Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Another Day

Yesterday, as I was lucky, blessed, enough to spend the day with 3 of the 4 granddaughters Sophia was not able to attend. My son in law and I took the rest on a field trip to the Creation Museum in Kentucky, are we there yet! Are we almost home yet? It was a good day and now I sit and am waiting to pick up a friend to hit the links this afternoon. A friend that has just found out he can't remember some things and the reason for that. The girls are playing and all is well.
Tomorrow night is the first of ten weeks of steady teaching as the Senior Pastor is gone for 60 days of renewal, and I co-teach so I am the headlining for the next 10 weeks or so, we begin 1 John and I have just about concluded this first weeks offering to the class, hoping for lots of participation, lots of questions prepared. I surely do enjoy being able to have the opportunity to lead the class in the exploration of God's Word. What a blessing!

Pray for me, that I will get out of the way, and let our Lord have his way.


G4and2Cats said...

You know you'll have to do this all over again for Sophia, right???

wordwriterone said...

Oh for sure, and although I must, I can hardly wait.