Friday, January 7, 2011


Gal 3:26-27
26 You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, 27 for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. NIV
Every day when I get up I cloth myself with some article from my closet which gives me a certain appearance others can see. Sometimes I put on some dirty ole thing which I have worn a couple of days before, just to get to the kitchen and make the morning coffee. Then there are times I get dressed for work, nice clothes so others think I look fairly good. When I go to the Kroger and shop I see all sorts of outer appearances and even more when I journey over to the Super Walmart. I do think I might even do a little judging about those people based on the cloths they are wearing. I know that is not a good thing, and God even tells me I do that, but he sees their heart. It is impossible to look past the outer appearance at times and that is what I am seeing in these two verses. I am a son of God and as such I have gotten up from being dead and have clothed myself with Christ. Each morning when I raise from my bed I already have all the clothes I need for the day. Sure I have to put on the garments, but I think maybe when people see me they should not be seeing the cloth hanging on my outside, but should be seeing Christ. But I think that may not always be the case. Sometimes they might see some dirty ole something which I worn a couple of days ago. If my eyes are a window to my soul, they should be able to see Christ at all times. I have to ask myself if I allow some of that old stuff out instead. Those attitudes of the past, those thoughts and reactions of a person from long, long ago. Why does that happen? I hate it when I am not allowing Christ to be seen. Why do I keep sneaking up in my appearance to others, especially those I love the most? If anything they are the ones who should be seeing Christ instead of me. I preach it, but sometimes I don’t practice it. If I am clothed with Christ than I should let him be seen in my appearance, my attitude, my thoughts, my actions and reactions to all and even my face should show him. I know that is the truth. I am a child of God, a son of God, and I am clothed with Christ.

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