could a believer act in a way that is deceptive, appearing to be righteous but actually not? Could I believer be doing righteous acts for self-gain, self-edification and self-fulfilling reasons? That would have to create within a real sense of insecurity, or those actions, those reasons could be the result of insecurity. I know that Jesus is my righteousness and that is the only way I can stand before God. I am secure in that fact, and I am secure in my relationship with God because of Jesus and not because of me. Surely as my heart beats, I can do nothing to warrant a place in the Kingdom of God, except acknowledge Jesus Christ as my Savior. To me that is true integrity.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Shut Up And Listen
Prov 10:8
8 The wise in heart accept commands,
but a chattering fool comes to ruin.
I have often said that I thought in God’s infinite wisdom he gave me two ears and only one mouth, which to me indicates he wants me to listen to him twice as much as I talk to him. I hear believers using prayer as a laundry list of needs rather than a time of listening for the still small voice of God. Sure I ask him for help and for the needs in my life, but I just don’t think he is supposed to be treated like a genie in a bottle, only taken out when a need is at hand. No I think the wise thing to do is to spend a lot more time with my mouth shut and just listening for what he has to say. I do seek him in those times when I am in trouble so to speak, but again as long as I am speaking he is not and just who is the wiser of the two? I think those repetitive prayers are nothing but chatter. I know there is scripture that tells me to be persistent in my prayers, but Jesus also said not to babble on like the pagans do. I truly believe if I have a need I can ask him and it is taken care of. But I know the greatest I need I have is to hear from God and the wisest thing I can do it pay attention and accept his commands. I know as long as I am doing what he tells me to do; I will be right where I am supposed to be. My advancement or retreat, in the sense of this world, has little to no consideration as compared to what God desires of me. I need to know what he wants of me, and as long as I am consistently asking for things in prayer I will never find out. It is in these times of quiet reflection that he speaks to my heart. Sure, I am not a perfect human being, sure I fail him, yes I still sin and struggle with temptations, I am human, even though I should not make that my excuse, but I also think he knows all about that and still has a plan for my life and desires me to listen and do whatever he commands. Sometimes I do wonder how he can use me when I am not perfect, not completely sin free, yet I know he does. One thing I know for sure is that I must simply shut up and listen.
Prov 10:8
8 The wise in heart accept commands,
but a chattering fool comes to ruin.
I have often said that I thought in God’s infinite wisdom he gave me two ears and only one mouth, which to me indicates he wants me to listen to him twice as much as I talk to him. I hear believers using prayer as a laundry list of needs rather than a time of listening for the still small voice of God. Sure I ask him for help and for the needs in my life, but I just don’t think he is supposed to be treated like a genie in a bottle, only taken out when a need is at hand. No I think the wise thing to do is to spend a lot more time with my mouth shut and just listening for what he has to say. I do seek him in those times when I am in trouble so to speak, but again as long as I am speaking he is not and just who is the wiser of the two? I think those repetitive prayers are nothing but chatter. I know there is scripture that tells me to be persistent in my prayers, but Jesus also said not to babble on like the pagans do. I truly believe if I have a need I can ask him and it is taken care of. But I know the greatest I need I have is to hear from God and the wisest thing I can do it pay attention and accept his commands. I know as long as I am doing what he tells me to do; I will be right where I am supposed to be. My advancement or retreat, in the sense of this world, has little to no consideration as compared to what God desires of me. I need to know what he wants of me, and as long as I am consistently asking for things in prayer I will never find out. It is in these times of quiet reflection that he speaks to my heart. Sure, I am not a perfect human being, sure I fail him, yes I still sin and struggle with temptations, I am human, even though I should not make that my excuse, but I also think he knows all about that and still has a plan for my life and desires me to listen and do whatever he commands. Sometimes I do wonder how he can use me when I am not perfect, not completely sin free, yet I know he does. One thing I know for sure is that I must simply shut up and listen.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Be A Blessing
Prov 10:7
7 The memory of the righteous will be a blessing,
but the name of the wicked will rot.
It is not that I am a prideful man, but it does make me feel a little good to know that my name will be remembered as especially by God. My name is written down in the lamb’s book of life. It is there for all of eternity. But my name will also be remembered with fondness as a blessing to those who come after me. My family, those granddaughters and their children and their children will know my name and be blessed because of it. They will have my books, my devotions, to pass down to the next generation of my family long after I am in the everlasting presence of my God. Of course that is if he still has not yet come for all his followers. I am the first of my family to be a believer and have established a heritage for the rest of my family to live up to. Perhaps my name will also be remembered as a blessing to those who have been touched by my ministry, my calling from God. Now I am not quite sure how the name of the wicked will rot, that it will perish, for many names of people who were wicked have been recorded in history for all to read about. They are remembered by people, but surely not as a blessing, but as a curse, so to speak, upon mankind. But what if this is speaking of just the difference between a believer and a non-believer? What if this is just the righteous and the wicked, the saved and not saved. I think many people who are not saved are basically good upstanding people who do much humanitarian good. Surely their names will be remembered as great among the people, but maybe not so great before God. No matter how good and great a man’s life may me here on this earth, if it does not serve the purpose of God, if he does not serve the Lord Jesus Christ, if he has rejected him as Lord and Savior, his name will rot in the realm of God. Truly all pride aside, I think the choice is clear, I want the memory of me to be a blessing before men and God.
Prov 10:7
7 The memory of the righteous will be a blessing,
but the name of the wicked will rot.
It is not that I am a prideful man, but it does make me feel a little good to know that my name will be remembered as especially by God. My name is written down in the lamb’s book of life. It is there for all of eternity. But my name will also be remembered with fondness as a blessing to those who come after me. My family, those granddaughters and their children and their children will know my name and be blessed because of it. They will have my books, my devotions, to pass down to the next generation of my family long after I am in the everlasting presence of my God. Of course that is if he still has not yet come for all his followers. I am the first of my family to be a believer and have established a heritage for the rest of my family to live up to. Perhaps my name will also be remembered as a blessing to those who have been touched by my ministry, my calling from God. Now I am not quite sure how the name of the wicked will rot, that it will perish, for many names of people who were wicked have been recorded in history for all to read about. They are remembered by people, but surely not as a blessing, but as a curse, so to speak, upon mankind. But what if this is speaking of just the difference between a believer and a non-believer? What if this is just the righteous and the wicked, the saved and not saved. I think many people who are not saved are basically good upstanding people who do much humanitarian good. Surely their names will be remembered as great among the people, but maybe not so great before God. No matter how good and great a man’s life may me here on this earth, if it does not serve the purpose of God, if he does not serve the Lord Jesus Christ, if he has rejected him as Lord and Savior, his name will rot in the realm of God. Truly all pride aside, I think the choice is clear, I want the memory of me to be a blessing before men and God.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Which Way is it?
Prov 10:6
6 Blessings crown the head of the righteous,
but violence overwhelms the mouth of the wicked.
Would I rather be blessed or overwhelmed? Let me see, I think I will choose blessed. There is of course something deeper in here than just what appears. In the sense that if I am just, if I am righteous it will be obvious for all to see. I live my life out loud and up front for everyone to notice my devotion to my God. My life is on my head, the top of my being so all can view it easily. My God is my crown, and I proudly display him n my life so he will be seen as the God he is. My life will be an open book for people to watch and observe the way he works in me, for me, and through me. But it is not so with those who are not living for God. Although I dare not refer to them as wicked, God does and they conceal the wickedness of their life within. They hide their wrong, trying with as much as they can to appear good, but it is not so. I am obligated to be the person of God he intents for me to be and I must live as such openly for all to see, no matter if they are other believers, or the wicked. That is just the way it is.
Prov 10:6
6 Blessings crown the head of the righteous,
but violence overwhelms the mouth of the wicked.
Would I rather be blessed or overwhelmed? Let me see, I think I will choose blessed. There is of course something deeper in here than just what appears. In the sense that if I am just, if I am righteous it will be obvious for all to see. I live my life out loud and up front for everyone to notice my devotion to my God. My life is on my head, the top of my being so all can view it easily. My God is my crown, and I proudly display him n my life so he will be seen as the God he is. My life will be an open book for people to watch and observe the way he works in me, for me, and through me. But it is not so with those who are not living for God. Although I dare not refer to them as wicked, God does and they conceal the wickedness of their life within. They hide their wrong, trying with as much as they can to appear good, but it is not so. I am obligated to be the person of God he intents for me to be and I must live as such openly for all to see, no matter if they are other believers, or the wicked. That is just the way it is.
Friday, November 18, 2011
Prov 10:5
5 He who gathers crops in summer is a wise son,
but he who sleeps during harvest is a disgraceful son.
It is inconsistent with so much other of the words of God to think of this statement in respect to storing up material goods or to making hay while the sun shines. Some may see this as gathering up in the youth of life, for the later times. I do not think anyone would not expect to work at some occupation in order to earn an appropriate wage to pay for the things needed to live within this society. I am sure God desires that each man does work in order to provide for his family. It is surely inconsistent with the rest of scripture to live off the work of others. But once again is this not about the spiritual condition of a man? Could this be talking about the gathering of souls while the strength of youth is within? Could this be speaking to the gathering of the words of God to within my being while I am young and I have the strength to harvest them and use them for life? What a waste to live for self all of life and not make use of the scriptures for living. In the physical sense of reality no farmer gathers crops in the summer, which is when they are growing. But it is true if he is sleeping throughout the harvest time, his crops will root in the field and be of no use to him. I am convinced this is not speaking about farming, or about money, but about souls.
Prov 10:5
5 He who gathers crops in summer is a wise son,
but he who sleeps during harvest is a disgraceful son.
It is inconsistent with so much other of the words of God to think of this statement in respect to storing up material goods or to making hay while the sun shines. Some may see this as gathering up in the youth of life, for the later times. I do not think anyone would not expect to work at some occupation in order to earn an appropriate wage to pay for the things needed to live within this society. I am sure God desires that each man does work in order to provide for his family. It is surely inconsistent with the rest of scripture to live off the work of others. But once again is this not about the spiritual condition of a man? Could this be talking about the gathering of souls while the strength of youth is within? Could this be speaking to the gathering of the words of God to within my being while I am young and I have the strength to harvest them and use them for life? What a waste to live for self all of life and not make use of the scriptures for living. In the physical sense of reality no farmer gathers crops in the summer, which is when they are growing. But it is true if he is sleeping throughout the harvest time, his crops will root in the field and be of no use to him. I am convinced this is not speaking about farming, or about money, but about souls.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Prov 10:4
4 Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth.
Is it true God is so concerned about the material gain of a man he needs to speak about it? Although I agree that in the sense of the Hebrew it is a deceitful hand which might well make a man poor. That is a man deals deceitfully in business it will ultimately bring him to ruin if in nothing else than is reputation. I think it is also true that if a hand works hard and honest at his labor he will at least make some honest gain from it. I am convinced some believers will see this only in the context that God desires us to be wise in the ways of the world, investing and making the most of every opportunity to grow our worldly position and possessions. But I also think this goes much deeper than the material loss or gain of worldly goods. Does not God deal more vigorously, more diligently with the spirit of mankind? Does he not spend most if not all of his words dealing with the spiritual well-being of his creation? If a man is lazy or deceitful in his relationship with God is he not so very poor? Those who are remiss in their communication and fellowship with him surely have little to nothing within them that would be of worth. How poor can a spirit be if it is not connected to God? But also I see that if I am diligent in my relationship with God I will have great spiritual wealth. I will be blessed, happy, content, fulfilled, complete, satisfied, in fellowship with him, if I am diligent in our relationship. There can be no slacking off, no just cruising through life, calling myself a believer, but not growing in the word. There can be no just sliding alone, just being saved and not pursuing after his ways. There can be no resting, no retiring, no just sitting around, but I must continually be about my Fathers business. I cannot rest both in the physical realm and in the spiritual realm until I have fulfilled his purpose for my life, and when I have I can then step into eternity, but not until. How can any believer think they can just be, and not be doing for the Kingdom? I must be diligent!
Prov 10:4
4 Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth.
Is it true God is so concerned about the material gain of a man he needs to speak about it? Although I agree that in the sense of the Hebrew it is a deceitful hand which might well make a man poor. That is a man deals deceitfully in business it will ultimately bring him to ruin if in nothing else than is reputation. I think it is also true that if a hand works hard and honest at his labor he will at least make some honest gain from it. I am convinced some believers will see this only in the context that God desires us to be wise in the ways of the world, investing and making the most of every opportunity to grow our worldly position and possessions. But I also think this goes much deeper than the material loss or gain of worldly goods. Does not God deal more vigorously, more diligently with the spirit of mankind? Does he not spend most if not all of his words dealing with the spiritual well-being of his creation? If a man is lazy or deceitful in his relationship with God is he not so very poor? Those who are remiss in their communication and fellowship with him surely have little to nothing within them that would be of worth. How poor can a spirit be if it is not connected to God? But also I see that if I am diligent in my relationship with God I will have great spiritual wealth. I will be blessed, happy, content, fulfilled, complete, satisfied, in fellowship with him, if I am diligent in our relationship. There can be no slacking off, no just cruising through life, calling myself a believer, but not growing in the word. There can be no just sliding alone, just being saved and not pursuing after his ways. There can be no resting, no retiring, no just sitting around, but I must continually be about my Fathers business. I cannot rest both in the physical realm and in the spiritual realm until I have fulfilled his purpose for my life, and when I have I can then step into eternity, but not until. How can any believer think they can just be, and not be doing for the Kingdom? I must be diligent!
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Who's Who
Prov 10:3
3 The LORD does not let the righteous go hungry
but he thwarts the craving of the wicked.
How clearer can this be? I will never go hungry. Now of course is this taking about food? I think not. I have seen times throughout the record men of old who at times were hungry, such as Saul, David Paul and even Jesus. Surely God was meeting their needs. Now this to me is all about God supplying all my needs according to his riches in glory and my being extremely content with his supply. It also means that even though some people here on this earth have a greater abundance of material wealth, they will never be satisfied, nor find peace in their ill-gotten gain. I the question I have to ask, because if I ever taught this, surely some believers would ask, is why are their believers who seem to have so very little, and in fact, appear to be suffering? Why does God allow them to be hungry? Could I dare think they may not actually be righteous? Again, I have to be careful in my thinking, but anyone’s righteousness is not due to anything they do, but because of Jesus. Is it possible some people only appear to be believers, but have actually not accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, that is they are not Born Again? I cannot know the answer, only God does. All I know for sure is that I am, and he does not allow me to go hungry in the sense of food and in the sense of need. I have all I need and even more. I have eternal life, what more do I actually need. Maybe this is simply talking about that aspect of faith. God gives the righteous, those in Christ, eternal life, and the wicked do not, no matter how hard they try to save themselves with religion. Either way, I know in whom I believe and trust to both save me and supply all my needs. I also know I am only righteous in the eyes of God because of Jesus. I was never perfect, I still am not perfect and I dare say I will never be perfect until that day I step into eternity, but I also can say I am not wicked, I once was, but now am not, and will never be again because of Jesus. The choice is clear righteous or wicked, who’s who.
Prov 10:3
3 The LORD does not let the righteous go hungry
but he thwarts the craving of the wicked.
How clearer can this be? I will never go hungry. Now of course is this taking about food? I think not. I have seen times throughout the record men of old who at times were hungry, such as Saul, David Paul and even Jesus. Surely God was meeting their needs. Now this to me is all about God supplying all my needs according to his riches in glory and my being extremely content with his supply. It also means that even though some people here on this earth have a greater abundance of material wealth, they will never be satisfied, nor find peace in their ill-gotten gain. I the question I have to ask, because if I ever taught this, surely some believers would ask, is why are their believers who seem to have so very little, and in fact, appear to be suffering? Why does God allow them to be hungry? Could I dare think they may not actually be righteous? Again, I have to be careful in my thinking, but anyone’s righteousness is not due to anything they do, but because of Jesus. Is it possible some people only appear to be believers, but have actually not accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, that is they are not Born Again? I cannot know the answer, only God does. All I know for sure is that I am, and he does not allow me to go hungry in the sense of food and in the sense of need. I have all I need and even more. I have eternal life, what more do I actually need. Maybe this is simply talking about that aspect of faith. God gives the righteous, those in Christ, eternal life, and the wicked do not, no matter how hard they try to save themselves with religion. Either way, I know in whom I believe and trust to both save me and supply all my needs. I also know I am only righteous in the eyes of God because of Jesus. I was never perfect, I still am not perfect and I dare say I will never be perfect until that day I step into eternity, but I also can say I am not wicked, I once was, but now am not, and will never be again because of Jesus. The choice is clear righteous or wicked, who’s who.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Life or Death
Prov 10:2
2 Ill-gotten treasures are of no value, but righteousness delivers from death.
Once again I see this comparison between the ways of the world and the ways of God. But does this surely mean that all treasures gain in the world is ill-gotten? Surely an honest day’s work for an honest day’s wage is not ill-gotten. This has to be speaking to other means of gaining material wealth, as compared to living a righteous life. I know of what that is, and I have dared to speak of it in the presence of believers, but I have been opposed all too often. I cannot understand how a believer feels it is not ill-gotten gain when he or she hands over their money to Satan himself for the furtherance of his agenda. I believe that is exactly what the stock market is all about. Why would I believer invest in a company that is not advancing the Kingdom of God? Why would a believer unequally yoke himself with a company of this world? Why would their partner themselves with the unrighteous? Is it all about the gold, the treasure? I do not understand why so many oppose that teaching. I do get it, are they just deceived by the gold? I have to keep to the truth; I cannot allow myself to give in to the deceptive scheme of the evil one. This whole business of investing for profit is of no value, of no eternal value at all; in fact it is quite the opposite. The righteousness of God delivers from death, so I have to believe the opposite delivers death. I have to keep teaching, I have to keep telling the truth of God in hopes some will see the hardship which can follow this ill-gotten gain. Of course I do not believe wealth in and of itself is evil, God blesses men with abundance of wealth. He has blessed me with what I consider abundance. Others have far more than me and others far less, but if it comes from God and not from the evil ways of the world it is all too good. I just cannot see it any other way and so I must continue alone the path God has set my feet. I must continue to speak about it, write about, in hopes som will see the truth. I believe it is a matter of life or death.
Prov 10:2
2 Ill-gotten treasures are of no value, but righteousness delivers from death.
Once again I see this comparison between the ways of the world and the ways of God. But does this surely mean that all treasures gain in the world is ill-gotten? Surely an honest day’s work for an honest day’s wage is not ill-gotten. This has to be speaking to other means of gaining material wealth, as compared to living a righteous life. I know of what that is, and I have dared to speak of it in the presence of believers, but I have been opposed all too often. I cannot understand how a believer feels it is not ill-gotten gain when he or she hands over their money to Satan himself for the furtherance of his agenda. I believe that is exactly what the stock market is all about. Why would I believer invest in a company that is not advancing the Kingdom of God? Why would a believer unequally yoke himself with a company of this world? Why would their partner themselves with the unrighteous? Is it all about the gold, the treasure? I do not understand why so many oppose that teaching. I do get it, are they just deceived by the gold? I have to keep to the truth; I cannot allow myself to give in to the deceptive scheme of the evil one. This whole business of investing for profit is of no value, of no eternal value at all; in fact it is quite the opposite. The righteousness of God delivers from death, so I have to believe the opposite delivers death. I have to keep teaching, I have to keep telling the truth of God in hopes some will see the hardship which can follow this ill-gotten gain. Of course I do not believe wealth in and of itself is evil, God blesses men with abundance of wealth. He has blessed me with what I consider abundance. Others have far more than me and others far less, but if it comes from God and not from the evil ways of the world it is all too good. I just cannot see it any other way and so I must continue alone the path God has set my feet. I must continue to speak about it, write about, in hopes som will see the truth. I believe it is a matter of life or death.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Wise or Foolish
Prov 10:1
The proverbs of Solomon: A wise son brings joy to his father, but a foolish son grief to his mother.
Well now, I actually am getting to the opposed verses or proverbs themselves. What is the difference between a father and a mother? Why if I were wise would I only bring joy to my father and if I were foolish would I only grief my mother? Are these my earthy parents or does this apply to my relationship to my Lord and Savior who is both my Father and Mother? I would surely think that if I lived in a wise manner it would please my heavenly Father. After spending the first nine chapters I can say with certainty it had nothing to do with making wise decisions about the things of this world, but rather being wise in the ways of God. So if I make my life choices based on pleasing God that would be a wise thing and it surely would bring joy to HIm. If I were to behave in accordance to his plan that would be wise and thus bring joy to Him as well. But on the other hand if I made foolish choices, such as not paying attention to his commands, that would grief him. I think if I choose to live according to my own plan that would bring grief to him as well. The choice is mine. Although He has sent the Holy Spirit to influence my heart, I still have the ultimate choice to listen or not. I still am able to make bad decisions regarding my relationship with God. I still can behave badly, speak inappropriately, respond humanly and disappoint my Lord and Savior. Even with the Spirit there to help me, I can choice to ignore the help and I believe that surely would bring grief to God for I would certainly be foolish. I wonder if this applies to all the times I simply fail, or does this refer to a brazen disregard to his influence. Surely my humanity gets in the way of being wise at times, but is that an excuse? If it is a choice than I think the excuse is not valid, but if it is simply due to being imperfect because of the human condition maybe it is more a reason rather than an excuse. God surely forgives reasons but does he forgive excuses? Because he is God, I would have to believe because he said so, he forgives period, except of course if I were to completely turn my back and disown him, which of course I am not about to do. So back to wise or foolish, which shall it be? Although I think I am foolish at times, I make a conscience decision to be wise.
Prov 10:1
The proverbs of Solomon: A wise son brings joy to his father, but a foolish son grief to his mother.
Well now, I actually am getting to the opposed verses or proverbs themselves. What is the difference between a father and a mother? Why if I were wise would I only bring joy to my father and if I were foolish would I only grief my mother? Are these my earthy parents or does this apply to my relationship to my Lord and Savior who is both my Father and Mother? I would surely think that if I lived in a wise manner it would please my heavenly Father. After spending the first nine chapters I can say with certainty it had nothing to do with making wise decisions about the things of this world, but rather being wise in the ways of God. So if I make my life choices based on pleasing God that would be a wise thing and it surely would bring joy to HIm. If I were to behave in accordance to his plan that would be wise and thus bring joy to Him as well. But on the other hand if I made foolish choices, such as not paying attention to his commands, that would grief him. I think if I choose to live according to my own plan that would bring grief to him as well. The choice is mine. Although He has sent the Holy Spirit to influence my heart, I still have the ultimate choice to listen or not. I still am able to make bad decisions regarding my relationship with God. I still can behave badly, speak inappropriately, respond humanly and disappoint my Lord and Savior. Even with the Spirit there to help me, I can choice to ignore the help and I believe that surely would bring grief to God for I would certainly be foolish. I wonder if this applies to all the times I simply fail, or does this refer to a brazen disregard to his influence. Surely my humanity gets in the way of being wise at times, but is that an excuse? If it is a choice than I think the excuse is not valid, but if it is simply due to being imperfect because of the human condition maybe it is more a reason rather than an excuse. God surely forgives reasons but does he forgive excuses? Because he is God, I would have to believe because he said so, he forgives period, except of course if I were to completely turn my back and disown him, which of course I am not about to do. So back to wise or foolish, which shall it be? Although I think I am foolish at times, I make a conscience decision to be wise.
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Hear the Warning
Prov 9:13-18
13 The woman Folly is loud; she is undisciplined and without knowledge. 14 She sits at the door of her house, on a seat at the highest point of the city, 15 calling out to those who pass by, who go straight on their way. 16 "Let all who are simple come in here!" she says to those who lack judgment. 17 "Stolen water is sweet; food eaten in secret is delicious!" 18 But little do they know that the dead are there, that her guests are in the depths of the grave.
Once again I meet this woman, who is not a woman at all but rather the anti-christ or sin itself. Wisdom or Christ was seen or depicted as a woman early so I have to conclude sin or the devil, the anti-christ is also depicted as a woman. The voices of the world, which is certainly under the control of him who opposes God, surely is loud and senseless. The people of the world, those who oppose God, and all he stands for are certainly undisciplined and without knowledge. I cannot afford to be counted in that number, nor can I afford to listen to the nonsense they speak. It is true the voice of the opposition is much louder most of the time than the still small voice of God. Why do they boast so loudly, does miserly love company? Why is the lure of sin have to sit on the high places and call out? I think it is easy enough to fail God on my own, much less having the devil making every effort to snare me into his trap. But I do think the failures to be absolutely perfect, totally without sin, are completely different than listening to the call of this woman and entering her house. To leave God and become a guest in the home of the devil has everlasting consequences. That is truly where death is. I am convinced it requires effort and a choice to not listen to that calling out, not to be enticed by the stolen water or anything which is prohibited. Many of the ways of the world are prohibited if I listen to the voice of wisdom. I have to remain, if I desire life, in the household of faith. I desire to remain there, even when I fail to live up to the standard God has laid out. I do not think I have entered the house of this evil one, but have simply been human, as unfortunate as that is. I wish somehow I was not subject to being human, having these moments of failing God. Why can I not be perfect, and never fail? It is not because the devil has won me over, and I have accepted his invitation to dine with him. I surely do no lack that kind of judgment, but I still fall short of perfection, having perfect judgment, having perfected the art of not sinning at all. Still I have to keep my ear plugs in concerning that undisciplined calling out for the control of my soul. Death shall not shallow me up, for I have life, I am a child of God, I live in the household of faith, within the Kingdom of God. I hear the warning.
Prov 9:13-18
13 The woman Folly is loud; she is undisciplined and without knowledge. 14 She sits at the door of her house, on a seat at the highest point of the city, 15 calling out to those who pass by, who go straight on their way. 16 "Let all who are simple come in here!" she says to those who lack judgment. 17 "Stolen water is sweet; food eaten in secret is delicious!" 18 But little do they know that the dead are there, that her guests are in the depths of the grave.
Once again I meet this woman, who is not a woman at all but rather the anti-christ or sin itself. Wisdom or Christ was seen or depicted as a woman early so I have to conclude sin or the devil, the anti-christ is also depicted as a woman. The voices of the world, which is certainly under the control of him who opposes God, surely is loud and senseless. The people of the world, those who oppose God, and all he stands for are certainly undisciplined and without knowledge. I cannot afford to be counted in that number, nor can I afford to listen to the nonsense they speak. It is true the voice of the opposition is much louder most of the time than the still small voice of God. Why do they boast so loudly, does miserly love company? Why is the lure of sin have to sit on the high places and call out? I think it is easy enough to fail God on my own, much less having the devil making every effort to snare me into his trap. But I do think the failures to be absolutely perfect, totally without sin, are completely different than listening to the call of this woman and entering her house. To leave God and become a guest in the home of the devil has everlasting consequences. That is truly where death is. I am convinced it requires effort and a choice to not listen to that calling out, not to be enticed by the stolen water or anything which is prohibited. Many of the ways of the world are prohibited if I listen to the voice of wisdom. I have to remain, if I desire life, in the household of faith. I desire to remain there, even when I fail to live up to the standard God has laid out. I do not think I have entered the house of this evil one, but have simply been human, as unfortunate as that is. I wish somehow I was not subject to being human, having these moments of failing God. Why can I not be perfect, and never fail? It is not because the devil has won me over, and I have accepted his invitation to dine with him. I surely do no lack that kind of judgment, but I still fall short of perfection, having perfect judgment, having perfected the art of not sinning at all. Still I have to keep my ear plugs in concerning that undisciplined calling out for the control of my soul. Death shall not shallow me up, for I have life, I am a child of God, I live in the household of faith, within the Kingdom of God. I hear the warning.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Prov 9:10-12
10 "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. 11 For through me your days will be many, and years will be added to your life. 12 If you are wise, your wisdom will reward you; if you are a mocker, you alone will suffer."
Is this really meaning to be afraid of the Lord or can I use the other meaning of that Hebrew word, reverence? I think in the sense that when the angels visited the shepherds they told them to fear not, to not be afraid, so I think in that sense I can be assured I should not be afraid of God, but I should, if I have any wisdom at all give him all the reverence he is so completely due. If I have but a shred of wisdom I would revere, or give him credit, acknowledge his power and his majestic sovereignty over mankind. For I think those who refuse such reverence are just plain unwise, or in other words foolish. Although some people in the world of intellectuals think I am foolish for my faith, I am actually far wiser than them. All their knowledge is based on human thought, my knowledge is based on the Holy One, because I understand God is who he says he is. Their knowledge, their wisdom is limited to their own understanding of what other humans have said, mine is unlimited because it is based on what God said. Is that prideful? I think not, but it is surely wise. I have always acknowledged my Lord as the source of all I am, all I have and all I do. He was the beginning of my true life, my real life, and as such is due all the glory and honor for my life. Although he did in fact knit me together in my mother’s womb, and knew me even before the foundations of the Earth, my true life began the moment I bowed my knee and confessed him to be my Lord and Savior. He has already added days to my life, years have been added to my life because of him. I know without a shadow of doubt if he had not been for him a more than one occasion I would have been some other place, other than here. But of what purpose are those many days and added years? Are they to be spent virtuously on self? I think not, but these many days and added years have been given to me so that I might benefit the Kingdom of God for a longer time, that I might have some influence on others, that I might be a useful servant to my Lord. I have more to do, more to accomplish for his Kingdom. Much as with king David, when I have fulfilled my purpose, then and only then can I sleep in the peace of my Lord. Because I revere my Lord, I am already rewarded.
Prov 9:10-12
10 "The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding. 11 For through me your days will be many, and years will be added to your life. 12 If you are wise, your wisdom will reward you; if you are a mocker, you alone will suffer."
Is this really meaning to be afraid of the Lord or can I use the other meaning of that Hebrew word, reverence? I think in the sense that when the angels visited the shepherds they told them to fear not, to not be afraid, so I think in that sense I can be assured I should not be afraid of God, but I should, if I have any wisdom at all give him all the reverence he is so completely due. If I have but a shred of wisdom I would revere, or give him credit, acknowledge his power and his majestic sovereignty over mankind. For I think those who refuse such reverence are just plain unwise, or in other words foolish. Although some people in the world of intellectuals think I am foolish for my faith, I am actually far wiser than them. All their knowledge is based on human thought, my knowledge is based on the Holy One, because I understand God is who he says he is. Their knowledge, their wisdom is limited to their own understanding of what other humans have said, mine is unlimited because it is based on what God said. Is that prideful? I think not, but it is surely wise. I have always acknowledged my Lord as the source of all I am, all I have and all I do. He was the beginning of my true life, my real life, and as such is due all the glory and honor for my life. Although he did in fact knit me together in my mother’s womb, and knew me even before the foundations of the Earth, my true life began the moment I bowed my knee and confessed him to be my Lord and Savior. He has already added days to my life, years have been added to my life because of him. I know without a shadow of doubt if he had not been for him a more than one occasion I would have been some other place, other than here. But of what purpose are those many days and added years? Are they to be spent virtuously on self? I think not, but these many days and added years have been given to me so that I might benefit the Kingdom of God for a longer time, that I might have some influence on others, that I might be a useful servant to my Lord. I have more to do, more to accomplish for his Kingdom. Much as with king David, when I have fulfilled my purpose, then and only then can I sleep in the peace of my Lord. Because I revere my Lord, I am already rewarded.
Friday, November 11, 2011
Who's Who
Prov 9:7-9
7 "Whoever corrects a mocker invites insult; whoever rebukes a wicked man incurs abuse. 8 Do not rebuke a mocker or he will hate you; rebuke a wise man and he will love you. 9 Instruct a wise man and he will be wiser still; teach a righteous man and he will add to his learning.
But what about bringing the gospel to the unsaved? Maybe this is the same as not casing my pearls before swine. If a person simply refuses to accept the scripture as the holy inspired word of God, are they not in the category of mocker? Why should I bother trying to convince them of their error? Why should I try to correct their ideas? It does not make any sense and according to this all I will get in return is abuse. If I tell them they are just wrong in their thinking, all will happen is hatred toward me and then I stand absolutely no opportunity to show them Christ through my live. I cannot turn my back on them, especially if they are my family, and then even if not, they are still lost and need Jesus. But if their scoff, make mouth at, God nothing I say will matter anyway, I can only live out the love of God in their presence. I do wonder sometimes though about if some believers even fall into this same category. I know that sounds awful even to verbalize, but if a believer refuses to accept the fact they still sin, or that they are unwilling to learn more about how to live, maybe they are not as wise as they think. I surely know I still have problems with sin in areas of my life, and that I am so lacking in knowledge of all the ways of God. I have so much to learn and understand, I do not think I will ever be done with my studies. Although I must admit I do have a great deal of opinions about the scriptures, insights which I believe God has revealed to me, but I am I sure I have more to come. I think this might apply toward that very concept in the sense of being rebuked by God and loving him for it, being instructed by God and being wiser for it, and being taught the ways of righteousness and increasing in the knowledge of it. Yet I think it also might be in a sense a calling by God, to those who hear it, to spend time and effort among the household of faith, bringing them the Word of God which in itself does the rebuking, instructing and training in righteousness. But it is good to hear it, to speak it, to explain it, expound upon it, bringing insights to those who desire to learn more about their journey with God. Should not all believers feel this way about the rest of believers, helping each other to learn more and be all that God desires us to be? I think so. Does it come down checking identities before opening my mouth about God? Can I tell who’s who?
Prov 9:7-9
7 "Whoever corrects a mocker invites insult; whoever rebukes a wicked man incurs abuse. 8 Do not rebuke a mocker or he will hate you; rebuke a wise man and he will love you. 9 Instruct a wise man and he will be wiser still; teach a righteous man and he will add to his learning.
But what about bringing the gospel to the unsaved? Maybe this is the same as not casing my pearls before swine. If a person simply refuses to accept the scripture as the holy inspired word of God, are they not in the category of mocker? Why should I bother trying to convince them of their error? Why should I try to correct their ideas? It does not make any sense and according to this all I will get in return is abuse. If I tell them they are just wrong in their thinking, all will happen is hatred toward me and then I stand absolutely no opportunity to show them Christ through my live. I cannot turn my back on them, especially if they are my family, and then even if not, they are still lost and need Jesus. But if their scoff, make mouth at, God nothing I say will matter anyway, I can only live out the love of God in their presence. I do wonder sometimes though about if some believers even fall into this same category. I know that sounds awful even to verbalize, but if a believer refuses to accept the fact they still sin, or that they are unwilling to learn more about how to live, maybe they are not as wise as they think. I surely know I still have problems with sin in areas of my life, and that I am so lacking in knowledge of all the ways of God. I have so much to learn and understand, I do not think I will ever be done with my studies. Although I must admit I do have a great deal of opinions about the scriptures, insights which I believe God has revealed to me, but I am I sure I have more to come. I think this might apply toward that very concept in the sense of being rebuked by God and loving him for it, being instructed by God and being wiser for it, and being taught the ways of righteousness and increasing in the knowledge of it. Yet I think it also might be in a sense a calling by God, to those who hear it, to spend time and effort among the household of faith, bringing them the Word of God which in itself does the rebuking, instructing and training in righteousness. But it is good to hear it, to speak it, to explain it, expound upon it, bringing insights to those who desire to learn more about their journey with God. Should not all believers feel this way about the rest of believers, helping each other to learn more and be all that God desires us to be? I think so. Does it come down checking identities before opening my mouth about God? Can I tell who’s who?
Thursday, November 10, 2011
The Finest Dining
Prov 9:1-6
Wisdom has built her house; she has hewn out its seven pillars. 2 She has prepared her meat and mixed her wine; she has also set her table. 3 She has sent out her maids, and she calls from the highest point of the city. 4 "Let all who are simple come in here!" she says to those who lack judgment. 5 "Come, eat my food and drink the wine I have mixed. 6 Leave your simple ways and you will live; walk in the way of understanding.
This is in the midst of the bright of day, standing on the highest point calling out, and it can be none other than the very word of God. Wisdom is God’s word and with the perfect number of God, seven. There is by far such great wisdom, true wisdom within his word. I admit without I certainly lack the proper judgment, even at times after accepting his word I still lacked proper judgment, but as the word develops, as I sit at her table, and eat and drink from this incredible meal of truth, I have been able to digest more of the word and leave behind those simple ways of just living for my own self, and have learned my life is more than me, it is about him. But it is not just one meal, one feeding, which will sustain my life. I have to stay at the table; I have to eat daily from the wisdom of God. If I do not it is way too easy to get up not completely full and find other food within the ways of the world. Food which is not good for me, which will harm by body, soul and spirit and it is plentiful and presumably free for the taking, but in fact it is not free, it will cost my life. No, I must stay each and every day at the table of my Lord, feasting upon his word, devouring it, consuming it so that I am overflowing with it, and then I must eat more. I need to stay full to the brim, so that I am not tempted by that seemingly tasty food elsewhere. I know that other food may look good, smell good and even taste delighted, but that is only for the moment fir in truth it is poison which will permeate my being until death overtakes me. The Word of God brings life to my bones, to my soul, and to my spirit. It feeds the very core of my being, my mind, the central place both temptation and understanding. Within my mind is the basics of my character, it is who I am, what makes me different from others, at least within the flesh. It may well be my spirit within the spiritual realm which differentiates me from other, but here I live in my body, my brain, my thoughts and feelings, my desires and my passions. Here is where understanding wisdom must begin; here is where I must fill up with the Word of God. The Word is the finest dining ever.
Prov 9:1-6
Wisdom has built her house; she has hewn out its seven pillars. 2 She has prepared her meat and mixed her wine; she has also set her table. 3 She has sent out her maids, and she calls from the highest point of the city. 4 "Let all who are simple come in here!" she says to those who lack judgment. 5 "Come, eat my food and drink the wine I have mixed. 6 Leave your simple ways and you will live; walk in the way of understanding.
This is in the midst of the bright of day, standing on the highest point calling out, and it can be none other than the very word of God. Wisdom is God’s word and with the perfect number of God, seven. There is by far such great wisdom, true wisdom within his word. I admit without I certainly lack the proper judgment, even at times after accepting his word I still lacked proper judgment, but as the word develops, as I sit at her table, and eat and drink from this incredible meal of truth, I have been able to digest more of the word and leave behind those simple ways of just living for my own self, and have learned my life is more than me, it is about him. But it is not just one meal, one feeding, which will sustain my life. I have to stay at the table; I have to eat daily from the wisdom of God. If I do not it is way too easy to get up not completely full and find other food within the ways of the world. Food which is not good for me, which will harm by body, soul and spirit and it is plentiful and presumably free for the taking, but in fact it is not free, it will cost my life. No, I must stay each and every day at the table of my Lord, feasting upon his word, devouring it, consuming it so that I am overflowing with it, and then I must eat more. I need to stay full to the brim, so that I am not tempted by that seemingly tasty food elsewhere. I know that other food may look good, smell good and even taste delighted, but that is only for the moment fir in truth it is poison which will permeate my being until death overtakes me. The Word of God brings life to my bones, to my soul, and to my spirit. It feeds the very core of my being, my mind, the central place both temptation and understanding. Within my mind is the basics of my character, it is who I am, what makes me different from others, at least within the flesh. It may well be my spirit within the spiritual realm which differentiates me from other, but here I live in my body, my brain, my thoughts and feelings, my desires and my passions. Here is where understanding wisdom must begin; here is where I must fill up with the Word of God. The Word is the finest dining ever.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Waiting Daily
Prov 8:32-36
32 "Now then, my sons, listen to me; blessed are those who keep my ways. 33 Listen to my instruction and be wise; do not ignore it. 34 Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. 35 For whoever finds me finds life and receives favor from the LORD. 36 But whoever fails to find me harms himself; all who hate me love death."
Is this not about seeking out the truth of God each and every day? Am I not to wait at his doorway instead of that wayward wife, the world? I need to watch daily for some sort of instruction from my God. I cannot just live my life as though I have read a portion or even all the Bible once and hear some sermon weekly and think I am waiting at his doorway. It is a daily watching for his instruction. It is each and every day that I must wait at his door and listen carefully for his words of wisdom. It is not about just calling myself a Christian and trying to abide by some set of rules, some do’s and don’ts, but it is listening and hearing from his wisdom each and every day I arise from my slumber. Sure I need to mediate on that wisdom all throughout my daily activities, but unless I first hear from him, what am I do mediate on? Can I rely on what I heard days ago, weeks ago, or months, and yes maybe even years ago? I think those this are valuable to store up within me, but here I am encouraged, no commanded to watch daily at his doorway, to listen to him. By this I will truly find life and favor from God. That is an extra bonus, this favor, for life is surely a blessing in and of itself. I would much rather chose life over death anytime, which is certainly the fate of those who not only hate God but oppose him and his ways openly, denying his existence and creative power. I cannot ignore his words, his wisdom, I cannot not listen daily to him, nor wait each and every day at his doorway. I need him in my life more than anything else. But not only is life mine, but I have been incredibly favored by my God. He has blessed me beyond my wildest expectations. Who would of thought that I could ever write books, or even these devotions, with the insights which I have been given? Surely not I. Who would have every thought I would be preaching his word to other believers, encouraging them in their walk with God? Surely not I. I am but blessed and honored to be useful to my Lord, for that is favor enough for me, but yet he have shown me favor in so many ways it would be difficult to enumerate. I will continue to be waiting daily.
Prov 8:32-36
32 "Now then, my sons, listen to me; blessed are those who keep my ways. 33 Listen to my instruction and be wise; do not ignore it. 34 Blessed is the man who listens to me, watching daily at my doors, waiting at my doorway. 35 For whoever finds me finds life and receives favor from the LORD. 36 But whoever fails to find me harms himself; all who hate me love death."
Is this not about seeking out the truth of God each and every day? Am I not to wait at his doorway instead of that wayward wife, the world? I need to watch daily for some sort of instruction from my God. I cannot just live my life as though I have read a portion or even all the Bible once and hear some sermon weekly and think I am waiting at his doorway. It is a daily watching for his instruction. It is each and every day that I must wait at his door and listen carefully for his words of wisdom. It is not about just calling myself a Christian and trying to abide by some set of rules, some do’s and don’ts, but it is listening and hearing from his wisdom each and every day I arise from my slumber. Sure I need to mediate on that wisdom all throughout my daily activities, but unless I first hear from him, what am I do mediate on? Can I rely on what I heard days ago, weeks ago, or months, and yes maybe even years ago? I think those this are valuable to store up within me, but here I am encouraged, no commanded to watch daily at his doorway, to listen to him. By this I will truly find life and favor from God. That is an extra bonus, this favor, for life is surely a blessing in and of itself. I would much rather chose life over death anytime, which is certainly the fate of those who not only hate God but oppose him and his ways openly, denying his existence and creative power. I cannot ignore his words, his wisdom, I cannot not listen daily to him, nor wait each and every day at his doorway. I need him in my life more than anything else. But not only is life mine, but I have been incredibly favored by my God. He has blessed me beyond my wildest expectations. Who would of thought that I could ever write books, or even these devotions, with the insights which I have been given? Surely not I. Who would have every thought I would be preaching his word to other believers, encouraging them in their walk with God? Surely not I. I am but blessed and honored to be useful to my Lord, for that is favor enough for me, but yet he have shown me favor in so many ways it would be difficult to enumerate. I will continue to be waiting daily.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Rejoice and Delight
Prov 8:22-31
22 "The LORD brought me forth as the first of his works, before his deeds of old; 23 I was appointed from eternity, from the beginning, before the world began. 24 When there were no oceans, I was given birth, when there were no springs abounding with water; 25 before the mountains were settled in place, before the hills, I was given birth, 26 before he made the earth or its fields or any of the dust of the world. 27 I was there when he set the heavens in place, when he marked out the horizon on the face of the deep, 28 when he established the clouds above and fixed securely the fountains of the deep, 29 when he gave the sea its boundary so the waters would not overstep his command, and when he marked out the foundations of the earth. 30 Then I was the craftsman at his side. I was filled with delight day after day, rejoicing always in his presence, 31 rejoicing in his whole world and delighting in mankind.
Although I mentioned it not yesterday it surely is clear in this section that wisdom, true wisdom lies squarely in the person of Christ. It does raise the question as to just when was Christ born. I have no problem with God always being, not having a beginning and never to have an end, simply because he is God, but want about the Holy Spirit and Jesus. Did they always exist also? It would appear from this section that the Lord brought him forth as the first of his works, even before his deeds of old, before he started creation. It does say that his Spirit was hovering over the waters, although it is more correctly translated juice. That is a whole study in and of itself and I need to stay focused on the face that wisdom, Jesus was his first works and that all that is and will ever be is because God created it. How futile man’s thinking is to even consider that he has any real abilities to make anything. Well we all make some kind of material things, but from what God created in the first place, as well as with the intelligence he has designed within us. I think if Jesus rejoiced in his whole world, and delighted in mankind, who am I not to do the same? I surely should be filled with delight day after day always in his presence. How could I ever not be delighted? I have life and I have it abundantly, because I know Christ. I have the very word of God to instruct me, to guide my thoughts, and my actions. I have the presence of his Holy Spirit dwelling within me to keep me safe, as his guarantee of my salvation. How could I not delight in that? When I step outside and see the wonders of his creation, how could I not rejoice? Even when it rains, or snows and the wind blows I know it is God’s plan for his creation. Nothing in this world is without his signature, except of course the evil that man has devised. But all of the Earth itself is his handy work, sure we have moved some of it around, we have planted where things have not been, and uprooted where things were, but still all that is his. We have designed wonderful spaces with his designs, but they are his designs. How could I not be forever thankful, grateful, delighting and rejoicing in all that he has created, including all of mankind? Now there is a whole trip in itself. I should rejoice because of all peoples on the earth, because they are his creation. Let me just rejoice because of him for now.
Prov 8:22-31
22 "The LORD brought me forth as the first of his works, before his deeds of old; 23 I was appointed from eternity, from the beginning, before the world began. 24 When there were no oceans, I was given birth, when there were no springs abounding with water; 25 before the mountains were settled in place, before the hills, I was given birth, 26 before he made the earth or its fields or any of the dust of the world. 27 I was there when he set the heavens in place, when he marked out the horizon on the face of the deep, 28 when he established the clouds above and fixed securely the fountains of the deep, 29 when he gave the sea its boundary so the waters would not overstep his command, and when he marked out the foundations of the earth. 30 Then I was the craftsman at his side. I was filled with delight day after day, rejoicing always in his presence, 31 rejoicing in his whole world and delighting in mankind.
Although I mentioned it not yesterday it surely is clear in this section that wisdom, true wisdom lies squarely in the person of Christ. It does raise the question as to just when was Christ born. I have no problem with God always being, not having a beginning and never to have an end, simply because he is God, but want about the Holy Spirit and Jesus. Did they always exist also? It would appear from this section that the Lord brought him forth as the first of his works, even before his deeds of old, before he started creation. It does say that his Spirit was hovering over the waters, although it is more correctly translated juice. That is a whole study in and of itself and I need to stay focused on the face that wisdom, Jesus was his first works and that all that is and will ever be is because God created it. How futile man’s thinking is to even consider that he has any real abilities to make anything. Well we all make some kind of material things, but from what God created in the first place, as well as with the intelligence he has designed within us. I think if Jesus rejoiced in his whole world, and delighted in mankind, who am I not to do the same? I surely should be filled with delight day after day always in his presence. How could I ever not be delighted? I have life and I have it abundantly, because I know Christ. I have the very word of God to instruct me, to guide my thoughts, and my actions. I have the presence of his Holy Spirit dwelling within me to keep me safe, as his guarantee of my salvation. How could I not delight in that? When I step outside and see the wonders of his creation, how could I not rejoice? Even when it rains, or snows and the wind blows I know it is God’s plan for his creation. Nothing in this world is without his signature, except of course the evil that man has devised. But all of the Earth itself is his handy work, sure we have moved some of it around, we have planted where things have not been, and uprooted where things were, but still all that is his. We have designed wonderful spaces with his designs, but they are his designs. How could I not be forever thankful, grateful, delighting and rejoicing in all that he has created, including all of mankind? Now there is a whole trip in itself. I should rejoice because of all peoples on the earth, because they are his creation. Let me just rejoice because of him for now.
Monday, November 7, 2011
A Full Treasury
Prov 8:12-21
12 "I, wisdom, dwell together with prudence; I possess knowledge and discretion. 13 To fear the LORD is to hate evil;I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech. 14 Counsel and sound judgment are mine; I have understanding and power. 15 By me kings reign and rulers make laws that are just; 16 by me princes govern, and all nobles who rule on earth. 17 I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me. 18 With me are riches and honor, enduring wealth and prosperity. 19 My fruit is better than fine gold; what I yield surpasses choice silver. 20 I walk in the way of righteousness, along the paths of justice, 21 bestowing wealth on those who love me and making their treasuries full.
I not sure it can be said any clearer than this. It is either God’s way or the highway. I am so glad I have chosen God’s way, which I have determined to gain wisdom, his wisdom rather than take any counsel from the world. I think it is not only evil, prideful and arrogant to think I know more or a better way than God, it is just plain foolish and stupid. If I did not have God directing my life and I were out here all on my own, I am absolutely sure I would not be making sound judgments. Sure, according to those who are not believers, I am not making a very sound judgment by trusting in God, but then they without true wisdom and understanding. I know why, yet I have a difficultly in understanding why people would not seek him. He is not really hiding to make him hard to find, or I would have never found him. I am so glad he loves me and bestows upon me his riches and honor and enduring wealth. Oh sure, the wealth of the world might make it possible to self-indulge in material things and physical pleasures, but that is not enduring. As quickly as that can be gained it can be lost. It is at best temporary. The worst part about the wealth of the world is it deceives a person into thinking it has value, that it is something to pursue and it can become a treasure of sorts and thus be the object of a person’s heart rather than God being that treasure. Here is it, right up front, the fruit of God’s wisdom is better than fine gold and it yields far more than choice silver. I can’t think of any better way to say that myself. Why believers are so preoccupied with money is beyond me, when they should be preoccupied with God. The really truth of the matter is in setting my heart on God, and finding that path of righteousness, God actually makes me rich, sure maybe not super wealthy in the worlds sense, but I have a wealth far beyond any amount the world could offer. Yet still as far as this physical realm is concerned I really do not lack very much either. I enjoy the comfort of a fine home, good cars, clothes to wear and great food to eat. I have the enjoyment and pleasure of a wonderful wife, with great daughters and granddaughters who all love the lord. How much more wealth could I need. My treasury is full.
Prov 8:12-21
12 "I, wisdom, dwell together with prudence; I possess knowledge and discretion. 13 To fear the LORD is to hate evil;I hate pride and arrogance, evil behavior and perverse speech. 14 Counsel and sound judgment are mine; I have understanding and power. 15 By me kings reign and rulers make laws that are just; 16 by me princes govern, and all nobles who rule on earth. 17 I love those who love me, and those who seek me find me. 18 With me are riches and honor, enduring wealth and prosperity. 19 My fruit is better than fine gold; what I yield surpasses choice silver. 20 I walk in the way of righteousness, along the paths of justice, 21 bestowing wealth on those who love me and making their treasuries full.
I not sure it can be said any clearer than this. It is either God’s way or the highway. I am so glad I have chosen God’s way, which I have determined to gain wisdom, his wisdom rather than take any counsel from the world. I think it is not only evil, prideful and arrogant to think I know more or a better way than God, it is just plain foolish and stupid. If I did not have God directing my life and I were out here all on my own, I am absolutely sure I would not be making sound judgments. Sure, according to those who are not believers, I am not making a very sound judgment by trusting in God, but then they without true wisdom and understanding. I know why, yet I have a difficultly in understanding why people would not seek him. He is not really hiding to make him hard to find, or I would have never found him. I am so glad he loves me and bestows upon me his riches and honor and enduring wealth. Oh sure, the wealth of the world might make it possible to self-indulge in material things and physical pleasures, but that is not enduring. As quickly as that can be gained it can be lost. It is at best temporary. The worst part about the wealth of the world is it deceives a person into thinking it has value, that it is something to pursue and it can become a treasure of sorts and thus be the object of a person’s heart rather than God being that treasure. Here is it, right up front, the fruit of God’s wisdom is better than fine gold and it yields far more than choice silver. I can’t think of any better way to say that myself. Why believers are so preoccupied with money is beyond me, when they should be preoccupied with God. The really truth of the matter is in setting my heart on God, and finding that path of righteousness, God actually makes me rich, sure maybe not super wealthy in the worlds sense, but I have a wealth far beyond any amount the world could offer. Yet still as far as this physical realm is concerned I really do not lack very much either. I enjoy the comfort of a fine home, good cars, clothes to wear and great food to eat. I have the enjoyment and pleasure of a wonderful wife, with great daughters and granddaughters who all love the lord. How much more wealth could I need. My treasury is full.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Voice of God
Prov 8:1-11
Does not wisdom call out? Does not understanding raise her voice? 2 On the heights along the way, where the paths meet, she takes her stand; 3 beside the gates leading into the city, at the entrances, she cries aloud: 4 "To you, O men, I call out; I raise my voice to all mankind. 5 You who are simple, gain prudence; you who are foolish, gain understanding. 6 Listen, for I have worthy things to say; I open my lips to speak what is right. 7 My mouth speaks what is true, for my lips detest wickedness. 8 All the words of my mouth are just; none of them is crooked or perverse. 9 To the discerning all of them are right; they are faultless to those who have knowledge. 10 Choose my instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold, 11 for wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her.
I just saw in chapter seven how the world tries to lure me into her house in the leaving of light, but here I see wisdom and understanding, I see God calling from the heights and the way, at the intersections of life, right there at the gate. Yes, God has called out loud for me to come in his direction, and to leave the direction of the world. I am to live according to his simply truths. The world surely makes every attempt to discredit the Word of God. Many of the non-believers I know make statements like, “The Bible was just written by men” or “Paul was a sexist” or some other dumb remakes which endeavor to refute it was God. I understand how the luring words of the world appeal to people. But God calls doing the day, out in the open with truth and with life, but some would rather stay in the dark and die. The world has perverted the Word of God so people can feel good about themselves while pursuing material gain. It is perverse to think I could chase after gold and silver and still follow God. How could I even think I could store up money and wisdom at the same time? I cannot go down her street and still listen to the voice of God. All the words of the world are false but the words of God are faultless. I do not know how some believers have been so deceived into thinking it is alright to invest, to save, to store up money for they personal use in old age, and think that is Gods way. I had to make a choice; I had to choose Gods instruction instead of silver. I had to choose his knowledge instead of gold; I had to choose his wisdom instead of rubies. How clear can that be? Why are so many deceived? What is the problem? I am almost laughed at, or told I am wrong, when I bring this kind of teaching to other believers. Can I be the only one who sees this? I surely would not think so, but it is hard to find someone who agrees with this teaching. But I have decided not to chase after the worlds way, but to listen to the voice of God.
Prov 8:1-11
Does not wisdom call out? Does not understanding raise her voice? 2 On the heights along the way, where the paths meet, she takes her stand; 3 beside the gates leading into the city, at the entrances, she cries aloud: 4 "To you, O men, I call out; I raise my voice to all mankind. 5 You who are simple, gain prudence; you who are foolish, gain understanding. 6 Listen, for I have worthy things to say; I open my lips to speak what is right. 7 My mouth speaks what is true, for my lips detest wickedness. 8 All the words of my mouth are just; none of them is crooked or perverse. 9 To the discerning all of them are right; they are faultless to those who have knowledge. 10 Choose my instruction instead of silver, knowledge rather than choice gold, 11 for wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire can compare with her.
I just saw in chapter seven how the world tries to lure me into her house in the leaving of light, but here I see wisdom and understanding, I see God calling from the heights and the way, at the intersections of life, right there at the gate. Yes, God has called out loud for me to come in his direction, and to leave the direction of the world. I am to live according to his simply truths. The world surely makes every attempt to discredit the Word of God. Many of the non-believers I know make statements like, “The Bible was just written by men” or “Paul was a sexist” or some other dumb remakes which endeavor to refute it was God. I understand how the luring words of the world appeal to people. But God calls doing the day, out in the open with truth and with life, but some would rather stay in the dark and die. The world has perverted the Word of God so people can feel good about themselves while pursuing material gain. It is perverse to think I could chase after gold and silver and still follow God. How could I even think I could store up money and wisdom at the same time? I cannot go down her street and still listen to the voice of God. All the words of the world are false but the words of God are faultless. I do not know how some believers have been so deceived into thinking it is alright to invest, to save, to store up money for they personal use in old age, and think that is Gods way. I had to make a choice; I had to choose Gods instruction instead of silver. I had to choose his knowledge instead of gold; I had to choose his wisdom instead of rubies. How clear can that be? Why are so many deceived? What is the problem? I am almost laughed at, or told I am wrong, when I bring this kind of teaching to other believers. Can I be the only one who sees this? I surely would not think so, but it is hard to find someone who agrees with this teaching. But I have decided not to chase after the worlds way, but to listen to the voice of God.
Saturday, November 5, 2011
My Choice
Prov 7:10-20
10 Then out came a woman to meet him, dressed like a prostitute and with crafty intent. 11(She is loud and defiant, her feet never stay at home; 12 now in the street, now in the squares, at every corner she lurks.) 13 She took hold of him and kissed him and with a brazen face she said: 14 "I have fellowship offerings at home; today I fulfilled my vows. 15 So I came out to meet you; I looked for you and have found you! 16 I have covered my bed with colored linens from Egypt. 17 I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes and cinnamon. 18 Come, let's drink deep of love till morning; let's enjoy ourselves with love! 19 My husband is not at home; he has gone on a long journey. 20 He took his purse filled with money and will not be home till full moon."
The continuing story about the young man, the youth, the new born believers, the immature believer no matter of any amount of time they have spent believing, is laid out here. The importance here is to see how the world lays out traps; even the trap of saying it has devised a way to bring peace between me and God. That would be the religious world, which would say that, it would be those trappings disguised within those denominational rules and regulations which cry out “I have fellowship offerings at home” which is to say, “ I have ways to make peace with God”. The world sets it trap and the immature believer falls head over heels in love with her ways because she, the world has established a setting, a false sense of security in which a believers think he can have peace with God while all the time being engaged with this wayward world and all its pleasures. Oh sure do I enjoy my coffee, my chocolate, my model railroad, my golf game, my home, car, and others nice things? Yes, but that is not the pursuit of my life, my goals, my ambitions, or my focus and reason for what I do what I do. I desire not to spend my life in the pursuit of personal pleasure for the sake of personal pleasure. I have not engaged in the storage of material wealth for the purpose of long term personal use. The world’s way lead only to the path of personal destruction. The world wants to embrace me, make love to me, and drain me of all that I am, with its false promise of enjoyment. The world, even some houses claiming to be God’s try to convince me Jesus has gone away and will not return for many years, so live it up, I have time to enjoy myself and when I am old and feeble ready to face death, I still have time to actually make it right with God. But alas, that is not truth, I need to be ready at all time. Can I still enjoy my coffee, my railroad, my golf and some of those other things? God has provided them for me to have, but my focus is serving him, to write, to teach, to preach his word to others, to be useful to his kingdom as he see fit how to use me, when and where, in his timing and place. I dare not run ahead nor lag behind, but walk beside him as he leads the way. No, way world, I do not love you nor will I allow you to persuade me that you actually love me. I know you are full of tricks and ways to actually destroy me, to bring me to death. You will fail, God will win! It is my choice.
Prov 7:10-20
10 Then out came a woman to meet him, dressed like a prostitute and with crafty intent. 11(She is loud and defiant, her feet never stay at home; 12 now in the street, now in the squares, at every corner she lurks.) 13 She took hold of him and kissed him and with a brazen face she said: 14 "I have fellowship offerings at home; today I fulfilled my vows. 15 So I came out to meet you; I looked for you and have found you! 16 I have covered my bed with colored linens from Egypt. 17 I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes and cinnamon. 18 Come, let's drink deep of love till morning; let's enjoy ourselves with love! 19 My husband is not at home; he has gone on a long journey. 20 He took his purse filled with money and will not be home till full moon."
The continuing story about the young man, the youth, the new born believers, the immature believer no matter of any amount of time they have spent believing, is laid out here. The importance here is to see how the world lays out traps; even the trap of saying it has devised a way to bring peace between me and God. That would be the religious world, which would say that, it would be those trappings disguised within those denominational rules and regulations which cry out “I have fellowship offerings at home” which is to say, “ I have ways to make peace with God”. The world sets it trap and the immature believer falls head over heels in love with her ways because she, the world has established a setting, a false sense of security in which a believers think he can have peace with God while all the time being engaged with this wayward world and all its pleasures. Oh sure do I enjoy my coffee, my chocolate, my model railroad, my golf game, my home, car, and others nice things? Yes, but that is not the pursuit of my life, my goals, my ambitions, or my focus and reason for what I do what I do. I desire not to spend my life in the pursuit of personal pleasure for the sake of personal pleasure. I have not engaged in the storage of material wealth for the purpose of long term personal use. The world’s way lead only to the path of personal destruction. The world wants to embrace me, make love to me, and drain me of all that I am, with its false promise of enjoyment. The world, even some houses claiming to be God’s try to convince me Jesus has gone away and will not return for many years, so live it up, I have time to enjoy myself and when I am old and feeble ready to face death, I still have time to actually make it right with God. But alas, that is not truth, I need to be ready at all time. Can I still enjoy my coffee, my railroad, my golf and some of those other things? God has provided them for me to have, but my focus is serving him, to write, to teach, to preach his word to others, to be useful to his kingdom as he see fit how to use me, when and where, in his timing and place. I dare not run ahead nor lag behind, but walk beside him as he leads the way. No, way world, I do not love you nor will I allow you to persuade me that you actually love me. I know you are full of tricks and ways to actually destroy me, to bring me to death. You will fail, God will win! It is my choice.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
No Standing, No Stopping, No Parking
Prov 7:6-9
6 At the window of my house I looked out through the lattice. 7 I saw among the simple, I noticed among the young men, a youth who lacked judgment. 8 He was going down the street near her corner, walking along in the direction of her house 9 at twilight, as the day was fading, as the dark of night set in.
The beginning of a longer story about this youth and a woman of the night starts here. I cannot include the whole story at once, but I feel I should first deal with this youth, this young man who lacks judgment. Is this not the story of a new born believer who still has so much to learn about the ways of God? Is this not the story of an immature believer who has yet to gain wisdom and understanding regardless of age, in the physical as well in the spiritual realm? Is this not the story of seeing just how close to the ways of the world a believer can get and still be a believer? I see this story playing out not for the good of the believer. It seems so clear for the need to stay clear of that corner. It seems way too clear I should avoid even walking along in the direction of her house. How more clearly can it be that a believer endeavors to hide any movement in the direction of her house in the fading of light? If I lack wisdom and understanding I need only ask God, but that is because I know I lack it. The youth do not even know it. They lack the judgment to know how to find wisdom and understanding. I don’t think it matters how long I have been a Christian, as far as having judgment. I think it matters how one decides to seek after the ways of God or to stray down that street close to the ways of the world. I think only an immature believer would think they could get that close without getting drawn into her trap. Yet I think it is possible I could let down my guard and find myself strolling in that direction. It is not easy to keep away from the ways of the world. It requires strength and determination to stay clear. It requires dedication to God, his word, his ways. There is no question that his ways are not the ways of the world. Why would I even what to get close to her, she is bad for me, she is evil she will bring death to my life. No I am not a youth, I am not an immature believer, I know the location of wisdom and understanding and I need but hang around that house, the house of the Lord. No standing, no stopping, no parking on her corner.
Prov 7:6-9
6 At the window of my house I looked out through the lattice. 7 I saw among the simple, I noticed among the young men, a youth who lacked judgment. 8 He was going down the street near her corner, walking along in the direction of her house 9 at twilight, as the day was fading, as the dark of night set in.
The beginning of a longer story about this youth and a woman of the night starts here. I cannot include the whole story at once, but I feel I should first deal with this youth, this young man who lacks judgment. Is this not the story of a new born believer who still has so much to learn about the ways of God? Is this not the story of an immature believer who has yet to gain wisdom and understanding regardless of age, in the physical as well in the spiritual realm? Is this not the story of seeing just how close to the ways of the world a believer can get and still be a believer? I see this story playing out not for the good of the believer. It seems so clear for the need to stay clear of that corner. It seems way too clear I should avoid even walking along in the direction of her house. How more clearly can it be that a believer endeavors to hide any movement in the direction of her house in the fading of light? If I lack wisdom and understanding I need only ask God, but that is because I know I lack it. The youth do not even know it. They lack the judgment to know how to find wisdom and understanding. I don’t think it matters how long I have been a Christian, as far as having judgment. I think it matters how one decides to seek after the ways of God or to stray down that street close to the ways of the world. I think only an immature believer would think they could get that close without getting drawn into her trap. Yet I think it is possible I could let down my guard and find myself strolling in that direction. It is not easy to keep away from the ways of the world. It requires strength and determination to stay clear. It requires dedication to God, his word, his ways. There is no question that his ways are not the ways of the world. Why would I even what to get close to her, she is bad for me, she is evil she will bring death to my life. No I am not a youth, I am not an immature believer, I know the location of wisdom and understanding and I need but hang around that house, the house of the Lord. No standing, no stopping, no parking on her corner.
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