Luke 18:15-17
15 People were also bringing
babies to Jesus to have him touch them. When the disciples saw this, they
rebuked them. 16 But Jesus called the children to him and said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder
them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. 17 I tell you the truth,
anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never
enter it."
This is the same as Jesus taught
that Matthew recorded that we will not enter the kingdom of God unless we change and become like a little child. Luke records it a little differently, but
the truth is the same. Unless we receive the kingdom of God like a little child,
we will never enter it. We cannot go back and be a child, losing all the intelligence
that we use to spread the good news about the kingdom of God. It doesn’t mean we have to lose the abilities we trained for or the education we struggled to obtain.
However, it does mean to have child-like faith that we need to enter the kingdom
of God. Children are innocent, and totally dependent on their parents for everything.
What child can support themselves by laboring for their needs? This
faith like a child means we must depend on God for all we are, all we have, and
all we do. If we think we are who we are because of our efforts
to achieve our goals. It is God who began this work in us, and it is God who will complete it. Some would use that to only mean our salvation, and then
the rest of all of who we are in this world is because of that amount of education,
training, and experience we gain on the job, so to speak, that makes us the person
we are. But it is God who began everything and supplies everything. He said that
we are not to worry about what we eat or drink, the clothes we have, and all the
stuff we need, like the pagans run after, but if we become like a child
and seek first the kingdom of God, he will give all the stuff to us, supply us
with all the training and skills we need to serve him how he determines. This also
includes all we have. Sure we can claw our way into this world, beat the doors down to
climb to the top, so we can have more money to buy all the stuff we could ever
want. But God said that we are not supposed to look to ourselves for fulfilling
our desires, but to look to Him and he would see to it we have enough of the stuff
that pagans run, and claw their way in the world it get. Child-like faith. As far
as all we do, that is also up to the Lord, for again we can struggle our way through using
all our skills, training, education, and whatever we think we have, to do the
work of the Lord, or as having child-like faith, we can look to the Lord our
God, who sent the Holy Spirit to dwell within us, to work His influence that enables
us to do what God desires for us to do and achieve. Just as a parent teaches a
child to ride a bicycle, the Spirit trains and teaches us how to serve the Lord
and do all we do. It all boils down to having faith like a child.