Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Col 4:6
6 Let your conversation be always full of grace, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer everyone.
A strange combination here I do find. Grace and salt sure seem sort of weird in a sense to be put together. Yet here it is, when I have conversations with people I should always be aware of my words being full of grace. Graciousness, yet still in the sense of the fullness of this word which is the divine influence upon my heart and how that is reflected in my life. Now I must, in my words, demonstrate this influence. Sometimes that is not always easy to do with some people. But nevertheless that is what I am supposed to do. Now as to adding this salt to my words I must also do. What do I do with salt, pour it into the wounds I create with my words? I don’t think so. Yet to add salt to my conversation has a bit of the flavor in it. To be the salt of the Earth, to be ready willing and able to give an account of the Gospel message has to be in the mix. I need to be ready to let people know they are going straight to hell if they do not accept Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior. But I need to say that with a lot of grace, with the influence of God in it because he has already been at work in their life. I am not sure how well I am at this. I think I am aware and willing to converse. But there are times I think the people just don’t want to listen. Was I too full of grace, or too full of salt? Did I say it the wrong way? Was God not working on them? Or maybe they just are people who simply want to refuse. Whatever the case, I cannot be stilled. I must always be ready to have the conversation as I am influenced by God and as I season it with salt.

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