Saturday, July 16, 2011

Sticking With God

1 Tim 6:17-18
17 Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.
Well there it is, right out in the open. Of course being rich is all relative. To those who have great wealth, I am poor, but to those who are of extreme poverty I am rich, especially when I consider the whole world, and not just my little corner. But I think the truth of this command is that no matter how much wealth a person has ,whether that be somewhat or an over abundance, putting trust in that wealth is foolishness. When the word of God says that trusting in wealth is so uncertain, I understand it completely. If I had such an abundance of money I gave some of it to someone who says they will give it back to me with an increase, I have to trust them. That is the way of the stock market. Giving money in hopes of getting more back from who I gave it to is the way it is. This word investing is simply made up to make it sound good. I know I hear people say money can’t buy happiness, but nothing is in second place. God is in first, second, and to infinity place as far as happiness goes. Sure, money affords things. Sure it helps to have it to get along in this world. I have to pay the mortgage, the utilities, food, clothing, gas for the cars, and other stuff. Yes, it takes money to do that, and sometimes I am a little close to not getting it all paid. I do not have an abundance of money for the setting I am in, in the country I was place in by God, in the city I was directed to by God, in the house I was lead to by God. I also do not have the drive to obtain that kind of abundance either. Is that God also? I trust him to provide for me and my family as he promised he would and has so far. So I have no reason to doubt he would ever not provide me with everything for my enjoyment. Wealth can be such and illusive thing, especially when I have given, invested it, to company. I could have much one day and then that company could just fold up, and tell me all my money is gone. There is no certainty that could not happen, why in the world would I want to put my trust in that? It is another thing to give money away with the understanding that maybe it will be paid back, but if it isn’t no big deal. That is not putting trust in it. I could do that if I had that much of it. But I do not think I could invest money in companies, especially when they are owned by ungodly people. To me that is being yoked with an unbeliever. To me that is partnering with the devil and that is simply unacceptable. No, I am sticking with God.

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