Eph 1:9-10
9 And he made known to us the mystery of his will according to his good pleasure, which he purposed in Christ, 10 to be put into effect when the times will have reached their fulfillment — to bring all things in heaven and on earth together under one head, even Christ.
I don’t know if I have really ever struggles with that question of what is God’s will. I do see it as pretty clear here in these verses that God certainly does not desire to hide it from me. He has, in fact, made it known to me which once was a mystery but is not longer. He has redeemed me through the blood of Jesus Christ. That is his will according to his good pleasure. He may have hidden that from people in past, although all though out the history as recorded in the bible, he was giving some pretty good hints. But now it has been made clear and I have been redeemed. His will was and is to have me as well as any person who will accept Christ to be brought back into a right relationship with him. I am so glad he got though my thick skull those years ago. I am so glad the Holy Spirit was able to convict me of my need to move in his direction. I know I am not perfect even now, and may never be able to overcome sin. I know I need to allow him to complete the work he started in me yet I do still struggle with that old self, at times wanting my will and not his. Not in the sense that I would ever turn away, but just being a little rebellious at times. I still want his will which he purposed in Christ. I still want Christ to be head of the body, which I certainly want to be a part of. I still desire him to be my Lord. But I do exert my own will once in awhile. It is not easy to overcome that. Why? Why do I still have to struggle with that? Why won’t it simply yield? Is it really my will or is it the enemy of my soul who is trying to convince me it’s my will? I know it comes down to making a decision of the mind, of the will. I have always said in the past, mind over matter. Why is it not that simply? Is it really the matter, no it is the mind, the will. I make the choice. Now, sometimes I simply react, and that is still a choice. I have to be more attentive to his will rather the mine.
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