Within the confines of Facebook I posted a question regarding whether people truly believed Al Gore and the Global climate change theory. It was brought to my attention that some did in fact believe, and some of those who do believe are also ones that believe in the Gospel message of Jesus Christ. It seems to me this is a contradiction in that if one believes in God and that He is the Creator of all things, and in this case the Earth and everything in it, that he also is great enough to sustain the Earth throughout all of mans merger existence here.
The question is can man destroy that which God has created and if so does that imply that man is greater then God? I would suggest it does and I would also suggest that it is false. Man cannot destroy that which God has created. God declared that he would supply all of our needs according to his riches. This is not limited to our personal needs, but to the needs of mankind, which includes all the fossil fuels we would ever need, as well as every other sources of energy and a planet that would continue to be a inhabitable place suitable for his creation.
Now to the question once again, yes I must admit that God created man and we can destroy other humans through the efforts of war, crimes, abortion as well as perhaps a few other methods I am unaware of. This, however is a unique situation in that because of the sin of Adam man can die. You see there were two trees in the Garden,the one of the knowledge of Good and Evil and the tree of life. Now had Adam eaten of the tree of life he would and all of mankind would be eternal beings living forever. However because he did not and ate from the other, being disobedient he was able to die, and all of mankind can also. So we have a situation in which this one part of Gods creation is able to destroy itself earlier then the normal span of time God has determined, unless of course those acts are somehow within his plan. I am not suggesting he has determined some people to be murdered or aborted, I am only suggesting God has all things under his control. If he does not, then he is not God.
Now to the point of climate change, the political motivated notion that we are in the midst of Global warming and that it is caused by mankind. How brash and self centered to think that puny little man can have anything to do with the power of God to sustain this Earth and everything in it until he has determined to destroy it.
Let me explain just a faction of the real science behind the falseness of this claim of Global warmer. First the Earth is warmed by the Sun, this is the God created way.
There are several factors involved here, the amount of Solar activity is one. This activity creates Solar wind. The other factor is the Cosmic particles that are constantly bombarding the Earths atmosphere. These particles combine with the atmosphere to product low level cloud cover, a thin layer sometimes not actually vi sable to the naked eye, yet still there. When these happen, these low level clouds block a portion of the Sun's rays that warm the planet and we have a global cooling.
When there is a high amount of Solar activity the Solar winds blow these particles away from the Earths atmosphere before they reach it and thus not allowing the formation of low level clouds and in turn allowing a greater amount of the Sun's rays to reach the Earth and this produces a warmer climate period.
This has been the science which has been at work for all of creation, before mankind had any machines or factories, cars, etc. And the fact is we are in a low Solar activity period and are ,in fact, in a climate cooling period.
Another factor to consider regarding the machines of mankind and God's creation.
The North American Continent has been declared a "carbon sink" which means the Earth has responded to the effects of mankind. Here in the Americas during the industrial revolution we created an increase of carbon dioxide, which Al Gore and the like would have people believe is the reason for Global warming, however, God in his greatness created an Earth that would respond, The facts are the vegetation here in the Americas has been growing larger and faster then anywhere else in the world, using up this carbon and in turn producing an abundance of Oxygen, if fact the vegetation is using up the carbon faster then we can make it, thus the carbon sink.
Just watch the Planet Earth series to see just how great His creation is.
There is just way too much proof of how God is able and has been able and will continue to be able to be greater then man then I can write in one blog. however, I did want to address these issues, at least the surface of these issues to demonstrate that God is in control, and man cannot overcome or overpower that which God has set in motion.
God has always been greater then man, and will always been.
Man should not think more of himself then he ought to, he is just man, created by God!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Thursday, November 27, 2008
A Traditional Thankgiving Blog
Ok, if you read the first blog of today, you noticed that it was a bit political and that is ok, because it is my blog, it is from the mind of me, and that is just who I am and if you are my friend or my family you know that, and you still love and care about me even if I have a bias or two, even if I am a black and white thinker.
Now for your more traditional thanksgiving blog, I must tell you there are several things that I am indeed very thankful for.
1. For having been called and saved by my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
2. For Christ also calling and saving my dear wife and my two Daughters
3. For two great Son in laws that know the Lord and desire to be the husbands and fathers that God desires them to be.
4. For 4 Granddaughters who are growing into beautiful souls
5. For a sister I have recently reconnected with and appreciate being able to spend time with her.
6. For extras years my gracious Lord has given to me that I might spend:
with my wife
with my daughters
and to watch my granddaughters grow
but must of all to have more years here to serve Him,
to minister in His name for His kingdom
to prayerfully have some influence upon others for His kingdom.
I am forever grateful and thankful for all He has done in me and for me and through me. Truly this is that one day I can court along with all my other days, Thank you Lord, for saving my soul. Thank you Lord for making me whole. Thank you Lord for giving to me, thy great salvation so rich and so free.
Now for your more traditional thanksgiving blog, I must tell you there are several things that I am indeed very thankful for.
1. For having been called and saved by my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
2. For Christ also calling and saving my dear wife and my two Daughters
3. For two great Son in laws that know the Lord and desire to be the husbands and fathers that God desires them to be.
4. For 4 Granddaughters who are growing into beautiful souls
5. For a sister I have recently reconnected with and appreciate being able to spend time with her.
6. For extras years my gracious Lord has given to me that I might spend:
with my wife
with my daughters
and to watch my granddaughters grow
but must of all to have more years here to serve Him,
to minister in His name for His kingdom
to prayerfully have some influence upon others for His kingdom.
I am forever grateful and thankful for all He has done in me and for me and through me. Truly this is that one day I can court along with all my other days, Thank you Lord, for saving my soul. Thank you Lord for making me whole. Thank you Lord for giving to me, thy great salvation so rich and so free.
The Real Thanksgiving Story
I know this is not a popular story, and a story that our great liberal education system has infiltrated the minds of youth for far too many years in an attempt to create social change.
However, I want to relay the real story, a story that is based on the true records and accounts that have been discovered and are on the record.
A story that reveals the first efforts that caused so much failure and resulted in the death of many of the early Pilgrims was, at its fundamental root, socialistic or even communistic in nature.
Read the story:
Did you know that the first [Plymouth Colony Pilgrim's] Thanksgiving was a celebration of the triumph of private property and individual initiative?
William Bradford was the governor of the original Pilgrim colony, founded at Plymouth in 1621. The colony was first organized on a communal basis, as their financiers required. Land was owned in common. The Pilgrims farmed communally, too, following the "from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" precept.
The results were disastrous. Communism didn't work any better 400 years ago than it does today. By 1623, the colony had suffered serious losses. Starvation was imminent.
Bradford realized that the communal system encouraged and rewarded waste and laziness and inefficiency, and destroyed individual initiative. Desperate, he abolished it. He distributed private plots of land among the surviving Pilgrims, encouraging them to plant early and farm as individuals, not collectively.
The results: a bountiful early harvest that saved the colonies. After the harvest, the Pilgrims celebrated with a day of Thanksgiving -- on August 9th.
Unfortunately, William Bradford's diaries -- in which he recorded the failure of the collectivist system and the triumph of private enterprise -- were lost for many years. When Thanksgiving was later made a national holiday, the present November date was chosen. And the lesson the Pilgrims so painfully learned was, alas, not made a part of the holiday.
Happily, Bradford's diaries were later rediscovered. They're available today in paperback. They tell the real story of Thanksgiving -- how private property and individual initiative saved the Pilgrims.
And so we see the Indians had nothing to do with this story, nothing at all, it was a pure and simple change from a "spreading the wealth around" concept, those who worked hard had to share with those who did not work hard, all was in common,it created strife and hardship for all, to a system of free enterprise. When each person was allowed to own his own land and keep and sell the fruits of his individual labor, the colony was successful.
Let us learn a lesson, Let us not allow this new President to turn our country back into the same common state that caused so much failure and death in the past.
So Happy thanksgiving to all and to all a good feast
However, I want to relay the real story, a story that is based on the true records and accounts that have been discovered and are on the record.
A story that reveals the first efforts that caused so much failure and resulted in the death of many of the early Pilgrims was, at its fundamental root, socialistic or even communistic in nature.
Read the story:
Did you know that the first [Plymouth Colony Pilgrim's] Thanksgiving was a celebration of the triumph of private property and individual initiative?
William Bradford was the governor of the original Pilgrim colony, founded at Plymouth in 1621. The colony was first organized on a communal basis, as their financiers required. Land was owned in common. The Pilgrims farmed communally, too, following the "from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs" precept.
The results were disastrous. Communism didn't work any better 400 years ago than it does today. By 1623, the colony had suffered serious losses. Starvation was imminent.
Bradford realized that the communal system encouraged and rewarded waste and laziness and inefficiency, and destroyed individual initiative. Desperate, he abolished it. He distributed private plots of land among the surviving Pilgrims, encouraging them to plant early and farm as individuals, not collectively.
The results: a bountiful early harvest that saved the colonies. After the harvest, the Pilgrims celebrated with a day of Thanksgiving -- on August 9th.
Unfortunately, William Bradford's diaries -- in which he recorded the failure of the collectivist system and the triumph of private enterprise -- were lost for many years. When Thanksgiving was later made a national holiday, the present November date was chosen. And the lesson the Pilgrims so painfully learned was, alas, not made a part of the holiday.
Happily, Bradford's diaries were later rediscovered. They're available today in paperback. They tell the real story of Thanksgiving -- how private property and individual initiative saved the Pilgrims.
And so we see the Indians had nothing to do with this story, nothing at all, it was a pure and simple change from a "spreading the wealth around" concept, those who worked hard had to share with those who did not work hard, all was in common,it created strife and hardship for all, to a system of free enterprise. When each person was allowed to own his own land and keep and sell the fruits of his individual labor, the colony was successful.
Let us learn a lesson, Let us not allow this new President to turn our country back into the same common state that caused so much failure and death in the past.
So Happy thanksgiving to all and to all a good feast
Friday, November 14, 2008
Well home sweet home
Just a short and sweet story about a couple deeply in love and how after 10 days of being apart they have been reunited once again. I am home after driving my dear sister to her new Southern residence in Naples and doing a little fix up work to help her get settled in. So here I am back in the arms of the bride of my youth.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
The time is almost here
Well, I am starting to think about getting ready to drive my sister to Florida, I know I have been so preoccupied with this election, so much is at stake and I can't help felling a little hopeless because of all the media bias and the like. But I still am putting my trust in the Lord and am thinking about getting to the Southern potion of the Country. I admit I am not sure how much space will be left in my sisters car for some of my clothes that I will need to the week I am staying with her to help her get settled in before I fly home, I really don;t need to bring anything back with me at all, as I can leave whatever I take there. Like no bag at all on the plane except my Laptop of course, where would I be without it. But I am the pack-master and I will find some room. My sister is of course packing for 6 months now that she is a condo owner and will be there for a lot longer time then in the past, It has been neat to watch her change from being there one month to two months and then 3 and now 6. It is far better for her to be completely out of the cold. I have mixed emotions about the 3 months we will be gone, I am looking forward to spending time with my sister, although our views are so different, and this year who will have there candidate in the White House, OH BOY! yet I am so much going to miss being around my little sweetpeas. Isabelle and Sophia, not to mention my daughter, who is going to have her back surgery before we leave, which may delay our departure a week or so, due to helping her thru this recovery period. But I am getting in the mode of thinking about Florida, and what that all means.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Excuse me Sen. Obama
Once again I yield my space to the words of another. who I am not sure, yet I know these truths to be self evident. I have heard each of these exposed on a number of places of which I have confidence in. and so I offer this for your reading pleasure or pain, depending on your persuasion
Although I must admit for those who are devoted and persuaded to the cause of liberty and personal freedom, to those who believe that the fruits of ones own labor should actually belong to that one who worked for it, to those who do not wish to have the orsenwellion future of big brother not only watching, but rather overseeing each and every persons life and death, this could be a painful read, if the left has done enough voter fraud work to actually achieve it's goal.
Nevertheless please read on:
Excuse me Mr. Obama, I mean Senator Obama, sir. Um . . know you are busy and important and stuff. I mean running for president is very important and . . . ah . . . I hate to bother you. I will only take a minute ok, sir?
See, I have these missing pieces that are holding me up, and I was wondering sir, if you could take time out of your busy schedule and help me out. You know, no big deal, just some loose ends and things.
I can't seem to get some information I need to wrap this up. These things seem to either be "locked" or "not available'. I'm sure it's just some oversight or glitch or something, so if you could you tell me where these things are . . . I . I . . . have them written down here somewhere . . . oh wait. Sorry about the smears. It was raining out. I'll just read it to you.
Could you help me please find these things, sir?
1. Occidental College records -- Not released
2. Columbia College records -- Not released
3. Columbia Thesis paper -- not available, locked down by faculty
4. Harvard College records -- Not released, locked down by faculty
5. Selective Service Registration -- Not released
6. Medical records -- Not released
7. Illinois State Senate schedule -- "not available"
8. Law practice cl ient list -- Not released
9. Certified Copy of original Birth certificate - - Not released
10. Embossed, signed paper Certification of Live Birth -- Not released
11. Harvard Law Review articles published -- None
12. University of Chicago scholarly articles -- None
13. Your Record of baptism-- Not released or "not available"
14. Your Illinois State Senate records--"not available"
You couldn't get a job at McDonalds and become district manager after 143 days of experience.
You couldn't become chief of surgery after 143 days of experience of being a surgeon.
You couldn't get a job as a teacher and be the superintendent after 143 days of experience.
You couldn't join the military and become a colonel after 143 days of experience.
You couldn't get a job as a reporter and become the nightly news anchor after 143 days of experience.
'From the time Barack Obama was sworn in as a United State Senator, to the time he announced he was forming a Presidential exploratory committee, he logged 143 days of experience in the Senate. That's how many days the Senate was actually in session and working. After
143 days of work experience, Obama believed he was ready to be Commander In Chief, Leader of the Free World .... 143 days.
We all have to start somewhere. The senate is a good start, but after 143 days, that's all it is - a start.
AND, strangely, a large sector of the American public is okay with this and campaigning for him. We wouldn't accept this in our own line of work, yet some are okay with this for the President of the   ; United States of America ? Come on folks, we are not voting for the next American Idol!
Although I must admit for those who are devoted and persuaded to the cause of liberty and personal freedom, to those who believe that the fruits of ones own labor should actually belong to that one who worked for it, to those who do not wish to have the orsenwellion future of big brother not only watching, but rather overseeing each and every persons life and death, this could be a painful read, if the left has done enough voter fraud work to actually achieve it's goal.
Nevertheless please read on:
Excuse me Mr. Obama, I mean Senator Obama, sir. Um . . know you are busy and important and stuff. I mean running for president is very important and . . . ah . . . I hate to bother you. I will only take a minute ok, sir?
See, I have these missing pieces that are holding me up, and I was wondering sir, if you could take time out of your busy schedule and help me out. You know, no big deal, just some loose ends and things.
I can't seem to get some information I need to wrap this up. These things seem to either be "locked" or "not available'. I'm sure it's just some oversight or glitch or something, so if you could you tell me where these things are . . . I . I . . . have them written down here somewhere . . . oh wait. Sorry about the smears. It was raining out. I'll just read it to you.
Could you help me please find these things, sir?
1. Occidental College records -- Not released
2. Columbia College records -- Not released
3. Columbia Thesis paper -- not available, locked down by faculty
4. Harvard College records -- Not released, locked down by faculty
5. Selective Service Registration -- Not released
6. Medical records -- Not released
7. Illinois State Senate schedule -- "not available"
8. Law practice cl ient list -- Not released
9. Certified Copy of original Birth certificate - - Not released
10. Embossed, signed paper Certification of Live Birth -- Not released
11. Harvard Law Review articles published -- None
12. University of Chicago scholarly articles -- None
13. Your Record of baptism-- Not released or "not available"
14. Your Illinois State Senate records--"not available"
You couldn't get a job at McDonalds and become district manager after 143 days of experience.
You couldn't become chief of surgery after 143 days of experience of being a surgeon.
You couldn't get a job as a teacher and be the superintendent after 143 days of experience.
You couldn't join the military and become a colonel after 143 days of experience.
You couldn't get a job as a reporter and become the nightly news anchor after 143 days of experience.
'From the time Barack Obama was sworn in as a United State Senator, to the time he announced he was forming a Presidential exploratory committee, he logged 143 days of experience in the Senate. That's how many days the Senate was actually in session and working. After
143 days of work experience, Obama believed he was ready to be Commander In Chief, Leader of the Free World .... 143 days.
We all have to start somewhere. The senate is a good start, but after 143 days, that's all it is - a start.
AND, strangely, a large sector of the American public is okay with this and campaigning for him. We wouldn't accept this in our own line of work, yet some are okay with this for the President of the   ; United States of America ? Come on folks, we are not voting for the next American Idol!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The Sum of Good Government
Here it is my friends, 1st a quote from one of the founder fathers of the constitution of this great land. and a Federalists at that!
A wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government.
- Thomas Jefferson, 1801
The transfer of wealth can occur in various ways. Some methods for transferring wealth are voluntary transfers from those who have it to those who do not. Other methods involve forcibly removing the wealth from those who have it and redistributing it to those who do not. Redistribution of Wealth, in political/simple terms is "taking from the rich to give to the poor". Although this is a simple view, the ideas and implementations by governments to facilitate this process is generally considered negative, and the impact is negligible. It could be argued, that Redistribution by choice creates as many positive outcomes (or more) than "by force".
All political and economic systems facilitate the redistribution of wealth including Capitalism, Communism and Socialism, however the favored method of redistribution varies from system to system. Capitalism relies primarily on the voluntary purchase and sale of goods and services, whereas Communism and Socialism typically use involuntary methods such as taxation and nationalization of property.
Wurzelbacher explained that by working hard (10-12 hours a day) he was in a position to buy a business. If he bought a truck and expanded the business, he wondered if his success would be greeted by a penalty in the form of higher taxes.
“Your new tax plan is going to tax me more, isn’t it?” Wurzlebacher asked.
“It’s not that I want to punish your success,” Obama explained. “I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they’ve got a chance for success too. My attitude is that if the economy’s good for folks from the bottom up, it’s gonna be good for everybody … I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.”
A wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government.
- Thomas Jefferson, 1801
The transfer of wealth can occur in various ways. Some methods for transferring wealth are voluntary transfers from those who have it to those who do not. Other methods involve forcibly removing the wealth from those who have it and redistributing it to those who do not. Redistribution of Wealth, in political/simple terms is "taking from the rich to give to the poor". Although this is a simple view, the ideas and implementations by governments to facilitate this process is generally considered negative, and the impact is negligible. It could be argued, that Redistribution by choice creates as many positive outcomes (or more) than "by force".
All political and economic systems facilitate the redistribution of wealth including Capitalism, Communism and Socialism, however the favored method of redistribution varies from system to system. Capitalism relies primarily on the voluntary purchase and sale of goods and services, whereas Communism and Socialism typically use involuntary methods such as taxation and nationalization of property.
Wurzelbacher explained that by working hard (10-12 hours a day) he was in a position to buy a business. If he bought a truck and expanded the business, he wondered if his success would be greeted by a penalty in the form of higher taxes.
“Your new tax plan is going to tax me more, isn’t it?” Wurzlebacher asked.
“It’s not that I want to punish your success,” Obama explained. “I just want to make sure that everybody who is behind you, that they’ve got a chance for success too. My attitude is that if the economy’s good for folks from the bottom up, it’s gonna be good for everybody … I think when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody.”
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Ohio The land of the voters
When I lived in Illinois I really thought the state was corrupt, but living in the land of the worthless nut ( the buckeye state) I have come to know what real corruption is all about. Three groups, Acorn, drop everything and come to Ohio, and vote from home are all out of state people who are renting homes and have registered to vote in Ohio and many of them already voted in the "early vote"period which is so un-American. The state of Ohio has a law which clearly states you must be registered for 30 days before you can vote, yet the Democratic Secretary of State has allowed people to register and vote on the same day, and then willnot release the names of those people to the 88 countries so they can verify these are truthful Ohio voters. What a scam by the Democrates, it is a real obamanation! An attempt to steal the state from the real people of Ohio. I am so sick of this liberal attempt to control the outcome of a free people in a free country.
So please conservatives come to Ohio early and vote often, the liberals are!
So please conservatives come to Ohio early and vote often, the liberals are!
Monday, October 20, 2008
The President
Just in case someone is interested in the duties of the President of the United States as according to our constitution, which surely seems to be of little concern to many as the questions asked by the media to the candidates as to how are they going to fix the economy. I cannot find that within the duties. Perhaps I am missing something. Or " what are your tax plans" where does the president have the right to tax anyone?
To these two major issues which seem to dominate the campaigns, the president has to ask a member of congress to introduce a bill. That is all he can do! The rest is up to the congress.
Now He is of course the major player in the international scene. The front figure to the rest of the world. And who can we trust to have the best interests of the people of this great land when he is dealing with extreme Muslin terrorists? John McCain or Barak Hussein Obama? That I leave to your own choice
He is also the Commander in chief of the whole of the best and strongest military in the world..... and to place a person who has not even served in the military to the head of it, would be absolutely insane ( in my opinion) ( and this is my blog) so I get to express my views.
So I give you the full authority of the President, it is as follows:
The President of the United States
The President is the head of the Executive Branch. The powers of the President of the United States are set forth in Article II of the Constitution. Some of these powers the President can exercise in his own right, without formal legislative approval. Others require the consent of the Senate or Congress as a whole. The following is a list of duties of the President of the United States:
National Security Powers:
Serves as the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces. He can authorize the use of troops overseas without declaring war. To declare war officially, though, he must get the approval of the Congress.
Makes treaties with other nations; however, the Senate must approve any treaty before it becomes official.
Nominates ambassadors, with the agreement of a majority of the Senate.
Receives ambassadors of other nations, thereby recognizing those lands as official countries.
Legislative Powers:
Presents information on the state of the union to Congress.
Recommends legislation to Congress. Despite all of his power, the President cannot write bills. He can propose a bill, but a member of Congress must submit it for him.
Convenes both houses of Congress in special sessions.
Approves laws passed by Congress.
Administrative Powers:
"Take care that the laws be faithfully executed" -- Article II, Section 3
Appoints the heads of each Executive Branch department as Chief of the Government. He also appoints ambassadors, Supreme Court Justices, and other officials, with the agreement of the majority of the Senate.
Requests written opinions of administrative officials.
Fills administrative vacancies during congressional recesses.
Judicial Powers:
Grants reprieves and pardons for Federal crimes (except impeachment).
Appoints Federal judges, with the agreement of the majority of the Senate.
The President's Lawmaking Role
The President plays a large role in making America's laws. His job is to approve the laws that Congress creates. When both chambers have approved a bill, they send it to the President. If he agrees with the law, he signs it and the law goes into effect.
If the President does not like a bill, he can veto it. There are two ways that he can veto a bill. First, the President can send the bill back to Congress unsigned. In most cases, he will also send a list of reasons he does not like the bill. Second, the President can "pocket" the bill. After ten days, one of two things happens: 1) if Congress is in session, the bill becomes a law anyway 2) if Congress has adjourned, the bill does not become law and the President has used a "pocket veto".
When the President vetoes a bill, it will most likely never become a law. Congress can override a veto, but to do so two-thirds of both the House of Representatives and the Senate must vote against the President.
Despite all of his power, the President cannot write bills. He can propose a bill, but a member of Congress must submit it for him.
Presidential Qualifications and Term Limit
Because he has so much responsibility, the President, along with the Vice-President, is the only official elected by the entire country. Not just anyone can be President, though. In order to be elected, one must be at least 35 years old. Also, each candidate must be a natural-born U.S. citizen and have lived in the U.S. for at least 14 years. When elected, the President serves a term of four years. The most one President can serve is two terms, for a total of eight years.
Before 1951, the President could serve for as many terms as he wanted. After two terms as President, George Washington chose not to run again. All other Presidents followed his example until Franklin D. Roosevelt successfully ran for office four times. He, however, did not complete his fourth term of office because he died in 1945. Six years later, Congress passed the 22nd Amendment, which limits Presidents to two terms.
To these two major issues which seem to dominate the campaigns, the president has to ask a member of congress to introduce a bill. That is all he can do! The rest is up to the congress.
Now He is of course the major player in the international scene. The front figure to the rest of the world. And who can we trust to have the best interests of the people of this great land when he is dealing with extreme Muslin terrorists? John McCain or Barak Hussein Obama? That I leave to your own choice
He is also the Commander in chief of the whole of the best and strongest military in the world..... and to place a person who has not even served in the military to the head of it, would be absolutely insane ( in my opinion) ( and this is my blog) so I get to express my views.
So I give you the full authority of the President, it is as follows:
The President of the United States
The President is the head of the Executive Branch. The powers of the President of the United States are set forth in Article II of the Constitution. Some of these powers the President can exercise in his own right, without formal legislative approval. Others require the consent of the Senate or Congress as a whole. The following is a list of duties of the President of the United States:
National Security Powers:
Serves as the Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces. He can authorize the use of troops overseas without declaring war. To declare war officially, though, he must get the approval of the Congress.
Makes treaties with other nations; however, the Senate must approve any treaty before it becomes official.
Nominates ambassadors, with the agreement of a majority of the Senate.
Receives ambassadors of other nations, thereby recognizing those lands as official countries.
Legislative Powers:
Presents information on the state of the union to Congress.
Recommends legislation to Congress. Despite all of his power, the President cannot write bills. He can propose a bill, but a member of Congress must submit it for him.
Convenes both houses of Congress in special sessions.
Approves laws passed by Congress.
Administrative Powers:
"Take care that the laws be faithfully executed" -- Article II, Section 3
Appoints the heads of each Executive Branch department as Chief of the Government. He also appoints ambassadors, Supreme Court Justices, and other officials, with the agreement of the majority of the Senate.
Requests written opinions of administrative officials.
Fills administrative vacancies during congressional recesses.
Judicial Powers:
Grants reprieves and pardons for Federal crimes (except impeachment).
Appoints Federal judges, with the agreement of the majority of the Senate.
The President's Lawmaking Role
The President plays a large role in making America's laws. His job is to approve the laws that Congress creates. When both chambers have approved a bill, they send it to the President. If he agrees with the law, he signs it and the law goes into effect.
If the President does not like a bill, he can veto it. There are two ways that he can veto a bill. First, the President can send the bill back to Congress unsigned. In most cases, he will also send a list of reasons he does not like the bill. Second, the President can "pocket" the bill. After ten days, one of two things happens: 1) if Congress is in session, the bill becomes a law anyway 2) if Congress has adjourned, the bill does not become law and the President has used a "pocket veto".
When the President vetoes a bill, it will most likely never become a law. Congress can override a veto, but to do so two-thirds of both the House of Representatives and the Senate must vote against the President.
Despite all of his power, the President cannot write bills. He can propose a bill, but a member of Congress must submit it for him.
Presidential Qualifications and Term Limit
Because he has so much responsibility, the President, along with the Vice-President, is the only official elected by the entire country. Not just anyone can be President, though. In order to be elected, one must be at least 35 years old. Also, each candidate must be a natural-born U.S. citizen and have lived in the U.S. for at least 14 years. When elected, the President serves a term of four years. The most one President can serve is two terms, for a total of eight years.
Before 1951, the President could serve for as many terms as he wanted. After two terms as President, George Washington chose not to run again. All other Presidents followed his example until Franklin D. Roosevelt successfully ran for office four times. He, however, did not complete his fourth term of office because he died in 1945. Six years later, Congress passed the 22nd Amendment, which limits Presidents to two terms.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Spread the Wealth around
Alright, I just can't keep it in any longer, I have never heard of such a dangerous concept in my years of following the political process. Is this wonderful country I live in a capitalistic country or did I miss it when we became a socialistic society?
How in the world could anyone in they right mind think for one minute that the President of the United States of America has the right to spread the wealth around. First why the heck doesn't he spread his wealth around, like just right out and out give his money to people that need it instead of living like a king in a million dollar plus house and flying all over the country telling us he is going to take the working peoples money and give it to the non working people. Give me a break. And then they had to come up with the lame "well how many plumbers do you know that make $250,000 a year." Many small plumbing companies make that much as well as many other small business people. And he "that one" is going to take they money, I heard one man who has an Internet business say he was going to shut off his web site when he reaches S249,000 in profit. This is the most outrages act of social reform toward becoming a socialistic governed land. Please do not let this happen, Please do not let this man steal our country, our freedom, our human rights as free men and woman away from us.
How in the world could anyone in they right mind think for one minute that the President of the United States of America has the right to spread the wealth around. First why the heck doesn't he spread his wealth around, like just right out and out give his money to people that need it instead of living like a king in a million dollar plus house and flying all over the country telling us he is going to take the working peoples money and give it to the non working people. Give me a break. And then they had to come up with the lame "well how many plumbers do you know that make $250,000 a year." Many small plumbing companies make that much as well as many other small business people. And he "that one" is going to take they money, I heard one man who has an Internet business say he was going to shut off his web site when he reaches S249,000 in profit. This is the most outrages act of social reform toward becoming a socialistic governed land. Please do not let this happen, Please do not let this man steal our country, our freedom, our human rights as free men and woman away from us.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Well it is Over
Boy oh boy, was the debate ever a great one, Sarah Palin was absolutely wonderful, delightful to watch her electrify personality compared to that ho-hum boring Joe what's his name. It was such an abuse of his one lie a day average, I think he used up a whole months worth. Now saying that, I know Sarah Palin stretched a few numbers as well, but overall she was great. What a command of topics and thoughtful comments. I really believe she has what it takes, "say it ain't so Joe". My only hope and prayer is that many Americans can see clearly that the liberal ticket running against John and Sarah are so dangerous for this country. I do not believe this country could withstand the huge tax burden this pair of number 1 and number 3 most liberal senators would put on the middle class people of this great land. They would saddle the working class with more and more taxes only to gain more control over those who look to big government for their sole care. I cannot understand how they claim they will not tax 95% of Americans when only 70% of Americans pay taxes to start with. There are 30% of Americans who do not pay any federal income tax. This is due to either having an income below that tax base, or like myself are self employed and many after declaring all the legal deductions have a net profit which produces an income below the federal income tax base. Now those people, like me still have to pay self employment taxes, but many may not pay income tax. so how do you not tax 95% when only 70% pay in the first place. That is very poor math, even for a lawyer, but not for a senator.
Now I also need to say, I was wrong about Gwen Ifill, I do think she did an outstanding job of being fair and balanced in her questions of both Sarah Palin and Joe what's his name.
Now I also need to say, I was wrong about Gwen Ifill, I do think she did an outstanding job of being fair and balanced in her questions of both Sarah Palin and Joe what's his name.
Thursday, October 2, 2008
We cannot afford this
today I yield my space to the words of another. He says it much better then I could.
Dear Fellow American:
Never before in the history of our nation have we faced such a grave crisis: one of the most radical political figures ever to be nominated by a major party is just minutes away from becoming President of the United States.
That man is Barack Obama.
He promises to change America forever. If elected, he will do just that — but in ways you make not like.
Remember Obama is the most liberal member of the United States Senate.
He received a 100 percent Liberal Rating from the National Journal, making him the most left-wing Senator in Washington — more liberal than even Democratic senators like Ted Kennedy.
If you look at Obama’s record, you will understand just how dangerous this man is.
He even has terrorist friends he won’t denounce. One such man is William Ayers, a leader in the radical terrorist group the Weatherman Underground. The group bombed several government buildings, including the Pentagon, killing civilians and police officers.
In 2001, Ayers said he had no regrets for his actions and wished he could have done more.
The ties between Obama and Ayers are tight. Both served on two non profit boards and they worked closely together. Ayers even hosted a political event at his home for Obama.
Obama has acknowledged he is a friend of Ayers and defends his association by saying he, Obama, was only 8 years old at the time of the Pentagon bombing.
However, Obama has no explanation as to why he is still a friend of Ayers.
Obama has even been endorsed by radicals such as Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan.
No one can deny hearing about Obama’s relationship with the America-hating Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
There should be little doubt that William Ayers and Louis Farrakhan and the Rev. Jeremiah Wright are rooting for Obama — because he is one of them.
In keeping with such friends, Obama has promised to meet with radical leaders like Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad without “preconditions” even though Ahmadinejad has promised to “wipe Israel off the map” and “destroy” America.
Even radical Hamas terrorists have praised him.
“We like Mr. Obama and we hope he will win the election,” Ahmed Yousef, senior Hamas leader was quoted by ABC radio as saying.
And then there are Obama’s dangerous economic plans for America.
He wants to almost double the capital gains tax. He wants to strip the FICA tax cap off every worker making more than $97,500. He wants to increase the dividend tax. He wants to let the Bush tax cuts expire — giving almost every American family an automatic tax increase.
He has called for more than $800 billion in new spending programs.
He is so radical he even backed driver’s licenses for illegal aliens — even though such a move would help future terrorists move freely in the United States.
He is the most pro-abortion candidate in the history of the country. In 2001, as a state legislator in Illinois, he opposed a bill to protect live born children — children actually born alive! He was the only Illinois senator to speak out against the bill.
He opposes gun rights. He has long history of trying to deny ordinary citizens access to guns.
He originally backed Washington D.C.’s total ban on private handguns — a ban that was overturned. The NRA rated him an “F” on gun positions and says he is one of the most dangerous anti-gun politicians in the nation.
Never forget that Obama is a Harvard educated elitist. To him we Americans are simply “bitter” and he has mocked us saying “[they] cling to their guns and their religion.”
Exposing the Truth
Hillary Clinton was late in recognizing the threat Obama posed to her campaign, but once she did, her strategy worked.
When Hillary exposed Obama publicly, her campaign saw a major turnaround.
Hillary won every major state primary in the nation with the sole exception of Obama’s home state of Illinois.
And even though Obama was “anointed” by the media and Democratic elites, Hillary went on to win eight of the last 10 Democratic primaries.
How did Obama beat Hillary for the nomination?
Well, using a loophole in Democratic rules, he was able to rack up large majorities in caucus states where he outspent and out organized her.
But in large, contested states she won almost every time. Why? Because when Democrats heard what Obama really stood for, they turned on him.
Make no mistake about it: If we let Americans know the truth about Obama, John McCain can win this election!
But we must employ Hillary Clinton’s strategy.
We must expose Obama for the dangerous radical he is.
Thank you.
Yours for America,
Scott Wheeler
Executive Director
Dear Fellow American:
Never before in the history of our nation have we faced such a grave crisis: one of the most radical political figures ever to be nominated by a major party is just minutes away from becoming President of the United States.
That man is Barack Obama.
He promises to change America forever. If elected, he will do just that — but in ways you make not like.
Remember Obama is the most liberal member of the United States Senate.
He received a 100 percent Liberal Rating from the National Journal, making him the most left-wing Senator in Washington — more liberal than even Democratic senators like Ted Kennedy.
If you look at Obama’s record, you will understand just how dangerous this man is.
He even has terrorist friends he won’t denounce. One such man is William Ayers, a leader in the radical terrorist group the Weatherman Underground. The group bombed several government buildings, including the Pentagon, killing civilians and police officers.
In 2001, Ayers said he had no regrets for his actions and wished he could have done more.
The ties between Obama and Ayers are tight. Both served on two non profit boards and they worked closely together. Ayers even hosted a political event at his home for Obama.
Obama has acknowledged he is a friend of Ayers and defends his association by saying he, Obama, was only 8 years old at the time of the Pentagon bombing.
However, Obama has no explanation as to why he is still a friend of Ayers.
Obama has even been endorsed by radicals such as Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan.
No one can deny hearing about Obama’s relationship with the America-hating Rev. Jeremiah Wright.
There should be little doubt that William Ayers and Louis Farrakhan and the Rev. Jeremiah Wright are rooting for Obama — because he is one of them.
In keeping with such friends, Obama has promised to meet with radical leaders like Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad without “preconditions” even though Ahmadinejad has promised to “wipe Israel off the map” and “destroy” America.
Even radical Hamas terrorists have praised him.
“We like Mr. Obama and we hope he will win the election,” Ahmed Yousef, senior Hamas leader was quoted by ABC radio as saying.
And then there are Obama’s dangerous economic plans for America.
He wants to almost double the capital gains tax. He wants to strip the FICA tax cap off every worker making more than $97,500. He wants to increase the dividend tax. He wants to let the Bush tax cuts expire — giving almost every American family an automatic tax increase.
He has called for more than $800 billion in new spending programs.
He is so radical he even backed driver’s licenses for illegal aliens — even though such a move would help future terrorists move freely in the United States.
He is the most pro-abortion candidate in the history of the country. In 2001, as a state legislator in Illinois, he opposed a bill to protect live born children — children actually born alive! He was the only Illinois senator to speak out against the bill.
He opposes gun rights. He has long history of trying to deny ordinary citizens access to guns.
He originally backed Washington D.C.’s total ban on private handguns — a ban that was overturned. The NRA rated him an “F” on gun positions and says he is one of the most dangerous anti-gun politicians in the nation.
Never forget that Obama is a Harvard educated elitist. To him we Americans are simply “bitter” and he has mocked us saying “[they] cling to their guns and their religion.”
Exposing the Truth
Hillary Clinton was late in recognizing the threat Obama posed to her campaign, but once she did, her strategy worked.
When Hillary exposed Obama publicly, her campaign saw a major turnaround.
Hillary won every major state primary in the nation with the sole exception of Obama’s home state of Illinois.
And even though Obama was “anointed” by the media and Democratic elites, Hillary went on to win eight of the last 10 Democratic primaries.
How did Obama beat Hillary for the nomination?
Well, using a loophole in Democratic rules, he was able to rack up large majorities in caucus states where he outspent and out organized her.
But in large, contested states she won almost every time. Why? Because when Democrats heard what Obama really stood for, they turned on him.
Make no mistake about it: If we let Americans know the truth about Obama, John McCain can win this election!
But we must employ Hillary Clinton’s strategy.
We must expose Obama for the dangerous radical he is.
Thank you.
Yours for America,
Scott Wheeler
Executive Director
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
This is just too much
Alright my friends, I rant and rave some more. Can you actually believe that the quote moderator unquote for the upcoming Vice Presidential debate is a raging Barak Obama fan. Yes that is correct! Gwen Ifill has actually written a book to be released on 20JAn2009 to coincide with the inauguration of her affections. The books title is none other then "the Breadkthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama"
Can you believe it, we are in the Age of Obama!
She has also written a fawning cover story on Obama for Essence magazine. During the RCN convention when Sarah Palin gave her speech, Ms Ifill displayed an attitude of dismissive and actually had a look of digest upon her face. How in the world can anyone truly believe she will moderate the debate with a fair and balanced attitude. Many are raising this question, and if it were right, she should at the beginning of the debate stand and face the crowd, announcing her unbridled affection for Obama.
You can bet my friends, this will never happen, but I can assure you, she may very well show her contempt for Sarsh Palin, and that is just so completely non non-partisan.
Can you believe it, we are in the Age of Obama!
She has also written a fawning cover story on Obama for Essence magazine. During the RCN convention when Sarah Palin gave her speech, Ms Ifill displayed an attitude of dismissive and actually had a look of digest upon her face. How in the world can anyone truly believe she will moderate the debate with a fair and balanced attitude. Many are raising this question, and if it were right, she should at the beginning of the debate stand and face the crowd, announcing her unbridled affection for Obama.
You can bet my friends, this will never happen, but I can assure you, she may very well show her contempt for Sarsh Palin, and that is just so completely non non-partisan.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
The past speaks
“Gentlemen, I have had men watching you for a long time, and I am convinced that you have used the funds of the bank to speculate in the breadstuffs of the country. When you won, you divided the profits amongst you, and when you lost, you charged it to the bank. You tell me that if I take the deposits from the bank and annul its charter, I shall ruin ten thousand families. That may be true, gentlemen, but that is your sin! Should I let you go on, you will ruin fifty thousand families, and that would be my sin! You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you out, and by the eternal God, I will rout you out.”
The issue back then was the Bank of the United States, a federally chartered institution—sort of a predecessor to the Federal Reserve—that Jackson, ever the populist, strongly opposed. Today, most people agree that a national bank is necessary, but as today’s vote demonstrates, there is no national consensus on transferring wealth from the middle to the top. Good! Let’s hope that principle holds true for a while longer.
So we stand on the threshold of a great takeover, a great fraud, a grand scheme by the wealthy, by the powerful, by those that desire to impose once more a great burden on the backs of the middle class working people for their own advancement, and all the while,telling false statements how they are for the working people, that is just pure bullshipping. The Obama plan will destroy the working people of America.
How can we ever trust a man, who got his home because of a close association will a convicted criminal, who has close tries to an unrepeated terrorist and sat under the preaching of a man who ask God to "damn America", and speaks hatred for the whites in this country, and now he wants to steal our money to help bailout his rich friends, like Mr Franklin Raines.
WAKE UP FRIENDS, the end may be nearer then we think!
The issue back then was the Bank of the United States, a federally chartered institution—sort of a predecessor to the Federal Reserve—that Jackson, ever the populist, strongly opposed. Today, most people agree that a national bank is necessary, but as today’s vote demonstrates, there is no national consensus on transferring wealth from the middle to the top. Good! Let’s hope that principle holds true for a while longer.
So we stand on the threshold of a great takeover, a great fraud, a grand scheme by the wealthy, by the powerful, by those that desire to impose once more a great burden on the backs of the middle class working people for their own advancement, and all the while,telling false statements how they are for the working people, that is just pure bullshipping. The Obama plan will destroy the working people of America.
How can we ever trust a man, who got his home because of a close association will a convicted criminal, who has close tries to an unrepeated terrorist and sat under the preaching of a man who ask God to "damn America", and speaks hatred for the whites in this country, and now he wants to steal our money to help bailout his rich friends, like Mr Franklin Raines.
WAKE UP FRIENDS, the end may be nearer then we think!
Monday, September 29, 2008
Setting the record straight
It has been so long since I posted anything, but I am just fuming about the main stream media and their obsession with the man-boy Obama. It is as if he can not tell a lie, yet he speaks not any truth. The only thing I really want to deal with today is the fiction statement about only raising taxes on those making 250k or more. Give me a break Joe Biden about being patriotic. Let me just set the record straight, Obama will not keep the Bush tax cuts, He will not extend those tax cuts which simply means this:
Under the current Bush Tax cuts:
Single making 30K -tax is $4,500 Reversal under Obama 30K tax will be $8,400
Single making 50K Tax is $12,500 Under Obama 50K tax will be 14,000
Single making 75K tax is $18,750 Under Obama 75K tax will be 23,250
Married making 60K tax is $9,000 Under Obama 60K tax will be $16,800
Married making 75K tax is $18,750 Under Obama 75K tax will be $21,000
Married making 125K tax is 31,250 Under Obama 125K Tax will be 38,250 will
Now tell me how that strips the working class of their hard earned dollars so friends of Obama can get richer and richer
He is full of it! period, If only he could control himself to one lie a day.
Under the current Bush Tax cuts:
Single making 30K -tax is $4,500 Reversal under Obama 30K tax will be $8,400
Single making 50K Tax is $12,500 Under Obama 50K tax will be 14,000
Single making 75K tax is $18,750 Under Obama 75K tax will be 23,250
Married making 60K tax is $9,000 Under Obama 60K tax will be $16,800
Married making 75K tax is $18,750 Under Obama 75K tax will be $21,000
Married making 125K tax is 31,250 Under Obama 125K Tax will be 38,250 will
Now tell me how that strips the working class of their hard earned dollars so friends of Obama can get richer and richer
He is full of it! period, If only he could control himself to one lie a day.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Well, aren't you all surprised that I have a post after some long time of living and let living in the world of blogsville. This is no doubt the smallest yet the largest of towns, and to some extent one knows no one and yet knows everyone, I have been without question involved and to what, I at times have no, to little idea. I wonder at times about how I spent my hours each day. I mean, I do work, that is drive all over and glad hand folks along the way, which is so far outside my comfort zone, I ponder how I am actually able to do that, Oh right, the Spirit of the Lord. I have been making progress on the railroad actually, during some of those off hours, which I seem to find at all hours of the day. Then there is those two little girls down the street, Oh how sweet it is to spent moments in their presence. Being a Papa is just the greatest gift I will ever have to enjoy. However, age keeps sneaking up as well, When I think of my first, Victoria heading off to be a freshman in High School. Oh my, how can it be? My time over the past few weeks or so since my last post, has also been a tad busy with sermons and lessons, I have had the occasion to be able to preach at the retirement community next to our church, for the past 3 weeks and several Sunday Night services at our church, so I have spent hours preparing and posting just didn't find it's way into my schedule. I know I am just going on about how busy I am and making excuses why not to post, and I know that informing you all of my life, also seems, or could seem a bit boastful, but I assure you that is not either the case, I merely offer this post as an appeasement to those that might for whatever reason have some interest in my doings.
As well as an offering of sorts, or an affirmation that I will endeavor to add to the list of thoughts that may trickle out from my brain, from time to time, if in fact any really do.
As well as an offering of sorts, or an affirmation that I will endeavor to add to the list of thoughts that may trickle out from my brain, from time to time, if in fact any really do.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
To blog at last
To blog at last, is my lot in life
All others making comments
So I blog as not to create strife
Much water under the bridge did pass
Since my last entry all who read
But the current that flowed has been a blast
To record it others have said
"do it", "write it" "put it all down"
Not so fast, some things are better left in the past
I'll mention one highlight
your curiosity to feed
A birthday I celebrated
God's grace was the deed!
Another year from the hand of his mercy
One more to be able to see my daughters
and granddaughters grow,
and my wife with to be.
The rest of the story, I bore you not with,
it consists of bogie's and birdies
and even pars you would not be a myth
It consists of working, preaching, laying track for the train,
mowing grass, sipping coffee on the deck in the morning shade
with my love to share a few moments of time to gain
In the immortal words of some famous pig
That's all folks
All others making comments
So I blog as not to create strife
Much water under the bridge did pass
Since my last entry all who read
But the current that flowed has been a blast
To record it others have said
"do it", "write it" "put it all down"
Not so fast, some things are better left in the past
I'll mention one highlight
your curiosity to feed
A birthday I celebrated
God's grace was the deed!
Another year from the hand of his mercy
One more to be able to see my daughters
and granddaughters grow,
and my wife with to be.
The rest of the story, I bore you not with,
it consists of bogie's and birdies
and even pars you would not be a myth
It consists of working, preaching, laying track for the train,
mowing grass, sipping coffee on the deck in the morning shade
with my love to share a few moments of time to gain
In the immortal words of some famous pig
That's all folks
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Jesse James is alive and well
Yes, that is right my friends, Jesse James is alive and well, and doing his famous act once again, highway robbery! I see him at it every time I pull into the gas station. Will someone please arrest this criminal once and for all. The question every one has a different answer for is just what is the alias he is going under today. I propose it is not any single person, but rather a whole mass of people dedicated to control of all people. Who is Jesse James?
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
88 Twice
What in the heck is this world coming to! How in the world could I have done it again, playing alone, counting each stroke as if it were the only one that counts, The fairways were good to me today! And I even made a few 10 to 15 foot putts. Before I know it I will have to go on tour, right! Ha! that is a laugh, but it was sweet, no pressure, missing a friend through, but never the less sweet.
Now the real post of the day, is for the sweetpea III in my life, and it is another 8
Yes Isabelle is 8 years old today, the 1st of July 2008
She is an increditable 8, a sweet little doll, and I love the hugs I get.
She is smart and has talent even at this age.
She is learning piano
She is able to speak some Spanish
But most of all she is a sweet person.
Happy Birthday Isabelle
Now the real post of the day, is for the sweetpea III in my life, and it is another 8
Yes Isabelle is 8 years old today, the 1st of July 2008
She is an increditable 8, a sweet little doll, and I love the hugs I get.
She is smart and has talent even at this age.
She is learning piano
She is able to speak some Spanish
But most of all she is a sweet person.
Happy Birthday Isabelle
How is it so
As the day for golf is upon me, and having visited with my ole friend yesterday, seeing him, and knowing it is finished, our trips to the course, it saddens me, and the thought of being out there alone, brings to mind some thoughts of how this "game" has some parallels to life itself. For one thing this is one of the few places a person can call a penalty on himself. If for instance I hit the ball into a fairway water hazard, who is there to know that will cost a stroke, just hit another ball, and no one will know. Ah there is the rub, I will know, now is that not like life itself? Who knows what is in another persons heart? but we all know what is in our own, and do we just hit another or do we call a penalty on ourselves. Another thing is when I get to that tee box and tee up the ball for that hopefully long straight drive right down the center of the fairway. Sometimes the ball just does not obey the desire of my mind, it slices off to the right into the trees or hooks off to the left into some other trouble spot. A spot the keeps me from having a clear vision of the green, the goal. Life sure seems to follow that course from time to time, we have all the right intentions to live the straight and narrow, but we slice to the right and find ourselves in trouble, without a clear vision of the goal. The next is what to do now, here I am in the trees, or in a fairway sand trap, and no chance of getting to the green from this spot. Do I just take a chance and hit it in that direction hoping to get through all the trees, or do I choose another course or action and hit a safe shoot out to the center of the fairway where I then can once more see the green, the goal and aim again for the finish. The last contrast I think of is the final score, the whole of the game, the total strokes, the final number of times I have hit the ball, including the drive, the fairway woods or irons onto or close to the green, the chips onto the green and the number of putts to get it into the hole, including any of those undesired penalties. Is not the sum of life itself? The whole of the course of life, we hit some good ones and not so good ones, but one good hit does not make a good game, as well as one bad hit does either, it is the whole of the game, and is not life just like that, one good hit, one good deed doesn't make the whole life, nor does one bad mistake ruin the whole life, it is the sum of the whole life, and the goal itself is eternity, The total of all the hits, good one, including those not so good ones. And the only person who really knows the complete true score is the person himself, and of course the designer of the course, the one who gives the trophy to the winner, God.
Well, I tee off at high noon, and see just what this day has to offer.
Well, I tee off at high noon, and see just what this day has to offer.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Father's Day
Today is the day this country, as far as I know, celebrates the fathers that populate our society. Being one of the senior fathers of my particular clan, tribe, family,I have the honor and privilege of giving praise to two of the younger fathers, my two sons-in-law. Tom Hintz, who is married to my older daughter Anne and father to Victoria and Margaret. Tom is a good man, first he loves the Lord and is guiding his family in this pursuit of living a life honoring the ultimate Father. He loves my Daughter and my Granddaughters, and that is a very good thing, he demonstrates patience, and kindness toward his family and serves them with his whole heart. Jason Gregga, the husband of my younger daughter Sarah and father to Isabelle and Sophia is also a good man. First, again, he loves the Lord and guides his family in the Fathers ways. His love for my daughter and granddaughters is without question . He demonstrates gentleness, and goodness toward them and also serves them with his whole heart.
I am so pleased and proud of both of them, I am a blessed father to have the two daughters I do, and the four Granddaughters I do, but with all that, the blessing of having these two men as part of my family as added a completeness.
Happy and blessed fathers day, Tom and Jason
I am so pleased and proud of both of them, I am a blessed father to have the two daughters I do, and the four Granddaughters I do, but with all that, the blessing of having these two men as part of my family as added a completeness.
Happy and blessed fathers day, Tom and Jason
Sunday, June 1, 2008
8th Grade is over
Yesterday was road trip day, for Papa, Nana, Sarah and Isabelle. A ride to Jubilee College State Park near Peoria Illinois , the home of our oldest granddaughter Victoria. The occasion, a party to celebrate the graduation from 8th grade. It does not come as a surprise to me that Victoria is now 14 years old, it does not come as a surprise to me that she has turned into a beautiful young lady, it does not surprise me one little bit for I only need see her mother, the gentle, kind, loving, caring mother who has poured herself into this young lady. Remembering the days gone by, walking my daughter down the aisle, remember the days rushing to the hospital to hold for the first time in my life, a granddaughter. I remember the day at the Little Red Schoolhouse when you were dedicated to the Lord outside in the beauty of Gods creation, I am remembering the days of weekly visits watching you crawl, walk, run, and play. I remember you loving Keno, he was bigger than you, I remember that great T-Ball game in Brookfield, and those dinners at the Irish Pub, You might still like those shepards pies, In more recent days I remember a trip to an Indiana State Park to camp out together, Victoria Margaret their Mom and Dad in a tent and Nana an I in the lodge, oh how sweet it is, remembering the rendezvous at KFC to pick you and your sister up to spend a week with Papa and Nana, the trips to Newport Aquarium, and other places. Remember those years of getting updated pictures, Pictures with Floyd. Remember those days when my heart was full just thinking about you, and now I have more days to remember. Congratulations dear Victoria, I am so proud of the young lady you have become.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Now I know you just have to wonder why the title is 88 and by no means of the imagination you would have to use. Yes, that is right 88, this was due to for the most part 7 out of 18 holes I scored a par. Now I cannot hardly believe this myself, if I wasn't writing in scores myself, I would of had to question it, but as I kept the score, that is what it is. And I even had my older friend with me today, with little conversation as he has lost one of his earring aids and can't hear very well even in the ear that still has one. So it was a sign language day for me, touching and pointing to a ball, handing him the right club and facing him in the right direction. I guess the wonder of it all, was not a soul was before us now behind us, it was like we were all along out there on the course, which is a real plus for me, not being under pressure from a group pushing us from behind, especially when my friend takes as many swings as he does to get to the green. But today I even scoped up his ball on the way to mine and threw his out somewhere close by.
The difficult part was to see how worse he is getting and that his golf shoes now mark up the greens a little as he shuffles along. But by the grace of God, we had as much time as we needed and I was relaxed in order to plan my own shoots which really came together for me this day. I am amazed that not only did I break 100, which only 10% of amateur do, I broke 90, That I just have to boost about. Will I ever repeat such a performance as that? Only the shadow knows!
The difficult part was to see how worse he is getting and that his golf shoes now mark up the greens a little as he shuffles along. But by the grace of God, we had as much time as we needed and I was relaxed in order to plan my own shoots which really came together for me this day. I am amazed that not only did I break 100, which only 10% of amateur do, I broke 90, That I just have to boost about. Will I ever repeat such a performance as that? Only the shadow knows!
Tire Marks
I have been accused of looking sick from cigars or worn out from the energy of the four little ladies in my life. And to be truthful, all people drain the energy from me, I am not a very social being to start with, enjoying the solitude of my own mind has been a great part of my life. Sharing with others, small talk and jibber jabber about whatever is not one of my strong suits, yet just spending time with my girls brings a joy to the inner self, watching them be who they are, seeing them enjoy each other, that is my joy. Oh the drain is still there, it always costs something, and the older I get the cost has a greater effort, you can bet I am willing to spend it, whatever the amount, but never the less if I look worse for the wear, it is by choose not chance.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
To blog, is it a bore?
Sometimes it is difficult to blog, sometimes I don't feel clever enough to write anything, sometimes I don't feel compelled enough to write anything
sometimes I don't feel deep enough about anything to write
sometimes I don't care enough about anything to write
sometimes I don't think about anything to write
sometimes I don't want anybody to know what I am thinking about
sometimes I don't even think....a blank mind is a wonderful thing
Yet this is a day in which none of the above apply, today is a day in which a Papa has his four granddaughters in one place, today is a day which a Dad has both his daughters in one place, today is a day to behold and it is the second of four to have and to hold. Of course the "girls" all have those "girl things" to do, and that is also a good thing, sisters and cousins together, spending time, doing and chatting.Me, oh I cooked up a great breakfast, and did stir-fry last night for dinner, Nana was happy to be spending time with her "girls" the six of them in all. This morning I just got a "good morning Papa" , a hug and " I think I hear Victoria and Margaret in their bedroom" from Isabelle as she arrived in her PJs to share breakfast with her cousins, another day, and the "girls" are going to the 2nd street market, at some point, yet here I am just being me and doing my thing the best I know how, I am here to serve..........
sometimes I don't feel deep enough about anything to write
sometimes I don't care enough about anything to write
sometimes I don't think about anything to write
sometimes I don't want anybody to know what I am thinking about
sometimes I don't even think....a blank mind is a wonderful thing
Yet this is a day in which none of the above apply, today is a day in which a Papa has his four granddaughters in one place, today is a day which a Dad has both his daughters in one place, today is a day to behold and it is the second of four to have and to hold. Of course the "girls" all have those "girl things" to do, and that is also a good thing, sisters and cousins together, spending time, doing and chatting.Me, oh I cooked up a great breakfast, and did stir-fry last night for dinner, Nana was happy to be spending time with her "girls" the six of them in all. This morning I just got a "good morning Papa" , a hug and " I think I hear Victoria and Margaret in their bedroom" from Isabelle as she arrived in her PJs to share breakfast with her cousins, another day, and the "girls" are going to the 2nd street market, at some point, yet here I am just being me and doing my thing the best I know how, I am here to serve..........
Friday, May 9, 2008
The Course
In the course of events we encounter throughout our journey in this life, we have the opportunity from time to time to experience moments of great joy and some of not so great joy. Today was one of the former, a moment of great joy, I was able to spent the morning hours with a dear brother in the Lord who I have become a somewhat surrogate father to. Over the last several years we have spent an occasional morning at Bob Evans talking about issues of life and the Lord, but today we had the pleasure of spending several hours on another course of action, that being hitting the little white orb down the grassy fairways, most of the time, of Locust Hills. Yes,my friends, we were golfing. Now I must confess it was nice to have a friend who could hit the ball and also one that could appreciate a good shot of mine, rather then my old friend who is under the weather with Alzheimer's, not knowing either. However, as good as this was today, a bit of me still wishes that it could have been that old friend, and that his mind was not in as much trouble as it is. Yet a very good day it was, the Lord allowed rain all night and stilled the waters just before "tee time"for us, giving us a complete round of 18 free from showers. Quite an event looking at the sky. Some great shots, some not so great shots, but then we are certainly not Tiger Woods, Ernie Els or Phil Michelson, yes we are but amateurs. The great thing about this type of sport and the people who take their turn moving through the 18 holes of play are a breed of honest beings. The lost and found is full of clubs someone left behind, which brings me to a case in point of the last week, when I without a friend, that is alone, spent the afternoon on the course. At some point I lost my cell phone and man that is a big problem. Yet some young person playing behind me found it and turned it in without any long distance calls on the memory. Honest players, who call penalties on themselves, who turn in lost items, a gentleman's game, a place where no matter how good and not so good you might be , those who play with you, encourage and praise a great shot. Today was good, my young friend wants more of this time together, I am glad.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
My Daughter
Today is the Birthday of my daughter Sarah, The age will remind a mystery to protect the innocent(although island mama has let the cat out of the bag)( http://ketorambles.blogspot.com/) However just a word or two about this lady. She is a beautiful person for one thing, I am so proud of who is has become, being a wife to Jason, a mother to Isabelle and Sophia and still being a daughter to her mother and I. She bakes the best cookies, and decorates her home with style. She has a quick wit and a great sense of humor, but most of all I am so pleased to tell you of her faith in Christ Jesus. Sarah loves the Lord and endeavors to live to please him, as do the rest of our family, not perfect that is for sure, but loving God, believing his Word and teaching her children, and what wonderful children she has, a great tribute to the life of a lady is her children.
and if you have met her children, you have met her.(http://peanutsandpumkins.blogspot.com/ if you haven't you can at I love you Sarah and wish you a very happy birthday.
and if you have met her children, you have met her.(http://peanutsandpumkins.blogspot.com/ if you haven't you can at I love you Sarah and wish you a very happy birthday.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Driving across the mid American plains of Ohio, the rocky hills of Kentucky, the RV businesses of Indiana and the maniac travel of Mich I get to see a lot of things, places and people. It is a life mostly of solitude as I am surrounded by the metal and plastic of my Chrylser LHS. The windows closed and the air on, it provides a window if you will into the world around me. Yet not having to engage that world other the watch out for this one and that one, especially those large 18 wheel jobs roaring across the country. Oh sure I get to stop from time to time and have some verbal exchange of ideas with one of my dealers, but for the most part it is alone time, not that I am complaining, I do enjoy it and it does provide for the needs of the family. Yet it surely is not like the hours of time spent sitting around talking with my wife and sister during the winter months. Now driving of a different sort and that being the use of the driver, a large 460cc face golf club, to swing and smash that little ball making it sail through the air, in a straight line hopefully, is an all together different experience. For the last several years I have shared that time with a gentleman of older years, times of laughter, times of a little frustration, like the one day he was driving the golf cart and left me out in the middle of the fairway, driving all the way to the green to putt his ball. Or the time it was his turn to drive to the golf course and he missed the s curve and drove out into a corn field. Those time together are becoming a thing of the past as this last trip a couple of weeks ago was for the most likely the last, he is not the same person any more, his mind is leaving, his memory is fading, even to the point of not knowing which way to face as he attempts to hit the ball only to have it sort of fly 30 to 40 yards at best. So , today I travel alone. The same as in my car only today in the cart. I enjoy the game, it is with myself anyway, to challenge my own ability, but it is also sad to think something has been lost. not for myself but for him, and for his dear wife.
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Being a bee
Have you every heard the expression "busy as a bee"? well that is me! I just can't seem to figure out what the heck is going on here at my ranch. If it wasn't the water in the hole, then it was the growing of the green stuff all over the yard. mow, mow, mow and mow some more. Yet wait there is more! I actually have to work, the time is at hand and I must be about my business of seeing old and new alike, keeping and getting, smiling and hand shaking. Trying to find the time to study and get ready for the lessons in Exodus I teach on Wednesday Evenings, and still I must work, get out there, see those people, drive the miles and pay the pump! Oh how I pay the pump! The pump just loves me, it see me coming and smiles big, give me you credit card please, I want to see how much I can charge today. What fun it is to be about the day, enjoying the scene along the way. Helping people, fixing problems, love it, man! that is my calling! and then the best of the best, I make the time, I take the time, I force myself to endure the hardship of getting out on the golf course, HA! what a blast this last week, My dear wife came with me to ride around and enjoy the great outdoors on a wonderful sunny day. My ole friend, may be done, his golfing days may have ended, the last time out a week ago, it was not a pretty sight, he was exhausted and beat, could not hit the ball much more the a few yards at a time, sadness to see, his wife is in hard times, and is not sure what she can do. But because of that Patty was able to ride along, it was a great day being together and getting to golf as well. But I am running and running to get it all in, and I have other things I still need to do, decide what do about the carpet, pull it up, leave it down, rented a rug shampoo thing the other day, and did the whole area, three rooms, and still at times a scent reaches the nostrils, not sure what to do, but I have no office as yet to work in and use the kitchen table, a mess everywhere, I feel like a displaced person, out of sorts I think is the finally offering of my feelings, it is taking a toll, I believe that may be what has been getting to me. Every time I need to print I have to run down with the laptop and sit on a chair in the middle of an empty space, with a printer on a tv tray. just out of sorts. Don't feel like my space is my space. Have to decide what to do. Live with the bumpy carpet, call in a guy to re-stretch and re-tack it back down, pull it up, put tile down, even carpet tiles, I just can;t decide, have to work and study and teach and preach and golf, my railroad room is a mess, I did get the storage room all cleaned up and in some resemblance of order, but not my railroad, and will I ever get to that?
So much going on, and wanting to spend time with the girls, I guess I am just as busy as a bee, the bed feels so good at the end of each day. Hurray! Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep, If I should die before I wake I pray the Lord my soul to take.
So much going on, and wanting to spend time with the girls, I guess I am just as busy as a bee, the bed feels so good at the end of each day. Hurray! Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep, If I should die before I wake I pray the Lord my soul to take.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Well, I have been able to process some of the interaction that I wrote about in my last entry, that being the relationships between others and myself. Now all of you know for sure that I am not much on socialization and it takes a great deal of effort for me to be around people. Now sure I do talk and whatever, but it does require a great deal of energy from within, except for one person other then of course my dear lovely wife, and that is my big sister. Opps not that she is big or anything, it is just a figure of speech, and that is saying something from one who has been labeled a literalist. Having been able, blessed to be able to spend 3 whole months with her this past winter was a total blast. For so many years, we were so far apart, and now we are getting closer and closer each winter we spend together. Now saying that surely does not imply that we are close and any if not all major issues of life. It completely baffles me how we are so completely opposite on so many issues and yet enjoy spending so much time together. Maybe it is because I can win at Dominoes, no, that is not it, I had to live in bare feet all winter, because many nights she beat the socks off me. Maybe it is because I am so much smarter than her, no, that surely isn't it either, It has to be because we are just brother and sister and that counts for everything. We sure enjoy laughing together, in fact as I left her standing in the door of her home, saying goodbye, I reminded her to laugh about how we find so many things to agree on, HA! Living with my sister for 3 months! can you imagine, grown adults still able to get along for that amount of time, it is a great testimony of our love for one another. I am sure glad to be home and my dear wife and I sure enjoy being here, looking forward to our back yard days, coffee on the deck and flowers, birds and grandchildren, not in that order, of course, but there is also something missing, my sister! Ah those mornings on the Lanai, those trips to Bealls, and even wal-mart, the arts and crafts fairs, mostly crafts, not a lot of art, those meals she makes, broasted potatoes! not to mention kusa (spelling). Sitting together the three of us, just talking, just being, Happy Hour! It was a good winter. The thought of 3 months, in the beginning seemed like a long time, to be away from home, but as the days flew by, the time together was too short.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
So Much to catch up
It has been, again, a long time since my last entry. So Much has happened and way too much to even account, yet it is of some interest, at least to me, that I am once again within the realm of my two little granddaughters, yes, I am home. It was a great ordeal of time and energy to arrive at this point, first of all I needed to fly home early in order to attend a week of meetings in Evansville IN at the company I represent. After which I would have to fly back to Florida in order to drive my sister back to her home in Kankakee IL. But this is only the logistics, the turmoil began when I arrive home a few days before my departure to Evansville. To my surprise the basement had taken on some water during my absence and the carpet was soaked, yes and many of the bottom of the boxes filled with my railroad items were very wet as well. The first thing was to get rid of any wetness on the railroad floor which was fairly easy as it is tiled. Then re stack and empty the bottom boxes and would you believe those boxes contained all the locomotives. Now because most of them were still in the original containers, the ,locos were alright but the containers were damp, so I had to open everything and put them all over to dry out, then I needed to rent a carpet fan, and pull up the carpet in the TV, media, room, my office and the gallery hall. What a mess! move all the furniture, break down my desk, all the stuff, oh man it was a bear! the padding was soaked, I did what I could before leaving for Evansville, but of course I also had a dead battery in my car as well, I got that jumped and let the car run for a while, had to run some errands etc, and catch up on a few things then off to Evansville, well the car lasted thru the trip and got home to do a few more things in the basement with only a day before flying back to Florida. Had to do some laundry etc, get some food, at least my darling daughter feed me those nights before leaving for Evansville, and of course Jason offered to help downstairs, you know me, I am a do it yourselfer. Now the trip to Florida, oh my what a fiasco!
In order to fly on the right day to get to Marco Island in order to leave on the right day that my sister needed to leave on I had to select a flight that would fly me from Dayton to Baltimore to Fort Meyers, rather then a flight through Atlanta, which is the normal way. Well Arriving in Baltimore I was informed the flight to Fort Meyers was cancelled due to mechanical problems and I needed to find another way, they did have another flight direct to Fort Meyers but it did not leave until 4:45 pm and it was now 10:45 am, no way was I going to sit for that long and then get to Florida real late at night. so I elected to take an early flight to Atlanta then change plans to Fort Meyers and that still only got me there by 3:45pm. Atlanta was a zoo, wall to wall people many of which were sitting around waiting, hoping beyond hope to get home after being on spring break. Never the less I made it and when I did get to my sisters new condo, I had to repack my car, My dear wife tried her best, But again I am a do it yourselfer and I am not called the pack master for nothing. I should have made a career out of packing things! Well maybe I have because I am sort of a pack rat. Then early the next morning leaving Marco Island we made our way North, stopping near Atlanta, wasn't I just here, for the night and on to Kankakee to bring my sister to her home. Then Patty and I made our way from there the next morning to our home, and what a mess I had left, it will be days before we are back to normal, then who ever thought I was normal anyway? I am leaving out all the personal stuff, the interaction between family at this time, but it sure was good to see little Isabelle and Sophia again, not to mention Sarah and Jason. All for now, perhaps I will review some of the other stuff later, if I can even process it myself.
In order to fly on the right day to get to Marco Island in order to leave on the right day that my sister needed to leave on I had to select a flight that would fly me from Dayton to Baltimore to Fort Meyers, rather then a flight through Atlanta, which is the normal way. Well Arriving in Baltimore I was informed the flight to Fort Meyers was cancelled due to mechanical problems and I needed to find another way, they did have another flight direct to Fort Meyers but it did not leave until 4:45 pm and it was now 10:45 am, no way was I going to sit for that long and then get to Florida real late at night. so I elected to take an early flight to Atlanta then change plans to Fort Meyers and that still only got me there by 3:45pm. Atlanta was a zoo, wall to wall people many of which were sitting around waiting, hoping beyond hope to get home after being on spring break. Never the less I made it and when I did get to my sisters new condo, I had to repack my car, My dear wife tried her best, But again I am a do it yourselfer and I am not called the pack master for nothing. I should have made a career out of packing things! Well maybe I have because I am sort of a pack rat. Then early the next morning leaving Marco Island we made our way North, stopping near Atlanta, wasn't I just here, for the night and on to Kankakee to bring my sister to her home. Then Patty and I made our way from there the next morning to our home, and what a mess I had left, it will be days before we are back to normal, then who ever thought I was normal anyway? I am leaving out all the personal stuff, the interaction between family at this time, but it sure was good to see little Isabelle and Sophia again, not to mention Sarah and Jason. All for now, perhaps I will review some of the other stuff later, if I can even process it myself.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
The last moments
Today was the last of the big hurray, after the golf Papa and Isabelle jumped back into the pool for an hour or so of more basketball and swimming in the shallow end, hitting papa with the floats and things, splashing water in his face was the best part I think, and then a shower and get ready to meet new people. Carl and Margaret, they are friend of Aunt Char and Nana & Papa, we went there for dinner, you can never guess, yep they served Nana spaghetti, and we had Key Lime pie for dessert.
Then when we left I heard that my daddy had just called and he was close, so I when We got home, I waited and shortly he was here, I was so happy to see him I hugged him big, and you can see he tucked me in, We are going to get up in the morning and fly home to my Mom and Sister. I had a great time here, but I really love being with my mom and dad and little sister Sophia.
from Papa's view point it is the last day and I am sort of bummed that it is over so soon, Both nana and I have been so blessed to be able to have Isabelle with us for these few days, we love her so much. Yet it is good she has such a wonderful Mommy and Daddy that love her and take such good care of her. We are so proud of them both, for being who they are to each other and to their children. God is just so good! Good bye little Isabelle for now, Papa and Nana will be home very soon ourselves and looking forward to spending the summer days together.


Thursday on Marco
Well, today we had a little, actually a big change in plans, we were supposed to take a lunch cruise for 2 hours on the Marco Princess, however this morning we were greeted on the phone by someone telling us of a mechanical problem and they were canceling the cruise for today, bummer! So informing our little Isabelle was a hard task as she was so looking forward to this. So Miniature golf was a good substitute.
Here is Isabelle teeing up for her hole in one, A little help from the local golf pro standing over her got her on the right path.
And can you believe it Papa, I did shoot a hole in one, right in the cup, yes sir e bob!
Well, after a few more holes and hitting that little "pink" ball, yep, that is right, the place had about 9 different colored golf balls to chose from, and who would have guessed Isabelle choose the pink one, she needed a break by the waterfall.
Then of course we have the great golf pro lining up for a birdie shoot here, It may not look like she is aiming at the hole, but the green has some slants to it and the ball is not going straight in so a little waggle here and a little waggle there and tap, the ball makes a curve right to the cup.
Now, with all that golfing and with all that coaching from Nana the pro, Isabelle just have to have her picture taking with the pro.
And of course what would any golf course be if at the 19th hole one could imbibe in a little refreshment, Ice cream sandwich please!
Now back to the home place, that has in the back yard a place to take a dip,
Here is Isabelle teeing up for her hole in one, A little help from the local golf pro standing over her got her on the right path.






Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Wednesday on Marco
Papa and Isabelle start the day in the pool, actually spent the better part of the morning there.
Isabelle loves the noodle, it helps her stay above the water
Isabelle practices paddling with her hands( in the shallow end only mom)
An early dinner at the little bar on Goodland, notice no booze in her hand!
Oh papa, do I have to smile?
Not really sure what I am going to order, not sure I really like anything I on menu, oh wait I see cheese sticks, I see chicken fingers, oh ya!







I am happy now, and this smile is just for you mommy!
Now we are really talking, dessert at the Chocolate Strawberry, Aunt Char just loves Chocolate so here we are, and I think I found something I like.......



Yes sir re bob, I found salt water taffy, and papa says go for it........And I found a cookie dough ice cream I wanted as well, so the end of a great day, another great day.
So, Wednesday is coming to a close and Isabelle is about out of books to read in bed, she has consumed everything she had, and has gotten, to quote Isabelle.." I am really an advanced reader for a 7 year old"
Thursday brings a lunch cruise on the Marco Island Princess for our little Princess Isabelle, I will post the pictures from that adventure tomorrow.
Pictures of the Beach Day
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
A day on the Beach
Today was not like any other here on the island, no sir e bob, today was a special day, for one Isabelle and I picked some oranges early on the morning as she arose from bed right from the backyard of the house we are in, yes sir e bob, right in our very own back lot. Lifting her high into the air she plucked them right off the tree, and Nana of course peeled one right away and we all tasted a really good little orange. But wait there's more, if you taste one you can taste two and for the same price, absolutely free. Then Breakfast and yummy, Chocolate chip waffles for Isabelle and after a little while we handed off to Tigertail beach for a day of fun in the sun, Sand castle and all, now I must confess that the construction dude was one the task, while dancing and prancing girl made sand pies and mucky piles of wet sand and seaweed, never the less the castle took shape. Birds flocking around some boys who catch small fish in a net and actually hand feed a few Herons. Isabelle was happy just having the birds all around her. Then without question we had to stop at the cafe on the beach for cheeseburgers in paradise, at least Isabelle and Nana, I choose a hot dog. It was a perfect day for the Little Princess, with playing on the jungle play area after lunch and then off to the house to jump into the pool to cool off, we played and played and had a wonderful time getting wet and floating on those long float things. Off to the store to get a couple more post cards that needed writing on them, that is a story in it self, but I will not tell it.
Pizza and dominoes, Isabelle went out again, she it good, no question about that. and a small cup of Carmel Ice cream before climbing into bed to finish up her book before sleep. All this plus getting another package from mommy, something for Clara! Isabelle was trilled. A big day in the Island today, Pictures of some of these events may follow, having trouble uploading from camera, the batteries may be weak and it would transfer, I will get new ones and try again. Let me tell you, however, I am going to sleep well tonight.
Pizza and dominoes, Isabelle went out again, she it good, no question about that. and a small cup of Carmel Ice cream before climbing into bed to finish up her book before sleep. All this plus getting another package from mommy, something for Clara! Isabelle was trilled. A big day in the Island today, Pictures of some of these events may follow, having trouble uploading from camera, the batteries may be weak and it would transfer, I will get new ones and try again. Let me tell you, however, I am going to sleep well tonight.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
A grand day
Today was one of those special days in a life that just simply has to be recounted for those who care to read. Of course this was Palm Sunday and that alone would give cause to reflect and record thoughts and feelings associated with one of the major events of years past, but alas, as profound and having eternal effects on the spirit of mankind, this day holds another event which brings the heart warning, pulse raising, spirit lifting of a papa such as I. Today after church Patty and I changed into our Florida outfits and set out on a journey to a more Northern territory of Florida know as Tampa.The reason for this excursion into the hustle and bustle of the Tampa area was to arrive at the Airport to meet non other then our little Isabelle. She was arriving with her daddy who to attend a conference in Orlando for the week. We were going to be able to bring Isabelle to Marco Island for that same period, Hooray! Ah the joy to once again be embraced and get and give a hug! The smile alone at the airport was worth the drive itself, but that was just the beginning. Yes, we have her, and already she and Nana had to get into the pool, even before dinner, nothing would keep her from the appointed task of getting wet. Let's face it, wake up in the cold and snow, and before dinner swimming in a 86 degree pool with the sun shining and just as warm air. Ain't life good! and all that at 7 years of age. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday hold so much more, And as Isabelle reminded Nana, "she is on vacation"
Monday, March 10, 2008
I don't Understand
It never ceases to amaze me how some individuals as well intended as they may be and to some decree seem to be, at least by themselves, intellectual have allowed themselves to be sucked into such a state of euphoria over perhaps the most liberal of all people who has slide into the pipeline of public, media promoted celeberitism,(my own word) since I don't know who. However, I am beginning to make some sense of this "illness" and perhaps can offer, from my mind, some thoughts that will help.
First it would certainly make a whole lot of sense to desire a leader who has for the most part absolutely no moral convictions which match those of the Conservative Christians living in this country. After all who in their right mind would want a leader who believed in living with any restrictions on the right to live any way you choose. It has been said by many that it is a horrible thing President Bush does by endeavoring to push his personal convictions on the rest of Americans, yet euphoria ensues over a man who says he wants to push his personal agenda of liberalism on the rest of Americans and actually, well maybe not actually, maybe just in the political arena, believes he can sit down and reason with Islamic terrorists dedicated to killing as many Americans as they can, what just because his middle name is like theirs.
You think the Government of this country is against Christian values now, you think the government wants separation of church and state now, just wait! You know our founding fathers formed this country with the concept that people should have the freedom to worship without the control of the state, however the state surely should be influenced by the peoples beliefs, which include the beliefs of the people who believe in God. However, now they have turned that around and try to make people believe that the church has absolute no say in the affairs of the state, that the state should be without any influence of Christian values, of Godly values, that the state has the right to remove any and all forms of Christian values from the public forum, yet does not impose that same control on non-Christian religious groups. Just wait for more "change".
Second, it would certainly seem to me, his experience is not one of a great leader of people, not even one of a good leader of people. Is he a smooth talker, yes, but so was Hitler. Can he inspire people to listen to him, yes, but so did Castro. Does he have a good staff of speech writers, sure, of course they are limited to the word "change" and want the heck does that mean. I change my underwear, but they all look alike. So we change from one President to another, that change may well be from better to worse for the average American, but it will be change. What kind of foreign policy experience does he bring to the table, Oh heck, everyone knows the answer to that question.
Third, I am sorry to say this person of "change" will cause more pain and suffering to Americans around the world. If we do not continue our pressure on those who would kill Americans whenever and where ever they can, they will grow stronger and bolder and begin to attack in ways we cannot even image. Then what will he do, shake his finger at them like that other, smooth talker of years past who lied his way into the white house and now has his spouse running as a front woman to his plans for another term. This man of "change" will destroy the America we know, he will surely not defend it. If is is at all like, and I believe he is, that finger wagging president that"did not have sex with that woman" he will also decimate that military strength of this country and open our borders to those who would destroy us.
Then, of course that whole scandal about NAFTA and Canada, get real folks, He says one thing to you, the public to smooth talk you out of your vote, ad behind closed doors has his staff tell the other country he is just vote getting, that is not at all what he will do when he is president. That kind of change, is not the kind I want. And then his wife has to tell us all "this is the first time she can be proud". What is that all about! Racism! Oh that surely could not be, could it? I mean the African Americans would never have any racist thoughts against any other race, would they?
I could ramble on for hours about this person, but I will not, I will spare you all from this thinking of mine, and simple ask you to examine the real reason, you are being misguided down a path of unreasoning, down a path of being mislead with smooth talk, pleasant( to you) looks and the thinking of being open minded to having this person as president. Instead really examine in you mind the effects on your life and those you love that will ensue if this man of "change" has his chance.
First it would certainly make a whole lot of sense to desire a leader who has for the most part absolutely no moral convictions which match those of the Conservative Christians living in this country. After all who in their right mind would want a leader who believed in living with any restrictions on the right to live any way you choose. It has been said by many that it is a horrible thing President Bush does by endeavoring to push his personal convictions on the rest of Americans, yet euphoria ensues over a man who says he wants to push his personal agenda of liberalism on the rest of Americans and actually, well maybe not actually, maybe just in the political arena, believes he can sit down and reason with Islamic terrorists dedicated to killing as many Americans as they can, what just because his middle name is like theirs.
You think the Government of this country is against Christian values now, you think the government wants separation of church and state now, just wait! You know our founding fathers formed this country with the concept that people should have the freedom to worship without the control of the state, however the state surely should be influenced by the peoples beliefs, which include the beliefs of the people who believe in God. However, now they have turned that around and try to make people believe that the church has absolute no say in the affairs of the state, that the state should be without any influence of Christian values, of Godly values, that the state has the right to remove any and all forms of Christian values from the public forum, yet does not impose that same control on non-Christian religious groups. Just wait for more "change".
Second, it would certainly seem to me, his experience is not one of a great leader of people, not even one of a good leader of people. Is he a smooth talker, yes, but so was Hitler. Can he inspire people to listen to him, yes, but so did Castro. Does he have a good staff of speech writers, sure, of course they are limited to the word "change" and want the heck does that mean. I change my underwear, but they all look alike. So we change from one President to another, that change may well be from better to worse for the average American, but it will be change. What kind of foreign policy experience does he bring to the table, Oh heck, everyone knows the answer to that question.
Third, I am sorry to say this person of "change" will cause more pain and suffering to Americans around the world. If we do not continue our pressure on those who would kill Americans whenever and where ever they can, they will grow stronger and bolder and begin to attack in ways we cannot even image. Then what will he do, shake his finger at them like that other, smooth talker of years past who lied his way into the white house and now has his spouse running as a front woman to his plans for another term. This man of "change" will destroy the America we know, he will surely not defend it. If is is at all like, and I believe he is, that finger wagging president that"did not have sex with that woman" he will also decimate that military strength of this country and open our borders to those who would destroy us.
Then, of course that whole scandal about NAFTA and Canada, get real folks, He says one thing to you, the public to smooth talk you out of your vote, ad behind closed doors has his staff tell the other country he is just vote getting, that is not at all what he will do when he is president. That kind of change, is not the kind I want. And then his wife has to tell us all "this is the first time she can be proud". What is that all about! Racism! Oh that surely could not be, could it? I mean the African Americans would never have any racist thoughts against any other race, would they?
I could ramble on for hours about this person, but I will not, I will spare you all from this thinking of mine, and simple ask you to examine the real reason, you are being misguided down a path of unreasoning, down a path of being mislead with smooth talk, pleasant( to you) looks and the thinking of being open minded to having this person as president. Instead really examine in you mind the effects on your life and those you love that will ensue if this man of "change" has his chance.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Ode to Marco Island
March has arrived and the Flowers are bursting forth even more then before
Ah, Marco Island in the spring
The days are getting hotter even more then before
The Mocking birds sing the songs of others each day
The morning Sun shines even more upon the Lanai
Even more then before yesterday
Ah, Marco Island in the spring
Golf is better, the fairways actually have some green
Much better then hitting off the sand
Not that my score has improved, and that is mean
The drought was worst the even before,
Global Warming? not even close with all the snow up North
even more then before, but swing the club and not the shovel
Ah, Marco Island in the spring
Driving has become a little crazy
even more then before
with more snowbirds on the road
q-tips they are called by some, all topped with white hair
driving as though some one called "slow motion please!"
Then the others, residents I am sure, thinking faster is better
even better then before
Ah, Marco Island in the spring
The morning walks have gotten fewer
as my days are filled with busy, not to mention the hotter temps
even more then before
it costs more energy, more sweat, more time
to make the route I have in mind
But determined I will continue, I think
even more then before
Ah, Marco Island in the spring
Trips to Naples, trips to Fort Meyers, trips to Sarasota
Trips to where ever even Wal Mart
more then before
Where is my time to go to Winn Dixie or even Publix or some golfing mart
not more then before, time is passing by and Domino's awaits
Ah, Marco Island in the spring
Oh yes, who can forgot, the Citrus grove is new
A place to get the car dirty and gritty
Grape fruit, oranges grown local just for you
and tomatoes, tasty morsels they are nifty
and only 1.29 a lb, a deal for me and for you
Ah, Marco Island in the spring
enough of this dribble, The driver I must be
another adventure this day awaits me
perhaps Corned beef and cabbage will my pay
for waiting in Chico's and other stores alone the way
Ah, Marco Island in the spring
Ah, Marco Island in the spring
The days are getting hotter even more then before
The Mocking birds sing the songs of others each day
The morning Sun shines even more upon the Lanai
Even more then before yesterday
Ah, Marco Island in the spring
Golf is better, the fairways actually have some green
Much better then hitting off the sand
Not that my score has improved, and that is mean
The drought was worst the even before,
Global Warming? not even close with all the snow up North
even more then before, but swing the club and not the shovel
Ah, Marco Island in the spring
Driving has become a little crazy
even more then before
with more snowbirds on the road
q-tips they are called by some, all topped with white hair
driving as though some one called "slow motion please!"
Then the others, residents I am sure, thinking faster is better
even better then before
Ah, Marco Island in the spring
The morning walks have gotten fewer
as my days are filled with busy, not to mention the hotter temps
even more then before
it costs more energy, more sweat, more time
to make the route I have in mind
But determined I will continue, I think
even more then before
Ah, Marco Island in the spring
Trips to Naples, trips to Fort Meyers, trips to Sarasota
Trips to where ever even Wal Mart
more then before
Where is my time to go to Winn Dixie or even Publix or some golfing mart
not more then before, time is passing by and Domino's awaits
Ah, Marco Island in the spring
Oh yes, who can forgot, the Citrus grove is new
A place to get the car dirty and gritty
Grape fruit, oranges grown local just for you
and tomatoes, tasty morsels they are nifty
and only 1.29 a lb, a deal for me and for you
Ah, Marco Island in the spring
enough of this dribble, The driver I must be
another adventure this day awaits me
perhaps Corned beef and cabbage will my pay
for waiting in Chico's and other stores alone the way
Ah, Marco Island in the spring
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
The Days go by
It is almost the close of Feburary and each day passes as the life cycle of a turtle, the pace is almost stagering. I may well be ready for the guys in the white jackets by mid March if it were not for Mondays and the time I spend with the guys on the golf course. Then of course there is the ever exciting times I have at the Winn Dixie strolling up and down each row gazing at all the goodies I cannot have, blood sugar, gotta watch the blood sugar and not to mention the most excellent moments at the Driving range, and I am not in the car, but rather a range on which I may hit many, many golf balls to improve my aim and abilities at striking that little ball correctly. Awe, yes it is so much fun to challenge these old bones, and to attempt to teach this old dog some new tricks. Life must be experinced face first, looking forward, pressing on toward the mark. This last weekend we drive up to Sarasota to visit with friends we have known for some 25 years, attending church with them I was reminded of a verse of scripture in Isaiah,
Isa 43:18-1918 "Forget the former things;do not dwell on the past. 19 See, I am doing a new thing! It reminded me to face life head on, it is difficult to advance when you are facing the rear. And so I do look forward to the next week here in sun drenged Florida. Of course it is another packed schedule, Thurs night Chars friends, three of them I think are arriving for dinner and dominos, with Friday afternoon another set of friends arriving for an afternoon of not just dominos but stacking dominos and then Saturday with our new friends and Char to dinner out on the Isle of Capri, and back to their place for, you guessed it, D________. It seems as if everyone has to get together at the same week. Oh the joy of it all! And yet the days still seem to pass slower then that snail I just saw. What is going on? why and I complaining? No I am not complaining, I am not in a hurry for my days to zoom by, yet I know at the conclusion of this "party" I will once again be able to enjoy the presence of my dear sweetpea II, III, and IV
Isa 43:18-1918 "Forget the former things;do not dwell on the past. 19 See, I am doing a new thing! It reminded me to face life head on, it is difficult to advance when you are facing the rear. And so I do look forward to the next week here in sun drenged Florida. Of course it is another packed schedule, Thurs night Chars friends, three of them I think are arriving for dinner and dominos, with Friday afternoon another set of friends arriving for an afternoon of not just dominos but stacking dominos and then Saturday with our new friends and Char to dinner out on the Isle of Capri, and back to their place for, you guessed it, D________. It seems as if everyone has to get together at the same week. Oh the joy of it all! And yet the days still seem to pass slower then that snail I just saw. What is going on? why and I complaining? No I am not complaining, I am not in a hurry for my days to zoom by, yet I know at the conclusion of this "party" I will once again be able to enjoy the presence of my dear sweetpea II, III, and IV
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