Monday, January 31, 2011


Gal 6:2
2 Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.
From birth I was always taught, maybe not in words but in deeds, to be independent. Maybe even in words as well, when I think back. Stand on your own two feet; do not depend on anyone other than yourself. Other people will always let you down. If you give one of them an inch they will take a mile. Guard yourself, keep them at a distance, if they get to close they will hurt you. I am an island and an island never cries. All of that was deep within me for so many years that when I accept Christ I knew all that had to change and this verse surely speaks directly to that situation. Yet I am not sure I have changed as much as I should. If I am truly open and transparent then it would be easy for someone else to carry my burdens. How can they carry them if they are not able to know what they are? Likewise, I can I carry they burdens if they are not open with me, or I am so self absorbed I am not hearing, seeing or discerning their burden. Maybe I think they are too busy with their own life, they do not have time for me. Maybe they think the same about me. Could it be I simply do not trust them enough to be that open and expose my weaknesses to them? Maybe that is why they are not that open with me, not trusting me enough. How can I carry their burdens if I simply don’t care or love them enough, yet that is the law of Christ? Love your neighbor as yourself would certainly be the key to carrying each other’s burdens. Yet I am not sure how that would look like. If I am carrying their burden and they mine, then we both still have a heavy load to bear. To what advantage does this serve? Maybe the idea of being yoked together with my fellow believers bears dome truth in this idea. As those team of oxen are yoked so as to pull the load equally together, sharing the common load, I and my fellow believers being yoked by the bond of love carry the common load of living a Christian life as a team. It is a team effort, I cannot stand alone, I must be a member of the team, the body of Christ, serving others as they serve me. Am I fulfilling that? Am I a member of the team?

Sunday, January 30, 2011


Gal 6:1
6:1 Brothers, if someone is caught in a sin, you who are spiritual should restore him gently. But watch yourself, or you also may be tempted.
I pray I never catch anyone in sin. But then I am assuming I am one of those who would be the spiritual. Yet still I am aware that within the body I think all too often we shoot out wounded rather than heal them. I have witnessed some of my fellow church goers’ exhibit distain and contempt for a brother who was catch in sin. I am glad I did not but in fact did extent a hand to him and be a part of his restoration. This requires a repented spirit on the part of the one catch in sin. The rub here is how much sin goes on without being catch. Why would I hide my sin? Why would I not want to be catch? Is that pride? Is it the need or desire to continue in my sin without having to repent and be stored? What kind of sin is being talked about here? Is this just sensual misconduct or immoral behavior? Or does this include sins like gossip, greed, selfishness, fits of rage, impatience, unkindness, being rude, critical, self righteous, self centeredness, prideful, uncompassionate, and stubborn, just to name a few? Would I be willing to admit to any one these in the company of my fellow believers? Do I trust them enough not to reject me and cast me out, give me the cold shoulder, ignore me and refuse to continue to love me? Oh sure, I always say I am not perfect, that I still fail God, I still have sin to deal with, but I do not announce the individual sins looking for their gentle love and help for I fear that would not be the case. Now I also have to be in that fame of spiritual love toward them and accept who they are and continue to love them in their imperfect state of being. But this being caught thing still troubles me. Unless a member of the body is exposed by some bizarre circumstances, no one is ever caught. Who is ever caught being rude or selfish? Who is ever caught in gossip? I think we just go on or join in. This is so simply yet so complex. God makes it simple, we make it complex. If everyone else is gossiping than is it alright for me to join in? That would not work. Situational ethics is not acceptable within the body of Christ. I must be ever aware to live with love, and to live as close to God as I can. To be open and transparent with my brothers in Christ and be the man God desires me to be, being served and serving, being loved and loving, being restored and restoring.

Saturday, January 29, 2011


Gal 5:24-26
25 Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. 26 Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.
When I think of keeping in step I think of those years I spent in the Army. I was in need of not only keeping in step with the cadence that was being called out, but with all the others who were attempting the same feat. So here I am trying to keep in step with the cadence the Spirit calls out alone with all my fellow believers. This has to once again imply the giving up of all selfish ideas whenever another is in need of my time, energy, or resources. I think that would be every moment of my life for when is some else not in need? How can I do that? I would not have any time for caring for my own family, providing for even the basic needs of my own life. Maybe this speaks more to the issue of the normal interactions of living in the body of Christ. That is, not hurting others, in the course of living my own life. I should be the type of person who encourages others, having the qualities of the Spirit, the fruit, so that others may enjoy them when they are near me. Certainly I should not think more of myself then I do of them, that would be conceited and just I fear that alone would provoke them. But then maybe my conceit would only provoke them because of their conceit. Either way I need to be more in step with the Spirit. It is not about them, but about me. I cannot change another person, although I can encourage them, instruct them, preach to them, be an example to them, I cannot make them change, I can only do that in my life. I am then only one I can change and I am then only one who I can make sure is in step with the Spirit. As I endeavor to keep in step I am sure the result of being in community will be in step also. I believe that is the goal of all my fellow believers and thus we will be working together for the same goal, the Kingdom of God. As I keep in step with the Spirit I know his focus, his cadence is directing me toward the Kingdom. If I am hearing his voice I will be in not be conceited, or provoke or envy any other member of the Army of God. I think I have some more practice marching to do.

Friday, January 28, 2011


Gal 5:23
24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires.
It sure does not leave any wiggle room at all for my sinful nature. In fact that nature has to be nailed to a cross and die. What else can be said, except it is dead? If I belong to Christ Jesus there is no other way, and I do belong to him. To crucify the sinful nature requires the extinguishing anything worldly which would have an influence on me and for a longing of anything which is forbidden. That is the meaning of those Greek words translated to passions and desires. So often I think my fellow believers pay much attention to only part the sensual behavior or immoral conduct which is not to be a part of a Christian’s life, but pay little to any attention of the extinguishing of desires for worldly things. I do believe this is also a call to reject the desire for material gain, not the material gain in itself, but the desire for it. I have much gain, but I have to acknowledge God has supplied that gain, not I. Do I look at stuff and think how nice it would be to have? There are times when certain things do draw my attention and I wonder what it would be like to have. But if I have crucified that nature with all its weakness to be influenced and with all its desires or lusts for that which is forbidden, those moments are just that, moments and not a way of life. I do not spend the efforts of my life in pursuit of them. That may well be at the center of this verse. What does influence my efforts, my energies, and my direction of life? What do I long for? Is it the world and all it has to offer, fame, power, success, position, wealth and death or is it Christ and all he has to offer, the incomparable riches of his Glory and eternal life? This just has to be a no brainer. Let’s see death of life. I choose life and life more abundantly. This life I live may not be considered by the world as being ambitious, striving for as much as I can get, but it is my life and I know the outcome of the choice I made. No, I shall not remove my old nature from that cross, it will remain crucified.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Bearing Fruit

Gal 5:22-24
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.
It does all boil down to bearing fruit. The result of walking, living, step by step with the Spirit is the behaviors which are listed here. I am always amazed when I refer to the Greek and explore the definitions of those words. If I am walking with the Spirit I will experience a love feast. I will be prosperous in my spirit and have moral excellence or demeanor. There will be virtue within me. I will have a solid conviction regarding my belief in the Son of God. I will have a true sense of humility and will be able to control my own self. These traits are not something God simply gives, but I must bear them as a tree bears its fruit. They grow on me as a result of my roots being deep into the stream of living waters, and my branches spread out soaking up the rays of the Son. I think one of the great truths which was revealed to me was this fruit which I must bear is not for the benefit of myself but rather for the benefit of others who can come along and pick and enjoy the fruit I bear. This carries with it a tremendous responsibility. If I am to be an active member in the body of Christ I am obligated to grow into a strong mature fruit bearing tree. I need to be a person who as a result of the Spirit dwelling within me exhibits those qualities of character so others may receive the benefit of them. It truly requires me to deny my own self and selfish ambitions. I should even not think that by my bearing this fruit others will think well of me, but rather they should think well of Jesus. This is by far a difficult task. It does require effort on my part. An effort to give in to the Spirit because he is a gentleman and does not force his will upon me and make me bear this fruit. I need to submit to his work within me. I must be the one who sends my roots into the word. I must be the one who spreads out my mind, my spirit and soaks up the truth from God, listening to his still small voice instead of the screaming sounds of the world and of my own self. It is my decision to allow him to bring about change in me. I would think after all these years I would have had all the change which is required and I would have all of the fruit in fullness for others to enjoy. But, alas, I still need more change; I cannot lie to myself and deceive myself of my perfection. But I do thank God for all he has done for me and for all he is doing in me and for those things he does through me, even in my imperfect state. I do need more of the Spirit so I will bear more fruit.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Gal 5:16-18
16 So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. 17 For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want. 18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under law.
That certainly sounds easy enough. So then if I gratify just one desire of the sinful nature does that mean I am not living by the Spirit? If I am selfish just once in awhile does that mean I am not living by the Spirit? How can this be? If the Spirit and my sinful nature are in conflict with each other, there is no doubt a war wages on within me. How do I justify my actions and responses, my behavior when it is conflict with the Spirit? I cannot. The Spirit desires I live in one way and my sinful nature desires I live another way. I think the key here is I do desire to live by the Spirit rather than by my sinful nature. I used to simply not even be aware there was a Spirit and thus lived to the fullest by my sinful nature. But since I became aware of God and experienced him in my life and accepted Christ as my Savior and received the gift of the Spirit who dwells within and leads me in paths of righteousness I no longer live to the fullest of my sinful nature. Now do I still sin? I have to yes to that, I cannot lie to God or to my own self. I cannot deceive myself into believing I have become a perfect man because I desire to be led by the Spirit rather than by my sinful nature. So then I have to accept the portion of scripture which states I do not do what I want to do. I do not live a perfect life. I cannot live a perfect life. I want to but it simply is not going to happen. I make too many mistakes, too many incorrect choices, too many wrong responses, too many erroneous acts of behavior to be perfect. But it that because I desire to do and be like that? If I truly desired not to how can I still? I am human and I even though I should not make that my excuse; I simply have to accept I am not divine. But because I do desire to be led by the Spirit and I do desire to live by the Spirit, the path I decided to follow was the one laid out by the Spirit, not by my own sinful nature, I am not condemned by the law. Even when I fail to live according to the Spirit, because of Christ I am not condemned by the law. I surely should not take advantage of that, and I do not think I do, willingly seeking to gratify the desires of my sinful nature. But when I do, I still and not under the law, because I am led by the Spirit. It is sort of confusing, but that could be the plans of the Devil to try to make it that way so I will feel the guilt and shame and lose heart in my desires to follow the Spirit. The devil wants nothing more than for me to follow my own sinful nature. I refuse, I will be lead by the Spirit.

Monday, January 24, 2011


Gal 5:14-15
14 The entire law is summed up in a single command: "Love your neighbor as yourself." 15 If you keep on biting and devouring each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other.
I have to wonder if I have been guilty of not loving my neighbor as myself. If I am guilty of not loving my neighbor as myself, would be a better way of saying it, I suppose. I think the first thing I have to come to terms with is if I love myself. How could I possibly love anyone if I did not love my own self first according to this? So do I love my own self? Is there anything that would prevent me from loving me? Or is this a futile exercise in asking these questions? God already knows how much I love myself as well as how much everyone else loves themselves. Who would not love their own self? Would I do anything to cause harm to my own being? Would I jump from a tall building to see if I survive? Of course not! Would I hurt my own feeling? Not a chance! Would I be rude to myself? Would I be angry with my own self? Would I demand others have their way before me? Not likely. Would I be impatient with myself? I don’t think so. Would I envy myself? How could I do that? Would I keep a record of all my wrongs? That would really be bazaar! Yet am I proud of myself? I really don’t think I have anything to be proud of but I just might have pride. I think what the point here is, I love me. In all my imperfections, with all my failures and idiosyncrasies I still love me. I simply would not under any circumstances do any harm to myself in any way for any purpose willing. I would put myself in harm’s way for others, if I was called upon, but I would not do it for me. I love me too much to hurt myself. I do have to wonder if when I fail God, when I do something defined as sin, am I hurting myself and if I love me, then why would I do that? That is a question for another time. I need to deal with the rest of this. If I love me as much as I think I do, then why do I have such a difficult time with loving everyone else as the same as I do me? It is easy to say “I love you” but it is a different thing to actually love, especially when it is defined so well in 1 Corinthians 13. But that is the point, I do love me and I must love others in the same manner. I need to love all others, not just the ones who are easy to love, but the ones who are difficult to love. I have to be able to love those who may not love me as much as they love their own self as well. Jesus is the model of love. He gave himself up for me; he died to save me from the worst end conceivable. My feelings and my actions toward others should be the same. I should do nothing to cause any harm to anyone in any way or for any purpose under any circumstances. I think, in fact, my feelings and actions should not just be ‘not to cause harm’ but to cause benefit to others. That is my goal. I shall try my best with the help of the Spirit to love God, love self and love others.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Big Sandals

Gal 5:13
13 You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love. NIV
I think I have been saying this all along, but yet it is a difficult thing to do at times. There is no question about no using my freedom to indulge in the sinful nature. Yet I think it is interesting the word does not tell me not to indulge in sin, but in my sinful nature, which of course would produce sin. Is this indulging, or starting point as the Greek word implies an active decision of my will? Does that cover those times I simply get caught up in a moment and act or behave in a manner which is certainly defined as sin? Is that the starting point, or is that indulging in the flesh, the sinful nature? Or is that just being human and not divine? Because I am free and not enslaved to the law as a source of my salvation, I can sin and not be in danger of punishment because Christ’s death on the cross covered all my sins past, present, and future. But that should not be my open door to do anything I want to do. In fact, I should not want to do those things. That is the rub here. How do I not want to do them? It is my nature, which will not actually change. Putting off my old self and putting on my new self is a daily battle. I would be lying to myself if I thought I did not have a sinful nature. But I should be able with the help of the Holy Spirit to deny myself and take up my cross and follow him. That is the daily walk, ever day, all day. So now as I endeavor to make that walk and live for God, even though I do fail, he is pleased with my choice. But the walk is incomplete if I simply try to live free of sin, or make every effort to not sin. I have to take an active role in the body of Christ by serving others in love. It is more than simply a personal relationship with God, me and him, him and me, my salvation, my freedom and all that entails. No I have to become an active member of the body, working and serving others with love in my heart for them. That is quite different then serving them out of a selfish ambition for power and authority as I think many politicians serve the people for. No, I must serve others because I love them and that love is my motivation for serving them. If Christ loves me, and I am the mirror, than others should see the love of Christ in me. Those are very big shoes, sandals to fill.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Focus on Jesus

Gal 5:10-12
10 I am confident in the Lord that you will take no other view. The one who is throwing you into confusion will pay the penalty, whoever he may be. 11 Brothers, if I am still preaching circumcision, why am I still being persecuted? In that case the offense of the cross has been abolished. 12 As for those agitators, I wish they would go the whole way and emasculate themselves!
Some pretty tough words regarding someone who teaches a false doctrine. Strong words against teaching anything else except Jesus Christ Crucified. Two warnings are here for me. The first, of course, is never accept any teaching that is other than Jesus Christ Crucified and the other is never teach anything else. Now I certainly have taught Christian behavior but not as a condition of salvation. I do think that has been what was going on within the Galation community. I also have to be willing to listen and to heed teachings regarding Christian behavior as a response of my love for God. Because I love him I should desire to please him and live in a manner that befits the name Christian. I do believe there is a danger in looking toward those manners more than the cross. Have I ever gotten catch up with that thinking? Maybe when I was younger and new in my walk with the Lord I might have paid more attention to them because of my ignorance of the truth. Maybe I do think it was right to focus on my behavior even now, but not as any condition of righteousness, or of my behavior having any value for holiness. It still comes does down to the cross. The only action that matters is that of God. He makes me righteous, he makes me holy. I fail so much, so often at coming close to anything which resembles righteous and holy. There can be no other condition imposed on me or anyone else other than accepting the provision of God through the cross of Calvary. I should never lose focus of that and filter all teachings through it and teach all things through it. It is so easy to become distracted from that fact and become so focused on behavior that if I am not careful my behavior becomes the focus of my life. Then when I fail, I could become discouraged over my walk with the Lord. Disheartened and depressed over not being able to be perfect or refusing to accept imperfection and lying to myself about my sinless condition all could be negated by simply remember the cross. I will fail but Christ did not. I will not accept or teach anything else but that fact. My focus is on Jesus.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Bread of LIfe

Gal 5:9
9 "A little yeast works through the whole batch of dough." NIV
Just a little false doctrine can go a long way within the church is what is going on here. Yep that is for sure. It is so easy to allow someone to start some kind of dissent and the next thing you know is another denomination is born. I think it is so bizarre there are over three hundred different denominations in this country. I believe it is all about someone spreading a little yeast and it works through a church and destroys it. I cannot allow that to be a part of my life. I cannot take part in this form of gossip or dissention. I believe there is but one gospel, one truth, one way and I am in the center of it. Now, why do think I am right? How arrogant of me to think I have the one and true interpretation of the scriptures? I truly do believe I have not been tainted by what others believe. Whatever I do hear others teach and preach I notice the right and the wrong of their words immediately. Why is that? Do I dare think I God has given me the gift of discernment? Just maybe, or am I just so focused on what I believe I am not open to what others believe? Why don’t we believe the same thing? Isn’t there only one truth? I have to believe someone is not in the correct understanding of the scripture. I know I am not going to budge from what I know to be true. I am not going to let anyone spread false teaching within my being. But, again I do keep coming back to my single mindedness. Is it just stubbornness? Am I just so proud I don’t accept what someone else has discovered within the scriptures? I do accept those discoveries when I hear them, if they are spot on with the rest of scripture. It is when those ideas espoused by others are in conflict with the whole truth I reject them. But why me, why do I think I am right? My thoughts are rambling around, not really organized today, but that is ok, it is only me anyway. I have to conclude I am right because I read the bible and only the bible and not all those teaching of men. Wow, and here I have written a book teaching others on the truth of the first Psalm. What is that all about? I won’t accept what others believe and yet I want others to accept what I believe. Am I being that little bit of yeast? Am I the one causing dissention among the church? I have to answer no! I have been called by God to teach and preach the one true gospel, the one truth, to share the bread of life.

Thursday, January 20, 2011


Gal 5:7-8
7 You were running a good race. Who cut in on you and kept you from obeying the truth? 8 That kind of persuasion does not come from the one who calls you.
To run the race is the point of it all, but I think perhaps the idea here is not just the running but the fact of running on the right track. Of what value would it be to run a race on the in the wrong track and field event? Why in the world would I want to cross the wrong finish line? Now even being on the right track and running in the correct race, it might be difficult to work through all the other runners to get to the finish line. Not that I want to be first, but I simply want to get there, to the right finish line. Could some of those other runners be there just to cut me off and keep me from getting to the finish? Are they trying to cut me off intentionally? They may be a few, but I have to believe most of the runners are well intentioned people who have themselves been cut off and kept from obeying the truth. I have to believe these people believe they are following the truth as their understand it. The trick is not for me to get catch up in their version of the truth, not to be cut off from the absolute truth of the gospel. I have to ask myself if I have allowed myself to be cut off even some small way. Have I allowed those other runners, those fellow Christians, to get in my way of getting to the finish line? They may make every effort to persuade me to think as they do and to accept those additional rules and regulations in order to be a good Christian, but I will not give in, I will not get cut in on, I will run the race set out for me by Christ and Christ alone. No, I am running the right race; I am running in the right track and field event. I am on the right course, at the right time, running the race, fighting the good fight, headed for the finish line God himself established for me to get to. I wonder if maybe some have just sat down, content with where they are on the track, and are trying to get me to sit down with them, to rest. Or maybe some have the idea they have reached the finished line already, and are just sitting waiting for their gold medal and are trying to make me see I am there also. I do not think that is a wise idea. Sometimes I wish I could get to the front so as to lead some of my friends in that same direction, clearing the way for them to see the race once again and to be able to have a clear vision of the true finish line. Wow, that sounds a bit arrogant, but not so, compassionate is more my feelings. I am sad when I see them being cut in on or stagnate in their race. Maybe if I just keep running the race, as set out by Christ that will be enough. In any case, I have, I am and I will continue to run.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Faith Through Love

Gal 5:3-6
3 Again I declare to every man who lets himself be circumcised that he is obligated to obey the whole law. 4 You who are trying to be justified by law have been alienated from Christ; you have fallen away from grace.
There it is again. If I ever try to abide by one of the rules, I have to abide by every one of those rules. If I ascribe to the idea of trying to be a good Christian based on my observance of one set of correct behaviors and abstinence from another set of behaviors than I have in a sense alienated myself from Christ. I don’t think it causes me to fall from grace, but it sure is close. I know it is impossible to justify myself by trying to be a good Christian. Actually I despise that term. Either I am a Christian or not, I cannot be a good or a bad Christian because the only reason I am one is due to my faith is Jesus Christ. How could observance of anything add to that? If I started to believe my position in Christ was determined by following just one of those rules for good Christian behavior, than I would have to follow them all or I would be in danger of not being a good Christian. It just seems so simply. Now, I am no doubt obligated to a certain life because of my commitment to Christ. I am commanded to love my Lord God with all my heart, my mind, my soul and my strength, and to love my neighbor as myself. That is, what I believe to be the whole of it. That is the center of the whole life of a believer. The rest of this passage says it so plainly.
5 But by faith we eagerly await through the Spirit the righteousness for which we hope. 6 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has any value. The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.
Faith expressing itself through love is the whole of it. How can anything be added to that? If I love God with all of me, how can I do anything which would disappoint him? There is no question I should deny myself and follow him if I am expressing my faith through love. If I love my neighbor as myself, how could I do anything which would harm them in any way? In fact, how could I not do something which would benefit them? I am sure I do things that benefit me, so than I should also do that for others, if I am expressing my faith through love.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Just Jesus

Gal 5:2
2 Mark my words! I, Paul, tell you that if you let yourselves be circumcised, Christ will be of no value to you at all.
It makes so much sense I cannot understand why some people just don’t get it. How in the world can I ever submit to the concept of human efforts getting me anywhere closer to God, or gaining me entrance into his Kingdom? If I try to live according to the idea of being a good person or doing enough good deeds, or even trying to live in the same way Jesus did, I have gained nothing. The human way of doing anything is useless when it comes to gaining access to the Kingdom of God. I simply cannot do enough good deeds to earn approval and be rewarded with eternal life. I cannot be good enough in my behavior or pure enough in my thoughts to be acceptable to enter into his heavenly realm. Nothing human will ever be enough, including all those rules, regulations, doctrine, dogmas and added catechisms and manuals which define mans interpretations of righteous living. No, I am convinced my only way to enter the paradise of God is through my faith in Jesus Christ and him alone. If I go back to trying to obey all those other things as a method to gain right standing with God, then as Paul says here Christ will be of no value to me. It cannot be both; it has to be one or the other. The one leads to death, the other leads to life everlasting. Let me see, which one should I go with? I jest with myself, I cannot conceive of ever wanting anything else than life and life more abundantly through the Lord Jesus Christ. Who in their right mind would choose death instead of life? I would not. I have and will always choose life. Christ is of great value to me. I know it is all because of him and nothing because of me which has given me right standing with God. Of this I am so totally thankful and grateful. Why do people insist on adding to that? It just is not Jesus plus. It is just Jesus.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Standing Firm

Gal 5:1
1 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.
So, once again I am faced with the same idea, the same issue, the same concept, the same instruction from my God. Do not let any person talk me into some idea of having to abide to a set of rules in order to attain righteousness, or for that matter the title of “good Christian”. I have been set free indeed from man determined rules of right behavior. It is not that I do not want restrictions on my life; God has certainly given me a fair amount of those within his word. There is no question about my willingness to give my all to living in a manner which pleases God, at least most of the time. I am not bold enough or foolish enough to try to convince others I have attained perfection. God certainly knows I miss the mark all too often. I am not pleased with missing it, and get upset with myself when I do, yet I keep right on missing it. It does not make sense to me some times why I cannot be perfect. It seems all it should take is a decision of my will, a choice of my own mind, not to do certain things and to always do that which is right. It would seem I should be able to control my own responses, my own reactions, my own self in such a way I would always be the man God desires me to be. But that is not the case. I fail to do so. I fail to be able to have absolute authority over my own being and I do not understand how that is. I know Satan does not have authority over me; it is me who chooses to be disobedient, even when I think I should be obedient. But that is my journey with God, and not with man. That is my struggle to overcome sin according to God’s word, not man’s word. I desire to live according to the commands God has given me, but I will not be bound by the rules man has added. Those are the rules of slavery. Those are the rules and regulations which constrict the breathe right out of me. I think some people have actually believed them to be of God. But those rules are of man for they do not allow for the freedom which Christ has given. It is not as though I want to be free of all rules, only those of man. It is clear in this passage Paul was telling them about the rules of those who wanted to oppose them with a physical sign of Judaism, rather than accepting the as fellow believers in Christ based on faith and faith alone. Bondage comes in many forms today and I must be vigilant in escaping its chains. I will stand firm on my position in Christ, based on faith and faith alone. I am standing firm.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


Gal 4:24-31

24 These things may be taken figuratively, for the women represent two covenants. One covenant is from Mount Sinai and bears children who are to be slaves: This is Hagar. 25 Now Hagar stands for Mount Sinai in Arabia and corresponds to the present city of Jerusalem, because she is in slavery with her children. 26 But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother. 27 For it is written: "Be glad, O barren woman, who bears no children; break forth and cry aloud, you who have no labor pains; because more are the children of the desolate woman than of her who has a husband." 28 Now you, brothers, like Isaac, are children of promise. 29 At that time the son born in the ordinary way persecuted the son born by the power of the Spirit. It is the same now. 30 But what does the Scripture say? "Get rid of the slave woman and her son, for the slave woman's son will never share in the inheritance with the free woman's son." 31 Therefore, brothers, we are not children of the slave woman, but of the free woman. NIV
I simply cannot separate all this or break it down without destroying the content or can I make any sense of any one part of it so I have to deal with the whole of it and that, of course, still is all about being free and not being a slave. But there is one word which stands out to me and that is covenant. I know I am a child of the free woman. I know I am a child who is living within the covenant God made with the free woman, or the promise he made to Abraham and his seed, who is Jesus. This section of scripture does make so much sense to me about why the Muslims hate Christians so much. They will never share in the inheritance with the Christians. If they claim to be descendents of Ishmael they are not part of the promised seed. But how does all this bear on me? What personal insights can I glean from all this? I might consider the possibility that I have broken some promises I have made from time to time. I could view this as another of God’s magnificent traits. He never breaks his promise. He has made a covenant, an everlasting promise which he will never break. When he promised Abraham, he promised Jesus to the world. He promised he would make it available to mankind to find they way back to him. I became a part of that promise; I became a part of Jesus, a son, a co-heir with Christ. That alone boggles my mind. Why me? Why did all that happen in my life? Was it simply by chance? I know God already knew the choice I would make, and when and how and why I would make it, but did he also plan that for me? Did I become a part of the promise because I simply found out about it and decided all by myself to enter in? Sometimes I think God had it all planned out and made all that happen in order to get my attention, because he wanted me to be a part knowing I would serve him and declare his word. Could I be so bold to presume I was called?

Saturday, January 15, 2011

A Promise

Gal 4:21-23
21 Tell me, you who want to be under the law, are you not aware of what the law says? 22 For it is written that Abraham had two sons, one by the slave woman and the other by the free woman. 23 His son by the slave woman was born in the ordinary way; but his son by the free woman was born as the result of a promise.
So I am back to this slave or free thing again. It is either the law or faith. It is either by human effort or by the divine promise of God. Let’s see, I think I will take the divine promise of God. That seems to be a no brainer. Why in the world would I ever choose the human effort? I must ask myself if I am a slave to certain behaviors and attitudes. I do think they are habits and some habits are not exactly good ones. Having certain attitudes toward some people is just a bad habit I need to get rid of. Hypocrisy would be a bad habit, although I do not think I own that one. The way I respond in certain situations is a bad habit I need to overcome. I might be able to call myself on a few others but the point I think I am making to myself is I am not a perfect being, I make errors, and those mistakes, those sins are habit forming and just maybe I am putting myself into slavery to those things. That is a major mistake. I can’t make excuses that I am only human, but that is the reality of it. Yet I do not look to my perfection as a means to enter into a right relationship with God. I do not see any human effort to be good enough to do that. I am convinced of the need to live under the promise of God because no matter how hard I try I will never be able to rid myself of some form of sin which I under the law I am guilty and am due death as a punishment. If I have to choose between me and Jesus, I take Jesus every time. No law for me, just a promise.

Friday, January 14, 2011


Gal 4:19-20
19 My dear children, for whom I am again in the pains of childbirth until Christ is formed in you, 20 how I wish I could be with you now and change my tone, because I am perplexed about you!
No one should ever be perplexed about me. At least I hope and pray no one is ever perplexed when they think about me. I think they could be if I am saying one thing and doing and acting in another way. If I exhibit hypocrisy it then could be a reasonable cause for people to have a certain sense of perplexity in my regard. They would not be able to understand what kind of Christian I am. That would be a travesty. If I am not who I say I am. If I do not behave in a manner which exemplifies Christ, but always talk as if I am some great follower I could understand how they would be perplexed. Now I have to ask myself is that actually the case. Am I the person I say I am? Do I live in the manner as I profess to? I am not perfect and I do make errors in judgment from time to time. I do get beside myself once in awhile and behave, or respond in an inappropriate way. I might not always be as Christ-like as I am suppose to be, but does all that mean I am not living out my faith in front of others? I wonder if people expect me to be perfect. I wonder if they have certain expectations of me and when I fail to meet them, they get perplexed. Do they have the right to those expectations? I suppose that really is not the issue, but rather the issue is about what I do about them. I don’t know how I could be as perfect as some people would expect me to be, but I should at least be transparent enough they see me for who I am and thus not have to ever get into a perplexed state regarding me. If I profess to be a born again believer, I should live as one. That is not a life of perfection, but rather a life with a purpose of being a light to the world, being the salt of the earth and being a mirror reflecting the image of Christ to the lost as well as to my fellow believers. I do not claim to be perfect as I am not. I do not claim to be without sin because I am not. I do claim to be righteous other than through Christ. So in that sense I am who I say I am. I do attempt to be as Christ-like as I can, but I know I fail and I say I fail, not that I am content with that, but it is what it is. It does amaze me through how unbelievers know how I am supposed to behave, or at least think they know. In either case, I really should live as best I can so as not to perplex anyone.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


Gal 4:17-18
17 Those people are zealous to win you over, but for no good. What they want is to alienate you [from us], so that you may be zealous for them. 18 It is fine to be zealous, provided the purpose is good, and to be so always and not just when I am with you. NIV
I do not think I am in danger of being won over by another person, principle or even a force from being zealous for God. Yet I suppose I must not be that bold in my conviction regarding other forces. The world and all its temptations are constantly at work against me and my zeal for God. I have no doubts those temptations; those forces of evil want nothing more than to alienate me from God. Maybe even the forces which are within my own being seem to work against me. But I think the greatest question I must ask myself is if I really do have that zeal for the Lord. I have to examine whether I am just living each day going alone being who I am, not really working toward the calling God has on me or do I strive to be that light, that salt and that mirror reflecting Christ to a lost world. Am I always looking for a way to demonstrate Christ? I think that would be zeal. Do people I come in contact with on a regular basis know I am a believer, a follower of Christ, a born again Spirit filled bible believing Christian? Do they know where I stand? Do they see my zeal for God? What about my fellow believers? Do they see my zeal for God? Do I exhibit those qualities which reflect a man after Gods own heart? I know I would not do anything on purpose to diminish a zealous attitude toward God, but what about by default? Have I lost any of that zeal I first had after finally finding God and having become his son? Have I mellowed out too much? Would that be, in a sense, having been won over by those forces? It is time to shake off that laziness. It is time to wait upon the Lord, to renew my strength, to soar on eagles wings, to be as zealous as I know how for God.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Keeping Joy

Gal 4:15-16
15 What has happened to all your joy? I can testify that, if you could have done so, you would have torn out your eyes and given them to me. 16 Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth?
I don’t think anything has happened to my joy! I am exceedingly joyful of my salvation. I do make fun from time to time though of some of my fellow believers who walk around as if the weight of the world is on their shoulders, humped over, dragging themselves around with a continence of gloom and doom. I wonder how they actually think of me as I tell them that truth. I wonder if they actually think about it in regards to themselves. Many of my fellow believers surely would give me the shirt off their backs if I was in need, yet I still wonder if by my talking about not having any joy gets them a little sideways toward me. Should I not be truthful with my friends? Should I not tell them they need to let the joy of the Lord shine not only in their words but in their very being? Although I do think there may be times I am not expressing the joy of the lord in the manner I should be. Maybe I am judging to harshly. Maybe something has happened to my joy as well. No, I have joy, but I might just forget about it, when I am at stake. Maybe when I have to do something I may not particularly care to do, I do not show my joy either. That is a mistake! I need to express my joy in all circumstances. I need to allow the joy of the Lord to pour out from my being whenever, whatever and wherever I am engage in doing. I preach it, and I need to remember that. Maybe that selfish streak within mankind, within me hampers the joy. Whenever I start thinking and being concerned about my feelings, my desires, my needs, I think joy gets shoved to the back burner. I also think when I get so wrapped up in trying to live according to all the rules and regulations placed on me by the church; joy gets buried under all that junk. No, I am turning over a new leaf, one again. I will not allow anything to obstruct my joy, not even myself. For the joy of the Lord is my strength. I will keep my joy.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Fellowship at its Finest

Gal 4:12-14
12 I plead with you, brothers, become like me, for I became like you. You have done me no wrong. 13 As you know, it was because of an illness that I first preached the gospel to you. 14 Even though my illness was a trial to you, you did not treat me with contempt or scorn. Instead, you welcomed me as if I were an angel of God, as if I were Christ Jesus himself.
Is this the example of true koninia of true fellowship, others becoming like me and I becoming like them? What exactly does that look like? Or does this imply I should not isolate myself within the confines of the Christian community, but rather get involved, on a personal level, with those who have not yet accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior? Certainty Paul was exposing himself openly with those people, even to the point of allowing them to see his human frailty. How transparent should I be with those who are not just members of the body of Christ? I am convinced of at least one thing for sure. I should not keep to myself and those who are already like me. I must be aware enough not to behave in an ungodly manner, or engage in the same behaviors as those who do not live according to the same principles as I do. But at the same time I should be a part of their lives. We should become friends and neighbors sharing live together. I think it is when Christians try to project this ‘holy perfect person’ image to the unsaved it is when hypocrisy is at its best. I believe I am seeing I should be as human as the next person, open and exposed for who I am. The only difference between me and them is I have been forgiving and I have accepted the gospel. Are not all people the same? Are we all not creatures created by God for God? Does he love me anymore then he loves someone who has not accepted the gospel? I think not. So then why should I not do the same? I think if I am open and transparent with men who have yet to accept Christ, they will in turn be open and transparent with me. Fellowship at its finest.

Monday, January 10, 2011


Gal 4:8-11
8 Formerly, when you did not know God, you were slaves to those who by nature are not gods. 9 But now that you know God — or rather are known by God — how is it that you are turning back to those weak and miserable principles? Do you wish to be enslaved by them all over again? 10 You are observing special days and months and seasons and years! 11 I fear for you, that somehow I have wasted my efforts on you.
I knew I didn’t know him, but how is it he did not know me, even when I was enslaved to those things who by nature are not gods? There is a greater thing here in this meaning which I am starting to get a grip on. It is true I was enslaved to the principles of the world as there are outlined in the letter to the Colossians and I certainly did not know God. I had no relationship with him at all. I did not even have some conceptual idea of God, or loose religious experience appearing to have some kind of association with him, while all alone living in a worldly manner. The only emotion or disposition I might have had was to hate organized religion and hate God. I am not sure why I was like that; I must have had some deep problems and blamed God for the experiences of my youth, shutting him out of my mind and heart. I do remember it was miserable being like that. But now not only do I know God, but he has affirmed my relationship with him by proclaiming me to be his son. He knows me as his own now, as one of his followers, as a believer in the saving grace through Jesus Christ on the Cross. There is absolutely no way I would ever return to that former miserable state I was once in. But I wonder why some of my fellow believers allow themselves to get ensnared by all the pomp and ceremony of religious observances. I wonder if that is any better or worse than what those people in Galatia where doing. I certainly hope I have not gotten catch up in such religious observances. All I want to do in know God and have him know me in the sense of being one of his. To have a personal relationship with him as a son being able to cry out Abba to him and having him comfort me as a father who loves and cares for his family. What more can there be? What rules and regulations, what ordinances, what observances could ever add to my relationship with my God? I think all those things could only serve to distract from it rather than to add to it. When it comes right down to the truth it is all about knowing.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

He Loves Me

Gal 4:6-7
6 Because you are sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, "Abba, Father." 7 So you are no longer a slave, but a son; and since you are a son, God has made you also an heir.
God testified to the condition of David’s heart by saying David was a man after his own heart. I have always wanted that to be on my head stone, or at least to have people remember me as a man after God’s own heart, but here I can see that is actually the case not because of how I behave, but because God sent the Spirit of Christ into my heart. How could I not than be a man after God’s own heart? Because of his Spirit in my heart I actually can call out to God using that same term Christ himself used. I can have that close personal relationship with God, as a son has with his father. I would think that alone should be enough to keep me from doing anything which displeases God, but unfortunately it does not. I sure want to please him all time, but why don’t I? Is it that easy for self to get in the way? He made me the way I am. He created me with this capability of doing my own thing. I know he desires me to follow after his way of my own free choice, which I believe I am doing. He has sent the Spirit of Christ into my heart, I know that, I sense him there, yet he allows me to still go my way, if I slip up and decide to behave a certain way. I know it is my choice. I know he directs me, gives me the right way, the right choice, and I still have to listen, to hear, to pay attention to the Spirit within me and choice to respond, choice to act, choice to react, choice to behave in a manner which would please God. Do I just forget to listen? Or does that self part of me just want the control? I am fully aware of my own self. It is the selfish self-seeking, self-centered, self-absorbed part of me. That part of me is as far from pleasing God as the Earth is from the edge of the Universe. Why does it have to be that way? When the Spirit arrived should not he have taken control? But that is not how God wants it either. His Spirit is within me so I can know God better and understand him better and have a closer relationship with me as his son. And as his son, I do have an inheritance beyond my wildest dreams. I think it all comes down to the simple truth God just loves me. He gives me his very best even knowing I am not perfect. He loves me!

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Gal 4:1-5
4:1 What I am saying is that as long as the heir is a child, he is no different from a slave, although he owns the whole estate. 2 He is subject to guardians and trustees until the time set by his father. 3 So also, when we were children, we were in slavery under the basic principles of the world. 4 But when the time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under law, 5 to redeem those under law, that we might receive the full rights of sons.
There is a difference between being a child and being a son. As a child of God I was in the world and bond to the rules of the world. I do live in the realm of the physical world, the present of what is all around be. But I also used to live according to the principles of this physical realm. I was enslaved to them, subject to them, and affected by them. I have no question about that at all. As a small child I lived in constant fear of the dark, until I grew up and learned in the army how to kill others with my bare hands. Yet, still as that kind of grown up I lived in constant fear of death. I know now it was due to not being a son. I know now it was because I was bond to the physical realm or this world and being only in this physical realm death was the end of everything. Death was for me the complete dead of existents, never ever being aware of having ever lived. But all that has changed. I am no longer a child bond to the physical realm. I am a son, a co-heir with Christ in the spiritual realm. I have all the rights of being a son of God. I now live in the spiritual realm, the true reality of eternal life. I can see the temporal realm of this world. It only exists for me to live in until I return to the spiritual realm God intended for me to be in. I am not bond to this world. Although I have many physical benefits, many things this physical world has to offer, I am not a slave to them. I am, in a sense a bond servant to my Lord, although he sees me as his son. What an incredible thought! God sees me as his son. He sees me as he sees Christ. Because of Jesus I have been rendered innocent of my past, present and any future sin. Not that I plan to sin, but it just might happen anyway. Yet God still sees me as his son and as such has given me the rights of being his son. How can anything else ever compare to that. How could I ever be distracted by any temptation of this world and return to this physical realm as a slave to it? No, God has given me the whole of his realm, of his kingdom. I have the key to the new city of Jerusalem. I am his son.

Friday, January 7, 2011


Gal 3:26-27
26 You are all sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus, 27 for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. NIV
Every day when I get up I cloth myself with some article from my closet which gives me a certain appearance others can see. Sometimes I put on some dirty ole thing which I have worn a couple of days before, just to get to the kitchen and make the morning coffee. Then there are times I get dressed for work, nice clothes so others think I look fairly good. When I go to the Kroger and shop I see all sorts of outer appearances and even more when I journey over to the Super Walmart. I do think I might even do a little judging about those people based on the cloths they are wearing. I know that is not a good thing, and God even tells me I do that, but he sees their heart. It is impossible to look past the outer appearance at times and that is what I am seeing in these two verses. I am a son of God and as such I have gotten up from being dead and have clothed myself with Christ. Each morning when I raise from my bed I already have all the clothes I need for the day. Sure I have to put on the garments, but I think maybe when people see me they should not be seeing the cloth hanging on my outside, but should be seeing Christ. But I think that may not always be the case. Sometimes they might see some dirty ole something which I worn a couple of days ago. If my eyes are a window to my soul, they should be able to see Christ at all times. I have to ask myself if I allow some of that old stuff out instead. Those attitudes of the past, those thoughts and reactions of a person from long, long ago. Why does that happen? I hate it when I am not allowing Christ to be seen. Why do I keep sneaking up in my appearance to others, especially those I love the most? If anything they are the ones who should be seeing Christ instead of me. I preach it, but sometimes I don’t practice it. If I am clothed with Christ than I should let him be seen in my appearance, my attitude, my thoughts, my actions and reactions to all and even my face should show him. I know that is the truth. I am a child of God, a son of God, and I am clothed with Christ.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Just Jesus

Gal 3:23-25
23 Before this faith came, we were held prisoners by the law, locked up until faith should be revealed. 24 So the law was put in charge to lead us to Christ that we might be justified by faith. 25 Now that faith has come, we are no longer under the supervision of the law.
Must I deal once more with this same issue? I suppose it is good to instill this truth into the very core of my being. Why else would God what to make such a point of this? Is it because I need to understand completely about not being bond into slavery by the law or by rules established by men today which are just another form of the law? Am I so easily distracted by those things? I don’t think so, but maybe I do fall into that kind of thinking, or maybe I just am not thinking and just follow along without much thought about it at all. Sometimes I think that is the case. Maybe I just don’t want to rock the boat. If I do think about being free from the law, and from that list of do’s and don’ts then I have to stand up and speak up for the truth. I have to declare what God has stand. Do I skirt around that issue whenever I do preach, or when I am simply talking with other believers? Do I not bring it up for fear of controversy? Why would people want a list? Why would people think it is right to have a set of rules they can check off as either doing or not doing? Do they really not believe that righteousness is gained by their successfully accomplishing that list? I know I cannot just go around doing anything I desire just so the grace of God can be demonstrated in my life. I know I have to live to please him. I know there are things I can no longer engage in and I know there is a way I should live. But I cannot help think if I simply love the Lord God with all my heart, my mind, my soul and my body and love others as myself I would be pleasing God. I would be living in a manner without the law, without those rules, or list; I would be living by out my faith. And in order to love others and myself I must love myself first. That is the easy part, because God loves me and he knot me together in my mother’s womb and he simply does it right. So I am the very being he designed me to be, thus why would I not love me? So now loving those others is the harder part. I think that is it in a nutshell. No law, no rules, no lists, all they do it show me my need for Jesus, and once I have him, I need nothing else, I am subject to nothing else, just Jesus.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Live for Him

Gal 3:21-22
21 Is the law, therefore, opposed to the promises of God? Absolutely not! For if a law had been given that could impart life, then righteousness would certainly have come by the law. 22 But the Scripture declares that the whole world is a prisoner of sin, so that what was promised, being given through faith in Jesus Christ, might be given to those who believe.
There it is right smack in the face. Over and over again I am dealing with the same issue within this letter. Righteousness can only be given and not earned. I cannot do anything to become righteous. I cannot obey enough of the law to become righteous. Even if I could obey every single bit of the law, to the letter, I still could not be righteous. Even though most, if not all, believers today do not give much thought to the Old Testament law given to Moses to impart unto the children of Israel, they do endeavor to adhere to rules believed to be established within the New Testament, at least that is what it appears to me. Maybe it is more of a list of what is considered commandments, which are derived from the ten and expanded on by Christ. If I keep the ten than I could I be considered righteous? How about if I kept the ten and the entire expanded version I would be righteous? It is good to live my life in a manner which pleases God, which is my goal, but I am not sure I am able to do that completely without some failure. Even with the help of the Spirit, my old self still fights to keep control. So how can I ever expect any set of laws, commands, rules, doctrines, or anything else be a way for me to attain righteousness? I simply fail too often to rely on them to be my way of achieving justification or right standing before God. No, I always have to come back to the beginning when I first believed. God saved me from death and gave me life that day and every day simply because I believe. When he sees me he sees his Son Jesus and he sees me as righteous because of Jesus. I have the right to stand in his presence because I believe in Jesus, not because I live by some set of rules, regulations, laws, doctrines, or anything else, but because I live by faith in Jesus Christ. I don’t know why I get catch up in allowing other believers to impose their beliefs on me. Sometimes maybe I think it does matter, if I try to obey those rules. Or maybe I just allow them to think I am trying to obey the rules, but that is hypocrisy. I think I must be honest with myself and with them, and simply declare the truth whenever the occasion happens. In fact that is what I will do. I will declare life only comes because of faith, death comes from the law. Why do people what the law? Why do Christians what a set of rules? Maybe so they can check off the list, I do this, I do that, I don’t do this, I don’t do that. What I know is I do not do lists. I am free of lists. Lists cannot bring me life, only Jesus can do that. Lists cannot bring me righteousness, only Jesus can do that. Because I trust in him, love him and have been made right before God by him, I am living for him. What I do, the way I behave, what I say should be to bring Glory to the Son and to the Father and to the Holy Spirit. I must live for him.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Law of Christ

Gal 3:19-20
19 What, then, was the purpose of the law? It was added because of transgressions until the Seed to whom the promise referred had come. The law was put into effect through angels by a mediator. 20 A mediator, however, does not represent just one party; but God is one.
I am without question thankful for the Seed who came, and that was Jesus, of course. I could not have survived under the law which Paul is talking about here. Although God gave it to establish some form of order and respect for one another within the society at that time. That law could not save those people nor can it save me. I understand all societies have to have laws in order to establish order among the residence. I understand God could not allow the people to live with unchecked behaviors, for like me, they had wicked hearts. If I live without any awareness of the principles of God’s will, as stated in his divine word, I would certainly behave in a manner outside his will. I was not a nice person before Christ came into my life and thus I am certain I would still not be a nice person, living a life of sin and degradation. Although I try my best to live under the law of this land, I am glad I do not have to live under the law God gave to those people in the Old Testament. Christ came to complete that law, which he did, perfectly and thus if I am in Christ, I have truly completely that law as well, as far as God is concerned. It does get a little confusing at times, because I still sin. Right, I am not living a life of sin, but I still disappoint God. I still have not been able to live without sin. I know if I ask him, he forgives me over and over again, but that seems not right. Maybe that is why some people I know believe they don’t sin anymore. They cannot reconcile that concept of being in Christ and still sinning. But I have to because that is reality. That is the way it is, and will always be as long as I am still in the body. Right, I should not make any provision for my body, or make excuses for my sinning because I am flesh and blood. But darn it anyway I have to come to terms with the truth. I cannot live in a delusion of perfection either. I must see the reality of who I am, and how I am and understand that without Christ I am absolutely condemned. I have no righteousness of my own, it is all his. He set me free from that law and I will not put myself into bondage to any law other than the law of Christ, salvation through faith.

Monday, January 3, 2011


Gal 3:15-17
15 Brothers, let me take an example from everyday life. Just as no one can set aside or add to a human covenant that has been duly established, so it is in this case. 16 The promises were spoken to Abraham and to his seed. The Scripture does not say "and to seeds," meaning many people, but "and to your seed," meaning one person, who is Christ.
How am I to deal with this idea? The whole idea here is that Christ is the promise God made to Abraham. That through Abraham Christ would come into the whole and the all of this world, or land would belong to him forever. I think that is clear as mud. Maybe I should be including many more scriptures to complete the thought, then maybe not at this point. I do know that I certainly am thankful God made that promise. I would much rather live according to his promise then according to the law. And the promise was even made before the law, now that I can grab onto. Which came first the promise of the law, the promise, of course, and thus the law cannot supersede the promise or be added as a condition of the promise. No rules of man can be added to that promise either. No denominational doctrines can be added to that promise either. Not a single thing can be added or override the promise. All I really have to concern myself with is being a part of the promise. When I look past these words to the rest of this section I do understand that if Christ is that promise, if he is the seed and I am in Christ, I am part of the seed. I am a part of the promise. But I am getting ahead of myself. I am still stuck on this promise verse law thing. I am sounding like a broken record. I do not have to live under the law. I cannot live under the law because it is way to extensive and not a single person can live to it’s standard. I still don’t understand why people what to establish more laws, more rules, more regulations to live by, when those who tried to live under the law could not. What purpose do all this rules serve anyway? They only prove, like the law, I need Christ. I am convinced all I need is Christ. So what do I do with all these rules of the church? What do I do in dealing with my fellow believers who are bond to living under the rules, or current law? There clearly is a set of correct and incorrect behaviors which define a person as either as lost or saved, as an unbeliever or a believer, as a good Christian or just not so good misguided Christian. If I abide by all their rules I am than considered a good Christian. It does not really matter who I am inside, as long as I act in accordance with the rules on the outside, for they judge my on my outward appearance. But God judges my heart and that is far more important. So do I openly oppose their rules and live my life based on faith in Christ or do I still live based on faith, and simply allow them to believe I am in submission to their rules so as to not offend them? I think Paul was openly opposing the rules of those who were trying to impose them on those in Galatia. So then it is settled.

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Gal 3:12-14
12 The law is not based on faith; on the contrary, "The man who does these things will live by them." 13 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: "Cursed is everyone who is hung on a tree." 14 He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit.
This is the same idea again and again within this letter to the Galatians. It is about not being able to be justified by the law but only by God. I have to say it again and again to myself. Why would I ever what to be bond to the law? Why would I ever what to try to live by the law? Why would I ever what to even try to live to a set of rules established by men. It seems so foolish to be bond to all the do’s and don’ts. It seems so useless to have to be in such chains. I surely do not want to be cursed by my failure to be successful in obeying ever rule. Who can do that? Who can obey ever rules one hundred percent, all the time? Even a incorrect though counts in breaking the rules. Even an attitude that is not completely perfect all the time counts. How can anyone be so dumb to believe they can be that perfect, they free from sin. I am so glad Christ redeemed me so I can receive the same blessing Abraham got. I have been blessed by God through Jesus Christ. I cannot imagine my life without Christ. I cannot fathom the horrible condition I would be in if it were not for Christ. God knows I am not a perfect person, in fact if I were I would not need Christ, I would not need to be redeemed, but I am not and I need redemption. I need the promise of the Spirit. I need the Spirit of God dwelling within my being. Yet I still get befuddled regarding how I can still do things I don’t what to do, if the Spirit is in me. Should he not simply stop me from some foolish attitude? Should be not halt my reaction when it is not Christ-like? Should he not speak to my heart when I start thinking in some way I should not? Should he not hamper my actions when they are not pleasing to God? Sometimes I just don’t get it. Other times I have it all together. How is this possible? Am I just not paying attention to his still some voice? Why can’t I be all I am supposed to be? I suppose it is because I am a human being. I have to believe it is that plain and simple. I will never be that perfect even with the help of the Spirit, because I am human. But he does make me aware of my failures. He is working to help me in my daily journey with God. He does make a difference because I am more and more aware and make the effort to live to please my Lord. The Spirit is within me and I have been sealed by him for God. My life is not really all about me, but it is about God. I find myself focused on the things of God, more than I am on my own life. I think about him way more then I think about me. Perhaps that is what it is all about anyway. Although I cannot see I believe. Although it may not be logical to human thought, I believe. It is about faith. I am redeemed.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Living by Faith

Gal 3:10-11
10 All who rely on observing the law are under a curse, for it is written: "Cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law." 11 Clearly no one is justified before God by the law, because, "The righteous will live by faith."
There is just any question about this at all. It is so plain that if it were any plainer it would jump off the page and slap me in the face. How could I ever think the law was good for anything else than to prove I need Jesus? How could any law or set of regulations which are established to set forth parameters to live by gain me the right to stand before God? How could I ever hope to accomplish all of them without ever failing? How could I be so bold to even think it is possible? How could I ever think that God would render me innocent if I attempted to live up to all the laws of both the Old Testament and those determined by men to be the rules of the New Testament? Is simply seems ridiculous to me. I don’t understand why so many attempt to do that. I can’t believe they are actually trying to be right before God based on their behaviors. I do not get that whole thing at all. There is just not a single thing I can do, or a single thing I stop doing which gives me justification. The only way God renders me innocent is through my faith in Christ. I know, I tell myself all the time to live to please God, but even then I can’t do that successfully. How could I except myself to be perfect and without sin? I probably should think like I could. Others do, or at least they profess they do, but I think they are deceiving themselves. I can’t do that. I have to be honest with myself and with God. I am unable to live up to all the standards of the law and those rules established for correct behavior. I do try to do the right thing; I teach and preach the right thing. I know I have to be the salt, the light and a mirror reflecting God to a lost and dying world. I know I should live in manner which is Christ-like and I do my best to do that, but I still know that does not make me right before God. No, it is just simply faith in Christ, I surely will die based on my behavior, but as surely as that I will live by faith.