Tuesday, June 29, 2010


Rom 15:13
13 May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Well, here is a great saying, a great promise which I really should be able to grab a hold of or take to heart so to speak. The God of hope, he is the author of hope, without him there simply is no hope, no anticipation of goodness, no expectation of eternal life. This God of hope fills me with all joy and peace as I trust in him. Now there does seem to be something here I am responsible for, trusting in him. I would suppose is a person did not trust in him, that person would never be filled with all joy and peace. Yet, here I am filled to the brim. Here I am so filled with this joy and peace. Maybe I should look at the Greek here. Joy here is reflected as a calm delight and peace as the tranquil state of a soul assured of its salvation through Christ, and fearing nothing from God and content with its earthy lot, of whatsoever sort that is. What an awesome thought. I am filled, no not just filled, but overflowing with a calm delight. I am overflowing with this tranquil state. What an incredible way to live. This is by far one of the best promises, the best result of knowing and trusting in God. With so much anxiety in life, with so much tension as well as unrest this world has to offer. With all the struggles to “get ahead” to “plan for the future” many people seem to be preoccupied with, it would seem to me this peace is a needed thing. It would seem being in a tranquil state, being assured of salvation and not having to fear anything from God, not having to be concerned about his wrath, as well as being content with where and what a person has in this life would be greatly desired. Maybe they do not know about it, maybe that is why God has filled me to the brim, to overflowing with this hope, this joy, this peace, so that others may enjoy that which overflows out of me by the power of the Holy Spirit. Maybe the joy and peace I have is not really for me in the first place, but I am but a vessel to be filled to overflowing so others may enjoy those things.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Glorifying God


Rom 15:7-12
8 For I tell you that Christ has become a servant of the Jews on behalf of God's truth, to confirm the promises made to the patriarchs 9 so that the Gentiles may glorify God for his mercy, as it is written:
"Therefore I will praise you among the Gentiles; I will sing hymns to your name." 10 Again, it says, "Rejoice, O Gentiles, with his people." 11 And again, "Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles, and sing praises to him, all you peoples." 12 And again, Isaiah says, "The Root of Jesse will spring up, one who will arise to rule over the nations; the Gentiles will hope in him." NIV
Being a gentile in the sense of these verses, that is of course not counting my great grandmother Bloomline, who was a German Jew, I have received the mercy of God through the servant hood of Jesus on behalf of the Jews. Therefore it is my responsibility and my joy to bring Glory to God. It is without question the reason I am here. If I were here only to lavish myself with my own desires, spoiling my own self, seeking after all the things and pleasure of life simply to satisfy myself, what benefit would that serve? If that is all life is about, then what a waste life is. To be born, to live a life of self absorption, then die ending up in some dark box to rot or in Hell would seem to me to be a total waste of human effort. Then if ending up in Hell was not bad enough, that route ends up in perishing, which also results with “to rot”. All of that seems so much waste, when I can spend my life giving God glory for his mercy. Singing hymns to his name, rejoicing, praising the Lord, and singing praises to him, about him and for him and having my hope in him. Now this is a life worth living, a life of worth. This is a life filled with purpose and promise. This is a life filled with joy and hope. How could I ever think my previous life had any meaning at all? Yet I did, I thought it was all about me. How wrong I was, I utterly wrong I was. This life I now live is a true life, the real purpose for my being here, to bring Glory to God. To give him all the glory for everything he has done, is doing and will ever do. He is the author of life. Without him there is no life, I would not even be, and that is a fact, not fiction! So I praise you Lord! I sing praises to your Name! I glorify you God!

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Accepted, Accepting

Rom 15:7
7 Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to God.
What a horrible thing to consider Christ rejecting me. I am glad I do not have to be worried about that for he did not. No he did in fact accept me just the way I was and am. I am completely amazed at this total acceptance. What have I done to desire such love? I am not sure I can think of anything. He simply accepts me for who I am one of his creations who was in need of salvation or justification. I am also someone who needs the help of the Holy Spirit in the process of sanctification. To affirm one again, I am simply accepted. Now the rub here, is I need to learn to accept others in that same total complete way. What does that mean? I believe what I need to do, is accept others as they are. Not attempting to change them to me my requirements. That surely would be a form of judgment. I would be saying in so way they are not good enough for me to accept them. They need to change; they need to be more like what I think they should be. That certainly seems awfully self- centered to me, if I am like that. Who am I do not accept others? Nobody! I am in no position to not accept others for who they are, the way they are, as Christ has and is still doing. But it is not that easy. I have to admit I do have those kinds of feelings. I do expect others to fit some kind of mold, to act in some way which I deem to be correct behavior, especially in their relationship with me. There I have said it. So what do I do with that now? Does it mean I have rejected them, for who they are? No, not really. I do accept them, but at the same time I am not happy about how they act toward me. So how do I marry those two thoughts; accepting them and not accepting their behavior? Is that what Christ does? Does he accept me, yet he desires me to change? I think so. But he is Christ. He has the authority to require change, I do not. No, I must simply accept others as Christ accepted me, freely and openly without any other requirements of change. Any change in other people must be left to the one who is in authority. Lord, I need your help!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

One Heart One Mouth

Rom 15:5-6
5 May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, 6 so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
So God does give me the endurance and the encouragement, but now I must also accept this spirit if unity he bestows upon me. It is he who gives this spirit of unity among me and my fellow followers of Christ. So then I have to ask myself, why do I not feel unity when I am among fellow followers? Is it because I am not really following Christ? Is it because they may not actually be following Christ? Is it both? Am I more interesting in myself, then Christ? Do I follow after my own agenda rather than God’s agenda for me? Are all us believers of one heart and mouth? Do we all glorify God? Do we all present a unified image to the unbelieving world? It is my fault? Do I function in the body as God intends for me to? Even if I do, do I do it with a true spirit of unity? This unity is to be like minded or have be of the same opinion, or mentally disposed in a certain direction. Is this the definition of the church? Am I of the same opinion or mentally disposed in the same direction as the rest of the followers of Christ? A difficult question indeed! Does this mean doctrine or dogma? Or does this imply loving God in the simplest form, allowing for a wide range of individual doctrinal disputes? If so, what then does have one heart and mouth mean? Do not all these differences take away from bringing glory to God? I think so, but what can I do about that? How do I apply this verse to me? What is my responsibility in being like minded with fellow followers of Christ and being of one heart and mouth? I do believe it has to be in the simplest sense of loving God with all my heart, my soul, mind and strength and loving my neighbor as myself. The rest is fluff and puff. So I say to my fellow followers of Christ, if you love God with everything you have and me as much as you do love yourself, we are of one heart and mouth and we can glorify God together.

Thursday, June 24, 2010


Rom 15:4
4 For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.
It does not make much sense to read anything, to me at least, unless I am going to learn something from what I read. That is why fiction holds no interest to me. I want to learn something, to expand my knowledge in some area of interest to me and thus here I am with the one true writings which such be of primary interest to all mankind, the Holy Scriptures. This verse surely puts that right up front and personally right in my face. The scriptures were written for the purpose to teach me, so I might learn. The question, which has to be rhetorical, is to teach me what? The answer is, of course, all about God. For it is all about Him. He is the author of life itself. He is the creator of all that is, and all that will ever be. It is my task, to learn all I can about God and about His relationship with me. I might have been tempted to say about me relationship with Him, but I see now how that centers around me which is not what should be. No, the scriptures teach me about God’s relationship with all of His creation which includes me. And as I read that which was written in the past to teach me about God, who He is, and What He has done for me, in me and is doing through me, I should endure and be encouraged by those words in order that I have hope. For I know as a fact, without God having this relationship with me, I would have absolutely no hope at all. How could I live without hope? What a waste of my time. Without hope, I would only have this short useless time here, with nothing to look forward to but a dark box, a tomb, a grave. But Jesus won the victory over death, and thus it holds no power over me as well. I have the hope of eternal life in the everlasting presence of my Lord and my God. Praise His Holy Name! Through His power I have learned and will endure and I am encouraged because of His divine Word.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Building Up

Rom 15:1-3
15:1 We who are strong ought to bear with the failings of the weak and not to please ourselves. 2 Each of us should please his neighbor for his good, to build him up. 3 For even Christ did not please himself but, as it is written: "The insults of those who insult you have fallen on me."
It appears I would have to admit, I am strong in my faith, I have freedom in Christ and I know without a shadow of doubt the path God choose for me to travel. So does spiritual pride enter into my life, having this complete confidence in God and what he is doing for me, in me and through me? Perhaps to a degree, I must at least admit to myself, yet not really when I actually consider I am but a sinner saved my grace. I am not any better or any worse than all others who are saved by grace. Actually I am not any better or worse than others who are not saved by grace, I am simple saved by grace. But having thought that out, I do have a certain sense I should not expect all others to have the same kind of faith I do. It appears from these verses there may well be people who know the Lord as their Savior but are somewhat weak in their walk with him. From the preceding dissertation about eating and drinking, this seems to follow up in the same manner. Instead of expounding on the virtues of my faith, and the strength of my convictions, I should bear with those who are weaker, bear, which is to take up with my hands or heart. and in fact endeavor to build him up. How do I please that neighbor, that fellow believer who is weak? How do I build them up? Do I tell them about how they should be stronger in their faith? I think not. Do I live in a manner demonstrating my faith? This certainly has some merit, I think, yet I should not live in a way that I am boasting about my faith, for that surely with not build them up, but rather the opposite. No, I do believe I must walk the talk, that is walk in a manner my faith in God allows me to walk. I must also talk the walk, that is, share through teaching, preaching and writing the exceptional qualities of God and his plan for his creation. This I believe God has called me to do in order to assist in building up my neighbor.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Between Me and God

Rom 14:19-23

19 Let us therefore make every effort to do what leads to peace and to mutual edification. 20 Do not destroy the work of God for the sake of food. All food is clean, but it is wrong for a man to eat anything that causes someone else to stumble. 21 It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or to do anything else that will cause your brother to fall.

22 So whatever you believe about these things keep between yourself and God. Blessed is the man who does not condemn himself by what he approves. 23 But the man who has doubts is condemned if he eats, because his eating is not from faith; and everything that does not come from faith is sin.
So the last verses laid it out in general, and now I have to deal within on a more specific issue but I must deal with it between me and Him. In a certain sense this is no nobody’s business if I eat something or drink something which they believe is a sin. Now the idea here, I think is pretty simple. If I am out having dinner with a fellow believer who thinks drinking wine or any other adult beverage is a sin, and I order wine, I am certainly out of line, and out of the will of God. I would be causing my brother to stumble, to think badly of me, to have thoughts about my relationship with God, or whatever. I would never do such a thing, of that I am sure. I respect those beliefs in others and would never eat or drink anything which would cause them to stumble. And I must say I would not even tell them of the liberty in Christ which I enjoy. In the society I live in I cannot think of anything I should not eat, but certainly know many of my fellow believers would have a problem if I were to drink wine. Some would not, but some would. Again those who restrict themselves to those rules of no drinking, no dancing, no smoking, no movies, no whatever, I believe would have trouble with how long or short the “no” list should be, consider such a list does not exist in the scriptures. I do believe it is not about the list but about a relationship with our Lord. Whatever I believe about drinking wine, in this case, is completely between me and God. I simple keep my relationship with God on a personal one on one condition. I know what God has told me, I have no doubts in my heart at all. I can only hope and pray I will never do anything which would cause my fellow believers to struggle with their faith, with their relationship with God.

Friday, June 18, 2010

The Good, The Bad and the Ugly

Rom 14:13-18
13 Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead, make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in your brother's way. 14 As one who is in the Lord Jesus, I am fully convinced that no food is unclean in itself. But if anyone regards something as unclean, then for him it is unclean. 15 If your brother is distressed because of what you eat, you are no longer acting in love. Do not by your eating destroy your brother for whom Christ died. 16 Do not allow what you consider good to be spoken of as evil. 17 For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, 18 because anyone who serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and approved by men.
There is just way too much in this verse to deal with it all, but at the same time, how do I separate it into bits and pieces as it is one complete idea. Yet I see so much hidden within each individual statement, what shall I do? Let me consider first the idea of passing judgment on another. Now, I have the freedom in Christ to not be concerned about what I eat or drink. I have gotten that point, but I do think I am a bit judgmental of those who are restricted by their rules and regulations from eating and drinking what I have the freedom to do. The question has been posed about hiding my freedom, that is not admitting to those who are restricted from such items or keeping what I eat and drink from them out of a sense of what I am doing is wrong. I have to admit I may have had those thoughts, but surely in light of this verse, I should not allow myself to be a stumbling block to them. This is not done by abstaining, but by not allowing them to be able to know so as to cause them to be judgmental toward me. Simply put, if I consider it to be good, then I such not allow them to speak evil of it. How do I do this? I do this by either not consuming it, or not consuming it in their presence. I do not consider it to be unclean and therefore to me it is not, and does not interfere with my relationship with my lord, but for them it does. Yet all this is simply put, not the issue of the kingdom of God, still I cannot help but to feel I or them seem to be on different sides, and how does that work. Am I to restrict myself for them or should they allow me to have the freedom in Christ I do? Who causes who to stumble? We both need to simply allow the others path to be their path because the kingdom is about righteousness, peace and joy in the spirit. So what’s good, what’s bad and what’s ugly?

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Live or Die

Rom 14:7-12
7 For none of us lives to himself alone and none of us dies to himself alone. 8 If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord. 9 For this very reason, Christ died and returned to life so that he might be the Lord of both the dead and the living. 10 You, then, why do you judge your brother? Or why do you look down on your brother? For we will all stand before God's judgment seat. 11 It is written: "'As surely as I live,' says the Lord, 'every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.'" 12 So then, each of us will give an account of himself to God.
It would seem every person upon the face of the earth from the beginning to the end will bow their knee before God. Now that is about enough to shake up anyone, yet there are people who really don’t care. Those who are dead and those who are alive will both stand before God. Now I cannot see this dead and alive meaning anything but those who are dead in their sin, and those who are alive in Christ. That includes everyone for sure. I can certainly be glad I am alive in Christ. I am truly happy I have already bowed my knee before my Lord. But I still stand in awe; I still have a healthy fear of Him. To think I will have to stand before God and give an account of my own self is a sobering thought. What will I account for? Is He going to review my entire life? Is there some huge screen television I will have to watch and account for all my activities, all my sin? I know this is not the case, for which I am extremely relieved. The giving of an account will consist of whether a person has or has not accepted Christ as Lord and Savior. I know this because when God forgives me of my sin, He will remember it no more. Therefore I will not be held accountable for it when I stand before Him, because of Christ. Praise God! I will Live, I will have life and life more abundantly, life eternal. I will be ushered into the everlasting Paradise of God because He lives, I will live also. Not so for some others who have not chosen to live but rather have decided to die. This makes me sad to think someone would knowingly make a choice to have to stand before Him and tell Him they have elected not to accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. How can a person do that? Why can’t I help them understand? I know it is the task of the Holy Spirit, to convict people of their sin, but I too have been commanded to go and tell. Why do they not listen? Why chose to die, when you can live?

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Rom 14:5-8
5 One man considers one day more sacred than another; another man considers every day alike. Each one should be fully convinced in they own mind. 6 He who regards one day as special, does so to the Lord. He who eats meat, eats to the Lord, for he gives thanks to God; and he who abstains, does so to the Lord and gives thanks to God. 7 For none of us lives to himself alone and none of us dies to himself alone. 8 If we live, we live to the Lord; and if we die, we die to the Lord. So, whether we live or die, we belong to the Lord.
Why I would ever think I belong to myself is foolishness when I read this verse. Yet at times it would seem I live as though I do. What does it matter the particular set of beliefs I have as compared to a particular set of beliefs another has? Each person finds a church or a group who has a slightly different view on one or more doctrinal issues. To speak in tongues, not to speak in tongues would be one. To baptize by immersion or sprinkle is another that exists. Then one church has deacons and elders, while another simply has a church board. Some allow deaconess’s some don’t allow them. Some baptize in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost, others simply in the name of Jesus, Some call God, Father while others use Creator. The list goes on, and I think most of it is man trying to live for himself rather than for God. Am I in that category? Do I sit in judgment or opposition to all this others? I think each must determine in his own mind what holy and acceptable service to God is. We all must come to the realization we belong to God. All those little differences, do they really matter? When it comes down to the final point, accepting Jesus Christ as the Son of God and that He came to die on the cross for my sin, for each person’s sin, and he rose from the dead and ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God is all that matters. If we all simply live for God, if I simply live for God is at the core of the issue. I cannot live for myself. I cannot always pursue my own live, my own goals, my own dreams or desires. I cannot simply think I am all alone in this world, to do and be as I please. No, I belong to God.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Judging Others

Rom 14:1-4
14:1 Accept him whose faith is weak, without passing judgment on disputable matters. 2 One man's faith allows him to eat everything, but another man, whose faith is weak, eats only vegetables. 3 The man who eats everything must not look down on him who does not, and the man who does not eat everything must not condemn the man who does, for God has accepted him. 4 Who are you to judge someone else's servant? To his own master he stands or falls. And he will stand, for the Lord is able to make him stand.
It surely would seem I might be guilty of doing this without even knowing I am. I really have to examine my heart and mind to determine if I actually might be in this condition. How could I do this? How could I be guilty of judging a weak brother or sister in the Lord? I think when, at times, I consider how a person has placed themselves back in bondage by trying to obey some manmade set of rules for righteous living, I may very well be guilty. I know in my heart those rules do not apply toward entrance into the Kingdom of God. I know very well there are no rules or adherence to a set of rules or laws which will gain my salvation. I know, without question I have absolutely no righteousness within me at all and no matter how strictly I follow some set of rules, I still will not have any righteousness. I know this because Jesus is my righteousness. But, there are others who do believe they must follow all these rules in order to feel like they are being holy or righteous. If that is how they approach their faith, who then am I to pass judgment? Who am I to condemn their system of living for God? Can I help them to free themselves from that bondage? Is teaching the truth of God a form of judgment? How can I not judge yet share the truth? I remember Paul Tinlin telling me, “Rich preach the truth, not the problem”. This is how, to teach, without judgment. Yet, I cannot escape my feelings these people need help in understanding the reality of God’s truth. But I must not judge them, or their ideas of righteousness. Even thinking through this as I am writing this, am I doing just that, judging? This is hard. This is not fair. I have to let it go, and simply continue to teach and preach the truth as God directs me and let the chips fall where they may. Lead me Lord, Guide me, inspire me, direct me, and influence me in your ways. Give me your ideas, your mind, your thoughts, your words as I attempt to walk for you.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Present Time

Rom 13:11-14
11 And do this, understanding the present time. The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed. 12 The night is nearly over; the day is almost here. So let us put aside the deeds of darkness and put on the armor of light. 13 Let us behave decently, as in the daytime, not in orgies and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and debauchery, not in dissension and jealousy. 14 Rather, clothe yourselves with the Lord Jesus Christ, and do not think about how to gratify the desires of the sinful nature.
Surely a hand full of sins is listed here for me to run a good check list. But I am reminded here from that phrase, “the present time” of the ever present possibility of Christ returning to call me as well as the rest of the church home right now. This makes me contemplate whether I am actually living as if that were the case. Do I make plans for my future thinking I actually have one? Sure, I suppose I have to live for the next day or so, just in case He does not come right now. But, am I living so concerned about the next day, the next week, the next month, the next year, what I will be doing, what I want to get done, that I forget about that possibility of His coming now? I ask myself, what is wrong with that? He doesn’t expect me to just sit and wait for Him does He? He wants me to occupy. But I must not slumber; I should be awake and alert, watchful for His return. If I am then my actions should reflect that. I should be doing things for Him, for His kingdom. My plans should be His plans for me. He orders my steps, He directs me in the way I should go. True, I am working toward that goal. I believe I am trying to share His Word with others. I believe I am trying to influence others to walk closer to the Lord. But I still struggle with my own walk, how can that be? My faith is strong, but my flesh is weak. How can I do His will and mine at the same time? A mystery I may never understand, but what I do know is I must live as if He could return today. I must wear the armor of light.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Summed up

Rom 13:8-10
8 Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for he who loves his fellowman has fulfilled the law. 9 The commandments, "Do not commit adultery," "Do not murder," "Do not steal," "Do not covet," and whatever other commandment there may be, are summed up in this one rule: "Love your neighbor as yourself." 10 Love does no harm to its neighbor. Therefore love is the fulfillment of the law.
I think of a line in the movie ‘A Knights Tale’ which reads: “You have been weighed, you have been measured, and have been found wanting”. I wonder if this is true of me when I read these verses which are summed up in love your neighbor as yourself? It would seem this is the only debt that should never be paid off. I must pay the others off that are whenever there is, as in my last devotion, a debt of respect, revenue, tax, or whatever I must make sure I have paid it in full. But here it would seem this is a never ending debt. I must continue to pay each and every day. I must always love others. This is not always the easiest thing to do, yet how do I continually do it? Does this means I must always constantly be at their beck and call? Does this mean I cannot have any alone time for myself? Does this mean I must always place them before me? It sure would seem that way. Yet if I love them the same way I love myself, then that would leave some room for caring about me, and doing things for my own being as well. So I sure should be busy. Again I must defer to the Greek and see this love is the agapao type, or the moral or social type of love. Not so much the benevolent love which God demonstrate toward us. I think the idea here, is I do nothing to harm myself, thus why would I do anything against someone else, like steal, murder, covet, etc. If I love others, I will do them no harm. As in verse ten. This I can do and still have time for me. The other loving is an action loving, demanding my time. So I feel a little more at ease now that I have thought through this and have come to some sense of understanding of my responsibility. But I still cannot help think I am still required to fulfill that other love too. What shall I do? How do I sum it up? Am I found wanting?

Saturday, June 12, 2010


Rom 13:6-7
6 This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are God's servants, who give their full time to governing. 7 Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.
It seems to me, I think, at least, I may be ok here, but then maybe not. I mean I do pay the taxes I am supposed to pay, no doubt it may not be as much as others, but then I pay according to my income. It is the other stuff I wonder if I am lacking in. What does it mean if I owe revenue? I know what it means to owe respect and honor, but what is this revenue. I must look into this. Ok I have and in this culture and society I must have to think it is not stealing from others. That is pay the price asked for, be fair. Now the more difficult tasks lay ahead. Do I give respect when respect is due? This would require not thinking more of me then I should. Can I honestly say I am able to remain humble enough to give respect and honor to another? Sometimes I think it may not appear I do this, but I must search into my own heart and ask, deep down do I? I know my feelings are not always reflected in my outward appearance. This does trouble me. Am I kidding myself, when I know that as I think so am I. If I think I respect someone, do I, even though I may appear not to? Is not my appearance the reality of my thinking? Puzzling idea, I think. So I really do need to consider how I react in situations and to allow my true feelings to leak out, if in fact those feelings are of respect and honor. Yet, I do think there is even more here than just a list. It goes deeper to the whole idea of giving whatever is owed. Whatever that is, whatever someone is due, I must make sure I pay that, not so much in the monetary sense, but in the relational sense. This I believe I still need to work on and I will, with the Lords help.

Friday, June 11, 2010


Rom 13:1-5
13:1 Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2 Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and he will commend you. 4 For he is God's servant to do you good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword for nothing. He is God's servant, an agent of wrath to bring punishment on the wrongdoer. 5 Therefore, it is necessary to submit to the authorities, not only because of possible punishment but also because of conscience. NIV
A lot of verses this time, but one thought, one idea, one concept as outlined here. Be a law abiding citizen. It is no question I must abide by the law of the land in order to be a good witness for Christ. I think at times how bad it is for Jesus when people put a symbol on the back of their car and drive like crazy people. But then I know for some years I refused to wear my seat belt, am I any better? No, but I wear it now, God did that 2 x 4 thing again. But is there anything else I have to submit to which I have not yet? Is disagreeing with the policies of the Government wrong in the eyes of God? I do live in a country He put me in and this country does allow for us to express our views especially at the voting booth, but also to voice our views freely and opening in a way to develop the thoughts of others. This is not being disobedient to the leaders God has established. Did he actually establish the individual leaders, or the system of leadership? Did He place a particular person as the supreme leader, or the way for this leader to rise to that position? True, if I do not break the law, I do not have to fear the law. But can I fear the leadership and what they are doing which will in effect cause trouble in my life? Is that a lack of faith? Is simply trusting in God a way of being empathetic in a system which allows for interaction? I know I should not be anxious about tomorrow, but does that mean not being involved or wanting to know what the authorities are doing? I just am not sure. Can I just bury my head in the scriptures so to speak? I am commanded here to be a law abiding citizen, and the law provides for an orderly society. This I agree with, and should maintain as best I can. But within the framework of the law, I am provided a voice to oppose the wrong actions of the authorities, or the overstepping of powers by them. In fact as a low abiding citizen I am obligated to do this for the benefit of the other citizens. If I love them, I should help serve them

Thursday, June 10, 2010



Rom 12:20-21
20 On the contrary: "If your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head." 21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.
Ignoring the person who offends or hurts my feelings or whatever, seems to be the path I usually take. It is quite easy to withdraw into my own shell and commit the act of silence. Is this a form of punishing those who offend me, those who would in some sense qualify as my enemy? I have to ask would a friend offend, or hurt my feelings. I have to ask would a friend do those things which would cause me harm. I must say no. so those who do are not my friends, but rather my enemies. Now the rub still falls on me as to how I react to such treatment. Do I retreat? Yes. Do I ignore? Yes. Do I make a conscience effort to stay away from those kinds of people? Yes. Have I learned to overcome this reaction? I am trying but I find this very difficult. Nevertheless here I find I am suppose to not react the way I do, I am also not to simply remain neutral. No I am directed here to act in a positive way toward those who would harm me. How I do this, I am not sure. How do I feed them? How do I offer a drink? Is this not simply an example of treating them better than how they treat me? Surely in the culture in which I live, my enemy is neither hungry nor thirsty. I must see this as an active action in a positive way toward those who I would otherwise withdraw from because of either their personality or their direct or even indirect attitude and actions toward me. Not an easy task, Lord. This is going to require your Spirit to work a little overtime within my heart and mind. The other question is of course the one regarding my actions of withdrawing. Is this a form of evil? Am I repaying evil with evil, or trying to overcome evil with a brand of evil myself? I don’t think I could go that far, but maybe within the context it may apply. So I do have to really work on a positive action. I must actually have a desire to do ‘good’ to those who would not do ‘good’ to me. Even if they do evil toward me on purpose, I still must overcome that with good. Lord help me! Yet all this is still predicated on the word if. If they, then I. If they leave me alone, what then must I do?

Wednesday, June 9, 2010



Rom 12:19
19 Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God's wrath, for it is written: "It is mine to avenge; I will repay," says the Lord.
It surely would seem to me, I do not take revenge on anyone, and at least I don’t think that I do. But in reading this I have to ask the hard question of myself, do I? What constitutes taking revenge? I almost do not want to explore this once I checked out the Greek and discovered it also carries the meaning of to vindicate or retaliate as well as punish. I cannot say that I punish people, yet maybe I do in a mental or emotional sense. I know I endeavor to vindicate myself, or justify myself, trying to make myself right, or not willing to take responsibility for doing wrong especially in relational situations. Again, I know better, but I still fail at doing what is right. Now if I think of revenge as getting even, I am sure I can escape from that. But then, maybe not, in the sense concerning emotional matters I might. Do I withdraw, or hold back because I felt hurt and thus want to hurt back? Is that not revenge? Is that not retaliation? I think so. I am guilty! Oh Lord, how can you speak so clearly to my heart? I know I have read this before and only thinking of your wrath, but never thinking about my actions. When I am hurt by someone, or ignored, or not given the due I think I should, or disagreed with, or shown to be wrong in some way, I must not allow my spirit to feel like taking revenge, responding with retaliation. How can I do this? It is a difficult thing. The human response acts first almost without thought. A reaction which is nearly automatic and this bothers me. If I am walking in the Spirit, if I am being influenced by the Spirit, should I not have some idea of my response before I respond? Should I not be able to check my humanity and allow the Spirit to have a chance to influence my response? I think so. So why don’t I? I simply am dumbfounded by this. It is not what I want to do or be like and yet there I am. I must simply work on that humble thing and allow God to do what He does best. He is the one who will care for all those situations. He will deal with those who might act harshly, rudely, unloving or uncaring toward me. But that too would not seem right to me. I surely would not want that for them, but what can I do about that? Not much I think. Each of us has to respond to God. I know that I could possible help in the sense of being aware and not creating a situation which could cause others to act toward me in a way they should not. I pray, Lord you will lead me.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Living at Peace


Rom 12:17-18
17 Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. 18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
When I am cut off on the highway, is that evil? When someone insults me, is that evil? When a person ignores me or simply is not nice to me, is that evil or injurious? What exactly counts as evil? Am I splitting hairs here, looking for some excuse to behave badly toward another? I think so. The whole of all this should simply speak to my heart in the sense of not being reactive but rather pro active. I should not allow other people to dictate my emotional, spiritual and mental state. If I am living or walking in the Spirit than I am subject to His influence rather than the influence of other people in regards to my responses. How I fail at this so much baffles me beyond no end. I know better, yet I still fail. Why is this? Is it due to an over exaggerated opinion of myself? Is it due to the basic and simply fact of my being selfish? Is it because I am just self-centered, always being concerned about me? I dare not answer those questions for I might not like the answer. What I do know is this verse does demand my efforts to put others before myself. God is speaking into my being the truth of correct behavior toward others. As far as it depends on me, but does He also give me an out when He says, “If it is possible”? What does He mean, if it is possible? Does that imply it may not be possible? Or does it mean it will be very difficult and will require a great deal of submitting to His influence upon me? Whichever the case, I am required to set my mind on this path. I am required to put forth all the effort I have to live at peace with others. Not just other believers, but with everyone. Is living at peace the same as being agreeable with everyone? That is not to have a difference of opinions and discuss those differences? I think not. To live at peace in the Greek implies to act peacefully toward everyone. That speaks of not being mean, or irritating. It implies a difference can exist, but how I approach and speak regarding those differences must be in a peaceful manner. Again I fail all too often at this as well. Lord Help me, influence my being, my spirit whenever those situations arise. Help me to be the witness of your love and your peace.

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Rom 12:16
16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.
Now here is a feat of magnitude proportions. With all the diverse individuals I come in contact with, including those irregular people who simply rub me the wrong way, not to mention those who simply think differently than I do, I find this verse somewhat troubling. How do I deal with those who fundamentally believe something other than the truth of the Gospel? How do I live in harmony with those who challenge my faith or belief in the one true God? How do I deal with those individuals who have a completely different ideology than mine? Can I simply agree to disagree and leave it at that? In terms of the Gospel, am I compelled to speak truthfully even through that might cause strife rather than harmony? Is sticking to the truth which I believe being proud? Is it thinking more of myself than I should? I dare not believe I am not willing to associate with people who have a low position. What is a low position? Is this living in harmony having little to do with my first questions and more to do with my latter? Is it more a concept of mutual respect for each and every other person I come in contact with? Are not all of us sinner? Are not all of us in need of a Savior? Are not all of us without hope of eternal life unless we accept the provision God made for our salvation? I think all mankind shares those common things and thus how could I not be in harmony with them. Yet, harmony does imply to live in agreement with others. Can I agree with every other person? Is this verse strictly speaking to believers? And I merely have to only agree or live in harmony with those who believe the same way I do? Lots of questions and I am afraid I have little answers. I do know I do not think I am better than someone else. True there are people who appear to be of low position. People who serve in positions I would not like to do, yet I did those kinds of jobs too. I vacuumed swimming pools for the wealthy; I was the person of low position in that sense. Those who are homeless, or down and out, or on welfare, do I look down on them? I can I? But do I live in agreement with them? What does that mean? I do come back to mutual respect. I think that is it, we all need to respect each other, no matter of beliefs or position because we all are the human race, created by God for God. No one is better than the other and we all need each other. This fulfills living in harmony, not being proud and associating or identifying with all.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


Rom 12:15
15 Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.
Can I really do this? I mean, at times I think it to be easier to mourn with others then to rejoice. When another member of the body is mourning, I think I might be able to feel a certain sense of sorrow for their situation. At the same time, however, I also must admit I feel a certain sense of relief, that it is not I who would have to walk that path. I know that sounds a tad bit selfish, and although I truly do not wish to see my brothers and sister in Christ have to travel through difficult times, I still am appreciative I am not walking that path. Sorrow or mourning with another seems to me to be the only response I can have to those who have to face situations which are difficult. I do feel bad for them, and wish in some way I could ease the pain. I pray for them, and that is the best thing I can do. I know my Lord will handle everything. I know even though I might express my joint mourning, with a few words or a hug, I know that God can do so much more. The true comfort and peace within for the mourning soul can only come from Him. I pray I can be sensitive to their pain, and can in some way offer compassion, which I lack. Now as far as rejoicing I think this might actually be harder. It surely requires the complete lack of envy or jealously. It also requires a total commitment to humility. No doubt rejoicing with another in their experiences of marriage, child birth, anniversaries and birthdays seems an automatic response. To rejoice with them in their salvation and that of their loved ones is again without question an automatic response. Can I say the same thing regarding other areas? Can I say I rejoice when they are advanced, recognized, for achievements? Can I say I rejoice when they gain great material wealth? Can I say I rejoice when their achievements out shine mine? The answer is yes. I know in my heart I am exactly doing and being where and who God desires me to be, and that they also are doing and being exactly where and who God desires them to be. We all are a part of the Body of Christ completely interdependent. Each of us plays a part, a role, a function, and thus I can say, I can mourn and I can rejoice with the other parts, because their pain or joy are mine. I may not show it as much as I should and I will work in that area. Lord help me.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Rom 12:14
14 Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.
Here is an attitude which I am not sure I have really ever had to deal with, but wait maybe not in the sense of persecution, but maybe in some other sense, I have. Sometimes I simply have to seek out the meaning of words in order for my mind to function or process information. I struggle with this persecution thing. Where am I persecuted? When I see the Greek word and understand it as a prolonged seeking after, or a prolonged causing of me to run away from someone or something I have to wonder if I truly have even been persecuted. Could there be a persecution by Satan upon me? That is to say, could he be involved in a prolonged campaign in an attempt to get me to run away from God? Am I persecuted with temptations? He is continually seeking after me in an attempt to cause me to turn from God. That is persecution in the finest and truest form. Sure I am not persecuted or punished by men at this point because I am a Christian. I know people talk about the persecution of the church in the past and even now in other parts of the world. I know that is one member of the church is persecuted we all are. But those are so far removed from me it is hard to consider I am involved. I know maybe I will be persecuted in the future here in this country, but again so far away it is hard to consider. But the here and now and the fact I am always faced with temptations which would involve turning my back on God. All sin does that, no matter how large or small, so in that sense Satan persecutes me, is persecuting me because I am a believer. He attempts to make my life difficult. He attempts to cause me to feel guilt and shame. He attempts to make me believe I have failed to live in an upright and righteous way. He tries to get be to doubt there is an eternity. Is this not persecution? I think so, yet my attitude should not be of hatred for him as if and when I receive this kind of treatment at the hands of men. My attitude toward all kinds of persecution should remain as Jesus. Forgive them Father.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Rom 12:13
13 Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality.
It is a strange thing to be a believer and not think I have some obligation to give to those who are in need. It would seem this would be a natural expression of belief in Christ, yet I am not always feeling as though I should give money or things, material items in that sense. Why this is I am not sure, but maybe after looking into this verse I can see I still am compelled to give. Now the rub for me happens when I look into the Greek. The word translated into share carries a deeper richer meaning then simply to give. This same word has been translated into communicate as well as share. I know that those who are hungry should be feed, I believe in helping as I can, but I also see a sharing to those who are in need of spiritual food, starving people, dying people, doomed to perish if I do not share with them the bread of life. I know this verse speaks of God’s people who are in need and I suppose I can view this in a narrow sense to only those who are saved, yet are not all the people on the earth God’s? Did not he create all of mankind and did not Christ come to die for all of them? The rest of this verse certainly opens that to my mind, in the sense I am told to entertain strangers. That is hospitality in the Greek, to practice entertaining strangers. How can another member of the body of Christ be a stranger? I cannot simply stay confined within the four walls of the church building. But how do I share with strangers? How to I feed them? Giving through areas like Target Dayton, is one way in the material food sense, yet what about the spiritual food? What about the communicating with God’s people who are in need of salvation? What about sharing with God’s people who are in need of hearing His Word, hearing about Him? What about entertaining strangers, how can I do that? How can I fulfill God’s call to reach the unsaved? If I want to be seen stand up! If I want to be heard, speak up!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Rom 12:12-13
2 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.
It sounds funny to think of this small yet very large word ‘be’. It carries so much implication of action. Be joyful, this is not a suggestion of putting forth some effort in the direction of having a joyful heart. No, this simply says “Be”. Do it, don’t delay, don’t work on it, don’t wait for it to develop in me, and don’t just think the Holy Spirit is going to gift me with it, but it simply says “Be”. So I must be joyful in my hope. Hope of what, I ask? The return of Christ I would believe. The great hope of all believers, Jesus will return to take us home. He has prepared a place for me, and I will be joyful in this hope. Now this of course means I must have this end as my desire, my goal, and my reason for what I do. If I am so enamored by the things of this world, I may not be so joyful to leave those things behind. I may strive to live every day for my own pleasure and not His. One of the great lines in the TV series West Wing, was “I serve at the pleasure of the President” and here I must say, “I serve at the pleasure of my Lord”. My hope is in His return, and to hear those words,
“Well done good and faithful servant”.
I must also be patient in my affliction, but what affliction do I have? The affliction of being mortal, the affliction of sin, and the affliction of being in the human condition may well be some of those things. But could this mean in an illness? No, the Greek word really means pressure. To be patient in times of trouble, or the pressure of living here in the condition of human kind could be implied. Life does bring its trouble. Sometimes it deals some more than others, but I cannot say my life has been filled with that kind of affliction. No, I must see my affliction as my sin, my mortality, my condition of imperfection, of unrighteousness within myself. However, I am to be patient in this condition because a day is coming when this mortality will put on immortality, this unrighteousness will put on righteousness, and this sin will be no more. Praise God!
And I must “Be” faithful in prayer, enough said, except prayer, I think, has always been thought of as asking or talking to God, and I truly believe it has more to do with listening to God. Thus I must be faithful to listen.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Rom 12:11
11 Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord.
How can I ever loss my zeal? I suppose when I really think about how excited I was to find eternal life way back so many yours ago, I could say I have dwindled in my zeal. Perhaps another more acceptable word would be evolved in my journey with the Lord. I have matured, growing in statue with God and men. I have gain much knowledge about my Lord, I have learned His word, hidden it in my heart. I have learned to serve Him and serve others. But has my spiritual fervor, my boiling spiritually cooled off? That is the question. Am I driven, compelled, overwhelmed with desire to please Him and do what is required of me? Have I lost that first rush within my spirit? Have I replaced it with all that knowledge and maturity? Have I moved into the mundane everyday middle of the road type of Christianity? My desire is to not be like that, but to continue in my zeal. To be so filled with zeal, with enthusiasm and spiritually thunder. My desire is to serve the Lord, to express His character to others. To reflect His being, His divine influence in my life, to be filled with His spirit. How could I ever allow myself to cool off in my relationship with Him? To be lukewarm in my relationship, to allow the world to take my heart and mind off the front burner and make me simple simmer, and maybe even put a lid on me would be simply sinful. I want to be on the front burner, boiling hot spiritually serving the Lord with so much zeal the flame could never be extinguished.